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May 19Th: Hot Feedback Topics


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Oh man this is really awful. Like Really awful. I'm sure DE is bussy as hell trying to fix everything U8 broke, but we need a fix to, and as soon as posible!!!

DE's plan was to throw up a temporary fix until after 8 rolled out. They say rhino will be balanced at a later date. I'm sure there are many bugs to work out in 8 so it won't be anytime soon.  

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Well now that everybody had time to try the new Rhino, found out that it is awful like we know it would, what do we do know? Are we suposed to swarm the "warframe feedback" subforum again or does DE know that it's awful and will fix it? I'm dying for an answer.

Edited by GroxXx777
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Well, lets try and work out why it is awful.  I'll start.  For it to be any use you have to spam the crap out of it.  Which is okay if you have the proper mods, except that is is fairly difficult to chain.  I was playing mostly on Xini and found that on waves 10+ it breaks almost instantly.  And when it breaks you have about 2 dozen baddies biting your face off.  And if you just so happen to get stunned or knock backed right as it ended (which is VERY likely) then you are SOL.  If DE is adamant about keeping it this way (with a damage cap) then they need to do a few things.


1)  Increase damage cap.  Maybe up to 1000?  IDK


2)  Give some indication about how much is left before it breaks.  Preferably an obvious visual effect.


3)  Allow for some overlap so you can chain it without too much trouble.  This means that during the last 100 points or so you can cast it again.


4)  Aggro needs a larger radius.  It seems that mobs would just run by without giving me much thought.


Also, not sure if this is a bug, but there still is a time limit on the ability.  Meaning that if I start it at the end of the wave and don't get hit by anything it will run out before the next wave comes.  I would like this changed.  The one redeeming quality of a damage cap is that if the cap isn't reached, it won't break.  I realize that with the aggro ability this could be seriously abused.  The way I thought of to fix it would be to make it so that after a few seconds of not being attacked the aggro goes away and starts up again when you get hit.  I'm not sure how possible this would be to implement, but I think it would help a great deal.


Having said all of this I still do not like this function.  It is still very underwhelming.  I would like to suggest again that Iron Skin be moved to 3rd or 4th ability while keeping the aggro.  Because it is VERY fun!

Edited by K1LLZ0NE
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Well, lets try and work out why it is awful.  I'll start.  For it to be any use you have to spam the crap out of it.  Which is okay if you have the proper mods, except that is is fairly difficult to chain.  I was playing mostly on Xini and found that on waves 10+ it breaks almost instantly.  And when it breaks you have about 2 dozen baddies biting your face off.  And if you just so happen to get stunned or knock backed right as it ended (which is VERY likely) then you are SOL.  If DE is adamant about keeping it this way (with a damage cap) then they need to do a few things.


1)  Increase damage cap.  Maybe up to 1000?  IDK


2)  Give some indication about how much is left before it breaks.  Preferably an obvious visual effect.


3)  Allow for some overlap so you can chain it without too much trouble.  This means that during the last 100 points or so you can cast it again.


4)  Aggro needs a larger radius.  It seems that mobs would just run by without giving me much thought.


Also, not sure if this is a bug, but there still is a time limit on the ability.  Meaning that if I start it at the end of the wave and don't get hit by anything it will run out before the next wave comes.  I would like this changed.  The one redeeming quality of a damage cap is that if the cap isn't reached, it won't break.  I realize that with the aggro ability this could be seriously abused.  The way I thought of to fix it would be to make it so that after a few seconds of not being attacked the aggro goes away and starts up again when you get hit.  I'm not sure how possible this would be to implement, but I think it would help a great deal.


Having said all of this I still do not like this function.  It is still very underwhelming.  I would like to suggest again that Iron Skin be moved to 3rd or 4th ability while keeping the aggro.  Because it is VERY fun!


Aggro is fun, but the damage cap is awful, it's not the value, it's the idea itself of invulnerability with a cap that's awful. We need full timed invulnerability back.

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Welp, new Iron skin lasts 7 hits from a single charger on Eris.....




Told you so... I've pretty much given up hope at this point. Only reason I haven't sold Rhino yet is I don't have all 3 Frost Prime parts.


Edit: In the interest of clarity my statement before the patch hit was that it would last less than 1.0 second against 3 chargers on Pluto. I hope you all can now see this was based on hard math (the lowest level charger on Pluto does 132 damage per swipe and hits twice per second) and in no way an exaggeration.

Edited by w00tm0ng3r
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Told you so... I've pretty much given up hope at this point. Only reason I haven't sold Rhino yet is I don't have all 3 Frost Prime parts.


Edit: In the interest of clarity my statement before the patch hit was that it would last less than 1.0 second against 3 chargers on Pluto. I hope you all can now see this was based on hard math (the lowest level charger on Pluto does 132 damage per swipe and hits twice per second) and in no way an exaggeration.


