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May 19Th: Hot Feedback Topics


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although rhino does have good damage now with radial blast (1k damage (is it affected by armor?) for 75 energy) which is odd imo considering he was supposed to be a tank, not a damage dealer :P (Not really complaining as it's nice he gets a buff to an ability that was pretty bad before)


While this is an obvious buff, it is one that doesn't really help the issue.  If I wanted a damage dealer, I would pick a better frame.  One that can more easily maneuver in and out of cover.  I hope that wasn't DE's idea to try and placate us.

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While this is an obvious buff, it is one that doesn't really help the issue.  If I wanted a damage dealer, I would pick a better frame.  One that can more easily maneuver in and out of cover.  I hope that wasn't DE's idea to try and placate us.

Yup, it doesn't fix the problem, but atleast he's better than he was.

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That damage cap on Iron Skin is completely useless... I was playing on a mission in Sedna against some infested, and when I activated IS... it lasted LESS than 2 seconds!! And there were only 3 chargers hitting me! It was in the Veles mission, where the enemies are levels 18-28, not even 30! This damage cap thing must be removed and we must have the full invulnerability back! Is it that difficult to just increse the energy cost of IS to 75 or 100? Or to reduce its duration? or both!? Please DE, make Rhino useful again!!

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Come on DE, fix Rhino. He is broken right now, he's the worst or if not one of the worst warframes, and can't tank to save his life. Give us invulnerability, other frames can dodge and clear whole rooms so they don't take damage, yet we get another 2 seconds of life? 

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I have a good idea that would enforce the way people could play the role of "The Tank" and not have the issue of dying too quickly at higher levels. I have a few concerns about the future of Rhino, seeing as the latest update has made him draw the attacks of enemies, but not be able to deal with the incoming damage at later levels.


I think that the best way to deal with this issue would be to allow Rhino's Iron Skin to scale with his armor in some way(perhaps have a modifier linked to the level of Iron Skin?). Also, with the new way that the skill works with "Damage Sponging", there is a certain unpredictable grace period where you have do not have the invulnerability before you recast Iron Skin. This is particularly infuriating when dealing with Ancient Disruptors, seeing as how Infected can swarm you, dismantle your shields and begin to damage your health a bit during this grace period. This wouldn't be too much of an issue you reverted the aggro change, because it made escaping the swarms of enemies very hard. This can work similarly with Grineer and their new tether ability.


On top of this, there is a hit detection issue with these new changes. Before, I could anticipate an enemy's attack and Iron Skin to cancel it's effects(for instance Vor's freeze). Now, if I attempt to skill cancel the oncoming attack, I find myself stuck and am punished for attempting this.





As for the grinding issue, the rewards you reap from a single mission are very low and there are far too many options that pull resources. For instance, the new Kunai cost four-thousand salvage to create and Dojo rooms cost 65,000 Salvage total. Dojo costs are ridiculously high, especially when the majority of clans have 4-6 people. The high material costs for these weapons will draw from a clan's resource pool. Gradually this will become less of a problem, but newer players will find it harder to contribute to their clans. The method that I suggest to resolve this issue and supplement  the costs is to require more Gallium, Neurodes, Rubedo, etc for weapons and try to segment the types of resources that weapons/dojo rooms take as much as possible. I will not dive into the issue of Forma, as I wish to maintain my ability to see straight.

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[Community Hot Topics]


Hey look, it's an official version of my Tenno Index =]


Glad you guys were able to whip this up - I have regretfully been unable to keep up with the community. Curses on that 'life' thing I have had to deal with.. joking aside, everything is looking great and I'm eagerly awaiting being able to dive back into Warframe with a freshly reset account and dig in to all of the juicy new content.


You guys are amazing. Keep it up, Lotus. <3


-Jaeger out

Edited by FrankJaeger
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HI, I'm a very avid player of warframe who recently has been bothered by something about warframe, but really more broadly about something I experience when playing most any mmo.

I recently stopped/took a break from playing the game League of Legends because the main champion I played in the game was recently removed from the game.
Frustrated, I started looking for other games to play, (since after losing the character I had I would have basically had had to relearn the game like it was new anyway,) and found warframe from a recommendation from a friend.  I love the game and have been playing for about a month now, and spend a fair amount of time playing and have spent a small amount of money on ingame content already, but I feel like I am reliving the issue I had with League.
I like to experience all the content in a game before deciding what I most like to use, and I had my eye on more distance based weapons like Snipetron and Latron since the beginning.  Assuming I would likely end up preffering those, I started using automatics and then shotguns, planning on eventually sticking with the sniping weapons.
Snipetron, a gun accessable prior to update 8 has been removed without warning and has now been made unavailable.
Similarly, the warframe I had been working to obtain, (Banshee,) was nerfed the same day I claimed it at the forge.
Also similarly, the friend that had reffered me to the game in the first place has told me that while he has the Lato Vandal, he missed out on getting the Braton Vandal closed beta exclusive item due to a lack of knowledge early on given to him, leaving him unaware that he should have purchased the gun right after joining.

