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The Daikyu Is Mediocre, It Needs To Be Buffed?! ( Additional Buffing Feedback )


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Against my better judgment I've decided to make this post. There are others but I will try my best delve a little deeper into the Daikyu. And why it, well...is.

Now I won't be comparing its capabilities as a crit weapon, because that's not what it is. The Daikyu has the highest base damage and status chance of any of the bows, pinpoint accuracy, and an interesting mechanic where its damage increases with each successful shot. The only real drawbacks the Daikyu has are its long charge time and the fact that you have to fully charge the bow to fire it. But will its drawbacks lead to it's downfall.

In the P. Prime and Dread's case, with their crit chance they can reliably hit yellow numbers and effectively reach over 100%, and score red crits. What does the Daikyu have going for it. It's high base damage? I'm sorry to say, but the Dread and the P. Prime can get higher numbers. It's status chance? Again, I'm sorry, but the only time physical status matters is when its slash and even more so if it procs 100% of the time which the Daikyu is fully capable of, but sadly it's slash damage isn't it's base damage type, and with how status works now, only elemental status weapons will have better viability.

Somebody surprisingly compared it to the Opticor. Except the Opticor's damage gets higher the longer you charge it. And it has a radial blast, albeit how slight it is, its still there.

A side from its long charge time, the Daikyu is going to have problems becoming a viable option as opposed to the other bows.

If it can get its damage higher by the end of the charge like with most other bows, like not letting its shown damage be its actual damage possibly heightening its charge speed, getting its innate a higher margin in increased damage, something to make it a better weapon. I really like the Daikyu, but as it is right now, its just another mediocre weapon.

EDIT: With some of the feedback from this thread, we've come to narrow down some of the underlying issues the Daikyu has, and with that came up with a few of the best ways to make it the bow it was meant to be: p.s feel free to post any more "buffs", for it will be greatly appreciated

- increase it's base damage by double the amount or atleast 50%. This will give it the stopping power it needs, w/o it going over in the crit territory the other bows offer, giving you the option between raw power or crit multiplier. It should help it to compensate for the low draw/firing speed.

- increase its RoF. So it can work in conjunction with its high status chance. I'm still not quite sure if it should match the other bows or still have a smaller percentage, but its drawing speed is most definitely an issue, and an increase in it would be more than welcome.

-give it a 3x crit multiplier. This is actually a step in the opposite direction. Paired with its low crit chance and draw speed, you will occasionally get a large spike in numbers, instead of the constant crits the other bows offer, while still getting the full potential of each draw.

-like Chroma, give it the ability to change its base damage type by color palette. 350 base damage of ANY elemental damage type, will make it excel exceedingly well (You know you thought the same thing when you saw Chroma maining it, in the trailer and poster ).

- higher punch through. Pretty self explanatory.

Possible Rework

I'd like to thank matrixEXO for this unique take on reworking the Daikyu to fit a more skilled but rewarding role

Convert the critical chance and damage into a unique "timed release" function. After fully drawing the bow, an invisible timer would count down, if the arrow is fired ( held then released ) during this timer, the shot would gain X% increased damage based off the critical damage value. The window of opportunity is small, but can be increased by raising the crit chance.

The timer is calculated at 0.1s + ( 0.01 x crit chance ) for a base value of .25s. This can be increased further for a better window of opportunity. The damage increase is ( critical damage - 100% ), so you would be doing 2x the regular damage if the timing is right. The penalty would be if you release the bow too soon or too late, you won't get the 100% damage increase. Those who master the Daikyu won't have to opt for chance mods but more so in damage, henceforth the skill aspect.

Edited by (PS4)xX-GunHound-Xx
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it its meant to be a status weapon, so use it that way if you want most out of it



Not all weapons need to be high tier weapons! Daikyu is fine! 

This, through status can be quite efficient in high level

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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Not all weapons need to be high tier weapons! Daikyu is fine!

And just because some uses a Ps4 account doesn't mean they don't have a PC account! ;)

Thank you. And I'm not saying it's a bad weapon, it's that that people saying how a status build works, clearly haven't realized, affecting a SINGLE target with a status affliction isn't effective. Edited by (PS4)xX-GunHound-Xx
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it its meant to be a status weapon, so use it that way if you want most out of it

my thought exactly

This, through status can be quite efficient in high level

So please tell me if afflicting a, and I'll say it again, SINGLE target anywhere near efficient... also please read the whole post, I said that it does have good status, but as status as it is right now, slash will be a better option thanks to corrosive p. Edited by (PS4)xX-GunHound-Xx
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I think Daikyu is fine, more over it despite it being a bow w/ bow mechanics - damage wise it's far more comparable to the opticor.

