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Proposed Starchart Changes [Megathread]


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It would be one thing if they made this like any other MMO type and had mission progression, for instance doing missions x and y will get you access to mission z but this is just making it an afk game where if what you want isn't up might as well turn it off and play something else rather then sit and do crap we don't want to. 

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90% of the star chart is taken up by planets covered in missions that no one plays.

People run to the void because the void drops prime parts.

Prime parts = plat.

You have planets with tons of missions yet no one is ever playing them, other then the assassinations because they drop frame parts.


eg. Why do we need 3x defence missions on Eris ?

Why not just pick 'defence' and get zapped to a corresponding mission ?

The difficulty level you pick corresponds to the planet you land on.


I can see the point on this, it takes away a lot of the stuff on the star map that veteren players never use anymore.

The new starters can still have their introduction and migration from mission to mission and planet to planet as this is a fixed quest, but once you hit the higher levels most people only go to planets for alerts or events.


I see this more as potentially more of an update to the mission interface.

If you do a mission once and never go there again then that whole segment is wasted space in the game from that point on, so why not ditch it and let players choose the levels they want to play in a better interface ?


.. and while you're at it, fix the Hind's fire rate !!

Because we originally chose to play this game because we had a choice to do what mission in what tile set and against what faction we want. Not some random BS. Don't you get it for each planet 1 random mission node so it DOESN'T GUARANTEE that planet will have the DEFENSE mission you even want depends on the rotation DE or RNG chooses for the day.


EDIT: They proposed 20 RNG mission type nodes spread across all planets including or excluding archwing and void missions so it becomes so GENERIC ARCADE MISSION SELECTOR game which the majority of people here in this thread would not like to see. I'm fine if they reduce the duplicate nodes and lessen nodes to 100+ but making them into 20 is plain stupid as it just gives justification to added RNG on top of the already absurd droprates and RNG and TIMEWALLS this game has already in place.

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Because we originally chose to play this game because we had a choice to do what mission in what tile set and against what faction we want. Not some random BS. Don't you get it for each planet 1 random mission node so it DOESN'T GUARANTEE that planet will have the DEFENSE mission you even want depends on the rotation DE or RNG chooses for the day.

I didn't choose to play Warframe because I have so many choices. Honestly I couldn't care less. Let StarChart2.0 come.

I stopped playing Warframe at around U9 or something and just came back. The only mission I've played besides quests is Draco. Wow. Many choice. Much happy.

Draco is pretty much the only mission I see any squads on on Ceres, but give me that choice!

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I didn't choose to play Warframe because I have so many choices. Honestly I couldn't care less. Let StarChart2.0 come.

I stopped playing Warframe at around U9 or something and just came back. The only mission I've played besides quests is Draco. Wow. Many choice. Much happy.

Draco is pretty much the only mission I see any squads on on Ceres, but give me that choice!

We don't share the same sentiments but majority of the first 59 pages of this thread says otherwise since apparently a lot of people will leave because of it. Choosing to do Draco over other mission nodes is their choice. If DE made other nodes more rewarding or joining random squads in the dead nodes you were speaking of then people will do their underplayed nodes but simply destroing 234 nodes as justification for bringing more players together in missions is not worth the added 2nd layer of RNG its going to bring have fun trying to farm the mats you want on days you want to farm them but oh there is only capture mission nodes in that planet at that time oh well. Personally I won't have a problem as I already have everything in game and everything farmable from star chart but for those that need sensors nuerodes it will suck to be them. I recently got the 100p worth rare resource bp (nueral sensors) so even if DE decides to remove people preferred farming spots for resources such as Sinai then I won;t have a problem the problem is for PEOPLE THAT DON'T HAVE IT

 it will suck to be them unless they spend 100p ofcourse :)


EDIT: Oh and lets not forget how we farmed for vauban back then it took me months prob 4-5 to get all his parts cause of randomized alerts the PART WHERE BOSSES WILL APPEAR IN RANDOM TIMED INSTANCE AS ALERT sounds good right? Now all the boss farmable frames will like this poor NEW PLAYERS that this system is supposed to be helping in the first place we vets won't have a problem with it new guys will but even new frames might become alert boss based drops as well ah yes MORE RNG WITH TIME WALLS ON TOP OF GRIND AND RNG cause that's what we need right RIGHT?

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i like Star Chart 1.0 more than 2.0, and i hope i can have it back as a map. U17 star chart can give certain drops better than farming? maybe that is one of the advantage. How about cost for key crafting of 243 nodes? i hope that is free or almost free, e.g. 10 alloy plate, 100 credit 10 seconds. or else player's choice is ruined.

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I'm going to be very disappointed if they keep the radial Starchart. Also, less choice isn't neccesarily bad, it's just less pointless.

The issue is the proposed degree. I'm sure no one would be happy if there was only one mission on the chart, because that's too far in that extreme. I believe having 20 missions is also too far in that extreme. If they'd proposed for ~100 missions I'd be all for it.

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i like Star Chart 1.0 more than 2.0, and i hope i can have it back as a map. U17 star chart can give certain drops better than farming? maybe that is one of the advantage. How about cost for key crafting of 243 nodes? i hope that is free or almost free, e.g. 10 alloy plate, 100 credit 10 seconds. or else player's choice is ruined.

DE's whole point of the new starchart for now is to remove the player's choice and make the mission crafting an option viable to veterans, so I'm guessing it will take more thank just few alloy plates and blundles.and few seconds.. maybe even planet's nav segments that we had to obtain before to unlock the new planet. Who knows.

Edited by Witcherlet
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DE's whole point of the new starchart for now is to remove the player's choice and make the mission crafting an option viable to veterans, so I'm guessing it will take more thank just few alloy plates and blundles.and few seconds.. maybe even planet's nav segments that we had to obtain before to unlock the new planet. Who knows.

