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Is Tubemen Of Regor Fair?


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I've been playing the new event since its start and since then, I've been noticing a pattern. Something seems way off with the numbers and I think I know why.


As we all know, Tubemen of Regor requires you, the Tenno, to pick a side between Sargent Nef-Anyo or Mutalist Alad V. The two are at odds with each other; one in it for profit, the other in it for the cure for The Infestation. You, the community decides who wins and who loses, who gets the final say in this historical battle. This all sounds amazing at first, but there's a big underlying issue that DE knew about before-hand. You see, the last event we had was The False Profit. A mission against Nef-Anyo and scandalous plan to take money from corpus crewmen who are just trying to pay their respects to the long since deceased Orokin. The event was difficult and tedious, after completing it fully we felt as if it was hardly worth all the trouble. We hated Nef-Anyo's voice by the end of it all.


Seemingly without warning a new event comes out putting the much hated Nef-Anyo against the old favorite, Alad V. The community had already bounced back from hating Alad V and had actually began to like him again, and recent events had already made us hate Nef-Anyo's guts, so what did we do when that first mission showed up? We sided with Alad V, of course, With the promise of a Karak Wraith and 20 Uncommon fusion cores on either side, why not? The rewards were fair and Alad V won by a landslide. This continued for 4 points with Alad V winning all 4.


So, the community was finally running the show and we knew what we wanted and who we wanted to win. But the problem with us, the community, is that we're greedy. DE knows this better than all of us. You see, DE saw what was going on, they saw that Nef-Anyo had no chance. How could he? We hate his very existence! So they changed the rules.


They're using our greed to Nef-Anyo's advantage. Nef-Anyo has been giving wonderful rewards for siding with him since 0-4. Things like 25 Rare 5 Fusion Cores, Orokin Catalysts and Orokin Reactors. The sides seem even now. And maybe that's not a good thing. We fell pray to our greed, all of us who actually want the bigger end reward might not get it because DE is pulling your strings like a very metallic, magical ninja puppet. All I'm saying is, you can get 25 Rare 5 Fusion Cores easy, but a Karak Wraith is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You have a chance to make an impact on the ongoing story of Warframe. Don't make the wrong decision, or you'll wish you hadn't later.


Now that I've gotten that out of my system, I'd like to make a few parallels for you, if you're wondering who to side with. In the context of the weapon at the end of all this anyways. Dera Vandal or the Karak Wraith? Well to answer that question, I'd like to point out that almost every Vandal weapon in the game is complete crap. Not all vandals are crap, mind you; just most of them are. On the absolutely awful end of the spectrum you have the  Braton Vandal, the Lato Vandal and the Prova Vandal, and on the good end of the spectrum you only have the Imperator Vandal and maybe the Quanta Vandal. If anyone out there owns a Snipetron Vandal, I don't even know about that one.


And on the Wraith side, The Latron Wraith, The Gorgon Wraith, the Strun Wraith, are all good weapons. And you know that Karak is going to be good because the normal Karak is an awesome gun. The Machete Wraith, obviously is junk and I don't even know how the Wraith Twin Vipers feel. But seriously, time and time again, Wraiths have proven better in every respect compared to Vandal weapons. Don't believe me? Do some research and see for yourself.


In any case, it doesn't matter to ME what you do in the long run, but perhaps in time will matter to you.


Thanks for hearing me out.

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The Karak Wraith can get as good as it wants, its never going to surpass the Soma Prime.  Neither weapon is going to be up there, so go with the one you think is more fun.  I prefer energy weapons to assault rifles funwise, so that's my choice.


Lorewise, the salad captures and tortures Tenno.  And may be a pawn for the infestation.  And wants powerful data on Tyl's regenerative technology.   I can't know what he really wants to do with it.   Nef, though?  I can understand pure spite pretty damn well.

Edited by Soulgazer
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1. You insult my Prova. John Prodman is displeased. You shall never learn Prod-Jutsu. 