The bow itself, playstyle wise revolves around acting as a supportive VIP takedown bow - and yes, not weapons should be high/end game weapons.

Personally, I'm in love with it - I don't see any drawbacks to not being able to prematurely let off a shot because shooting a bow before you fully charge it is such a waste anyway. I mean w/ dread and paris p you'd really let it off before being able to hit 100%+ crit? Nah, not even an option for me.

It acts how it is supposed to act, the status is a nice bonus for making sure the target will fall over once hit another time round IF it survives.
You are supposed to be at long distance, thus it isn't meant for close quarters.
I'm more than sure once DE starts their rounds and takes a look at sniper and bow viability they'll address some issues or game modes that will make them shine in lovely ways - but until then ~

It really isn't bad to have something that's mechanically different is it? 
I mean people can hate on slow weapons all they want, but compared to the speedy tipedo - you'll get to really appreciate the animation work that's gone into combo's (or am I alone on this one?) 
I dunno. It's still a game of many different aspects - stat wise and design wise, but for me this leans more towards the latter.
This is my take on it. Cheers!

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Thank you. And I'm not saying it's a bad weapon, it's that that people saying how a status build works, clearly haven't realized, affecting a SINGLE target with a status affliction isn't effective.


The enemies we are supposed to be facing as a BASE, should be in the 30-40 with spikes on 50's. The bow does fine.


Also, Blast, Gas and Electricity are NOT "single target affliction", it's an AoE. If too many physical procs instead of elemental procs are happening, that THAT is something that needs fixing, not the bow.


Pointless to harp on about "it's bad on T4 and level 60's and above" when you are not meant to go there in missions. And people, please spare me the usual "but what about Raids" since I've had teams come out with less then 20 kills each because of how they play those.

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Does it do decent damage though? An argument that seems to get thrown at the Daikyu a lot is that it can't compare to the huge crits that the Paris P. and the Dread can pull off, although if it still does enough damage to kill high-level enemies then it should still be a viable weapon. I really like the weapon's design and I'd be happy to add another bow to my arsenal even though I've already got Paris P. and Dread, but I don't want it to end up like Cernos and get massively overshadowed at higher levels and outside of specific situations.


Perhaps what I'm trying to ask is not 'does it do good damage', but rather, 'does it do ENOUGH damage to be consistently viable?' 

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Does it do decent damage though? An argument that seems to get thrown at the Daikyu a lot is that it can't compare to the huge crits that the Paris P. and the Dread can pull off, although if it still does enough damage to kill high-level enemies then it should still be a viable weapon. I really like the weapon's design and I'd be happy to add another bow to my arsenal even though I've already got Paris P. and Dread, but I don't want it to end up like Cernos and get massively overshadowed at higher levels and outside of specific situations.


Perhaps what I'm trying to ask is not 'does it do good damage', but rather, 'does it do ENOUGH damage to be consistently viable?'

Sadly no. That's the whole reason why I made this post in the first place. I in no way, shape,or form was trying to bash it, but people believe what they want to. The weapon is subpar. If the damage can actually increase for the charge time, then yeah, it might have a fighting chance. But right now, it really isn't all that better, or dare I say, comparable to ANY of the bows. It stands out, just for not enough reasons.

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The enemies we are supposed to be facing as a BASE, should be in the 30-40 with spikes on 50's. The bow does fine.

Also, Blast, Gas and Electricity are NOT "single target affliction", it's an AoE. If too many physical procs instead of elemental procs are happening, that THAT is something that needs fixing, not the bow.

Pointless to harp on about "it's bad on T4 and level 60's and above" when you are not meant to go there in missions. And people, please spare me the usual "but what about Raids" since I've had teams come out with less then 20 kills each because of how they play those.

I've made countless posts about balance issues in the past. How the enemy's scale to unbelievable heights, and weapons aren't viable unless they pass the 60 min mark. But that is not the issue. It is, but not the right topic at hand to be talking about it.

So you "only" plan on going through infested tilesets with this weapon. I would like to go through other factions using the Daikyu, not limit myself to one, it gets boring fast, and as slow as the bow is, you really shouldn't be taking it to the infested anyway, they over crowd you too fast to use a single shot weapon, yet alone a slow one in the first place.

I didn't say anything about T4 missions, I was just mentioning this weapon's viability overall. It's slow, long charge time, and its damage could be better. Nowhere near along the marginalization of what the endgame is, but the other bows surpass it in everyway, besides the aforementioned status chance.

