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Update 7.11.0: Vauban!


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Personally, I think there are a couple major mistakes in this patch.


1: Rhino Nerf. There are other Frames with full invulnerability skills, but I don't see a nerf on any of those. Instead, the one skill that allowed Rhino to really do his job as a tank type frame, was nerfed pretty hard. This drops Rhino WAY down on my list of frames I would want to go back to playing.


2: Changing so many weapons to patterns. Think this was a major mistake. Maybe it's just me, since I'm a bit of a completionist, but the thought of having to collect that much more Alloy Plate makes me physically ill. 450 more Plate for Snipertron, and plate being now the single hardest commodity to gather enough of, since rubedo drops were buffed? It's changes like this that make me question whether I will have the patience to continue playing this. This just made the game even more grindy, which the developers stated that they didn't want to happen. The price increases weren't so bad, but the additional resources needed now, especially with U8 and dojos coming soon? That was kind of a $&*^ move in my opinion.

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i heared what people said and most of them said they could not tell the difference between Energy Vampire from Link on Trinty's skills.
so could you make EV or Link different colors? or maybe make Link an aura below the enemy.
just a way to tell them apart.

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Personally, I think there are a couple major mistakes in this patch.


1: Rhino Nerf. There are other Frames with full invulnerability skills, but I don't see a nerf on any of those. Instead, the one skill that allowed Rhino to really do his job as a tank type frame, was nerfed pretty hard. This drops Rhino WAY down on my list of frames I would want to go back to playing.


2: Changing so many weapons to patterns. Think this was a major mistake. Maybe it's just me, since I'm a bit of a completionist, but the thought of having to collect that much more Alloy Plate makes me physically ill. 450 more Plate for Snipertron, and plate being now the single hardest commodity to gather enough of, since rubedo drops were buffed? It's changes like this that make me question whether I will have the patience to continue playing this. This just made the game even more grindy, which the developers stated that they didn't want to happen. The price increases weren't so bad, but the additional resources needed now, especially with U8 and dojos coming soon? That was kind of a $&*^ move in my opinion.

you call yourself a completionist yet you dont have the patience? also this is a f2p online game that will have updates adding more content.

your also not grand master so you dont have lato and skana prime.

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you call yourself a completionist yet you dont have the patience? also this is a f2p online game that will have updates adding more content.

your also not grand master so you dont have lato and skana prime.

errr so?


edit: Also any response to my previous point? (the one showing the price of a new loadout of relatively low tier weapons)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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As happy as I am to see this wonderful update released, I can't help but feel some anger as well. The same anger I feel with every new update. How I can't start work for it right away and how I can't help but worry about ? alerts that I might miss in my sleep. The envy when someone else could afford the latest gear with real currency and helps the team more than I can. As much as I can say I'm happy for some new, original content to spice the game up, it still feels so bittersweet...

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I don't think the developers realize how thin a line they are walking with changes such as these,

  having a happy/satisfied playerbase is a big deal if you want your game to be around for longer than a year.


Some points,


 - Making early game weapons hard to obtain doesn't exactly get new players hooked on the game.

 - I'd recommend having more weapons with a rank requirement that one can circumvent by buying with platinum.


 - Create Warframes and weapons at low prices, like league of legends or even tf2 do it,

    many players making small purchases likely beat out a few large purchases. (especially longterm)


 - Instead of nerfing the players, try making the enemies/environments harder.

 - Let some overpowered moves stay in the game, just balance them in different manners such as high energy costs

 - Don't balance the game for pvp. Doing so pretty much ruins the "fun" abilities for the pve aspect.

    (fun fact, introducing arenas is ghostcrawlers biggest regret in warcraft)


 - It's important to make players feel good about themselves, like they're making a difference.

    Warframes should be able to steal the spotlight from time to time, just not constantly.

    Every player should feel like they did something worthwhile at the end of a mission.

   (Whether that's reviving someone in the middle of a poison cloud with rhino, protecting the defense object with frost, killing an entire room with mag)


I thought warframe was a very fair freemium game before this change was implemented,

 yet now instead of appealing and teasing players with attractive items to buy,  it just seems like you're trying to force players into buying platinum.


I'm rather happy supporting a developer I like, and am more likely to buy from them, (I absolutely refuse to buy ea games for example)

 but I must say that this update has definitely made me lose some goodwill feeling towards DE.