2. Again you're solely focused on the weapons and not the long-term lore implications of saving Alad's life JUST BECAUSE HE ASKED NICELY


3. The Karak Wraith will most likely reappear at a later Tac Alert.


4. Look at all these threads.

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Yes, it's fair

The reality is, Nef, although annoying, is clearly the better choice to support without question.

A) Alad V is a monster and we need to kill him not help him
B) The Karak Wraith is garbage.

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A) Alad V is a monster and we need to kill him not help him

B) The Karak Wraith is garbage.

We get too much profit from keeping him alive.

Dera is even worse than Karak. I'm not even making this up, Dera is statistically and objectively inferior to Karak.

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We get too much profit from keeping him alive.

Dera is even worse than Karak. I'm not even making this up, Dera is statistically and objectively inferior to Karak.

Dera has higher status and greater accuracy. Everyone blows it off for travel time, but it's easily manageable. 

Also, Dera is Puncture whereas Karak is Impact. And a larger mag by 15 rounds. And a slightly lower firerate for better ammo economy. 

Karak does 5 more base damage, but that's barely anything. Any sort of 'inferiority' is incredibly minor and not worth missing out on all the rewards from Nef.

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1. No matter which weapon wins, the other one will probably be made available at some point. Look back on Gradivus, the event DE said they were pulling from..


2. I'm not even going to use either weapon, as I didn't enjoy them to begin with.


3. Gorgon Wraith is not that great.


4. Since Nef is essentially a "new" character (he was split from the Sergent on Mars), we essentially have no history with him. While Alad has a long running history of: 1. Trying to capture a cache of Tenno pods for experiments, 2. Creating a Frankenstein Monstrosity out of fellow Tenno, 3. Willingly siding with the infested and strengthening it with his mutalist strain, 4. Trying to conquer the system with his new Mutalist Empire. Our only interaction with Nef (as far as his new self goes) is us attacking him out of nowhere and hitting his bank account. He has, so far, not made any ultra-aggressive moves on us.

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We already did. Twice. Now it's Nef Anyo's turn. Since we can't kill him yet, we'll have to settle for inconveniencing him by helping Alad win

We have absolutely no reason to kill Nef Anyo. He is just a righteous pastor trying to convert fellow Tenno to the way of The Void!

Edited by Zereleth
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Yes, it's fair

The reality is, Nef, although annoying, is clearly the better choice to support without question.

A) Alad V is a monster and we need to kill him not help him

B) The Karak Wraith is garbage.



We get too much profit from keeping him alive.

Dera is even worse than Karak. I'm not even making this up, Dera is statistically and objectively inferior to Karak.


Not to mention we already know we can handle Alad, and stealing the data can be more useful to us long term as well. Ya know, with dealing with the whole "infestation" bit. Rather then focusing on the short term, I'd rather look at the big picture. Alad will get what is coming to him sooner or later, but in the meantime we can use him for the better of the galaxy. 


I literally don't understand how destroying a potential cure for the infestation is somehow "the better" choice. Alad surely deserves to die, but that's assuming he even will. Last time I checked infestations grew more powerful over time, not weaker. Outright destroying a potential cure which could help millions and our fight against the infested seems ridiculous for a *maybe he will die* scenario. But ey, opinions and all that.


Concerning topic: In short, I'd say it's as fair as it could be without making the weapon rewards extremely if not similar. Which honestly would make the entire event boring imo. Besides possible Lore implications.


Even if you were to have this contest between a left and a right bar of white it would still be unfair due to known tendencies humans have(in the same way people are being manipulated in stores and games etc). Its more about playing your audience to create a semblance of fairness then anything else. True fairness only exists in offering the exact same reasons for choosing one side over the other, without anything driving your choice for you. Call me when you can manage that, since humans have tendencies and preferences galore( which you could call bias).

Edited by Lynxh
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4. Since Nef is essentially a "new" character (he was split from the Sergent on Mars), we essentially have no history with him.


And yet he managed to screw up his blank slate the instant he became part of the lore. The Bursas? False Profit? Yeah, worst event Warframe has ever seen, by far. Not even Gradivus was that level of tedious and frustrating. Worst gameplay I've seen in years, in any video game.


