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Nerf/remove Greedy Pull Please (With Ideas)


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Wow, first people say Mag is useless then DE buffed mag, people then call Mag Op for some reason even though they rarely if ever used her, then greedy pull come along to give mag more popularity and now you want to remove it because it rubs you the wrong way? I've never heard of people screaming remove soma prime or boltor prime because they make the game too easy. Go play with other people.

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Always too hot or too cold.


If a Mag is feedind energy to a frame to keep frame ability working, she is doing teamwork right there. Supporting camping? Also teamwork.

How is suppose to be, each of their own? Like when you solo?

Pride that is the problem. Is what make people complain about how someone else is playing differently and treat others like bad players.


Now that I got advanced in the game, I'm constantly stumbling on these players. No matter how I play, seems that I'm always doing something wrong. And even if they are right, I won't tolerate being labeled as the "bad guy" by an unknown, over the internet.

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Wow, I didn't realize that it was so terrible to give Mag an augment that would make her useful for high-level missions. It's just too reasonable to give her a purpose for Defense and Survival missions!


Man... some people on the internet make me sick. No wonder why I don't visit these forums often.

Wow, first people say Mag is useless then DE buffed mag, people then call Mag Op for some reason even though they rarely if ever used her, then greedy pull come along to give mag more popularity and now you want to remove it because it rubs you the wrong way? I've never heard of people screaming remove soma prime or boltor prime because they make the game too easy. Go play with other people.


I could be wrong here, but I imagine when most fans of Mag wanted her to be "more useful in high-level content" they meant while still actually playing the game, not by playing the role of Mesa's Carrier. I mean forget even playing G-Mag out of obligation, has the worth of a frame to their team really come down to them being able to stand still and press a single key so another frame can stand still and press a single key?


And people have asked for nerfs to the Soma and Boltor Prime. Like, thousands of times.

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The real problem with Greedy Pull is that once a GMag enters the game, you're effectively forced to camp in one spot in order to resupply yourself.  Plus, without line of sight, it's just pulling anything and everything with a few turns and one key, which leaves it open for potential macro usage.  Give it line of sight and it will still be reasonably useful, as the Mag will just have to move around a little.  Being able to drag pickups towards you from long range is already a valuable ability in and of itself.


Also, "people aren't forced to deal with it" is just an excuse to let this passive farming trend spread like the virus it is.  For one, literally anything that suggests taking players out of their comfort zone is gonna be met with torches and pitchforks.  Second, running n' gunning is already becoming nothing but a novelty due to stand-still powerfarming options like Greedy Pull being available (More than half of Recruiting chat requests, and even the chat in my Alliance, is full of GMag+Mesa). I highly doubt DE wants action-packed gameplay to become only secondary to other things, so it's probably gonna get nerfed or tweaked by the time U17 arrives.

Edited by Sonitorum
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Let's make it so the only way to use frames is the way other people want you to use them. Greedy pull without line of sight is a little bit much I agree, but removing it because its not your style isn't fair to anyone. Everyone should be free to play their own way, if they want to battle the afk timer, let them, so what?

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It's causing massive camping problems, allowing people to using channeling abilities longer than the afk timer. It's kinda breaking the game. :/


     If you don't want to remove it, then please make location-locked channeling abilities disable energy pickups, or better yet make greedy pull client side only after all it IS called "greedy pull" not "team energy restore pull"


Others' Ideas:


• Make GP not pull energy orbs


I have an idea...how about no?

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When I started playing this game, and didn't even know about "chopering", I had to ask players to kill the mobs the near as possible. Because I had to run everywhere to get the loot, since some players seems that want a MVP status or something, and keep killing mobs far way. With a gmag, I know that the loot with be pilled somewhere for my convenience. Usually, near the center.


Not every mission have a gmag. Not every mission with a gmag, have people camping. Not every Mag is pulling loot. People are still run and gunning, and choppering, and going far away from the objective area, and bleeding out, and loosing, and winning. Yet, some of you still insisting that this is a issue that matters.

