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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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If Oro turn out to only be part of the Sentients, then in all likelyhood Orokin were related to them/were them.

Otherwise the name make zero sense.

EDIT: Just realied Morec0 had a theory that Orokin killed the Sentients for their power and in so doing started the war. Or do I remember it wrong?

Edited by arch111
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Mag: Look into my eyes... LOOK INTO MY EYES!!!




Mag: Did you find them yet?


Corpus: No?...


Mag: Good 


EDIT: what i mean in this little story, is that mag's face doesn't have one. Oh and have you notice that in the Relays are fisic form tenno? (or thats what i think they are anyways >_>, and i dont know how to writte tenno in plural, dam im so confuced now >_<)


What if mag had no head, because she got killed, but that the helmet keeps her alive?

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If Oro turn out to only be part of the Sentients, then in all likelyhood Orokin were related to them/were them.

Otherwise the name make zero sense.

EDIT: Just realied Morec0 had a theory that Orokin killed the Sentients for their power and in so doing started the war. Or do I remember it wrong?

I think it was something like: Sentients were created by Orokin, Sentients turned on the Orokin. Sentients are Geth. ;P

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Oh gawd, I came back to my 2year old thought : why name the enemy the Sentients?

With the Oro added, what do we get?

Cold and Gold Emperors who used cloned slaves and enforced their will on the Corrupted.


Then we add a alien race in another starsystem, the Orokin have great casualties to the enemy and are forced to use the Void as a last resort.

They create Lephantis and the Tenno to fight the enemy.

The Orokin people were human, we know that. They used cloned slaves, Grineer, if not very bright at least were sentient.

The only ones we know nothing about are the Emperors. How different were they to name an enemy Sentient?

Is that the reason they needed Tenno, free from corruption of the Orokin, because the Emperors themselves were so far gone into immortality that they viewed all mortals as small and primitive?

Or were they machines who catalogued the aliens as Sentients : self aware, emotional and feeling beings?

What of the Oro then? Surely this must be very unique to have, and the fact that the once human Tenno share this trait, and that the Empire took the name from the (same?) Golden energi Vor found in the Void, and the same that the Sentients have within, all seem so close together.

I know many frown upon the notion the Sentients have a connection to the Void, but there sure seem to be alot of lines between the dots.

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Oh gawd, I came back to my 2year old thought : why name the enemy the Sentients?

With the Oro added, what do we get?

Cold and Gold Emperors who used cloned slaves and enforced their will on the Corrupted.


Then we add a alien race in another starsystem, the Orokin have great casualties to the enemy and are forced to use the Void as a last resort.

They create Lephantis and the Tenno to fight the enemy.

The Orokin people were human, we know that. They used cloned slaves, Grineer, if not very bright at least were sentient.

The only ones we know nothing about are the Emperors. How different were they to name an enemy Sentient?

Is that the reason they needed Tenno, free from corruption of the Orokin, because the Emperors themselves were so far gone into immortality that they viewed all mortals as small and primitive?

Or were they machines who catalogued the aliens as Sentients : self aware, emotional and feeling beings?

What of the Oro then? Surely this must be very unique to have, and the fact that the once human Tenno share this trait, and that the Empire took the name from the (same?) Golden energi Vor found in the Void, and the same that the Sentients have within, all seem so close together.

I know many frown upon the notion the Sentients have a connection to the Void, but there sure seem to be alot of lines between the dots.

Sentients are robots.

or something

Wouldn't Ordis be classified as a sentient then?

Wut iz Goin on.

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U love how everyone glosses over my logical debunking

As far as the sentiments... Aren't all living creature sentient?

Calling them sentient implies there is a non sentient equivalent

The sentient aren't from the void as that's where we ran to for safety.. that implies they don't have void tech and thus aren't of orokin origin

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Where does it say that the "Tenno operatives" are Tenno themselves, and not just normal humans helping out us Tenno?


It really is quite ambiguous - "Tenno operatives" could mean "Tenno who are (working WF-less as) operatives" or "operatives who work for the Tenno".


I wonder if that's deliberate or just an oversight.


I used to think the operatives were maybe "junior Tenno" or "Tenno in training", so to speak, but then I discovered somewhere in the lore that Tenno have Void powers naturally, even without Warframes on, the suit just amplifies and directs them, so I think if the "operatives" were WF-less Tenno, or junior Tenno, or Tenno-in-training or whatever, they'd be manifesting their abilities in some form while we help them.


I've always held to the idea that Tenno are technocyte-infected (thereby linking back to the DS lore) - but it's NOT that the virus gives them their abilities, rather they are people whose infection somehow enabled them to survive the Void and the process that gave them their Void superpowers, whatever that was.  So I think a WF-less Tenno is humanoid and fairly human-like, but probably a bit weird looking, a bit like an infected.

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If Oro turn out to only be part of the Sentients, then in all likelyhood Orokin were related to them/were them.

Otherwise the name make zero sense.

EDIT: Just realied Morec0 had a theory that Orokin killed the Sentients for their power and in so doing started the war. Or do I remember it wrong?


I'm not sure if I ever said that or not, but I do like to think the Orokin instigated the war.


In terms of Oro and Orokin being related, I think Oro is something humanity discovered/began working on after the Zariman incident and it elevated them into the technological and cultural revolution that led them to become Orokin, but we need to see more to know for sure.

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Moreco how could the oro which is as I understand it the tenno spirit increase orokin tech

They were already advanced enough to create proto frames and void towers. The tenno came about near the end of the old war. The old war nearly wipes out all humanity which most likely not done in a matter of moments but over a duration probably spanning generations. There are what six bill humans on earth. With cloning added I don't see a dramatic decline in population .

We also know nothing about their motives and reason for trying to wipe us out. Maybe it was preventative. We had reached outer terminus and was most likely on the verge of leaving the sol system, headed to perhaps wherever the sentients are from.

You kill roaches before they spread.

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Im the one that said that the Orokin were using Sentient babies.


Ah, yes, that's the theory. And while I disagree with the idea behind it that the Sentients come from the Void (if I'm remember that correctly and not getting it mixed up with something else) I do agree that the Orokin had been using the Sentients in some fashion before, during, or maybe even for a bit after the Old War. But we'll need to wait to see more.

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I do agree that the Orokin had been using the Sentients in some fashion before, during, or maybe even for a bit after the Old War. But we'll need to wait to see more.

If that is the case, the Sentients turned on their masters, and we also turned on our masters... The Orokin can't catch a break! xD

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Bastards deserved it, imo.

Not saying they didn't, it's just kind of funny. They make all this technology, create one race, it rebels, they create another race to defeat the previous one, mission success, then regicide (unless there is a more specific homicidal word for the death of an empire?) 

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