I am not asking to buff 'X' warframe or to change the game for me, a single player, but I would like to propose that drastic changes like the removal of in game weapons and the alteration of existing content be given at least a days notice prior to a large update/hotfix.

I understand that I can't have the game devs on speed dial to tell me exactly what design choices are being considered at what time and what they are doing, but while I feel I have empathy for the devs and the desire to keep changes to the game surprises and have a game that is always changing, I feel like being told when major changes are being made to EXISTING in game content would not be asking for that much.

The main thing I would like to see as a player right now from warframe would be more things like the lifestream events that happen.  I'd like to know more about how the game I'm playing might drastically change.  I like new additions to games and enjoy seeing things be reworked and played around with to give in game content a fresh feel, but personally I'm willing to sacrifice the surprise of new content if it means I won't have the rug pulled from under me by making the weapon I was planning on buying no longer available.

And, regardless of if anyone reading this agrees 100% or not:
Thanks for listening, hopefully some of what I'm saying makes some sense.
This marks my first time really posting about anything of any real substance on the forums, though this seemed like the proper thread to put this in.  I could be mistake, but i couldn't really find any feedback-related forums where this post of mine may have been better located.

((((((((EDIT:  I'm worried I rambled too much and wasn't clear, basically I want to know why I shouldn't worry about that dojo room that I just made being removed from the game for reasons that aren't made clear without any real warning.  Am I able to invest vast quantities of resources without fearing the thing i'm building towards will be removed from the game or changed to too severe a point that it becomes unrecognizable?  Am I going to one day come back from the warframe website after buying some plat to buy a bundle to find the bundle has been removed in the latest update/hotfix?  What I would like to hear is that more things life the livestream with the devs is planned or being considered in the future to allow for more communication between devs and players that I feel would just make me--err, um, EVERYONE happier.  :>  )))))))))

Edited by FuryXIV
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The idea of a mostly free online games like Warframe lies in the fact, that people have the CHOICE to get better / stronger / cooler items ingame for money which are very hard to require or impossible to get for free.

The secret of success is, that you can have everything for free, except those things that DO NOT GIVE YOU A FIGHTING EDGE and are purely aesthetic (e.g.: skins, colors and such). 
This results in the players to feel the FREEDOM OF CHOICE to either buy or buy not things in the game. 
And purely psychologially speeking: the freedom of choice is a necessity to humans, wheter it's in real life or in recreational activities. 
When the player plays the game for a prolonged period of time he / she usually feels more inclined to not only have a strong warframe / weapon but also have "cool looking" skins or color-sets to chose from, also showing them of in the progress - making them "special".


HOWEVER: Forcing players to buy things that DO NOT give the player an edge or an advantage but are a necessity for playing the game longer than a few weeks results in the players to get "pressed into buying things" which in fact may be acceptable for some players, but not those who are still not ready to invest money as of yet. - Forcing people to spend money for a "free game" shouldn't strike someone as a good idea, right?! 
- Yes, I'm talking about the inventory size which cannot be upgraded without spending real money but also ONLY hits those players who already decided to play the game longer or even support it or advertise it to their real life / internet / facebook friends, you could say YOUR REAL FANS. 
(The inventory size only gets relevant if you have more than 2 warframes, and / or more than 8 weapons - which takes REAL MONEY or A LOT OF TIME.)


However: because the inventory size is large enough to play the game for a short period of time, but NOT LARGE ENOUGH TO CONTINUE PLAYING THE GAME FOR FREE you will LOSE A LOT of potent players / and or potential customers, lowering your profit in the long run AND decreasing the over-all ingame gamers-skill-levels to mostly new players only, also giving the game a reputation of being a "fake-for-free" game. (There are always some of those pseudo-free games out there, but they get crushed by truly free games who are otherwise, let's face it, identical or of the same concept / genre.)


For reference, please look at the game-design of "League of Legends": 
Everything, EXCEPT skins can be bought with in-game-money, resulting in making everyone getting hooked up playing the game for longer hours if they want certain items / champions (characters to play with) without paying, but making them want more in the progress: skins, which cost real money but are otherwise inaccessable to them. But since they feel that they play it a lot and that the game is important (enough) to them to spend a bit of money, they usually do. And you mostly see skins on player who play in the ranked-system (the only way in the tournaments, but of course only about 0,1% of the players ever get closer to having a real tournament-participation-chance or even really want to - they want to be compared and ranked, be better than others).


In short: please seriously overthink the current idea of the limited inventory size, because you simply CANNOT FORCE PEOPLE TO PLAY YOUR GAME FOR MONEY, ADVERTISING IT AS FREE - They will leave you and go to others. I for example will take my leave from Warframe because of this circumstance and rather spend money on a whole game "Guildwars 2" instead of buying a pseudo-free-game bit for bit because I cannot continue playing it otherwise. If you actually change this inventory-forcefull-money-system (which I highly doubt since I'm only fairly certain that this mail will ever get recognized or even read to begin with) I will gladly come back to warframe.


You did a good job so far, please don't get lost on making everything expensable or you will lose money, reputation AND PLAYERS, things every online game needs most.


