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I Couldn't Recommend Warframe To My Friend


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Of all things, this is what you get when you pick up an F2P game.  Of course it's not going to be as interesting as something I paid 60 bucks for and felt that it was worth (I'm looking at you, CoD, because the last few were not!).

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I think you missed something in my post. If I was complaining about anything it was about being dragged around for close to a week trying to find the mods (and resources needed to rank them) required to advance in MR so 'the essentials' could be gifted.


Whenever a thread like this pops up it's always 'just give your friend what they need' like that's an actual answer.

It's not, it's just a community applied band aid. While I agree the new opening quest is a great step forward there are a few things it could do a tad better on.

Mastery rank 2 is 10k mastery, your entire starting arsenal will give a total of 15k mastery + you can buy the MK1 items straight from the market without resources. It's not that hard reaching MR2 besides playing the waiting game.

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yes, the New Player Experience is pretty awful.

always has been.

what a Player sees for the first 20, 40, or more Hours - isn't Warframe.

basically, you crack your skull against a wall until you earn the right to actually play Warframe.

because again, what a Player sees to start off with, is in no way representative of what Warframe actually is.

it isn't Warframe.

Sadly I would go so far to say that anyone with less than 200 hours simply doesn't understand the necessary mechanics. I went through most of the early game solo and now have 1,200 hours but it still amazes me how many high mastery players simply don't comprehend basic concepts despite having used/played almost all of the game's content.

In the last 6 months I helped 2 friends start playing Warframe and only in the last couple months would I consider them to be self-sufficient. They still don't know advanced concepts but they keep learning as we play. Each of them has 3-400 hours played. Warframe is a very simple game that is very difficult to master. Thankfully you can give a newbie a Boltor Prime and they think they know what they are doing.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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What is better - to play game for 2-10 hours and then maybe replay it once after who knows how much time.

Or have few games you can play almost endlessly and enjoy yourself?


So ask your friend would he like to try a game witch would require some time!

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I have been here since the excal prime founders package was available.........long time. I drank to kool aid a long time ago. But looking at what it takes to farm up and max out a decent set of BASIC mods like redirection, serration, hornet strike, ECT not including the corrupted mods.


I couldn't do it. I wouldn't put a friend through that. Because he would be playing with me, and I would be on a whole different level than him. It wouldn't be fun, and it would be months before it ever was fun.

You can do just fine without maxing those mods, and the final rank is where the return on your credits/cores gets really abysmal. For the price of going from rank 9 to 10 you can rank another mod up from rank 0 to 9. That last 15% is not that important that a newbie should pour all their resources into a single mod to the detriment of their other bread and butter mods.


I think most people would be happier if they realized that maxing out a Primed mod is not worth grinding their fingers to nubs and killing their love for the game.

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Sadly I would go so far to say that anyone with less than 200 hours simply doesn't understand the necessary mechanics. I went through most of the early game solo and now have 1,200 hours but it still amazes me how many high mastery players simply don't comprehend basic concepts despite having used/played almost all of the game's content.

In the last 6 months I helped 2 friends start playing Warframe and only in the last couple months would I consider them to be self-sufficient. They still don't know advanced concepts but they keep learning as we play. Each of them has 3-400 hours played. Warframe is a very simple game that is very difficult to master. Thankfully you can give a newbie a Boltor Prime and they think they know what they are doing.

No offence or anything but your friends seem slow at learning. My friend has like 80 - 90 hours and has grasped the entire gist of warframe and knows what frames do what and how to utilize their abilities to their fullest potential. There isn't that much to master tbh, if you can go 60m + on a T4S then you're pretty set for any type of mission in the actual game excluding raids which you'll probably have to learn a bit first before jumping right into it.

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It's all RNGesus based. For some players, the start will be baby-bottom smooth. For others, it will be Hell on Earth. And then you have everything between those two. The experience varies immensely from player to player. There are key aspects of the game that do need a complete overhaul though, scaling and damage based abilities for instance.

