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Based On My Last 1000 Missions, 95% Of The Weapons In This Game Should Just Be Removed


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I can't believe this topic went on for 8 pages feeding a troll.  It's so very obvious this guy is a troll...  Balance content around the most-used weapons and get rid of all the less-used or non-used weapons?  That's troll talk.

i really really hate to keep this thread alive but i agree this is definitely satire 

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I get what you're saying but I think taking all the gimmicky or less efficient than Boltor p/soma p/v maralok/whatever else would take away what I love about this game the most. It's not your standard shooter like destiny where everything works like you'd expect it would. Hell I use the paracyst sometimes just for a break from the usual to something weird and interesting.

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What would happen if DE removed most of the weapons from the game, the ones no one ever uses?


Considering I never, ever, ever, see anyone use anything but the same handful of sacred cows, I don't think anything dramatic would happen. If anything, it would free the developers from making, maintaining, and balancing weapons no one ever uses so they can focus on creating more levels, enemies, improve AI, etc.


It's clear this community doesn't want variety in their weapons, anything remotely interesting gets labeled "gimmicky" and compared to the aforementioned handful of weapons, so I think DE would benefit greatly from catering to those players since they're the vast majority.



I would remove the game from my computer if they delete 95% of the weapons just because you don't run into people that using them. I have plenty of weapons in my aresnal that I use that I usually dont see people with with a few random times I do. Plus it make the game boring if we just have 5% of the weapons in the game.As I be forced to use weapons that I don't even like just because more people used them.

Edited by genclaymore
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I use garbage weapons because the game is face-rollingly, mind-numbingly easy with "good" weapons.


So, in a sense, it's a direct conflict of my interest to remove the terrible weapons (unless Snipetron, Kraken, and Machete are good now). I stopped using the Vulkar as often because it's too good for my tastes.


Other than that, the OP's satire is palpable. I gave up on the whole idea that weapons should be reasonably balanced and that people should use weapons because they themselves want variety or to try new things. That is to say, the intrinsic reward of satisfaction of trying new things rather than extrinsic reward of well...stronger rewards.


It sounds like the OP might be similarly frustrated with the poor weapon balancing compounded by the fact that there's little weapon tiering restrictions to speak of. I certainly felt the same way actually, now I'm just jaded. People only want to have stronger weapons, which makes sense after all, even though I disagree with it.


I personally think the two main problems are that direct upgrades to weapons means that you'll have people in the forums and region saying "X is garbage" especially when compared to weapon Y. Since there's direct upgrades, people don't want to "waste time" on weapons that would be considered "direct downgrades." I find the community's opinion of weapons unsavory.

Edited by Otenko
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what i don't understand, is why are the faction based weapons more powerful than the ones we get to use? thats some stanky bullS#&$ right there. half of the weapons that you make, even specced out right, are useless. i don't really see why they bother giving us new weapons when they aren't effective at high levels, which is where a weapon should be extremely useful and reliable.

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Lots of weapons need buffs or clearer tiering, but removal? I wouldn't go to such an extreme with the work DE's put into most of them (looking at Ceramic Dagger in particular here). Most of them should stay, but I think they need to fill different niches - clearly defining them as semi-auto rifle/snipers, bolt-action sniper rifles, full-auto bolt launchers, burst-fire rifles... and all should be capable of being good with some love. Weapons like Tiberon and Akmagnus are good examples of this - they might seem weak, but to a niche part of the playerbase they're awesome because they like how the weapons function and are willing to put in the effort that gets them to one-shotting level 30 enemies.


You might only see 5% of the in-game weapons being used, but that's because there's such a large distance in power and/or usability between a full-auto weapon like Soma and a burst-fire weapon like Burston Prime. People feel forced to use the best weapon, probably because of the way level scaling works in this game and the fact that all the good rewards are locked into high-level missions where the quicker you kill, the better it is for you. Thus players feel forced to use the best weapons, regardless of whether or not they'd prefer to use another, so that they can reap the best rewards.

What I'm suggesting is that weapons with different mechanics, trigger types or specialties are buffed up to par with some of the most common weapons, so people will fragment from a mass group using the best weapon into niche groups using what they prefer. Imagine a pistol with power like a Marelok in burst-fire, or a sniper rifle that can hit entire crowds harder than a Boltor Prime but fires half as quickly. People would use these weapons, which means diversity.


TL;DR, buff unique weapons so that people stop using whatever's the new meta and splinter off into using what they like, because almost everything becomes viable as a result of the buffing.

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Based on the last 1000 forums posts I've read, people make insane requests purely based on their own personal logic, without a care in the world about all the problems such ideas would introduce into the game.


Maybe we should just ban users from the Forums instead.

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The "meta" is generally full of crap.


Different frames, different weapons = different playstyles.


Would you say that a Trinity Channeling build is bad? What about Mirage's unique attributes to multiply the number of projectiles by 5? Or an invisible Loki being able to take time with a charge primary? Or a Vauban with an Embolist to clear his net? Or a Volt using the Ignis (infinite range flames)?


The "meta" lacks creativity.


And no, the weapons should not be removed generally. The old Snipertron, sure. Machete, debateable. Gorgon, they shouldn't have (screen shake is fun).

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