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Pc Operation: Tubemen Of Regor


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wow DE you guys are the ones controlling the event and not the players!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! giving gold cores to nef while giving dog S#&$ rewards to alad v?????? bull!! give equal rewards we want the karak but not dog S#&$ rewards its completely unfair

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Ok, someone from DE please make it clear how the rewards will be given out, because seeing how good rewards Nef is giving now i can't support Alad anymore. So would this mean if i say, supported the loser 4/4 nodes, and the event ends. Do everyone get the weapon, while the winners get it fully potatoed+ slot and the losers just get the BP or such?

Because since Nef is giving 25 R5 i obviously go for him now, even though i had 4/4 with Alad, will have 2/4 after this one.

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Consider me a pragmatist if you must, but here's how I worked out this dilemma:

Alad V and Nef Anyo are both people who have &!$$ed me off. Both they and their events caused me trouble in the past, so let's boil things down to which event &!$$ed me off less. Alad brought me Breeding Grounds and Patient Zero, which whilst hard, were intense as hell and really brought home a Space Hulk-esque feel and a number of real nail-biters, as well as the spectacle of seeing my Clanmate bash Alad's skull in with his Jat Kittag whilst under mind control.


Nef brought me the Bursa missions, which were horrible enough that they have been likened to biblical plagues and which were single-handedly almost responsible for an event boycott and made it essentially impossible to do said mission without ridiculously cheesey strategies with no actual effort involved, just ruthlessly exploiting certain mechanics whilst waiting around with our thumbs up our emergency induction ports waiting for a download on the worst internet in the Galactic Core (seriously, are Bursas on 56K?!) to finish.


Well, that was a difficult decision. I'm going with Alad.


I'll take the genocidal maniac over the self-righteous dipswitch that extorted millions out of my clanmates. Do you understand, Nef? The guy who chop-shopped Tenno to make his pet dog and who single-handedly launched an infested plague that threatened all life in the sector has offended me less, personally, than a man who seems to be trying his hand at the Benny Hinn gambit and has dressed himself up like an Orokin Vault Key.

Out of curiousity, Nef, how does it feel to be the 1%?

Edited by Jaimas
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DE chooses the winner. They give us the illusion of choice by making battlepay, but they choose the winner by giving the battlepay more favored by the community to the side they want to win.


(EDIT: Alad was way ahead up until this morning when Nef started dropping rare 5 cores like they were hot. Illusion of fairness.)


Doing my 4 for Nef and calling it a day.

Edited by AureusVulpes
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i think supporting alad v is a very bad idea....

How to trust him ? He tried to: capt tennos for his beast / try to infest all the solar system ! 

And now he want us giving him a vaccin ? NO !

If we give him this, i'm sure he will use it against the tennos to make his infested stronger ! Or .....worst (here come my theory)


We all show the tomb of the sentients trailer, i think they're back cause that the grinner discovered something and activated it...

But, if you look on some tubes in the new undersea map, there is some strange blue corals. And what is the sentients (watched in the trailer and the arcane infested from stolen dreams) colors ? BLUE

Imagine that alad get the vaccin, but imagine the sentients come and...kill him to get it ? Why they could use the tennocyte against us ? Cause they made it in the great war, tennocyte virus (for me) is nano-bio-robotics that produce an synthetic bio-mass. And if the sentients were able to return that kind of weapon against the orokin, what would they do with this vaccin ? 



And nef anyo ?

Remember, something says that nef anyo found something in the void and became a little crazy on it ! But i don't think it was an orokin things he found. Yes, the blue tells everything ! His "suit", the strange corals, the sentients ....maybe he want regor and alad down to begin a secret plan with this "things" he found in the void ! 



Supporting nef, if my theory is a little true, can help us avoiding the sentients (if they ewoke) to get stronger by using the infested with the vaccin, so we wont let them get more powerfull; or the same for alad (we can't trust him, he see the infestation as a blessing, i would never want a vaccin if i think that something is a bless) if we supp nef. 



Supporting alad would mean that we trust him by giving him  a powerfull tool, and i don't think that a man like this would use it "only" to purify his corpse. Imagine he can turn it into a big infector to infest the tennos ! (as the tenno are themself infested orokin, i wouldn't work....maybe). Or badder: the sentients came back and use it as i said before. 


Remember that supporting alad, don't mean that we would kill nef or stole his "thing" from the void, so just be aware from this

I think the return of the sentients cannot be avoid, so why trying to push it for later ? Let us prepare us and avoid letting the infested, a huge thread, becoming more stronger ! (it just was close with the hive and hunt for alad and the mutalist incursion) 


Remember, that's only a theory ! 

And you ? What do you think people ?


