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Devstream #54 Overview


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According to the Cicero Crisis, the plants that the Grineer were trying so hard to poison were the result of centuries of Orokin manipulation. So obviously, Earth was controlled by the Orokin as well. The plants made it impossible for the Grineer to establish their empire, which is why the Cicero Crisis was about re-taking their birthplace. I think.

Earth is the Grineer Throneworld. But I think it has taken centuries for it to be habitable again. The jungles makes it near impossible for Grineer technology to be built there.

Cyborgs and humidity is a bad match.

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Haha yeah I edited that right after I posted realizing the mistake. Thanks for fact-checking me XD

wait I thought BlackBerry is dead... And I wonder if they will apply Zero Gravity in the Moonbase....besides, it IS the moon. Edited by EricLAW
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Mobile Apps seem pretty helpful ^^


Yeah, combined with the mini-games they mentioned, and the cross-functionality that will allow one to unlock things for the other, I think it sounds like a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to it. I hope they add extractors into the functionality.

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How does Orokin Moonbase fit into the current lore? I thought all of the Orokin artifacts and facilities in normal space were either infested or plundered thousands of years ago by both Grineer and Corpus (and whatever other factions rose and fell after the Old War)? And the only intact and functioning Orokin tech was hidden in the void? I'm just having a hard time believing that Orokin ruins on Earth's Moon, being so close to the seat of the Grineer empire, would be so.... Intact.


Also, absolutely nothing on new valkitty skin? At all??

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How does Orokin Moonbase fit into the current lore? I thought all of the Orokin artifacts and facilities in normal space were either infested or plundered thousands of years ago by both Grineer and Corpus (and whatever other factions rose and fell after the Old War)? And the only intact and functioning Orokin tech was hidden in the void? I'm just having a hard time believing that Orokin ruins on Earth's Moon, being so close to the seat of the Grineer empire, would be so.... Intact.


Also, absolutely nothing on new valkitty skin? At all??


Good point, they're definitely going to have some explaining to do lore-wise before this gets implemented.


After the synthesis scans revealing that the Grineer assisted in usurping the Orokin reign, I find it interesting to speculate the the moonbase is currently inhabited by Grineer, including the Twin Queens. I think everything might come into focus once we have more details on them, specifically regarding their connection to The Orokin.


Nope, nothing on Valkyr. All we saw was concept art, so obviously she has to be modeled before being placed into the game... and we saw that the Yin Yang frame is being modeled currently, so I wouldn't expect her until after U17 :c

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Good point, they're definitely going to have some explaining to do lore-wise before this gets implemented.


After the synthesis scans revealing that the Grineer assisted in usurping the Orokin reign, I find it interesting to speculate the the moonbase is currently inhabited by Grineer, including the Twin Queens. I think everything might come into focus once we have more details on them, specifically regarding their connection to The Orokin.


Nope, nothing on Valkyr. All we saw was concept art, so obviously she has to be modeled before being placed into the game... and we saw that the Yin Yang frame is being modeled currently, so I wouldn't expect her until after U17 :c


That would actually make a lot more sense. We already know that Grineer society is caste in which each Grineer essentially does what they were born to do and that the aristocracy would segregate itself from the rest of the society. Perhaps aristocracy is even decided based on genetic purity or some such.


I would not doubt that the Grineer would rule over the former Orokin seat just as the Khans ruled in the posh palaces of early imperial China after the Mongolians conquered them.


I would also not doubt that the Grineer aristocracy would horde all the high technology of the Orokin in the same fashion that The Capitol in Hunger Games horded tech from the masses. Glory to the Queens and all that.



And shame they didn't show any Valkitty, i was hoping for something i could make into a desktop background -.-

Edited by ChikTikka
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Supra buff good to hear the rest looks solid. I was looking forward to the Catbrow but I really don't like the shape and design of them, far too skinny and not vicious enough looking. I can't find a good picture of what I had in mind but they had fell cats on an Anime called Shinsekai yori, which look more suitable looking. I like cats but those things look like all they will be good for is sleeping all day. ;)

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