Layering RNG within itself so many times its literally a Shakespearean monkey typewriter experiment.

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The issue is the proposed degree. I'm sure no one would be happy if there was only one mission on the chart, because that's too far in that extreme. I believe having 20 missions is also too far in that extreme. If they'd proposed for ~100 missions I'd be all for it.


ok i reply to this topic maybe for the third time since the opening.


i was, and still am, a lot worried that this changes will make me stop playng. and let me be specific about it.

i can agree that something in the basic mecanic of the game is not going properly.

on one hand we have 200 (more or less) nodes on the starchart, that for the most are gostly town, and an overcrowded recruiting chat whit tons and tons of void mission requested or hosted.

on the other hand, anyone with a hundred or so voidrun of expirience, knows that the voidmission themselves host a great, too great, number of pices as reward.

and those i guess are just basic facts that the we can all agree on.


but we must consider that a lot of player, like miself, had work hard to get nearly all the frames in the game, studied them, forma-ed them, leveled them, in order to polish out a super-focused frame for a determineted mission, so that i can use my limited play-time (one-two hour per day) and make a good, fullfilling use of it.

i can pick the mission i feel, against the faction i feel and in the process, acquaring some resources, while still giving out the best of my frame/weap.


the proposed star map changes smell of burned game, just because splitting the void drop table, onto 20 planet mean to merge the planetary reward with the table drop, increasing the problem of diluited table. and on the top of that you will have RNG for the mission, risking to not be able to do what you wold like to do.


now they propose to use a sistem similar to the neverwinter foundry. bad. very bad.


the neverwinter foundry do not allow player to set the lootable resources and is blocked to drop only the trash-like resources (lets say ferrite and polymer bundle of the warframe world) it is mainly build to allow player to create their own story , wich is nice for an rpg but warframe is far from that.


in the end, i think that as they talked about it the starmap change sound like a huge nuke trowned in the game.

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Good old times ç_ç

yes, this is a very nice map to have, if they were going to let us craft keys for mission, i'll  just hope for fully free crafting or lite material crafting like i mention before and revamp the Star chart 1.0 in to a map for us, maybe not directly see this star chart, but after a small icon, like a app in your phone. make new star chart its wallpaper. providing key highlights on the planets. that would be nice. 

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Turn the solar chart into an alert only system.

If you want to go to a specific node, you have to make a key.

Solar chart basically gets condensed to 20 active nodes at a time, instead of 254.





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Not to mention one of the complaints of the new system would be how would we farm resources we need? Blueprints of rare resources for platinum purchase to the rescue. I have no interest in a CrimeNet starchart, I like that there are many nodes. The problem is what it has been with Derelict missions and really most of the starchart, there is little to no reward. The proposed reduction of nodes still wouldn't force players to play with others unless the matchmaking is also being changed, those 20 nodes would be just as much a ghost town unless players were forced to join whatever cell was open when joining the match. I can only think that this change is just a way to limit players farming for rewards while ignoring the core issue of the starchart having no reward outside of spy and endless missions.

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Guess I might as well put my two cents in here. Y'all can flame it, but the fact is most of this thread is lacking in just basic grammar so I'm not inclined to give much of a turd.

I don't think DE is stupid. There, I said it! I think it'd be impossible for Steve to see this thread and just shrug his head and say "Whatever." Granted, there's plenty of really, really cynical expressions of opinion here, which kind of might turn them off, you know? And ThePresident777's irrational campaign against Steve on Twitter isn't really helping either. But I think they see this, and they say, "Okay, I guess 20 nodes is kind of off the table! Let's see if we can't think of an idea that will allow progression and allow people constant co-op and make sure they get rewards but still have to go through some sort of grind!"

Starchart 1.0 will not solve the problems DE spoke of in the manifesto. We will still have too many damn nodes, we will still have intense redundancy, we will still have ghost towns. A lot of people speak of proper reward tables, but are they even sure what that means? Because no, letting you build the latest Prime Access within a week is not good for the game. It's good for you, sure, but it's not good for a loot-oriented game. I don't know what would be. Spy 2.0 seems like a step in the right direction.

That brings me to my last thought: Draco is not good for the game. I don't give two Kubrow craps about "choice", having farming spots that trivialize the game so that you get everything in a month means you leave the game once you have everything, and then the game has one less player. Having toys like the pre-nerf S.Gammacor makes playing around with any other gun a pasttime! Having spots like Draco makes everything else on the starchart ghost towns! The rewards on ordinary missions might be bad, I get that, but Draco is gonna set our expectations UNREASONABLY HIGH!

Something has to be done. Starchart 3.0 won't solve every problem in the game, but we have to start somewhere so this game has some sense of progression, or else we'll just get more RNG complaints and more LF Draco need Trinity excalibur gpullmag". We don't even know what they actually intend to do - the one "annoucement" about what it'll look like was spitballing by the devs turned into the word of god by players, and if they were they're probably driving in reverse as we speak. We still have hope. What we really ought to be doing is brewing up our own concepts for how a better Starchart could work, instead of saying that no matter what DE does it'll suck.

I think they'll be listening, after all.

Edited by S.T.M.P.D
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DE can't take half of these complaints seriously because they're all short sighted and only make wild, unfair and ridiculous assumptions.

Of course they're going to dismiss it as "forum noise" when people want to assume that EVERYTHING will stay the same escape for the reduction in nodes. You think can take you seriously if you say "note well have to wait a week to get neurodes And it will only be available I in the middle of the night!" No, they won't. You just sounds like forum doom and gloom before a change

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