Chat requests different things. Some will be popular for a while. And even if its stays for longer, that won't change nothing of how you want to play.


Narrow minded (no pun intended). Is how many players are. If that offended any of you, sorry, but I'm saying it with the best of intentions. Really!

BTW, if "camping" was a bad thing, we won't have missions like defend a pod or terminal. Because is all about proper camping. Think about it.

Edited by ShaidonKaos
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So what we know so far is that a minority wants a nerf, and the majority doesnt want it.


This kinda reminds me of people who complain about camping in CoD, BF or other FPS games I own or used to own. Haha, magical times.


One shot kills with snipers == instant rage or rage quits.

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So what we know so far is that a minority wants a nerf, and the majority doesnt want it.


Uhh...do we know that?


Majority/minority statements shouldn't be based off just eyeballing what goes on in threads.

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I quite like the whole "make Greedy Pull only effect Mag's loot" idea that's been floating around. It is called GREEDY pull after all.


It's a compromise, but I think it's a shame that it removes the value that the ability provides to the team. Don't get me wrong, the GP spammers annoy the hell out of me, but it's a situationally useful ability team-wise when used "correctly".


Perhaps one solution would be to scale up the energy cost based on how many pickups are in range (perhaps after the first two, or not counting ammo), so there's encouragment not to spam the ability unless it's absolutely necessary - only when there's enough energy orbs to make it worth-while.



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Nerf GP not able to pull Orbs anymore. Camping problem solved........ then they will say H > T4Sur Need player with 500 energy restore gear


You say that as though "camping" is a problem.  I think it would be more accurate to say that you have a problem with camping, which is a playstyle choice.  It is a strategy for survival.  When certain frames have powers that prevent them from moving, It is extremely helpful to be able to have Mag pull energy to the players that are located in a "campsite", rather than having to go running all over the place hunting for it.


If you don't like that strategy, and prefer the chaotic run-n-gun, then play with people of a like mindset, rather than asking the dev's to nerf something that gives more utility to a frame like Mag so that everyone has to play "your way".

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     The only semi legit argument is "it's just your preference", but, as I've already said, sitting in one spot tapping your 4 key isn't a "playstyle", and that's DE has said this.

I'd like to point out that what DE says and what DE does the past couple updates has had drastically different meanings.


It's also interesting you missed the crush bug posted that would negate your suggested fix.

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Greedy Pull is the same thing as Pilfering Swarm or even basic Desecrate: they turn frames into 1-role specialists; and those roles benefit from camping. Removing those would be treating the symptoms, not the disease.

The whole of WF's loot system needs to be changed to prevent players from burning themselves out by camp-faming in endless maps.

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Ability spam has been a big part of this game in PvE since at least April 2013 (when I started playing it) and the game got popular on ability spam, back when the Star Chart had no Ghost Towns, when it was full of people doing ability spam on all ~420 nodes.  And a lot of us still enjoy ability spam and we've been here for years because of it.  So, if people don't like ability spam, they can play PvP or Arch wing or even another game that doesn't have it.  But there is no reason why us ability spammers should have to put up with the theft of our game play, let alone because other people just feel like it instead of just playing the other 2 games modes or tons of other games that don't have ability spam.


P.S.   Warframe is at the core about OP, about ability spam:

Warframe: Developer Q&A , Answer to Question 4:

The core is the 4 guys against a massive army.  And, generally speaking, they are devastating. The core is not something like in Gears of War where the one on one is something a bit more balanced.  One Space Ninja against a whole ship of Grineer is the idea.  But, that needs to be balanced by boss battles, and by like desperate scenarios.  But, generally speaking, the whole idea of it, even an old ninja (right?) is that the untrained militia get devastated by a single one.



Its 4 Tenno Devaste Massive Army, not 4 Tenno tickle enemy squad.

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I don't camp with greedy pull. I move around the map and solo T1 and T2 survivals with my Mag, which finally feels fun to use again. All you're doing is hurting players who actually play in order to get at players you hate.

