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Nerfed... Too Much?


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DE is missing the point. Powers are supposed to be GOOD. If you nerf them all you do is make everyone move onto the next better skill/frame. Balance should not be priority in a PvE game. And if they're going to nerf the main skills of frames how about at least buff their much less used skills to balance out the impact? I swear its like the devs are working with the D3 developers.

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DE is missing the point. Powers are supposed to be GOOD. If you nerf them all you do is make everyone move onto the next better skill/frame. Balance should not be priority in a PvE game. And if they're going to nerf the main skills of frames how about at least buff their much less used skills to balance out the impact? I swear its like the devs are working with the D3 developers.




and give us challenging enemies to balance against us not Nerfframes/weapons.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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Because I got those frames. Got Nyx, leveled to 30 and the next day she gets nerfed. Got Banshee up to 30 and started leveling Rhino, both get nerfed on the SAME day.


By that logic Loki and Volt should be next since I'm crafting them -.-

God, I hope not.


I run a Volt, and Overload is pretty OP at times. It's range is amazing, imo. Then again, Volt has some moderate defenses, good mobility; but Shock is horrible. Energy shield is not all that. Speed and Overload are all you need on Volt to get by.


Loki... I've never tried him. I never liked it, really.

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I run a Volt, and Overload is pretty OP at times. It's range is amazing, imo. Then again, Volt has some moderate defenses, good mobility; but Shock is horrible. Energy shield is not all that. Speed and Overload are all you need on Volt to get by.


Doesn't matter. All people see is Overload being OP.


Don't worry. All frames will get their nerf. Volt won't be lonely.

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There is a duration after the disrupter hit you, the energy balls you collect wont increase your drained energy pool and those energy balls you collected will disappear, and also what about the toxic ancients? do their poison penetrate your shield? Yes. SO as i said before try surviving lvl 100+ toxic ancients 

What the bloody hell are you doing messing around with Level 100 ancients?


Logic dictates that if you're in a game with enemies that high, you probably shouldn't be surviving well regardless.

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If any frame needs a nerf its the freaking "nike kicks  into another room kill every thing" volt


Welp..you got what you wanted. Apparently Volt got nerfed as well "silently". His ultimate no longer makes him completely invulnerable, and you can no longer shoot through his shield.

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I really find it funny that people complain that they cant be immortal for 3 minutes. 80% dmg reduction is alot. And toxic ancients have been made this way so they cant be tanked. The "I win" button got nerfed cause it deserved it.

Vauban will get nerfs im sure of it and people will complain again but listening to all that whining will make me quit faster than nerfs.

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I really find it funny that people complain that they cant be immortal for 3 minutes. 80% dmg reduction is alot. And toxic ancients have been made this way so they cant be tanked. The "I win" button got nerfed cause it deserved it.

Vauban will get nerfs im sure of it and people will complain again but listening to all that whining will make me quit faster than nerfs.


The idea of Iron skin was to tank for the team, distracting the enemies from your team mates so they can kill them/escape; this is now completely impossible as you have to take care of yourself and cannot take care of everybody else, making Rhino unable to fulfill his task. It's not about "I win", It's about hepling the team, and not being able to do that, he is basically useless now.

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This must be your first Beta. Otherwise you wouldnt ask such questions....


he takes 80% of damage. That makes him a great tank. If you couldnt see the invincibility skill getting nerfed some time, you must be blind

You obviously don't use Rhino, funny how 90% of the people who have 0 complaints about the nerf have never used him. Rhino is useless, with 2 worthless powers, 1 that is somewhat useful but 100% outclassed by Vauban's Bastille, and 1 that is only half as good as used to be due to overnerf from bugs.

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What the bloody hell are you doing messing around with Level 100 ancients?


Logic dictates that if you're in a game with enemies that high, you probably shouldn't be surviving well regardless.

You've never tried Xini (Infested Defense on Eris). I mean, am I mad to want rare mods/fusion cores?

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Because I got those frames. Got Nyx, leveled to 30 and the next day she gets nerfed. Got Banshee up to 30 and started leveling Rhino, both get nerfed on the SAME day.


By that logic Loki and Volt should be next since I'm crafting them -.-

Maybe you should stop playing and then everyone else will be safe? Pretty please?
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everything seemed fine the way it was when i started playing around easter time ok moddroprate was ludicrous and now its uh...wierd

saryn nyx banshee rhino and volt balances where all ......

Saryns molt : wow u place it where it cant be attackes = exploit yea right on wave 5 on Xini it gets crushed within seconds ( same with loki decoy)

nyx chaos : its duration is over 60 secs and can cc everything in def maps = exploit ( duration was fine only reduce it to 1 active at a time thats balance)

Banshee SQ: only reason to use it was running to the point where u could hit most enemys possible being invincible while staying in place for 6 secs without any means to stup channeling to move ur but t back into safety 0 exploit

Rhino IS: Spaming IS cause it can grant up to 167 secs invulnerability (calcuated with flow continuity and streamline) and ull never get stripped to 0 energy and shield by a disruptor while ur god mod suddenly stops and u have to increase its duration when ur standing still = OP

it was not OP cause ppl farm hours to get flow continuity and streamline for their rhino (i never considered this) and what is the reward for hard work now?

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Maybe you should stop playing and then everyone else will be safe? Pretty please?

Or I should get all the frames faster to get it over with. Just started Saryn. Kiss your instamelt button goodbie :o

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Only mistake DE did was giving things that deserved nerf in 1st place like mods in u6(700 dmg cronus ftw) hek and gorgon, iron skin, chaos and so on. If you would start playing from today you wouldnt even notice that something got nerfed.

