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Pc Operation: Tubemen Of Regor


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Argh. Both weapons sound nice.


So will the losers get the gun of the winners, like with the Machete Wraith after Gradivus? Basicly the winning side decides which weapon will be rewarded.

Or will each get the weapon of their chosen faction?


Also what are the chances the losing weapon will appear as reward for a later event ala the Prova Vandal? I doubt it will be vaulted forever without being rewarded once.




This event story has some issues for me.


Why should we support Alad V. (if we ignore the Karak Wraith as the obvious factor)?


In the end, he will be on our hit list either way for all the stuff he did. The only difference would be that we would be killing a human Alad V. instead of an Infested one, which makes next to no difference because we want him dead period!


Look at all the mess he has created allready. Why should we help this guy? What good could come out of it if we don't kill him right away, which we might actualy just do to his Infested version allready?


Also there is the gameplay issue with this choice.

We are allready killing him in the past (Jupiter) and the present (Eris). If he would be cured, would we suddently get him as a third alternate future assassination?


Pretty sure infested Alad V. took some effort to create. That can't go to waste. So he can't be cured. Unless a third version of him is meant to show up one day.

Speaking from a pure lore standpoint, if we support Alad and he DOES find a way to cure himself of the infestation, this could set up another event in which we steal it from him, giving us a viable way to fith the Infestation effectively and efficiently with minimal risk, as opposed to putting entire battalions of people on one hip to cure it with weapons. We could instead just send in a small team to gas the place almost effortlessly.

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Reward FAQ:

'What happens if the person I support loses, what reward do I get?'

-You will win the victor's weapon if the person you support loses. The losing party's weapon will be vaulted for future use.

'Are there leaderboards or trophies?'

-There are not.

'What other rewards are there?'

-Stay tuned for lots of battle pay!


No offense DE but how exactly is this fair on the players who support the side that looses, I mean It would be a more reasonable idea to simply give the players who support Alad the Karrak and those who support Nef the Dera at the end of the operation, in the end both get what they want and one side wont come away from this Op feeling like they've had a weapon they didn't even want shoved down their throats after all the effort they put into trying to get the other.


I'm sorry but I feel like this has to be said.

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You have the opportunity to strike at the heart of Tyl Regor’s secret cloning labs but this opportunity comes with a difficult choice.


Alad V thinks these labs contain a cure for the Infestation that riddles his body and he wants us to find it. Nef Anyo hates Alad and will do anything to keep him from becoming strong again, including destroying the cure he seeks. Both are offering to lead us to the labs.


You must decide which is the lesser of two evils.


- The Lotus




  • Visit the Grineer Ocean on Uranus.
  • You must decide if you wish to help Alad V or Nef Anyo. Helping Alad V means stealing the cure for his Infestation, while helping Nef Anyo means destroying the cure.
  • Locate the Pump Room. You will need to flood this facility.
  • Break open the pipes to allow pumped water to flood the room then start the pumping process at the nearby console.
  • Once you have activated the console, wait for the pumping process to complete. Be alert, Tenno! Enemies may attack. Keep them from interrupting the process.
  • When the pumping process is finished, use the elevator to access the caves below. Enemies may be waiting, so use caution.


Your next steps will be determined by the side you have chosen:


Destroy (help Nef Anyo)

- Locate the Genetic Experiment. Attack and defeat it.

- Proceed to Extraction.

Steal (help Alad V)

- Locate two Console areas in the DNA Room. Find nearby Toxin cells and apply them to each Console to extract important information and sabotage the cloning process.

- Proceed to Extraction.




- You may choose to assist either Nef Anyo by Destroying Grineer Research Components or Alad V by Stealing Grineer Research Components.

- This Operation is on now until Wednesday, May 20 at 12 p.m. EDT.




Event Badge – Support Nef Anyo or Alad V in at least 1 regional battle.


Event Weapon –Fully support Nef Anyo or Alad V in at least 4 regional battles

o   DERA VANDAL: A customized version of the Dera, featuring a metallic finish and Lotus decal. (If Nef Anyo is victorious at the end of the Event.)

o   KARAK WRAITH: A different take on the Grineer assault rifle, the Karak Wraith features unique styling. (If Alad V is victorious at the end of the Event.)


Reward FAQ:

'What happens if the person I support loses, what reward do I get?'

-You will win the victor's weapon if the person you support loses. The losing party's weapon will be vaulted for future use.

'Are there leaderboards or trophies?'

-There are not.

'What other rewards are there?'

-Stay tuned for lots of battle pay!

i have done three and it gave me nothing

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i have done three and it gave me nothing


Once the battle concludes (presumably with Alad V's victory) all players who have completed 3 battles will receive a single point, and the battle pay of 50k credits, along with the event badge.


