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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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I'm pretty sure the Tenno are the power behind the frames, and I don't think the frames can power themselves. The frames focus the void energy given by the Tenno, they have no power on their own which is why I think the Rhino Prime codex is referencing an early controllable Tenno grafted from the genetics of the Zariman survivors. Zanukas don't have tenno like abilities, mainly corpus shield, rockets, bombs, teleports etc..., Infested Mesa had a mutalist mass powering her (which is also linked to void energy), and Chroma we're still unsure on how it was controlled or what was piloting it other than we think its the Sentients.


Think this is still the most poignant quotes "We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction."

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To be honest, I'm having difficulty considering all the lore involved. Despite there being such little lore to consider, it's spread out through quotes, codex entries, and offhand comments during devstreams. I don't feel like every bit of lore is accurate either. Just because a dev said it, doesn't mean it's legit, and NPC's like Vor can be wrong or just full of S#&$.


This is my problem with DE as well. They've kept things so vague on purpose. It gives them the ability to introduce any lore/mechanic they want, but leaves the player based confused as to what they're playing. Seriously, what is so hard about answering what is in the frame? Having difficulty thinking of another game (*that I have played*) that has been so wishy-washy on lore.

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I totally agree with the suits being a conduit for the void corruption our Tenno have, I do think though, that the suits could do abilities themselves. We merely provide the power to be channelled into the suits special attributes. I think that given enough metabolic energy the suits could probably do weaker level versions of its powers but that would be draining, in this case; we can regenerate energy either from void emanations (pickups, deathspheres, or the Void wave during Arid Fear) or through modifications to our suit allowing us to generate additional void energy when under duress (Rage) or passively (Energy Siphon). I am interested in if this aspect of the Tenno will be looked into further or if is going to be pushed to the side.

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This is my problem with DE as well. They've kept things so vague on purpose. It gives them the ability to introduce any lore/mechanic they want, but leaves the player based confused as to what they're playing. Seriously, what is so hard about answering what is in the frame? Having difficulty thinking of another game (*that I have played*) that has been so wishy-washy on lore.


Destiny. Destiny was just like this, if not worse.

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The idea of mutalist mass powered Warframes should be very scary, as should any non-Tenno controlled frame. It kinda negates the one advantage Tenno have over the other factions: exclusive access to Warframes. Then again, Tenshin is constantly telling us our worst enemy is ourselves, so we might soon be seeing empty frames used against us...Hollows.


But I think the straightforward answer is that yes, Tenno are Void-Batteries. It just bugs me that there are inconsistencies and unanswered questions. 

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I think I can answer the Tenno Advantage problem.

Imagine you and me finding a tenno gun, a reactor and a warframe.

We try to use the armor but it wont work, it needs power.

We try the reactor. Yay it powers up!

But we cant use the armor anyway, we are not compatible, it was not made for us so nothing works.

After alot of research and time in the workshop, we finally get some systems, a teleport and a sheild to work.

We try the gun and wake up in the hospital from radiation damage.

Then a Tenno walk through the door. She puts the warframe on, holsters the gun, shakes her head at us writing the word "Noob." In the air, and teleports away.

See? Others CAN use warframes and weapons, but a Tenno just uses them naturally.

Infested or other puppeteering a warframe is not the same thing, its a robot basically, not a person.

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Oh yeah, I'm not arguing that he's not using Warframe components, I'm saying that he seems to be using both.


I think that pre-Mutalist-Alad V _couldn't_ get a Warframe to work without something resembling a living Tenno inside.


Post-Mutalist-Alad Managed to to that with infested flesh, but the original Alad V could not. Dialogue that IMHO points to the Tenno being used as well as the Warframe include:


"Now play nice Tenno, Zanuka is one of you. (Laughs) Actually, come to think of it, Zanuka is many of you."
"Oh, Tenno, Project Zanuka is the next step in your evolution. I will make you a hundred times stronger! Why resist this?"
"Huh, I can't decide Tenno, have you come to save your friends? Or just steal my property?"
Hence the need for the control collar, because there is still something inside to be controlled, which also explains whay the Profit Trailer shows Zanuka being stunned when Alad V's control collar is disabled by a Volt. Also explains how the collar gets adapted to directly control active Tenno during the Mutalist Alad V confrontation.
IMHO Zanuka is a Tenno is a stripped-down Warframe With Corpus systems added to it. with a quad-amputee Tenno still in there.
Here is my explanatory silhouette for Zanuka:
Edited by SilentMobius
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Well, it allways made me sad when I heard new players leaving the game after a week since they wanted to know the story of the game, who the Tenno and Lotus are, what the Goal of the game is and so on, and no one could answer them.

I can't blame them, but it's sad none the less.

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IMHO Zanuka is a Tenno is a stripped-down Warframe With Corpus systems added to it. with a quad-amputee Tenno still in there.
Here is my explanatory silhouette for Zanuka:



This is exactly why Alad deserves every ounce of pain and suffering inflicted on him.

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This is exactly why Alad deserves every ounce of pain and suffering inflicted on him.

It's why I'll support Neffy when the update comes to console, I want to watch Alad suffer, he'll beg for help, and I'll say "No."


EDIT: Typed two apostrophes instead of Ls xD 

Edited by (XB1)A Frikn Grizzly
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Well, it allways made me sad when I heard new players leaving the game after a week since they wanted to know the story of the game, who the Tenno and Lotus are, what the Goal of the game is and so on, and no one could answer them.

I can't blame them, but it's sad none the less.


Aye, and that certainly is something of a problem. Though, I'm finding as I consider the lack of it further and further it's really not that unexpected.


Warframe is the first game in this universe (Dark Sector, yada yada, whatever, no, time difference is WAY too big) and that means it's having to create all of his basically from scratch, but because of how open it is meant to be right off the bat you get the impression that we SHOULD know more about all this. We SHOULD know more about what's going on.