Edited by Marthrym
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Mastery rank 2 is 10k mastery, your entire starting arsenal will give a total of 15k mastery + you can buy the MK1 items straight from the market without resources. It's not that hard reaching MR2 besides playing the waiting game.

Nowhere did I mention XP being the issue.

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well a person can get mastery rank 2 in a week probably and you can pretty easily trade them some rank 7 or 8 mods that would be more than enough to go very far in the game. i am fairly sure you are just going to argue your point til you are red in the face though, so its really pointless to even be stating this. 



if i were to have a reason to tell friends not to play it would simply boil down to the fact that once you get towards the end of the planet level missions and much of anything higher level than that the primary mechanic to produce challenge is "1-shot all the things!" and the game just becomes very dumb. get your CC team ready to go camp a corner, because that is end-game in warframe.  then id have to tell them half the frames and 90% of the weapons are really not very good for much other than funs on mid-level missions and so on.


the idea people need to grind or farm doesn't really bother me that much personally, because that is the nature of the beast in an online game. you go play any mmorpg, arpg, or even most online shooter games and after you have gotten to the point of being maxed out it simply becomes repeating the same events over and over and over again. this is nothing new.  however, that is fine when the events are fun to do. game mechanics revolving around getting 1-shot are not fun. 

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No offence or anything but your friends seem slow at learning. My friend has like 80 - 90 hours and has grasped the entire gist of warframe and knows what frames do what and how to utilize their abilities to their fullest potential. There isn't that much to master tbh, if you can go 60m + on a T4S then you're pretty set for any type of mission in the actual game excluding raids which you'll probably have to learn a bit first before jumping right into it.

Going 60+ on a T4S with less than 100 hours? You don't even have the full elemental rainbows by then unless someone is giving them to you. Forma, catalysts and reactors? Don't make me laugh. You are grossly overstating your friend's position and there is no way they survive 60+ unless being carried by others with more experience. Heck, they may not even have Corrosive Projection by then as it's an RNG based drop which requires unlocking nodes on the star chart to even access. That alone takes more than 100 hours. Please don't mistake carrying others with experience and skill.

EDIT: Grasping the entire gist? Is that like reading a synopsis and thinking you understand the entire book?

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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Going 60+ on a T4S with less than 100 hours? You don't even have the full elemental rainbows by then unless someone is giving them to you. Forma, catalysts and reactors? Don't make me laugh. You are grossly overstating your friend's position and there is no way they survive 60+ unless being carried by others with more experience. Heck, they may not even have Corrosive Projection by then as it's an RNG based drop which requires unlocking nodes on the star chart to even access. That alone takes more than 100 hours. Please don't mistake carrying others with experience and skill.

EDIT: Grasping the entire gist? Is that like reading a synopsis and thinking you understand the entire book?

hahahaaha you're grossly underestimating what players are capable of, just because you and your friends took a while to learn the game or acquire the gear in order to do high level, doesn't mean it took others that long. Elemental mods aren't even hard to acquire, you make it sound like it's absolute hell in order to get your hands on stormbringer, hellfire etc. Forma's aren't that hard to obtain, I have so many that it would take me like months to build if bps were tradeable, I'd give them out to friends who need them more than I do. Catalysts, you can either wait for livestreams, invasions or just buy with plat which isn't that hard to do considering how easy it is to trade. I mean there's one up right now as we speak. It all adds up eventually, just because you obtain a catalyst or reactor doesn't mean you're going to instantly use unless you thoroughly enjoy the frame, I made sure to tell them the moment they started so they don't go around chucking on catalysts and reactors on every weapon/frame they acquire.  I'm sitting on like 17 catalysts & like 17 reactors just lying around atm, waiting for something good to come along that's worth using it on.


He has CP & ES + all vault mods including dupes of some to which he sells in order to fund himself even further. RNG is RNG, i'm sitting on about 700 - 800 hours and I still haven't obtained Volt Prime or Soma Prime & yet he has them both through farming so he already has one of the late tier game weapons with the mods to assist him as well, he doesn't have any max ranked mods yet but rank 7/8 seem sufficient enough to me.