This post. All my +1. 


Years from now, these words will be etched into a brass plate in the museum of quality forum posts. 

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Pay to win means you pay real cash for things you can't get otherwise in game. What you're suggesting is more like, "pay for convenience."


Note: I'm not sure I'm pleased with blueprint-only items.  I do think it make the barrier of entry for new players higher, though, and that's not good.

At a certain point a game is essentially p2win if the grind is too much.  Not really the case with warframe atm though imo.

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errr so?


edit: Also any response to my previous point? (the one showing the price of a new loadout of relatively low tier weapons)

The Afuris requires 4 neurodes, 600 alloy plates, 800 salvage, 1500 ferrite, 1 orokin cell, 70,000 credits, and 36hrs to build. That's pretty expensive in my view.

dint see ur previous post not on the froums 24/7 and as for time well thats nearly same as 3 weapons, two furis then the duel version since you could be using one while one builds your point of taking so long for that one weapon is not that good of a example.

as for my thing about rare materials and bosses i just killed about 5 and all droped rare materials 1 orikin cell 4 morphics, and 2 cronus blueprint (excluding first one i got) sicne i built that and was using it.

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In only a few days, this thread has reached 64 pages. That's as many as the Glaive and Extermination Event threads that took almost two weeks a piece to get to, I think that's a sign of how damn angry so many of the players are with these changes. That's not even counting all the threads on the warframe/weapons feedback subforums.

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The Afuris requires 4 neurodes, 600 alloy plates, 800 salvage, 1500 ferrite, 1 orokin cell, 70,000 credits, and 36hrs to build. That's pretty expensive in my view.

dint see ur previous post not on the froums 24/7 and as for time well thats nearly same as 3 weapons, two furis then the duel version since you could be using one while one builds your point of taking so long for that one weapon is not that good of a example.

as for my thing about rare materials and bosses i just killed about 5 and all droped rare materials 1 orikin cell 4 morphics, and 2 cronus blueprint (excluding first one i got) sicne i built that and was using it.

that was my second example of how dumb and expensive it is, my first was: Burston, 1 furis, and the bo staff. And even so with being able to use a furis while the other builds, that's still 24 hours you have to wait, and you lose both pistols when you craft the afuris.

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that was my second example of how dumb and expensive it is, my first was: Burston, 1 furis, and the bo staff. And even so with being able to use a furis while the other builds, that's still 24 hours you have to wait, and you lose both pistols when you craft the afuris.

it is only logical that you lose both of them after u used them to craft the afuris. it is a bit dumb that it takes 12 hours to combine them both into afuris. maybe you should ask them for a npc trading system, where you cna trade both furis to the npc for a Afruis or reduce price and time. i mean all duel weapons are just single weapons in each hand. dont expect reply soon kvothe since is very late where i live.

Edited by wayneo
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it is only logical that you lose both of them after u used them to craft the afuris. it is a bit dumb that it takes 12 hours to combine them both into afuris. maybe you should ask them for a npc trading system, where you cna trade both furis to the npc for a Afruis or reduce price and time. i mean all duel weapons are just single weapons in each hand. dont expect reply soon kvothe since is very late where i live.

Ignore the afuris. Forget it, it doesn't exist in this debate anymore, it was an after thought by me more or less. it was an example of how expensive it was. My main point was the full loadout cost of a braton, a single furis and the bo staff, which is SUPER expensive, ridiculously expensive, and not even effective weapons imo

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Really enjoying Vauban, good fun lobbing grenades all over the place and trolling with bounce pads :P

His Ult seems to be a tad OP for Infested Defense maps because you can throw it out like candy (almost maxed streamline/flow helps) and collect more energy whilst everything is in the vortex; Everyone in your squad seems to love you till you hit wave 30 and it starts getting harder but for the early stuff its basically a no brainer.

I have no issues with the changes, I wont comment on the costing because i've already purchased/made everything in the shops but I can see why people would be annoyed.

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Really enjoying Vauban, good fun lobbing grenades all over the place and trolling with bounce pads :P

His Ult seems to be a tad OP for Infested Defense maps because you can throw it out like candy (almost maxed streamline/flow helps) and collect more energy whilst everything is in the vortex; Everyone in your squad seems to love you till you hit wave 30 and it starts getting harder but for the early stuff its basically a no brainer.

