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Please Don't Remove Stamina


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It just needs a major adjustment. Warframes should have a much larger pool and the stamina costs for everything need to be reduced. That would be the easy fix.


That'd work for now.  I just don't want the decision to rushed because while people might think removing stamina would work, it'd make the game more boring.

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That'd work for now.  I just don't want the decision to rushed because while people might think removing stamina would work, it'd make the game more boring.

Stamina adds nothing to the game right now.


Reworking stamina would be preferable, but removing it entirely wouldn't make the game less fun at all...

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Personally I think the only issue that's keeping stamina around and "necessary" is blocking. Which can be solved by A. gutting the stamina system and keeping it on blocking only. B Making it somewhat like TERA's sblocking system where weapons' ability to block is based on their stats(they block a set amount of damage per hit before your guard is breached) or C making them akin to PSO2's system where you time guards for full damage mitigation(and minor reflection) and hold it normally for partial blocking.

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Stamina IMO should be really appropriated as " physical energy", currently you have e.g. Chanelling costing energy. Problem is, Energy is so much better when spent on powers. Chanelling should cost stamina. 


Trivial stuff should cost no stamina, or should cost very little. Combos/parkour/channeling should be scaled appropriately so that the player can do enough to not feel like an asthmatic frame. 

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As a wise tenno said... Higher the damage the more stamina it costs to block making high level sword alone exponentially less plausible as you fight. To the point of three bullets taking your whole bar.

Archwing will Definitely benefit from this

Plus as it stands with fling and copter the only thing it really inhibits now is running which makes copter haters hate even harder

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It exists to 1) limit blocking 2) add more resource management (difficulty, which is sorely lacking in Warframe) 3) introduce more variety (via modding).


So far the arguments against stamina have been "I don't like it" or "We're space ninjas" which aren't really valid arguments compared to what I've forwarded.


Stamina does need changes, but that doesn't mean it should be removed.  It should be improved.  Without it the game will just get that much more boring.


Stamina regen and capacity ought to be increased so quick rest isn't quite so necessary.  Sprinting should only stop stamina regen, not drain it.  Parkour moves should still drain it though.


Making stamina-fixing mods viable would then be a way for players to choose to either ignore stamina gameplay (at the cost of power) or work with it.  Stamina management should be able keeping your melee flow up and punishing wasteful use of melee and blocking, especially in a critical time like when you need to block incoming CC.


You should read your own thread more carefully, plenty of arguments against stamina have been made. 


Blocking would be a bit annoying in PvP.


I say you have a stamina bar for blocking and combat maneuvers, but nothing for sprinting, walrunning, jumping etc. 


Easy enough to separate PvE from PvP in this regard. PvE - no limits to blocking. As others said, at best it allows you to stay alive indefinitely, provided you find a corner and stay there for the rest of eternity, plus one AoE attack and you're screwed.


PvP - continuous blocking for X seconds breaks your guard and staggers you, just the matter of adjusting the "X". 

Edited by tisdfogg
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I guess. Along with unlimited +96% Damage Reflection

considering the enemy to player health/damage asymmetry (enemies having health in the thousands while having damage in the hundreds, and players having the reverse of that) the infinite 96% damage deflection is negligable. Blocking can't deflect crowd control attacks from enemies (like grenades or bombards). Plus enemies could be programmed to stop firing at your block and throw a grenade after they receive some reflection damage anyway.

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inb4: when blocking, our energy pool goes down lol



Adressing the possible infinite blocking issue further...

If infinite blocking became an issue, then the amount of blocking possible should be weapon based, and the reduction of the weapon specific "blockmeter" should be dependent on attack type rather than damage. So that way melee weapons can vary in defensive capabilities (sword and shield being the best in defence probably), and not be S#&$ vs higher level enemies. Of course Warframe stamina mods could be adjusted to decrease hitstun from broken guard or increase regen on the blockmeter.

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How about keeping Stamina for melee swings only? The only thing Zero Stamina would do on Melee would be less damage output with Melee, to prevent Melee spamming.


How about a "Block gauge" for blocking? Not tied to Stamina. Or maybe.


Infinite running sounds nice.

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You know where Stamina would be good? Charge Attacks.

And no Stamina for any type of movement, only for attacks and blocks. Most warframes have 100 Stamina. This is a small number compared to 10 that we use for every single jump. "A basic function that costs 10 stamina" (Warframe Wikia).

And I'm not done yet! "More advanced moves drains Stamina." How can be a jump a "more advanced move"?

Conclusion: Stamina on movement? Nope! Nope! Nope! So much nope! And let's one more 0 to Stamina. 1000 would solve most of the limits we have.

