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Who cares if people backlash? They've never personally used the weapons and have no idea how utterly bad they are at killing anything compared to other weapons.

But if they are utterly bad like you say then whats the problem? Wont the Prisma Skana just end up being mastery fodder collocting dust in the armory like the Skana Prime?

Edited by Ory_Hara
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Excalibur P pack -> 2012


Sysndicates  -> 2014

Per the OP the issue is that when the Bright Purity mod came out, DE said it was making an exception for Skana Prime.  That implied that it would only be viable for Skana and Skana Prime, not Prisma Skana.

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Then I don't see why this topic exists. If Skana Prime is capable of end-game content, why bother with the comparison. (That is a statement, not a question.)

But Skana does "fairly well" in T4 right?

No. The way the game works you can take terrible weapons and make them work if you're good at the game but come on...

the weapon is way below the curve.



But if they are utterly bad like you say then whats the problem? Wont the Prisma Skana just end up being mastery fodder collocting dust in the armory like the Skana Prime?

Ah there ya go guys.

If the weapon is "good enough" then you tell people not to complain because it works.

If the weapon is "mastery fodder" then you tell people not to complain because you won't use it anyway.


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To be honest a lot of players who share the same Excal P avatar sure do like to put their selves above others in some form or fashion.  People honestly feel since they paid money, they're obligated to have weaponry enhanced every time it steps down a tier.


Being a day one player and supporter will not automatically give you or anyone else majority rule.   Playing for a long time obviously does nothing for ones character in regards to the approach some take when making request.  You do not hold that much power no matter what your conscious tells you.  


No shots at DC but if you guys have personalities that give of a superiority type energy, as a community you should probably address it.  Unless...you know.... all of you guys are like this. 


#Random Rant 304003003


TL;DR  Just because you put money into something, doesn't mean you own it.  It also doesn't mean you have any real say so.  It also means if you do not keep the entire community in mind when suggesting changes, expect to be heckled.  


Can´t agree more with this. Founder gear is mostly vanity gear to me

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To be honest a lot of players who share the same Excal P avatar sure do like to put their selves above others in some form or fashion.  People honestly feel since they paid money, they're obligated to have weaponry enhanced every time it steps down a tier.


Being a day one player and supporter will not automatically give you or anyone else majority rule.   Playing for a long time obviously does nothing for ones character in regards to the approach some take when making request.  You do not hold that much power no matter what your conscious tells you.  


No shots at DC but if you guys have personalities that give of a superiority type energy, as a community you should probably address it.  Unless...you know.... all of you guys are like this. 


#Random Rant 304003003


TL;DR  Just because you put money into something, doesn't mean you own it.  It also doesn't mean you have any real say so.  It also means if you do not keep the entire community in mind when suggesting changes, expect to be heckled.  

Let me put it like this.

Some people are jackwagons. Give those people a symbol and they will rally their jackwagon selves around it.

Just as there are people in the design council who lord it over people and think they are better than others...

there are people not in the design council who automatically treat those who are as if they must be arrogant or something. lol


Not sure it has anything specific to do with the issues of founders and design councils.

Not sure there is  way to address sections of the community in any way that would cause meaningful change.

It's just people being people...for better or for worse.

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You are complaining cause Prisma Skana is better than Skana Prime, and you like Skana Prime cause its end-game viable in your opinion.


So why not just choose Prisma Skana over Skana Prime since its accessible to you as well? Just cause its a prime does not entitle it to be the strongest. Most of the time, the later variant will always overshadow its predecessors. You should know this. DE has even explicitly said that no founders gear will be getting any buffs cause they do not want founders having advantage over Non-Founders. 

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Let me put it like this.

Some people are jackwagons. Give those people a symbol and they will rally their jackwagon selves around it.

Just as there are people in the design council who lord it over people and think they are better than others...

there are people not in the design council who automatically treat those who are as if they must be arrogant or something. lol


Not sure it has anything specific to do with the issues of founders and design councils.

Not sure there is  way to address sections of the community in any way that would cause meaningful change.

It's just people being people...for better or for worse.


