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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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I guess that could be one possibility. I've always figured that the suits just fill in the difference in space for the wearer with a techno-organic gel but there really isn't anything in the game to support that yet. That said, we wouldn't need to fit the entire space of the warframe into another warframe, just the person. If we assume that the Tenno themselves are not hulking giants or just tall like Chroma and Oberon, then a generic shaped humanoid could fit inside each with little problem with the suit resizing its internals to fit the new host, or like one of More0's theories stated earlier, the suit might take us apart and reform us into its body type when worn.

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If you guys can't get to 100 pages on the forums without proving the Zariman children never aged, or did age, or the warframes are contolled remotely. Then I can't believe that there will be a post over 100 pages

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That's a damn silly theory.

It is a response to the comments that a Rhino user cannot possibly use the Nova. This argument refuses to die.

I am not saying it IS children. Only it could be. It probably is like the Guyver kind of.

And well, I personally find engineered child-soldiers alot less silly than floating void-ghosts posessing super-armors at will.

But thats just me maby.

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It is a response to the comments that a Rhino user cannot possibly use the Nova. This argument refuses to die.

I am not saying it IS children. Only it could be. It probably is like the Guyver kind of.

And well, I personally find engineered child-soldiers alot less silly than floating void-ghosts posessing super-armors at will.

But thats just me maby.

I prefer the bigger-on-the-inside thing above all the other theories.

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\Yes, because all human beings are the 5' tall females.\

Lets quote this again.

Tenno used to be human. Whatever they are now, human is not one of them.

Therefore I find it impossible to say any theory is completely wrong before we have evidence to the contrary.

Exept mono-tenno. That is confirmed.

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Lets quote this again.

Tenno used to be human. Whatever they are now, human is not one of them.

Therefore I find it impossible to say any theory is completely wrong before we have evidence to the contrary.

Exept mono-tenno. That is confirmed.

Saying Tenno are not human is also 'wrong'.

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Saying Tenno are not human is also 'wrong'.

Steve flat out said that the Tenno were human "Once". So how can it be wrong?

Anyway I like the symbiotic Tenno/warframe relationship the most of all the theories we have. And I very much prefer that Tenno are humanoid, if not human like we are.

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The Liset we currently have is Orokin technology right? And most Warframes (I think even all) are Orokin tech (correct me if I am wrong) and that the Liset is bigger on the inside. So why can't the Warframes be bigger on the inside?


Because Tenno are energy. How else can Rhino fit in a Nova? And what about that gender-swap?


No must be energy. Your theory makes too mucg sense.



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I think this may be relevant now, I can't remember if I posted the link earlier, it is a thread about warframe-swapping assuming we have bodies.

The thread is from last year.


The general idea:

The tenno enter the Warframe Armory.

Mechanical arms lock the body into place, machines and lights coming alive in the dim underbelly of the Liset.

"Welcome Operator. Please select the desired warframe."

The onboard complement of crafted warframes shimmers in the air for a moment.

The tenno highlights the Frost Prime.

"Excellent choice Operator. Refitting commencing. Please stand by. This might... sting a little. Apologies."

Agony begin to rip through the tenno as Trinitys systems are removed, and continue as the chassi is broken up, part by part, swallowed be the warframe stasis chambers.

But even as the pain become a fire, the Frost Prime systems are fitted into place, and with it the balm of sweet surrender, being born again.

As the parts change, the Trinity imprint fades into oblivion. Steely cold power takes its place, a blizzard of shards, of control, of quiet fury.

The pain is gone, a dim afterthought as he step out of the Armory.

"Refitting complete, Operator. All systems are ready * for dismembering *

for the next mission. The others are waiting."

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We can only hope DE puts some lore behind this whole thing. It's not all that important to know but it would be a nice sense of detail and would give more meaning to choosing which frame you use. Not just due to stats but also backstory-wise. People like me don't always choose the frame due to highest stats, but sometimes also due to it's theme or backstory. For example, it would be nice to know where Ash came from or Volt for that matter, we know where the frames basically came from but i'd love to know where they all came from individually. Kinda like...did Frost awaken in a frozen land or something? Did Nekros awaken in the orikin derelict? Details like that you know.