It reminds me of how I grew up playing the Warcraft RTSs. Back in Warcraft 1 this was the lore: Humans of the Kingdom of Azeroth fight Orcs from Hell summoned to the world by an evil mage.


That was it. The campaign provided a story progression for the characters and whatnot encountered, but it was still pretty basic.


Then you move onto Warcraft 2 and the world opens up more - there are elves, dwarves, trolls, ogres, a bunch of human kingdoms, all manner of orcish clans within the greater Horde. You come to understand the world and the factions with more depth and lore to it. Heck, we ever get a huge backstory about how the orcs weren't always evil but were rallied into the Horde by influence from a demon lord.


And then to Warcraft 3 and WoW and THE UNIVERSE OPENS UP! EVERYTHING gets explained in super-depth, and the story continues to be built on as the world grows.


Where we are right now is in Warcraft 1, we have THAT story and we're working towards Warcraft 2. But, because this IS an MMO with an expansive universe and a whole host of named characters to interact with people want this to right off the bat be WoW. Have a whole universe ready and rearing to go, fleshed out and amped up to the max with events and detailed generations-long lore.



Now, I'm not saying "ehh, don't worry about the lore, stop caring, stop theorizing" in ANY regard. Only that we do sorta need to give DE a bit more breathing room when it comes to the construction of the world.


What would we rather have?


Something they took their time with and fleshed out slowly, methodically, and carefully?


Or for them to just flat out say "You know what? This is this is this" without giving it a whole lot of forethought and consideration into what there statements will mean and how they'll effect the Warframe universe?


*steps off soapbox*


*slips on suds*


*brains self*

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Weeeell. *scratches beard* It is true that this game was once a simple co-op action game with cool artdirection, with pretty basic aspirations.

They even edmitted as much and have been catching up to the fanbase expectations and hopes for the game ever since open beta began.

It has not really changed that much. The gameplay is the same at the core, the Grineer is still the big bad wolf.

And the story they HAVE made have been fun, allthough not very cohesive. And the added elements like the Void, Archwing, and the focus on a distant war that to be honest IS what the game is about, but the details have been kept from us all this time.

I allways expected Vors story to turn into chapters that expanded the world. Then Alad came along, then all of these, admittedly very well made, sidetracks like Syndicates, Archwing, and Vay Hek and the Fomorians have all fragmented the flow of the story for me.

They exist like expansions, and not like a web of interconnected Chapters.

This is however not Mass Effect. It is not the Dark Sector that they planned long ago either. This is the strange mix of a online shooter and a singel player storyline.

I know they will expand on the foundation. But this will not keep me from wanting certain key facts about the game to be set in stone now.

If in Star Wars, a New Hope, the Jedi Knighs and the Force were never explained to us we would sit there wondering, theorycrafting.

We are at that point with Luke, saying to Kenobi:

"The Force?"

Only this time Ben tell us it is something that the Jedi used to use.

Instead of telling us.

"It is what gives a Jedi his power. It connects us and binds the Galaxy together." I know this is not a direct quote.

In warframe we are even Jedi with amnesia, and Lotus is our Kennobi. The questions are the same and we still are not even sure of our own nature and function.

Threads like Lotus is evil, Tenno are the bad guys happen all the time because of this.

I hope they continue to finally reveal the backstory so we can focus on the new war.

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Aye, and that certainly is something of a problem. Though, I'm finding as I consider the lack of it further and further it's really not that unexpected.


Well, we also have to consider a lot of that is probably on purpose.


Leaving things open ended like what we have seen in Warframe can create the impression of a big universe without actually making a big universe. Just make up some cool terms (tenno, void, Orokin, Old War, etc.), pop them in appropriately, and you can effectively simulate a background universe. That seems to be what's happened with Warframe, but that's not a long-term substitute for an actual big universe and we're seeing that now.

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If a Teno that controlled the warframe was made of pure energy then how does a Teno die from bullet/stab wounds?

Further more I do recall seeing air being expelled from the warframe during missions in a snowy region. 

Another noteworthy point is that the Warframes are also always a humanoid of some kind. This is very indicative that the Teno do indeed have a fixed form. The fact that Warframes also have shields suggest that the power in the suit is seperate to the actual Teno.


Personally I always projected the Teno as a unique type of human with special psychic/energy producing features and taken to be trained in a combat style unique to the Teno.

Edited by Unholyrequiem
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Damn 55 pages.  May have been said before but we could be like Asaru from Xcom The Bureau where you play through two-thirds of the game in a 3rd person perspective controlling agent William Carter then you find out *Spoiler* you're actually in first person perspective the whole game (outside of cutscenes) and are really an energy based parasite creature called an ethereal.



Maybe the Tenno are of similar nature after exposure to the void or perhaps even came back from the void with a little something extra.  The Warframes may contain flesh and blood within them but we could easily be a more external source of existence. I mean, it would also explain the easy swapping between Warframes, death, and revive limitations.

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Well, we also have to consider a lot of that is probably on purpose.

Leaving things open ended like what we have seen in Warframe can create the impression of a big universe without actually making a big universe. Just make up some cool terms (tenno, void, Orokin, Old War, etc.), pop them in appropriately, and you can effectively simulate a background universe. That seems to be what's happened with Warframe, but that's not a long-term substitute for an actual big universe and we're seeing that now.

Yes SOME of it was on purpose, I agree.

But it creates many problems like we takig live-streams for Lore, opinions like "What Lore?" And new players asking.what a Tennö is, over and over and over again.

I agree the fog of war has worked well, but as they say, the honeymoon is over and the groom need to know if his bride turn into an ogre every night. Kind of awkard moment that.

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