It's not really specific towards Founders or DC.  It's really more about peoples characters changing (or enhancing) once some type of "power" is granted.   And I play games to escape reality, I'm not trying to see these same traits actually spill into the game itself.  


Warframe's community is NOT my prime example by no means but I just felt that had to be said :^)

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You are complaining cause Prisma Skana is better than Skana Prime, and you like Skana Prime cause its end-game viable in your opinion.


So why not just choose Prisma Skana over Skana Prime since its accessible to you as well? Just cause its a prime does not entitle it to be the strongest. Most of the time, the later variant will always overshadow its predecessors. You should know this. DE has even explicitly said that no founders gear will be getting any buffs cause they do not want founders having advantage over Non-Founders. 

No advantage on founder gear doesn't mean it should be at a disadvantage.

Why shouldn't the prisma skana and prime skana be equal?

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What the hell is wrong with some of you, fellow founders???

I tough we bought the founder's pack to mainly support the game, not to show off or having a game to feed our need of "special".

Seriously, I'm a happy Skana Prime user since the augment was released, but I'm glad that the whole community can enjoy a superior version of the Skana for free.

When I read stuff like "DE lied to founders because we can't have both stuff to show off and OP" I really feel ashamed of you and I think you're ruining the role of founders.

We got so much and we still complain? And then you're surprised when players think founders are just people who want to show off??Geez...

Stop it already and start being happy if the whole community is and if we as players get fair and cool contents.

Edited by siralextraffo
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No advantage on founder gear doesn't mean it should be at a disadvantage.

Why shouldn't the prisma skana and prime skana be equal?


Did you read what I said? Every later variant of the specific weapon will always have better stats or even a little advantage over its old version, otherwise why even release it? Unless they just want to give us Mastery Fodder that will remain forgotten. This is not something new DE has implemented. It has been this way since the beginning. This is something we all know, its a fact so learn to live with the facts.

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"I see you've got yourself a single action army... It's a nice gun, I'll give you that.

But the engraving gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever. Unless you were

planning to auction it off as a collector's item.


This is a high-class weapon, it isn't meant for shooting people..."


                                                                                       - Naked Snake


More-a-less the same argument for the Skana Prime. 


Thank you Based Boss.

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So just to get this righ: OP is mad because there is a weapon that is better than skana prime?

I am sorry OP but there are ton of weapons that are better than founders gear. Get over it

Edited by Helch0rn
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First of all, if you're going to complain about me, at least use English that I'm capable of reading without having to decipher it for a few seconds. Second, I would gladly give up the exclusivity of all non-cosmetic Founders items in exchange for them having better stats.

Grammar nazi, really?

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No advantage on founder gear doesn't mean it should be at a disadvantage.

Why shouldn't the prisma skana and prime skana be equal?

Do founders actually believe that they're at a disadvantage for having extra mastery points?


Is this real life?

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It wasn't because of 'balance', it was because it's a Founders item, and should be just as viable as Skana. Prisma Skana is already better than Skana Prime in terms of stats even with Skana Prime having Bright Purity due to crits.

SCindo prime, dakra prime etc etc are better than skana prime. Remove Them naoooooo because skana prime not op enough ...

All founders items are status symbol all of it and just it. Some people would pay 10's of thousands of plat to get a hold of excalibur prime.

Srsly why the hassle.


PS. I don't care bought prisma bought bright purity, put even potato into it. But I will treat it as MR fodder and go back to my Tipedo, copter is love copter is life.

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Did you read what I said? Every later variant of the specific weapon will always have better stats or even a little advantage over its old version, otherwise why even release it? Unless they just want to give us Mastery Fodder that will remain forgotten. This is not something new DE has implemented. It has been this way since the beginning. This is something we all know, its a fact so learn to live with the facts.

Live with the facts eh?

I am tempted to write a long post about the many ways to aproach new gear in long lasting games and why inflating stats isn't the only option when they can use incomparables and sidegrades to boost player interest each patch and that I am one of the voices speaking out to DE about turning away from this road leading to power creep....but this is not the thread for that conversation so...I guess nevermind.

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Do founders actually believe that they're at a disadvantage for having extra mastery points?


Is this real life?

That is taking my statement way out of context.

