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Do You Think De Will Give Us A Low Blow If They Release An Upgraded Sniper/shotgun?


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By upgraded sniper/shotgun I mean a vandal, wraith, or even prime sniper. Not a completely new weapon.


Won't it be a cheap move to do what we have been asking them to for snipers/shotguns for a singular release? I really hope that if any type of upgrade is released it is with an overall improvement to the reasonable sniper/shotgun "buff" we have asked for repeatedly. 


What are your feelings on this?

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Yes, I 100% without doubt expect a full buff across the board for snipers/shotguns if they release a new one. I don't care if it is an alternate variant, it would be disappointing to just see one weapon standing out or even worse being mastery fodder (which has been a constant issue around warframe).


I just want the Vectis to be great :O

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I have to point out, they just released the Anku Scythe, another class of weapons that need a buff across the board.


For some strange reason, the Anku, part of a set with two starter weapons, has higher stats across the board, damage, speed, and crits, than the Prime and Stalker weapons in the same category.

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Yes, I 100% without doubt expect a full buff across the board for snipers/shotguns if they release a new one. I don't care if it is an alternate variant, it would be disappointing to just see one weapon standing out or even worse being mastery fodder (which has been a constant issue around warframe).


I just want the Vectis to be great :O

Pffff, its DE, the new gun will S#&$ on all others and the old ones won't be buffed.




Ahh yes the Anku. Thread has become pointless, they have already delivered a low blow...


Still, at least there is a discussion about it.

They did it before, with the Boltor Prime. Or the Brakk.

Edited by Grulos
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Sniper must have decent rate of fire, high crits (capping at least very colse to 100% with vital sense) and greater heashot multiplier. I know heashot crit already multiplies.

Sniper should pay skill at landing heashots.

Can you land 4 heashots in a second? Good for you, just killed 4 enemies.

You cant? Well then youre doing meh damage on bodyshots with some punchthrough

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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The shotgun/sniper buffs will come eventually.



Note: I may be off about exaclty how DE runs things but from what I had noticed from previous Dev Streams I'm pretty sure this is close to it.


DE has priorities. A (very likely literal) list of work that needs to get done organized from most to least important.


Things are also done in teams. And the actions of one team most often do not reflect the status or priorities of another.


Basically: we will get buffs to shotguns and snipers but depending on how much of a priority it is to DE it may take quite some time. And just because players have asked for such a thing does not mean anything when we get new weapons within these weapon classes.


The Anku for example. Players have called it blatant power creep but it really isin't. It's simply that the team that designs and makes weapons is not the team that balances stats. Their design teams are there to make and design new art-based assets (any new models/textures basically) so even when other teams have other priorities we still have people making 'new' things.


We'll get out buffs and we'll likely get new shotguns/snipers without the issues of older ones before then. Simply because different people within their offices have different jobs and priorities to work on. Not because they want us to only go after new weapons.

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Vectis is one of the best weapons on the board that actually require some skillful play. I don't see why people always say that Soma/Boltor is better.


Unless Nullifiers.

Because of how many enemies you can kill within the same ammount of time.


Unfortunantly a Vectis will never be able to kill as many enemies as a Boltor/Soma can. However if the argument was how many heavy units you could kill with them then things like the Vectis are far more likely to come out on top.

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No, the weapons were/are so ridiculously OP that every other weapon is simply not viable.


This is a really stupid way to look at things. One thing being good doesn't make other things worse, and there's more to the game than DPS calculations.

Edited by (PS4)ElZilcho
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