[sorry for the bad english]

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ehh I got a problem, I support Neffy, I have got the badge, and it was 1/4, when I finished the 2nd one, it was suppose to go to 2/4, but now im 0/4, what is happening? :/

You supported alad in the second one by mistake. In order to increase your points, you need to support the same side on every node. If you support the opposite, it starts to subtract points until it reaches 0, then increases for the side you are supporting now.

Edited by nms64
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So yesterday I was at 2/4 with two sets of 3 completed, today I login and I'm back to 0/4. I'm a full time college student who can't do all 4 sets of 3 in one day. Is it a bug or just the way it works? If I have to redo my first 6 runs and wait for these 4 minute loading screens 12 more times I'm done with this.

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my sores keep reseting to zero everytime i login on a new pc
ive done 2 full support on alad and 4 on nef
but now my score is on 2/4
ive sent a ticket and i know they ar overloaded atm i just want to know if its just me or others share same fate

i should have read through other pages, now i know it wasnt just me

Edited by blackstraykitten
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my sores keep reseting to zero everytime i login on a new pc

ive done 2 full support on alad and 4 on nef

but now my score is on 2/4

ive sent a ticket and i know they ar overloaded atm i just want to know if its just me or others share same fate



i should have read through other pages, now i know it wasnt just me

So I just learned that it's like normal invasions. If you do 3 for Nerf, then 1 for Salad V, you go back to 2. It's like a weight scale. Add to one, lose on the other. Your 4 runs for Nerf negated 2 runs bc of 2 for Salad V.

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Seriously, DE, quit messing with the rewards and give the choice to the ones WHO ARE ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT. It was okay with Nef Anyo's first comeback, but it is obvious that Alad is the favored side and quit trying to force-feed us the dera...

In fact i think its probably purely an algorithm . The most winning Character seems to offer less and the losing Character begin to offer more. Lets see if its turn nef side if "sALAD Vinaigrette" will start offering more valuable prices.

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There has been an aggravating issues plagging this event.


1 - Extreme stuttering: whenever I'm at near the bottom and moving in corridors. The stutters are worse than in relays.


2 - Audio Message Game Lock : Whenever Alad V talks to you when you enter the final part of the lab, the game freezes for a few seconds until the message starts playing.


For some reasons, some players can't make it past this message. If this player happens to be host, host migration occurs, and the Toxin tubes disappear from the map, making the mission unfinishable.


3 - Very low FPS in some areas, stable/high FPS in some others.


So yeah, it's been very laggy and stuttery overall. Not to mention the contreversial prize offered by Nef ever since he's been losing 6-0.

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The **** posting in this thread is literally going to give me cancer. Can't believe you guys are complaining about the rewards. I'm not doing this for the weapons, I'm doing it for the payouts. I could care less which  weapon I get, or who wins. Logically speaking, if one side is losing, they'll start to pay out more. There's over 4 days  left in this event (as of this post) to get to 4 missions on one side. Just abuse getting the payouts right now. 

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Guys, I don't think who wins really matters because I think it will still have the same outcome and may lead to the creation of the new J3-Golem for the upcoming raid. Here's my reasoning: If Alad V betrays us (which he most likely will) he might use the cure to make something like J3-Golem. And if we help Nef Anyo destroy the cure and Alad V was actually telling, the truth the infestation could become even more threatening like the creation of the new J3-Golem. In my eyes I think that this event will be like Infamous (loved that game) where if you choose to save other people rather than your ex-girlfriend, Trish, she would die. The same thing happened if you tried to save Trish, she would still die. So no matter what you did she would always die. Also, I don't think DE would get rid of the infestation considering the time and work they put in.

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In fact i think its probably purely an algorithm . The most winning Character seems to offer less and the losing Character begin to offer more. Lets see if its turn nef side if "sALAD Vinaigrette" will start offering more valuable prices.

I personally disagree that it's the code/script deciding the reward depending on the amount of loses or wins. Nef was losing 0-6 he starts offering rare cores which was ok and we can say it's the script/code giving the losing side better rewards.  but then when the score was 5-7, he starts offering a blue potato followed with a gold potato...... which is obviously the script/code//DE favouring nef's side.

We will get our answer by the end of the event of whether DE and their script/code are supporting one side or it was balanced and fair.

This current conflict will end with Nef's win but it will be/was really slow  ( 3+ hours more to go for it to end, if i'm not mistaken it lasted like 9hours so far. so in total it would have lasted 12Hours+) we won't be getting much conflicts as before since most of them will last as long as this unless the rewards are one sided again, so pretty much most people who already sided with one side (the ones who has over 4/4 to one side) can't go to the opposite side anymore and if they try to do so (whether it's following the rewards or they are trying to become part of the winning side), they will end up with a score of less than 4/4, and not get any weapon reward (whether it is the karak wraith or the dera vandal) this is the  "trap" of this event which most people fall in or will fall in.

Edited by RagnaEternalCurse
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