You can control an air can with GMag while you let the air supply hit 30% to 60% depending on how comfortable you are with your supply limits. But the Ai will over run you quite quickly, but as a solo player with the Gmag you can offset her squishy ness with resupplying her health and shields. But in time you're hoofing it for the exit just like every other frame.

You guys gotta stop burning everything fun down to get at players for the LuLz or hate, or whatever it is that makes players want to hurt other players.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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and the game got popular on ability spam


Well...not really. The game started picking up before the introduction of corrupted mods and the rise of spam farming. What made it popular was interactive devs, the promise of ongoing development, and a good concept. In fact, back in the days of closed beta and immediately afterwards, abilities seemed to be intended to be used sparingly at best.


 it was full of people doing ability spam on all ~420 nodes


At no point in the history of this game have all nodes been full. 


So, if people don't like ability spam, they can play PvP or Arch wing or even another game that doesn't have it.  But there is no reason why us ability spammers should have to put up with the theft of our game play, let alone because other people just feel like it instead of just playing the other 2 games modes or tons of other games that don't have ability spam.


This argument is mutually pointless and has no place in any sort of reasonable discussion. I could say "maybe all spammers should go play other games where they can spam", but I won't say that because it's ridiculous to even suggest. Don't bother with that.


Its 4 Tenno Devaste Massive Army, not 4 Tenno tickle enemy squad


So, ability spam is the only way to devastate an army? Skilled application of weaponry doesn't count anymore? In the classic "ninja vs. untrained militia" scenario referenced there, the ninja does not win by casting a magic spell that kills everyone around him instantly. He/she wins by being a badass and having ninja skills. You have no clue what that quote means.

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It's a compromise, but I think it's a shame that it removes the value that the ability provides to the team. Don't get me wrong, the GP spammers annoy the hell out of me, but it's a situationally useful ability team-wise when used "correctly".


Perhaps one solution would be to scale up the energy cost based on how many pickups are in range (perhaps after the first two, or not counting ammo), so there's encouragment not to spam the ability unless it's absolutely necessary - only when there's enough energy orbs to make it worth-while.




Hmm, a civil response on the internet, let alone a nerf thread. You have my respect sir or ma'am, and that's not a half bad idea for a potential solution either.

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I'd like to point out that what DE says and what DE does the past couple updates has had drastically different meanings.


It's also interesting you missed the crush bug posted that would negate your suggested fix.


Could you link this crush bug please?


Ability spam has been a big part of this game in PvE since at least April 2013 (when I started playing it) and the game got popular on ability spam, back when the Star Chart had no Ghost Towns, when it was full of people doing ability spam on all ~420 nodes.  And a lot of us still enjoy ability spam and we've been here for years because of it.  So, if people don't like ability spam, they can play PvP or Arch wing or even another game that doesn't have it.  But there is no reason why us ability spammers should have to put up with the theft of our game play, let alone because other people just feel like it instead of just playing the other 2 games modes or tons of other games that don't have ability spam.


P.S.   Warframe is at the core about OP, about ability spam:



Its 4 Tenno Devaste Massive Army, not 4 Tenno tickle enemy squad.


Yeah, killing entire ships =/= ability spam. Nothing in that quote says its about ability spam, and warframe did not grow on it. 


Greedy Pull is the same thing as Pilfering Swarm or even basic Desecrate: they turn frames into 1-role specialists; and those roles benefit from camping. 


I've said this so many times...


There's something about greedy pull that makes it different from those abilities, and restores, and trinity that MANY OF YOU SEEM TO MISS.


     Those other loot abilities only give extra loot. Greedy pull puts all the loot in one little pile, effectively taking away the reward for running away from the pod in defense (because you have to grab energy, loot and ammo). With greedy pull, all you have to do is sit there pressing 4 while your gmag builds a pile of loot under your feet. Having fun yet? Additionally, trin and restores don't work in stationary channeling abilities.

Edited by Ironlixivium
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