Nef Anyo will burn for his sins

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And yet he managed to screw up his blank slate the instant he became part of the lore. The Bursas? False Profit? Yeah, worst event Warframe has ever seen, by far. Not even Gradivus was that level of tedious and frustrating. Worst gameplay I've seen in years, in any video game.


Nef Anyo will burn for his sins


Oh he's going to burn but first, gotta get me that [Dera Vandal].

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Dera has higher status and greater accuracy. Everyone blows it off for travel time, but it's easily manageable. 

Also, Dera is Puncture whereas Karak is Impact. And a larger mag by 15 rounds. And a slightly lower firerate for better ammo economy. 

Karak does 5 more base damage, but that's barely anything. Any sort of 'inferiority' is incredibly minor and not worth missing out on all the rewards from Nef.

You say that "5 more damage is barely anything" but you praise 2.5% higher status like it makes day and night kind of difference (7.5% vs 10%).

"Better ammo economy" means dealing more damage per shot, or missing less shots, Dera stil shoots fairly quickly by this game standards (and mere 0.4RPS slower than Karak, it really changes a thing...) while dealing less damage.


Damage types of Dera barely help it, as Karak still has bit higher burst DPS which is offset by lower sustained DPS (and we are taking about ~5% difference), but we also lose potential damage thanks to how broken Heavy Caliber on Dera is (last time I tried, I couldn't hit S#&$ past 20m, as projectiles kept flying at angles like 45 degree) and travel time.

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Speak for yourself.

Plenty of people side with Alad for lore reasons.


I hate Alad, lore-wise. Sided with Ruk during the Gradivus Dilemma.


I accidentally sided with him with a misunderstanding with my fiancee; she said 'whoever is winning' and I thought she said Dera.


Either way misunderstood.

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It is fair only SALAD V fanboys complaining on how they are getting delayed from getting the gun they want are the ones complaining its being rigged its balanced as it is people should learn to DEAL WITH IT and not be so affected by a gun so what if the previously losing side has a fighting chance now then fight harder SALAD V supporters we will still let your rotten saviour rot for he deserves whats coming for him after all the things he has done to the tenno he dug his own grave and we shall just WATCH HIM ROT lol.

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It is fair only SALAD V fanboys complaining on how they are getting delayed from getting the gun they want are the ones complaining its being rigged its balanced as it is people should learn to DEAL WITH IT and not be so affected by a gun so what if the previously losing side has a fighting chance now then fight harder SALAD V supporters we will still let your rotten saviour rot for he deserves whats coming for him after all the things he has done to the tenno he dug his own grave and we shall just WATCH HIM ROT lol.

Tell me how its balanced if others gets orokin catalyst/reactor as reward while others get 25k creds as reward? or if others gets 25 rare R5 cores while others get 25 uncommon cores? Srly, this is like saying football game is balanced when other is allowed have full team on the field while other team can have only goalie and 2 players.

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If i had one plat for every single thread complaining about this event one way or the other, I would be able to hang potato keychains off every weapon I own and still have enough left over to decorate my Liset.


I support Nerf Anyo in the name of greedy milk religious freedom! Also, the Bursas were cute and I want giant plushies of them.


(And no one ever says it's a cure for the Infestation anyway, only that it's a cure for Salad... he's probably just going to clone himself a new body like all the Grineer do when they get butchered by Tenno, just without the clone degradation. Assuming he doesn't just go and build Manic Infested or Golem with the data instead.)

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Tell me how its balanced if others gets orokin catalyst/reactor as reward while others get 25k creds as reward? or if others gets 25 rare R5 cores while others get 25 uncommon cores? Srly, this is like saying football game is balanced when other is allowed have full team on the field while other team can have only goalie and 2 players.

If you're nitpicking on rewards, then how is it balanced that one side gets a bleeding karak and the other a lowly dera?

By your example, it's because the 3 man team is defending a goal the size of a Macbook. Sideways.

The full team, on the other hand, has to defend a goal big enough for a jetliner to pass through. While airborne.

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