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Where is all this talk of breaking the flow of combat coming from? The issues with stamina regen and hurting things? Where are these rooms at because I want to see them! All I see are people


A. Run run run, stop, aim, fire, kill everything run run run, repeat

B. Melee, atk atk atk atk, run off and repeat

C. Stand in one spot and kill


I have yet to really see people come to issue with stamina. I think what a lot of people mean when stamina needs to go is that they run out while trying to sprint everywhere trying to murder everything faster then anyone else. Why is anyone blocking shots with melee for more then the "ooo ah" factor even being done? That's why people invented walls and not running into enemies if you know you can't take them. What walls are you running along that takes your entire bar to finish? Double stamina and most if not all these complaints become moot.

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Where is all this talk of breaking the flow of combat coming from? The issues with stamina regen and hurting things? Where are these rooms at because I want to see them! All I see are people


A. Run run run, stop, aim, fire, kill everything run run run, repeat

B. Melee, atk atk atk atk, run off and repeat

C. Stand in one spot and kill


I have yet to really see people come to issue with stamina. I think what a lot of people mean when stamina needs to go is that they run out while trying to sprint everywhere trying to murder everything faster then anyone else. Why is anyone blocking shots with melee for more then the "ooo ah" factor even being done? That's why people invented walls and not running into enemies if you know you can't take them. What walls are you running along that takes your entire bar to finish? Double stamina and most if not all these complaints become moot.


Yeah people are pissed that they can't outrun others because we totally do not have any movement options that are far superior to sprinting and bypass stamina altogether... oh wait. 


As for "that's why people invented walls and not running..." I assume you're talking about cover? This is valid for ranged combat, and it is one of the reasons it currently outclasses melee. You should be able to block to close distance with the enemies you want to kill with melee, without taking breaks to hide behind crates, because you ran out of stamina, or use bandaid mods (Rage + Life Strike). It is the more risky playstyle anyway, it should have greater incentives. And current blocking mechanics will not be imbalanced if stamina is gone, read the thread more carefully, it's been explained a dozen times already.


No one, except for newbies, wallruns. No one. It is slower than sprinting, it is limited by stamina and level design. People do wall-flings and copter, both of which are glitches, but offer superior mobility without the need of stamina. 


Stamina is inconsequential in gameplay, unless you want to use tools that are already inferior (sprinting, wallrunning, melee, blocking). Then you are punished some more for using those those tools, because they are gated by a broken resource system. 

Edited by tisdfogg
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Yeah people are pissed that they can't outrun others because we totally do not have any movement options that are far superior to sprinting and bypass stamina altogether... oh wait. 


As for "that's why people invented walls and not running..." I assume you're talking about cover? This is valid for ranged combat, and it is one of the reasons it currently outclasses melee. You should be able to block to close distance with the enemies you want to kill with melee, without taking breaks to hide behind crates, because you ran out of stamina, or use bandaid mods (Rage + Life Strike). It is the more risky playstyle anyway, it should have greater incentives. And current blocking mechanics will not be imbalanced if stamina is gone, read the thread more carefully, it's been explained a dozen times already.


No one, except for newbies, wallruns. No one. It is slower than sprinting, it is limited by stamina and level design. People do wall-flings and copter, both of which are glitches, but offer superior mobility without the need of stamina. 


Stamina is inconsequential in gameplay, unless you want to use tools that are already inferior (sprinting, wallrunning, melee, blocking). Then you are punished some more for using those those tools, because they are gated by a broken resource system. 


Right right because coptering, constant slide jumps and constant running doesn't drain faster then simply pure running gotcha. Now add that with the fact that most people who copter and jump use the copter gods weapons so end up all over the place or wedged needing to copter again to quickly get back on track further draining stamina or depleting it since people act hyper as fudge. So i repeat what I said. Also "And current blocking mechanics will not be imbalanced if stamina is gone, read the thread more carefully, it's been explained a dozen times already." How about you take a slice of your own advice and carefully read what I said because I swear I never mentioned anything about an imbalance. Stamina can go or remain, wont affect me at all but the reason why it needs to go are mostly moot at best "IMO." <--imma add this just in case another one of you comes along~

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Stamina for channeling attacks please.

Don't make us waste energy on something so ineffective :l

This is a good idea, but it will be another nail into coffin of channeling)  Stamina consumed while performing maneuvers like jumps and slides or sprint, and mainly for melee, there will be no room for chanelling to benefit from it. Simply because while u using melee it's always 0 ) at least for me its always 0) Or maybe it will work if stamina consumed by channeling attacks will be something reasonable like 2points per hit, which i doubt.

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