Unlocking Nodes on the star chart are an absolute joke and you don't need to unlock every single node in order to do an alert, I mean having half is sufficient enough and even if you still were going to unlock the entire chart, it would take less than 100 hours to do so especially if you're rushing through them. Hell, I don't even have the entire star chart unlocked yet I haven't missed any crucial alerts and even if they are locked for me, I'm usually 1 - 2 maps away from it which takes like less than 10 mins to do. PLUS you can receive taxi's from people in recruiting just to obtain the reward.


He can carry himself well in the game, I'd trust him in my squad over majority of the high MR players with about 500 hours into the game.


My girlfriend even plays the game, she had vauban in about 20 or so hours of game play whereas other players who have hundreds of hours still haven't been able to get him. She's now at 41 hours now and sitting on like 4/5 catalysts & reactors and even has herself a mag prime + boltor prime. Though she's only MR 4, and has about only half the planets unlocked but the maps she does have unlocked are the important ones, there is no need to unlock the rest, the only reason you would go for unlocking the entire star chart map would be if your'e a completionist or more chances at alerts but like I said, you could easily ask for a taxi & any new player could do that.


I have another friend who's around the 250 hour mark or so and the 3 of us can complete all end game material without hassle so once again, just because it took you or your friends a longer time to grasp the game doesn't mean that you're setting the standard and that's how many hours someone will need in order to enjoy the game and understand its mechanics.


You say you're on 1200 hours but I can assure you that I, with about 300 - 400 hours less than you, I have probably achieved more than you have going by the looks of how you're speaking making the game sound incredibly tough. Hours don't mean anything if you play efficiently in order to achieve what you want. I reckon I could guide a new player to achieve everything I have already in half the time it took me.

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Going 60+ on a T4S with less than 100 hours? You don't even have the full elemental rainbows by then unless someone is giving them to you. Forma, catalysts and reactors? Don't make me laugh. You are grossly overstating your friend's position and there is no way they survive 60+ unless being carried by others with more experience. Heck, they may not even have Corrosive Projection by then as it's an RNG based drop which requires unlocking nodes on the star chart to even access. That alone takes more than 100 hours. Please don't mistake carrying others with experience and skill.

EDIT: Grasping the entire gist? Is that like reading a synopsis and thinking you understand the entire book?

I disagree, I've played back when damage 1.0 was out and at about 150 hours, I alongside other friends could already achieve wave 70s on def, our goal was wave 100 but we never reached that high sadly but back then enemy scaling was through the roof so enemies were around level 1k - 2k range and even now I'm able to reach like at least 50 waves of a T4D and there are people with like hundreds of hours more than me that can't even reach 30 or have difficult reaching 20 but that's not saying everyone is like that, I've seen players with like 1k hours who literally F*** S#&$ up and know exactly what they're doing but then you have those at that same game time and don't know how to do anything.


I agree, I have like 272 hours into the game and I'm already well aware of everything that's going on around me. I'm a fast learner when it comes to games like these and there are people who have burnout problems and I'm one of those as well but a quick fix to that is to just take a break, stop playing the game, play something else and come back to it and maybe you'll get lucky.


I came back to this game recently since I got burnt out the last time I played since all I did was try to grind all the new content that came out that I couldn't keep up with because I had nothing else to do since I already had an arsenal well equipped to be able to do all high level content so all I wanted was new stuff to muck around with. I think I have a couple of maxed mods but most of which are sitting around rank 8 but yeah I haven't fully unlocked my starchart as well, I think I'm like 3/4 but yeah I don't see the point in unlocking them since most players play like 10 nodes out of the 200 +.

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It's easy to recomend Warframe to whoever likes this style of game.  What is difficult to recomend is spending money on things that will get nerfed, even to people who want to waste their money like that because it trains developers to waste everyone's money like that.