I have no issues with the changes, I wont comment on the costing because i've already purchased/made everything in the shops but I can see why people would be annoyed.

People like you are why I'm suddenly all for 1) Vote-kicking being an option to remove Vauban's from a game session or 2) Making all of Vauban's skills only affect enemies.
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The only real thing there forcing you to buy right now with platinum is wapon slots and warframe slots if you want more then what you start out with.

For the rest you can get every thing true game play. SO this is realy not a pay to win game.

The Orokin Catalyst and Orokin Reactor can be free as a blue print from daylie login or alerts its just realy rare.


This game is also a Beta.

Beta means not ready the DE still making and gone make alot more stuff.

I am normaly one that make note if some game dev... messes up but right now there is nothing to complane about about the prices of wapons its all free exept for the slots.

You just need to grind a bit like in every game that you don't unlock wapons o wait unlocking = grinding just like you do in fps like battle field / call of duty exept you kill to unlock/grinde.


The MK1-Braton Lato and Skana can be good for a long time if you mod it right but by the time you get out of venus you got enough materials for the next wapons.

All depending how mutch you upgrade these 3 wapons before the end of venus and how many alerts you have don before you hit the end you can have enough credits for a second pistol and rifle.

And if you don't have enoough by that time do Saturn.

Don't forget you can take the mod's off the old stuff that also saves you credits.


They increast the credits in alerts where some will give you up to almost 20k and only take you 5 min some times.

And others you get 4k ( thats about the minimum i think it is the minimum btw )



THE ONLY THING I DONT GET ABOUT ALERTS RIGHT NOW is why most 2k alerts take mutch longer then the ones 5-9k ones to get true.( talking about the erea's' you go true and what you need to do. )

Dit one today about 10 difrent erea peaces 2k alerts needed to run true it 3x.

Get to reactor then get the data type deal then extraction. ( thats 30 peaces you run true +- ) and a 9k only 5 erea peaces big get data to and then extract. Ok its +- i am talking about but the 2k took me basicly 3x longer then the 9k.

It should be the longer it takes ( the more stuff you run true and need to do basicly ) the bigger the reward not the other way around.

And no it did not have a artifact or blue print nothising that thous are most of the time shorter anyways.

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Want to make Trinity more of a healer than a tank, and Rhino more of a tank, than whatever it is right now? Here you go:

Link: Trinity links to a comrade that is bleeding out, allowing her to revive her teammate over a distance, at a reduced amount of health.

Upgrade - Target range: 10/10/20/30 meters

Upgrade - Target revived with HP %: 50/50/70/90 %

Iron Skin: Rhinos armor produces a layer of iron. Damage is reduced, armor is temporarily applied to shields, and Rhino cannot be knocked down or drained.

Upgrade - Damage reduced by %: 40/40/60/80 %

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Want to make Trinity more of a healer than a tank, and Rhino more of a tank, than whatever it is right now? Here you go:

Link: Trinity links to a comrade that is bleeding out, allowing her to revive her teammate over a distance, at a reduced amount of health.

Upgrade - Target range: 10/10/20/30 meters

Upgrade - Target revived with HP %: 50/50/70/90 %

Iron Skin: Rhinos armor produces a layer of iron. Damage is reduced, armor is temporarily applied to shields, and Rhino cannot be knocked down or drained.

Upgrade - Damage reduced by %: 40/40/60/80 %

I got a better idea for Rhino, it's a simple one that will blow a few minds: Undo the nerf to Iron Skin.

edit: the change to link will turn it into an extremely situational power. Usually people like it when they're healed before going down or protected in some manner. You're turning Link from a rather OP power into one that will almost never, ever, get used when in a competent team and would end up being unslotted whenever you decide to hit the SOLO button.

Edited by NalkorRN
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People like you are why I'm suddenly all for 1) Vote-kicking being an option to remove Vauban's from a game session or 2) Making all of Vauban's skills only affect enemies.

You assume I troll without a reason, I don't do it unless its done to me (loki's swap or mag's pull) it doesn't make it any less fun or satisfying getting payback :)

You sir need to get your facts straight before making accusations, pointing the finger and having a cry.

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