And about multiple status affliction, only one needs to proc. And that's the element for whatever faction you're using it for, which is completely overshadowed by the other bows, because they instantly kill something, as opposed to trying to inflict, say, a cold proc on an individual enemy.

Edited by (PS4)xX-GunHound-Xx
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I didn't say anything about T4 missions, I was just mentioning this weapon's viability overall. It's slow, long charge time, and its damage could be better. Nowhere near along the marginalization of what the endgame is, but the other bows surpass it in everyway, besides the aforementioned status chance.

And about multiple status affliction, only one needs to proc. And that's the element for whatever faction you're using it for, which is completely overshadowed by the other bows, because they instantly kill something, as opposed to trying to inflict, say, a cold proc on an individual enemy.

Yeah, as I mentioned earlier it seems that the Daikyu is currently doomed to fall into the same trench as the Cernos: likeable and an OK weapon, but overall terrible at higher levels and only useful in certain situations.

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80% (Or even more...) of the weapons of this game are utter trashes, with awful mechanics, that suffer of many defaults and then aren't designed to be good.


Ask to DEVs why they don't play the game, why they release failure weapons that are just already broken.




This bow is in that category.  Mastery trash.

Edited by Redhux
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80% (Or even more...) of the weapons of this game are utter trashes, with awful mechanics, that suffer of many defaults and then aren't designed to be good.


Ask to DEVs why they don't play the game, why they release failure weapons that are just already broken.




This bow is in that category.  Mastery trash.

Have you used it yet?

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Not all weapons need to be high tier weapons! Daikyu is fine! 


 not weapons should be high/end game weapons.

True. Not ALL weapons should be high teir....

but Clan tech weapons, where we have to pay for research wait three days before we can even build it, should be high tier.


If this was in the regular market it would be fine as it is. But for clan tech this thing under-performs in it's category against weapons that often easier/cheaper to build.


The enemies we are supposed to be facing as a BASE, should be in the 30-40 with spikes on 50's. 


Pointless to harp on about "it's bad on T4 and level 60's and above" when you are not meant to go there in missions. And people, please spare me the usual "but what about Raids" since I've had teams come out with less then 20 kills each because of how they play those.

Yet DE keeps creating situation where they set us up against enemies much higher than that.

No, not endless missions where the players choose to go up into excess. I mean the various tactical alerts and trails.

DE either needs to balance us against higher level enemies or stop setting us against them. 

Sure we can play plenty of missions without killing many enemies and just bypass most of the true combat interaction of the game.

Doesn't mean that is the intent. Doesn't mean that is an example of good balance.  

So how about you spare us the usual "those don't count" arguments. 

Edited by Ronyn
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The charge time would probably be a good place to start; at least have it faster than the opticor.


I think ditching the impact damage completely (while redistributing its damage of course) would make for an interesting side-buff. I've been wanting to see more weapons that aren't IPS.

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True. Not ALL weapons should be high teir....

but Clan tech weapons, where we have to pay for research wait three days before we can even build it, should be high tier.


If this was in the regular market it would be fine as it is. But for clan tech this thing under-performs in it's category against weapons that often easier/cheaper to build.


By all means, I'd love for it to perform better damage wise - I mean who doesn't like high numbers? It works well enough when invested into - and I personally feel by most standards it towers over a bunch of others,

but I mean by that logic, your cause for concern on this weapon should take a backseat to Djinn, Mutalist Quanta, Ignis, Buzlok, Dual Cestra, Supra, Dera, Spectra, Flux Rifle, Nami Skyla, Venka to name a few (if not half of what's available for clan research) 

And while Forma is quite an investment, look at those uncontrollable beasts that is the Dual Cestra - horrid accuracy, horrid ammo economy - requires two fully build Cestra's and when it comes to damage, ... just a damn shame.

There's a tier list and never has it been about how worth is the investment in building the weapon - more so how worth is it to invest into the forma. And it is by this that leaves things very open subjectively - are you going for end game numbers? Are you going for aesthetics, or feel of the bow? Do you care how it performs against hoards or are you looking to play it in a certain style [i.e. supportive roles while prioritizing the takedown of  V.I.P. targets] 

Of course the thing that renders the statement above null is if you're hard pressed on resources in which of course, go for whatever's most efficient in terms of resource consumption and payoff - there's tons of weapons that will tear this thing a new one in terms of dps, and hell even paris P/dread will never compare to the buttrip that is Boltor/Soma p, amprex, penta or the new tonkor as these are MEANT to take down incoming enemies by the hoards.

But this weapon definitely does its' job in how it has been designed in appearance, and functionality - it is very true to its' nature and it kills things pretty well to boot!

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