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Nyx's chaos ability was too strong post nerf. 


Being able to indefinitely take away as many enemies as you had energy for made any mission extremely easy. All you needed in defense missions were 4 nyx's and you could conveivably get to any wave you wanted without having too much of a problem. 


Putting the effect on a timer changes the way you play Nyx a bit. You now have a CC that makes all the enemies affected easy to kill - so you just cast it and kill them all quickly so you can cast again. It's still a powerful ability, but it no longer makes missions a joke where all you need is one ability and you never have to fire your weapon. 

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Only mistake DE did was giving things that deserved nerf in 1st place like mods in u6(700 dmg cronus ftw) hek and gorgon, iron skin, chaos and so on. If you would start playing from today you wouldnt even notice that something got nerfed.


If they could have made the game perfectly without needing to make nerfs or buffs to weapons right off the bat then there wouldn't be any need for the current beta period. 


Playing in a beta and expecting no changes to the game to be made other than content releases isn't realistic. 


edit - although i do agree with your statement, it would have been better to have always had these changes in place and then there wouldn't be this backlash. However - just as with any game, it's hard to know when something will definitely be overpowered or not until you test it for a while. (but i could have told you a spammable invincibility or endless mind control were OP before playing the game :P )

Edited by splodead
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everything seemed fine the way it was when i started playing around easter time ok moddroprate was ludicrous and now its uh...wierd

saryn nyx banshee rhino and volt balances where all ......

Saryns molt : wow u place it where it cant be attackes = exploit yea right on wave 5 on Xini it gets crushed within seconds ( same with loki decoy)

nyx chaos : its duration is over 60 secs and can cc everything in def maps = exploit ( duration was fine only reduce it to 1 active at a time thats balance)

Banshee SQ: only reason to use it was running to the point where u could hit most enemys possible being invincible while staying in place for 6 secs without any means to stup channeling to move ur but t back into safety 0 exploit

Rhino IS: Spaming IS cause it can grant up to 167 secs invulnerability (calcuated with flow continuity and streamline) and ull never get stripped to 0 energy and shield by a disruptor while ur god mod suddenly stops and u have to increase its duration when ur standing still = OP

it was not OP cause ppl farm hours to get flow continuity and streamline for their rhino (i never considered this) and what is the reward for hard work now?

Sorry, all I got from this was that Iron Skin =OP? Care to elaborate the rest of that garbage?

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So far I am fine with the 80% damage reduction after playing a couple games...but still taking damage from toxic ancients is just dumb and aggravating.    That is pretty much the reason I ever use iron skin...and using it to revive downed teammates without the fear of being killed myself or knocked back.  Which leads me to my second complaint, it's freakin dumb being shoved back by ancients stupid arm throw.  When I am trying to run through a pack of them to save a downed team mate it really impedes my forward momentum and I would have revived a couple that died because I had been shoved off course that little amount.  


But otherwise I think its still a functional mod and it wont stop me from using my beloved rhino...I just may have to increase redirection a little more now :/

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Not at all, you are naked against toxic ancients of disrupters, wich is one of the best uses rhino had. It IS useless, anything he can do, some other frame can do better and it's probably faster at doing it.

I loved the rhino and I thought the nerf was fine at first, but then I seem to be affected by more than just the toxic and ancients. Now shockwaves just fling you around and the one move you depended on to be a good tank was to not flinch. Now you're just flung about taking less damage. If they were to nerf invincibility to damage reduction, at least make him stand his ground!

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You obviously don't use Rhino, funny how 90% of the people who have 0 complaints about the nerf have never used him. Rhino is useless, with 2 worthless powers, 1 that is somewhat useful but 100% outclassed by Vauban's Bastille, and 1 that is only half as good as used to be due to overnerf from bugs.

So you thought that a skill that makes you invincible would always stay the same? I play Rhino. And to be true. Yeah, it is now harder. But how can I want a skill that makes me completely invulnerable for 10-15 senconds. Thats bullsh**** He still can tank. He is still usefull. Get over it and understand the meaning of beta. Ongoing changes. I was crushed after I got my Volt nerfed. So what. I still use him. This is the same with the hek. People say: "NO MY WONDERFULL WEAPON IS USELESS NOW"

The only useless thing is this sentence.... The HEK was clearly overpowered. Therefore, nerfed. I still use it and the only difference is that you cant snipe enemies. These overreactions here are more sad than funny. But well.


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So you thought that a skill that makes you invincible would always stay the same? I play Rhino. And to be true. Yeah, it is now harder. But how can I want a skill that makes me completely invulnerable for 10-15 senconds. Thats bullsh**** He still can tank. He is still usefull. Get over it and understand the meaning of beta. Ongoing changes. I was crushed after I got my Volt nerfed. So what. I still use him. This is the same with the hek. People say: "NO MY WONDERFULL WEAPON IS USELESS NOW"

The only useless thing is this sentence.... The HEK was clearly overpowered. Therefore, nerfed. I still use it and the only difference is that you cant snipe enemies. These overreactions here are more sad than funny. But well.


Actually I was fully expecting and thought that Iron Skin needed a nerf, but not this nerf, it needed to be costing 75 energy at least with a 10 second duration making for a max 13 seconds(by using continuity), which reduces it from 20 seconds duration and 50 energy cost, pretty much halving it's effectiveness, if that isn't enough bump it up to 100 energy and reduce rhino stomp cost. Balancing without just overnerfing is the key.
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