At some point in the coming days, more battles will sprout up, offering more battle pay. Completing 4 of these battle nodes (each consisting of three runs) will net you the event weapon.


In other words, just wait, and you'll get the reward.

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i have done three and it gave me nothing

The conflict must resolve before you get score.


Why the hell do so many people want a boring duct-tape rifle? At least dera has some style, karak no matter the bling is still just meh...

Because we think Salad V was sexy before the infestation, and want him to be sexy again.

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I'm supporting Nef, and I'd like to take a moment to explain why... and No, It's not because I agree with anything he says. Nor do I want a Dura Vandal.


Here is what we know about these two men:


Nef Anyo:

Went from being a Crewmen to a Nut Job.

Put a Tax on stupidity and became something of a new fish in the sea of corpus politics.

Got his account hacked about a billion times, lost a LOT of money.

Keeps talking about the Void like he has any idea whats going on.


Alad V:

Hacked apart Tenno to make Zanuka, tried and convinced some Tenno to even assist him in this.

Got his ! Kicked.

Got sent to outlying regions around Outer Terminus for his actions were he got infested.

Came back, spouting the same kind of nonsense that Nef is right now about Peace and Unity. (Corpus always gotta be selling something.)

Assisted the Infested in development of new Infested, which now plague the system.

Created Hive Ships and had them crash into civilian settlements all across the system.

Found and Controlled Mesa, in an attempt to kill us.

Did not stop talking about how He and the Infested where going to make a "New and Better" world.


Granted, we have had more time to spend dealing with Alad V's BullS#&$, but his crimes as far as I can tell far outweigh any kind of reward here.


A cure for the Infestation? Really? Alad V has been spouting nonsense for the longest time now, and just because she asks for Mercy, doesn’t mean he isn't trying to con us. More to the point, how do we even know Alad V Isn't just a Mouth Piece for the Infestation and they are just trying to play on our emotions? If there was a Cure for the infestation, I think the Orokin, who were still far more advanced than even Dr. Regor, would have found it.


Remember Tenno, the Infestation's biggest weapon is its ability to adapt. To the environment, to combat, to enemies, to Us.


Don't Trust Anyone.


PS: As far as the Grineer are concerned in all this, Tyl is going to be upset that we stole a few Data Banks worth of info, but honestly, Tyl is not a fool, and far from it, there are Back Ups, and If Hek proved anything, it’s that the Grineer are a threat in the system for a reason. Wrecking the Labs will be the only real way to slow and maybe even cripple Tyl's advances.


That is... until we can get to him directly.

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The right thing to do during Gradivus Dilemma was saving the colonist! But lo, and behold Tenno chose the path of enslavement, and death for the colonist by supporting Grineer.


Now we have the option to cure Alad V, or help a Con Artist...


The Right thing to do is to help. Whether he uses it to cure himself which is the right path to redemption, or to make his infested stronger which will help us in the long run to defeat the Grineer.


Help Alad V. For it is a far more righteous path. Helping him in the Gradivus Dilemma meant saving lives... Helping him now will no doubt result in something desirable.

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Jus start by saying love the new area and also bring back the bursa as an alternative invasion option or something it was a gud challenge and i could c it as a gud alternate boss or something along those line. love the work the teams doing

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dera all the way

may only have like 85% of the damage per shot but a much higher fire rate and larger mag size as well as more than 5 times the accuracy and a more favorable damage spread

whatever, we'll get both eventually but i want the cardboard laser rifle before the rubber band rifle

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If we do runs in both opposing sides of one invasion, that will obviously corrode the final battle pay, just like most invasions.

But what append when we switch sides during different invasions?


If I run twice for one side during two invasions, and then run twice for the opposite side during the next invasions?


1st and 2nd invasions on the side of alad, and 3rd and 4th invasions for the side of anyo.


- Will those event points nullify each other and I get zero points.

- Will I have 4 points, but I will be attributed as neutral and will not get a event weapon.

- Will I have 4 points, and win a weapon either way.



Cause lets face it, once a catalyst or reactor shows up for the opposing side, most of us will want that invasion reward.



Some sources, inform that choosing a side is only lore wise, and obviously to help the global event end score.

Still, will wait for official sources to confirm.

Edited by 7grims
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Yet another Gradivus!


I'm sorry but I just cannot get behind this. At the end of the day I won't be getting the weapon that I LITERALLY PLAYED THE WHOLE EVENT FOR.


I definitely don't play for the rewards but eventually no one would be playing these events if there were no rewards (let's be honest). If there could be some light shed on the logic behind this design it would be helpful.


And that's putting it politely; I can imagine the rage coming and then you (DE) saying that players need to calm down. I'm sorry but I've tried logic and I've tried ranting... this draws a line for me.

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