I was saying that the two weapons (the two skana's in question) should be the same, not better, not worse, than another...

regardless of whether it was a founder exclusive or not.


But hey sure...try to make this about what was included in the whole founders program cause that somehow answers what stats should be on the weapons.


EDIT-BTW: What founders believe varies with each founder. Everyone with a founder tag doesn't all see things the same way. There is no hivemind at play here. Different people have different views on every part of this subject. 

Edited by Ronyn
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What the hell is wrong with some of you, fellow founders???

I tough we bought the founder's pack to mainly support the game, not to show off or having a game to feed our need of "special".

Seriously, I'm a happy Skana Prime user since the augment was released, but I'm glad that the whole community can enjoy a superior version of the Skana for free.

When I read stuff like "DE lied to founders because we can't have both stuff to show off and OP" I really feel ashamed of you and I think you're ruining the role of founders.

We got so much and we still complain? And then you're surprised when players think founders are just people who want to show off??Geez...

Stop it already and start being happy if the whole community is and if we as players get fair and cool contents.

^This,please read this for some of u who complain

Many weapon in game outclassed other weapon why skana prime and prisma skana need a same stat? why special treatmen all over again? you bought it like 2 years ago right? u also got founder sigil free.


Please stop wanting to get special all over again just, if later DE buff skana prime because of some founder that begging for it what do you think the rest of the players feel?


I just can say Deal with it

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First let me say two things.

1: I don't care at all if the stuff from the founders programs was available again. I don't care about it being exclusive. I never did.

2: I didn't ask for this founder tag to be put next to my name, nor do I feel like it means anything other than "hey, this guy supported the game early".


Ok and now a reminder to everyone-

Back when the founder packs were being offered and a shiny new skana prime was part of the package..

prime weapons was just an abstract idea. Back then it was just fancy skin on something.

But now, now the "prime" classification means it is the best, or at least on par with, the best version of the item. 


In any other prime variant of a weapon is better or on par with other versions of it.

Why should the skana prime be any different?


See, back when the skana prime was the best skana on the market one could argue that the founders had an advantage in skanas that others did not. BUT Now that there is the prisma skana, which is at least equal to the skana prime, there is no advantage to using skanas for founders.


The reality is that a prime variant being at least equal to any other variant is the norm for this game.

It's not "special treatement" at all. It's actually uncommon that it isn't that way with skana's.

So, again, why shouldn't the skana prime be equal to the prisma skana in every way?

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To OP, then everyone who got Gorgon wraith also got fooled with Prisma Gorgon being superior over the former.

It's a F2P game, it is quite normal to see stuff like this: leaving older content / gear and buff up new and shiny one so that ppl buy new and shiny one.

You still have exclusive looks of skana prime and other founders stuff, you still have more mastery rank than other players, DE doesn't have to do anything in regards to buffing up Skana Prime.

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First let me say two things.

1: I don't care at all if the stuff from the founders programs was available again. I don't care about it being exclusive. I never did.

2: I didn't ask for this founder tag to be put next to my name, nor do I feel like it means anything other than "hey, this guy supported the game early".


Ok and now a reminder to everyone-

Back when the founder packs were being offered and a shiny new skana prime was part of the package..

prime weapons was just an abstract idea. Back then it was just fancy skin on something.

But now, now the "prime" classification means it is the best, or at least on par with, the best version of the item. 


In any other prime variant of a weapon is better or on par with other versions of it.

Why should the skana prime be any different?


See, back when the skana prime was the best skana on the market one could argue that the founders had an advantage in skanas that others did not. BUT Now that there is the prisma skana, which is at least equal to the skana prime, there is no advantage to using skanas for founders.


The reality is that a prime variant being at least equal to any other variant is the norm for this game.

It's not "special treatement" at all. It's actually uncommon that it isn't that way with skana's.

So, again, why shouldn't the skana prime be equal to the prisma skana in every way?

yes u did and yes you still care, if not you wont even post here right.


you keep insisting your opinion about both weapon need to have same stat or on par but sorry its not working they way you want, please take conclave as a sample, some of prime / event weapon stat there is much worst than the normal one even the mk-1

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