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Im Kinda &!$$ed


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whats up with this sudden change in rewards with nef getting much better ones ..... its like DE wants nef to win and swaying everyone with better rewards. It's their game and they can do whatever they want, but why give a false sense of choice? If rewards were different from the start it wouldn't be as bad.But seeing how they suddenly changed in favor on nef is leaving a bad taste.  I know many people will disagree and that's fine, just sad seeing how easily community can be swayed with better rewards. what happened to the sense of honor? guess it died with dark sector 0%   XD

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I'm still rocking Alad V (even if it is a losing battle) because I believe him stabbing you in the back right after he cures himself will turn out a better story over Nefs "Hey you blew some S#&$ up."

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They're trying to keep it a balanced, close match between the two. However if they just fudge percentages/numbers, people will get rather upset.


Therefore, their only real option is to try and add more incentive to the losing side (which makes sense. If you were suddenly losing the bid for support that you really need, you'd start offering more for that support)

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I said this in another post but i guess I'll put it here too.


Makes perfect sense to me. The losing side sees that people really want the shiny new toy to play with that the other side is offering, so they offer enticing rewards throughout the 'battle' to bring people to their side. Business is business. This is the perfect example of choice. Do you take the large amount of tough to obtain and very valuable consumables for the short run? Or do you buckle down, take your licking and sacrifice those riches for a limited time gun the can most likely only ever be obtained this one time? Its all about what you're willing to sacrifice and what you're sacrificing for.


That being said, one can easily make the argument that DE knows very well that the majority is just gonna pick the "immediate satisfaction" stuff most if not all of the time, regardless of any lore or final reward consequences, and that they are influencing the results via the cycles of battle pay favoring Anyo.


In the end, the majority will ultimately decide what we get, and there really isn't that much that can be done about it. All we can do is hope that enough people will fight the urge to quickly rake in the cores and large amounts of easy creds so that we can get the weapon that we really want. (I'm for the Karak myself)

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I said this in another post but i guess I'll put it here too.


Makes perfect sense to me. The losing side sees that people really want the shiny new toy to play with that the other side is offering, so they offer enticing rewards throughout the 'battle' to bring people to their side. Business is business. This is the perfect example of choice. Do you take the large amount of tough to obtain and very valuable consumables for the short run? Or do you buckle down, take your licking and sacrifice those riches for a limited time gun the can most likely only ever be obtained this one time? Its all about what you're willing to sacrifice and what you're sacrificing for.


That being said, one can easily make the argument that DE knows very well that the majority is just gonna pick the "immediate satisfaction" stuff most if not all of the time, regardless of any lore or final reward consequences, and that they are influencing the results via the cycles of battle pay favoring Anyo.


In the end, the majority will ultimately decide what we get, and there really isn't that much that can be done about it. All we can do is hope that enough people will fight the urge to quickly rake in the cores and large amounts of easy creds so that we can get the weapon that we really want. (I'm for the Karak myself)


I would gladly give away my right the the weapon as long as my fighting for alad actually mattered. The way this reward systems is set up is that you get NOTHING if your side looses. so everyone at first sight of one side winning automatically jumps to that side. Poor design in my opinion but what do i know. If loosing side would get at something like 50% of the original reward offer fighting for your side would not be a complete waste of time and more people would actually fight for what they believe in and not for the quick loot.


I honestly am willing to sacrifice all the rewards if what I fight for actually made a difference, sadly it does not. kinda wish DE would let people choose based on what story they want to and not what loot is available.

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It should be noted that during Gradivus, the rewards for each side of the conflicts and the order that they would show up was chosen and set before the event ever actually began. Until confirmed otherwise, it's fairly likely DE took the same course of action with this event and planned the awards and set the queue prior. Do with that information what you will.

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0-0 same

0-1 same

0-2 50k to 20 uncommon cores

0-3 75k to 20 uncommon cores

0-4 150k to 20 uncommon cores

0-5 75k to 50k

0-6 25 rare cores to 20 uncommon

1-6 25 rare cores to 50k

guess what happens when they become even again. back to same rewards. Why would the winning side give more than they needed to being so far ahead.

Edited by Firetempest
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To everyone complaining about Nef offering more.

Do you really want to it to end 200 to 0, Jellyfish? That would be boring and there's no point in playing if it's that one-siding.

Besides, Nef is a rich guy with a cool beard. Alad is a poor genocidal A****** with cancer of the AIDS.

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I would trust a crazy guy who wants to save the cure for the infestation over a greedy bastard who will stab me in the back over credits and wants to destroy the cure... i don't know about you but I trust the enemy I know. Alad gave us 2 frames. nef stole peoples money.

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