If you think it's bad against chargers, wait til you use it against a group of Corpus or Grineer.  Once the aggro activates, you'll be dead in 2-4 seconds (depending on how lucky you are and how many enemies are present). 


I hereby grant Iron Skin the unofficial name of Instant Seppuku. 

Edited by Ganpot
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"Sit there on that shelf little Rhino"



"No... no. Stay there, daddy has to go farming with Cali now, stay there, it's cold and dangerous outside for you now."




*hears a little cry in the distance* "Oh god... what have i done? ..."


" No worries little Rhino, you can play safely in the Mercury playground tomorrow, we go out and play there ok? Cheers! "

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"Sit there on that shelf little Rhino"



"No... no. Stay there, daddy has to go farming with Cali now, stay there, it's cold and dangerous outside for you now."




*hears a little cry in the distance* "Oh god... what have i done? ..."


" No worries little Rhino, you can play safely in the Mercury playground tomorrow, we go out and play there ok? Cheers! "



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yea I don't know. It sounds like the team doesn't like Rhino very much since they keep picking on the poor guy. They invented a great character/warframe that seems almost like the Incredible Hulk for Warframe. Now he's just bait.

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just a side question , but wouldnt it be nice to have allerts with bonus  resources? something like 100 aloy plates and 100 rubedo's and all those things , i mean now the dojo came it woulda been pretty awesome.

please god no more stuff crammed into the alert system, chance of anything you want appearing in a [?] is creeping lower fast enough as it is
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please god no more stuff crammed into the alert system, chance of anything you want appearing in a [?] is creeping lower fast enough as it is

Just adding resources, or multiply resources collected, to current credit only alerts would be fine with me. A big NO to making resources a '?' alert reward though.

Although they could add resource alerts on top of what we already have - no bonus credits but bonus resources or a multiplier to resources collected during the alert / increased drop rate or amount of specific resource. Combine this with credit alerts giving resources would result in something like: Credit alert: x2-x3 resources, resource alert: x4+ resources.

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please god no more stuff crammed into the alert system, chance of anything you want appearing in a [?] is creeping lower fast enough as it is

well i didnt meant the '?' alert specific ,

what i meant was just those normal allerts

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please god no more stuff crammed into the alert system, chance of anything you want appearing in a [?] is creeping lower fast enough as it is

Replace the credit only alerts with credit and resource alerts. The loot table doesn't get more packed, but people will run those 2k credit alerts they ignore right now for a guaranteed 200 alloy or 2000 salvage or whatever.

Right now the 2k credit alerts are just reasons to groan and go back to defense missions.

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If you think it's bad against chargers, wait til you use it against a group of Corpus or Grineer.  Once the aggro activates, you'll be dead in 2-4 seconds (depending on how lucky you are and how many enemies are present). 


I hereby grant Iron Skin the unofficial name of Instant Seppuku. 

Yesterday my friend's invincibility was being broken in one hit by lech kril and he was taking a good hit to his shields from that one blow too.


This "cap" needs to scale with HP or something and be boosted by mods.

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Just saying, Rhino still can't tank and the change was barely an improvement if not worse. He can tank low levels guys now but that's useless anyway. Please just make him back the way he was, or completely overhaul his other abilities, as it was WAY more fun and now Rhino is one of the worst frames, the guy marketed as a Tank still isn't one. Rhino just soaked damage, he didn't kill everybody or anything, he was simply good at tanking, that's it, bad at everything else. I really want to play the new update but with Rhino the state he is in I haven't really desired to yet. There isn't really any hype for me, as I know playing my Warframe is boring and he is really weak compared to others.


I'm thinking of going back to Excalibur - and giving up on my Fragor - as I see no point as according to a few people a Warframe was too good at supporting (not getting kills or anything) in a CO-OP GAME so the solution has been to render him nigh-unplayable on high levels missions, and boring on low level ones? Other Warframes get all the glory and kills and can take a whole room out WAY easier and faster than Rhino could, now he is just a fat Warframe who the others let tag along juts because he's a friend. Come on guys, fix him back to they way he was, or completely remake him (but maybe semi-decent this time?)

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Now I feel vindicated for resetting  my account.  Rhino was fun while he lasted.  On the plus side, I've been using Volt.  With his speed boost and shield, he has better survivability than Rhino does now.  :rolleyes:

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Now I feel vindicated for resetting  my account.  Rhino was fun while he lasted.  On the plus side, I've been using Volt.  With his speed boost and shield, he has better survivability than Rhino does now.  :rolleyes:


Every warframe has better survivability now.

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Every warframe has better survivability now.

although rhino does have good damage now with radial blast (1k damage (is it affected by armor?) for 75 energy) which is odd imo considering he was supposed to be a tank, not a damage dealer :P (Not really complaining as it's nice he gets a buff to an ability that was pretty bad before)

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