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Omg Such Dmg~Plz Nerf Tonkor


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The only frame it's beast at with the exception of "vortex infested booben" is Jet Stream Zephyr :

with BR and TF both MAXED, you turn a bouncy grenade launcher(that cannot hit targets) into a cannon(explodes on any surface it hits). Possible projectile velocity related bug.

Mirage is also great tho.

Instead of nerfing weapons for pointless reasons, buff the forgotten weapons to have more weapon choices.

Edited by XaelathRavenstorm
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Crit weapon.

2 rounds in a clip.

Slow fire rate.

Not too fast reload speed.

Small amount of ammo.

Not always easy to aim until you get used to it.

OP was using vortex/small hallway to easily shoot enemies.

"But muh damages."

Also, if you're going to ask for nerfing the Tonkor... why don't you ask for bow nerfs on things like the Paris Prime or Dread? Those have high amounts of damage. (Not implying I want you to do so)

Dread can still hit for over a million damage easily yet there is nobody ever making threads to nerf that. I wonder why?

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It's op because the clip magazine sucks

Op is dodging all relative arguments, aswell as not giving a legitimate reason why it must be nerfed.

But then again, he wanted marelok to be "tweaked"

Edited by Jaruis
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I havent seen any thread talking about nerfing Tonkor so far. This has to be done right now lol




on the left, 4000 damage and on the right 170 million.


I think this picture perfectly illustrates how broken AoE damage calculation is.

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Seriously, even if this is a joke.. Idiots will see it and take it seriously and claim the thing needs a nerf without even using it.



Also that crit happens a lot with Viral damage, the game goes into a mental breakdown when Viral procs during a crit.

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It can kill?

It needs to be nerfed so you can't kill with out using the entire ammo supply.

And it needs to be done such that you can't just bring friends, teamwork is exploiting the game.

You need to use melee only, just like the proper tenno.


This is why they killed the Orokin.

The Orokin kept nerfing them, eventually they had enough and just killed them all.

Let this be a warning to those calling for nerfs.

You're playing a murderer who killed the last group that nerfed them, want a round 2?

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>asks for nerf

>doesnt tell us a good reason why other than damage



Yeaaa I'm not taking you serious OP until you explain your weird logic. And putting down "needs a nerf lol" is pretty childish

People just say nerf if it hits high damage ... it's quite annoying because then weapons end up getting nerfed because of this stuff 

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People spend potato, time and effort on weapons, and not to see it get nerfed days after they put that 6th forma in. Are these not tested before release for all potential max damages against enemies of different levels, and the impact calculated on gameplay ? I would think so... if not, I'd be happy to apply for the job.

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I'm not sure what you expect out of a weapon with an incredibly small ammo cap, and two shots per reload, but it isn't exactly supposed to be dealing out supbar damage. The limited ammo capabilities tied together with it's range and flight time make the weapon's damage very reasonable. 


This is honestly one of the few slow fire weapons done right. 



Okay, now that I got that outta my system...


You quoted this:

Because people think they understand balance and game development.


They really, really don't.


I'm gonna go ahead and throw it right back in your face.

YOU think you understand balance and game development.

You really, really don't.


Borderlands 2, a game quite similar to warframe in gameplay, has a weapon class that does insane damage, more than any other weapon class in the game. Not even close to OP. you know what balances it? They use an uncommon ammo type, (tonkor: check) they have small clips with long reloads, (tonkor: check) and they're difficult to hit stuff with. (tonkor: check)


Just because something beats your soma prime's damage per shot doesn't mean its op. It's still lacking in dps to the soma prime not only because of the small clip size and long reload, but because even if you fixed those with mods, you're still gonna have a really hard time hitting stuff, since you can't detonate it on commend like with the penta.

Edited by Ironlixivium
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Aw cmon man .. I AM sick and tired of going with the same weapons for high lvl missions I want something diferent. and the Tonkor provides. Its not OP , it deals nice damage and its fun to use. Where else can you find a crit grenade launcher like cmon dont ruin the fun. When something I like gets nerfed I feel like this >

b390ababed2e87ade1a0b9c9c703aeebde158b62 >Cross_Eyes_by_DeDication.png

Edited by WinterBornX
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