I don't think we'll ever know the specifics of the origins of the Warframes, just sort of the "they were made by the Orokin" explanation as well as a few details on what they're made with will likely be all we get - if they're made with anything of note (Infested tissue, for example).


But, again, keep in mind that Nekros, Frost, all those are Warframes and - as far as we know - can't very well awaken (or do anything) in their own right.


As for the backstory of your character(s), I look at it the way I look at any sort of MMO backstory: the actual questline that gets you out of the starter zone happened, but maybe it didn't happen for you. Use it as a sort of guideline to create your character, but - to use a Warframe example - if you wanted you guy to be awoken from Cyrosleep on Phobos or in the custody of Grineer and then have fought his way to freedom that's completely fine as well.


Not EVERY character was accosted by Vor on Earth, implanted with an Ascaris, and then tracked him down and killed him.



Nova -> Rhino.

Problem solved.


And even then, whatever "physics" the Warframes use could allow for the inverse. The key is having an explanation saying "this is how it works", whether or not it makes logical sense, in the fiction of the universe it's how it goes. We'll work out from there.

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That;s a pretty vague answer. Tenno still could be human. Theories, it's all theories.

Precicely. It's all up in the air.

I am hopeful U17 and the Crewman Lore and Runner Lore will shead the most light so far.

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How is this thread even still going? holy thursday guys  x_x


It doesn't really matter because DE stated in the new year's devstream that what tenno truly are would be revealed by the end of this year. Patience, friends.


The end of this this is pretty close - relatively speaking - and we've heard very little.


We were ALSO told we'd be getting more from female characters (villains specifically) this year, but unless DE had a hand in Mad Max: Fury Road...


I'm being harder than is really warranted, of course. Here's hoping something comes soon... In the meantime, Synthesis has been a DELIGHT.

Edited by Morec0
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I just had a thought about the Oro, the supposed power to ressurect fallen Tenno.

I imagined this energy as a sphere of energy.

Today I looked at the amazing statue of Excalibur Prime in the Orokin Vault again, not in person but google , and it hit me.


Excalibur Prime was the first. He cradles a fire - could this be Oro?

A litteral Orokin artwork showing us the most prescious part of all Tenno.


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While it seems like DE thinks Tennos are flesh and blood humans using exo-suits, personally, in my own little world, they have evolved into some form of energy being, perhaps an oro of sorts.


Truth be told , there's about as many hints at tennos being humans that they are as tennos being energy-based lifeforms anyway, so I'd rather choose the explaination that makes sense from a gameplay perspective.



Tennos were human in the past, but it is my belief that over time, the technocyte virus basically fused their human bodies with the frame, making them closer to robots in a sense, but still inhabited by a spirit, an energy, an oro, a cephalon, a soul, whatever you want to call the presence that inhabits them...


Thus, when you build a new frame, you build a vessel for that Tenno energy. That energy no longer has a gender, and it adapts to the Frame's characteristics (powers, strengths, weaknesses) over time, becoming a good match for it (as you gain affinity).


This would also explain why Vor wants that power for himself, why Alad V is dissecting frames trying to understand what "power" lurks inside. It also fits with the orokin void, the idea that, in a sense, Tennos were lost into the void for years. Perhaps the cryo sleep was designed so their phisical body would gradually be assimilated into the frame, hence the playable Tennos we now inhabit are an evolution, the final step of a process that rids the Tenno of it's physical shell so he can transcend flesh and become a being capable to inhabiting different frames.


... Or you can think of it like DE seems to think and pretend that there's 23+ random dudes and chicks you rescued in cryo pods that now in the same liset and go out on the battlefield one at a time, yet Ordis all calls them "operator"... But imho that really sucks as an explaination, and I'd rather think of Tennos as energy than to think each time I swap to a different frame, I'm playing a different character for some reason. My two cents.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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