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The only reason I will tell people to avoid warframe is DE's horribly balancing.

Either they are excessively buffed or excessively nerfed.

So DE are truly worthy of their Extreme moniker.


If you don't have the ability to stomach sweeping changes, this is a game I will not recommend to you.


Also, most of my friends play games like Diablo 3 and MMORPGs.

So Warframe "grind" is like a little tickle to them.


In fact warframe's grind is actually pretty minimal.

Edited by fatpig84
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See, I don't understand these reactions. Don't get me wrong, having a maxed Serration is awesome, but the difference between a player who has it maxed and a player who has it 50% maxed is more about skill and playstyle than it is about stats.


If you're worried about vastly overpowering you friends, a) don't, because that's going to happen to them regardless once they start playing in pugs, and b) forma your weapon and frame and level up with them.


People like to make out that the difference between a top-geared player and a less-geared player is huge. It's really not. I can almost guarantee that if you put your buddy on your account, and you started playing his just-starting-out account, you'd out-damage him more often than not because (hopefully) you've got the proper skills and learned reflexes down.

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People like to make out that the difference between a top-geared player and a less-geared player is huge. It's really not. I can almost guarantee that if you put your buddy on your account, and you started playing his just-starting-out account, you'd out-damage him more often than not because (hopefully) you've got the proper skills and learned reflexes down.

It's a valid point, and one with its truths, but it's not an accurate blanket philosophy.  There are "top-geared" players who are quite good at Warframe and have probably completed the process you explained already, and they outnumber those who simply bought gear, mods, and xp boosters by a large margin.


For every Prime Access scrub who doesn't know the first thing about playing the game other than throwing money at it, there's probably two or three skilled players with equivalent-level if not better gear.  And let's not forget those who are actually good and pay for Prime Access as well (IMO there's nothing wrong with that).

Edited by TenguBlade
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Yeah, but I'm saying it's not the gear that makes most of the difference. If you've earned all the best gear, you're probably pretty good—because of your experience with the game, not because you've got the best gear.


And even then, I've run into plenty of well-geared players who weren't very good. Gear in this game isn't very hard to acquire.

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Everyone saying help your friends out by giving them basic mods and taking them through the solar system with you... I've done that.  With 10+ friends.  All of them have quit because there's nothing to do and everything to grind and RNG makes clammy, dispassionate love to you on a regular basis.  I've had friends hate me after playing this game, even when I wasn't the one to get them in to it.


Some I know have stuck around.  A couple still play.  Most don't, and some think I'm an idiot for holding hope out for this game, even after they've agreed that the base gameplay is enjoyable.


I think there are serious problems that need to be addressed, but I can't really put my finger on them.  All I know is I see less rage from my friends who play LoL with me and less complaints about grind/RNG from them in Diablo 3, and that's mind-boggling.

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Warframe needs more enemy variations and much better rewards, even if they still use RNG. Hopefully the solar map rework addresses these issues. I mean there are only so many times you can grind through a T4D before it becomes mostly boring from being entirely routine, and yet it's still the only place to get Loki Prime Systems. All in all the current rewards system leads to grindy and monotonous gameplay.

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Isn't that what you get for a grinding/farming game.


warframe is an exceptional case, i have played several games in my entire life, more than 5000 and even more, most of these are mmo, and those with a huge grind/farm fest, except for warframe, having a huge amount of time to get at a certain point, you can easily grab an mmorpg and cap in 3 or 4 months and enjoy the end game content, warframe is surely not the case

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you can easily grab an mmorpg and cap in 3 or 4 months and enjoy the end game content, warframe is surely not the case


Players I've brought to the game often get to endgame levels in less than a month. It's super easy to gear yourself up.

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Fun fact, you don't need to max, or anywhere near it, all of those mods to handle the majority of the game. The only time this all maxed out attitude is needed is when going an hour plus in endless missions.



Been playing for a year. My Vitality is one point from max. Redirection is two points from max.

I don't really care.


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