With best regards,

a fellow game designer, programmer and Warframe fan,


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The idea of a mostly free online games like Warframe lies in the fact, that people have the CHOICE to get better / stronger / cooler items ingame for money which are very hard to require or impossible to get for free.



Except that no weapon or warframe is really better than another.  They all just have different feels and strengths/weaknesses. (except the new Rhino, which really does nothing better than any other warframe)

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FFS DE, just fix Rhino, or at least until so you make the "new" Rhino, put him back to how he was, maybe with the aggro and better damage on his radial blast too. It's better to have him balanced/ a little UP - or if you are stupid, a little OP - than unplayable.

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Ember has never been worth it. Mag has generally sucked forever. Volt is a joke. Nyx was only good in a broken sense in defense missions. Banshee is only good for sound quaking Xini. Trinity is a one trck pony for certain shieldy bosses.


Most of the frames outright suck. The fact that Rhino now isn't godlike super-best frame for everything is... well, let me find a tiny little violin to play for you.

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Ember has never been worth it. Mag has generally sucked forever. Volt is a joke. Nyx was only good in a broken sense in defense missions. Banshee is only good for sound quaking Xini. Trinity is a one trck pony for certain shieldy bosses.


Most of the frames outright suck. The fact that Rhino now isn't godlike super-best frame for everything is... well, let me find a tiny little violin to play for you.

I didn't know you could get Internet service under rocks...

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Ember has never been worth it. Mag has generally sucked forever. Volt is a joke. Nyx was only good in a broken sense in defense missions. Banshee is only good for sound quaking Xini. Trinity is a one trck pony for certain shieldy bosses.


Most of the frames outright suck. The fact that Rhino now isn't godlike super-best frame for everything is... well, let me find a tiny little violin to play for you.

How many updates did you miss? I.e. what was the last one you saw? They did a bunch to those frames over the last few weeks.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Ember has never been worth it. Mag has generally sucked forever. Volt is a joke. Nyx was only good in a broken sense in defense missions. Banshee is only good for sound quaking Xini. Trinity is a one trck pony for certain shieldy bosses.


Most of the frames outright suck. The fact that Rhino now isn't godlike super-best frame for everything is... well, let me find a tiny little violin to play for you.


You obviously don't know what you're talking about.  Please don't crowd the forums with ignorant responses.  Thanks.

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Okay....So like Iron Skin's argo pull would of been perfect with the original Iron Skin. Now I seem to use Radial Blast instead of Iron Skin more......


Also they could of made Iron Skin last longer now, I mean 800 isn't a lot, it goes down and disappears in an instant especially with the taunting ability it has.

Edited by Zarozian
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It's just sad how Frost can tank better than Rhino now. >.>

or how trinity, and ember can do it too... If the support and caster are better tanks than the tank, something is wrong there.


edit: Frost should be better at protecting an area and making it his (which he does) and supporting his team (snowglobe), but rhino is meant to be the "in their face" tank, someone who doesn't generally pick a spot an claim it as his own (but he can, just not as well as frost can.)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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As has been said... Only one warframe, vauban, has 4 effective or useful abilities; the rest are lucky if they have 1.


Whether it's sooner or later, all frames will need to be revisited and balanced again; all abilities unique and all useful.


Perhaps there could also be a duration, damage, or damage reduction modifier for  the ability mods that's equal to the warframe's level: A level 10 rhino with a maxed iron skin would have the 800 DR  + 10% more for 880, at level 30 that would be up to 1040.


This way, abilities would get slightly more powerful as the warframe levels up.


New mods could be introduced to help customize a player's favored style as well... Say you're rather heavy on the melee: how about some mods for your frame and other weapons that feed directly into your sword? Either a damage increase, or improved crit chance? Obvoiusly, mods like these would be rare, but they would also open a new avenue of customization. Want to try something new? install mods on your melee, frame, and pistol to further power up your rifle! Now you'll be able to handle anything the universe can throw at you!

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New mods could be introduced to help customize a player's favored style as well... Say you're rather heavy on the melee: how about some mods for your frame and other weapons that feed directly into your sword? Either a damage increase, or improved crit chance? Obvoiusly, mods like these would be rare, but they would also open a new avenue of customization. Want to try something new? install mods on your melee, frame, and pistol to further power up your rifle! Now you'll be able to handle anything the universe can throw at you!

TBF we already have those... on our swords/pistols/rifles, and it doesn't make a lot of sense for our sword to power up our rifle imo. Rifle mods should affect the rifle, not the pistol or sword.

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Ember has never been worth it. Mag has generally sucked forever. Volt is a joke. Nyx was only good in a broken sense in defense missions. Banshee is only good for sound quaking Xini. Trinity is a one trck pony for certain shieldy bosses.


Most of the frames outright suck. The fact that Rhino now isn't godlike super-best frame for everything is... well, let me find a tiny little violin to play for you.




And I thought I had existential problems...


In MY experience, none of the frames are now 'UBER-GODMODE-I-WIN-WITH-A-BUTTON-PRESS!!!!!' but none of them suck.


People who can't be bothered to learn how to play? THOSE tend to suck. The frames don't in my experience. And yes, I have them all and have played them all.

Edited by Kalenath
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