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What Have They Done To You Ash Prime?!


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Opinion. Maybe it would do well for you to get off your high altar.


what are feedbacks made off?


tingdingdingding you won the million dollar prize Congratulations!!

the correct answer is indeed "Opinions,"


Opinions, opinions.


If you insist on attacking people because they have a different opinion then you're a complete joke.

We haveee another winner, and im not attacking people im just giving my opinion raw. if id attack you your house would be gone by now ,( nah just kidding.) if my opinion collide with anothers opinion and you call that attacking then idk, yes my language isnt mister niceguy, but you should learn by now the world aint about rainbows and fairytales,

deal with it



Someone may have said this already, but the picture isn't leaked, they showed it on purpose at the end of a devstream.  My only problem is that he looks too bulky, other than that I have no problems with his design.


thats what ive been saying this entire post, carefull or they will attack you also for not liking it :) but your 100% right and they should change his design, i think they should just open the entire model , and scale it down a bit till bulkyness is gone and then it would be all fine, its not a ugly design , its just that hes way to fat right now.

Edited by NickBoay
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its pretty cold up here i must say, and its your opinion that my opinion scks, if we going that road :)


so right back at ya : opinions opinions

So... Basically this boils down to, i should've listened to everybody who said never to argue with a child or with one of those "special" people. Why can't i simply shut up for once.

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Hi, just tryna get my point out here.


For so long people have been demanding for an Ash Prime, here he is. People choose to complain over his appearance.


First of all, at least try to appreciate that DE has gave what you want, since it is their game they could have chose to not give you this frame at all.


Second, everyone has the right to have their opinions, great! However, your rights should never go over anyone else's rights and vise - versa. Yeah, I sort of dislike Ash Prime's appearance but this isn't even the full body, 3D model. How can you be 100% sure that his fat shoulders is not just the prime armour? maybe that shoulder is an add-on just like the other shoulder guards you can add? 


Also, as far as I know (I may be wrong) DE hasn't gave us this much of an early glimpse of a frame becoming prime. The frame (at the time the photo was shown) was probably a work in progress. Great you lot are trying to let your voice get heard so DE makes a change, but it gives no reason to start having a rant over the frame design, just give your ideas in a polite/formal/ kind form..


Thank you.

Edited by mkmahdi24
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I just want to say for the "tough cookies" crowd, that when they teased Chroma with the Anteater helm, many of us grabbed our pitchforks and went to town about that design and DE did in fact release Chroma with what was supposed to be an alternate helm as his standard helm?  (I don't work for them so I don't really know.)  Then released that Anteater helm we didn't like as his alternate helm.


To say that this isn't the final image, so we shouldn't give any feedback at all really would be too late, and I wouldn't feel right not saying anything about it as an Ash enthusiast.


I see two sides of this argument...


The people against it are mostly:

"Holy f@ck are you serious?  that looks nothing like Ash as a prime at all!!!  I need to let DE know as someone who plays Ash all the time my favorite warframe is being primed in a way that I don't like."


The people who like it are:

"I love this design for Ash Prime, because the original Ash looked terrible and I never cared for him much anyways before, BUT...  because this one looks nothing like Ash I love it so much!!!"


Of course, these are all opinions and no one side is right, but is it really better to ignore Ash fans or put them down for speaking up?

Edited by sushidubya
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I just want to say for the "tough cookies" crowd, that when they teased Chroma with the Anteater helm, many of us grabbed our pitchforks and went to town about that design and DE did in fact release Chroma with what was supposed to be an alternate helm as his standard helm?  (I don't work for them so I don't really know.)  Then released that Anteater helm we didn't like as his alternate helm.


To say that this isn't the final image, so we shouldn't give any feedback at all really would be too late, and I wouldn't feel right not saying anything about it as an Ash enthusiast.


I see two sides of this argument...


The people against it are mostly:

"Holy f@ck are you serious?  that looks nothing like Ash as a prime at all!!!  I need to let DE know as someone who plays Ash all the time my favorite warframe is being primed in a way that I don't like."


The people who like it are:

"I love this design for Ash Prime, because the original Ash looked terrible and I never cared for him much anyways before, BUT...  because this one looks nothing like Ash I love it so much!!!"


Of course, these are all opinions and no one side is right, but is it really better to ignore Ash fans?


For the crowd that is in the latter category who most likely will never consider buying Ash Prime Prime access they really can care less, but for people that are Ash mains and have a passion for him, his design and appearance will really become a huge factor as to whether they shell out upwards of $150 just to show their support for DE and love of Ash. I for one was mega hyped when I heard Ash was going to be the next prime and was gun ho about buying his Prime Access as he is my most used frame, but leaked images of him has since deterred me from doing so. So yeah for all the nay sayers in the thread, they can care less about the way Ash P looks since they wouldn't even consider dropping money on him, that or they would buy him with plat or farm him and use him for mastery fodder, but for us Ash users its clear to see the general consensus is that his primed variant is inferior to his non primed, this PA will be a no go for me sorry DE

Edited by 7Lions
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Idc if they do switch the design and make him look better. 

Ash is my fav, i have bills to pay and other things to attend other then a character in a game.

I was super passionate about ash and still kinda am.

I wont spend a penny on him. 

Release Proto Ash i will buy that.

You must be outcha rabid a$$ mind to expect me to pay $150 Rock Block on Prime access i never agreed with.

I prayed Ash prime would have Edo prime and Volt got it.

Shade prime, instead Carrier prime. it still looks great but wtf, its Ash prime, he is a stealth frame come on.

a Cernos or something like Venka prime, Nope! Vectis prime it is.

Ion even use snipers. i bet noone here in Warframe uses em except for Fodder. 

I rather Dakyu prime an i hate that bow.

Dread prime would be sweet but that will never happen.

Lore this lore that. 

After all  Lore is Fake. 

A Myth. Yet some swear Lore is there way of living.

Come on fool, Lore is FAKE soo anything goes, according to DE.

Anyway my Ash is better built then Ash prime i really have no use for him other then mastery and a hopeful trophy for my account. 

I was even gonna make my Clan Emblem Ash Primes Helm.

SIKE! Not no more, might aswell make my emblem Wyrm Prime 


Release the Proto Ash i look forward to that more then Chroma prime

Tbh Warframes getting Lame anyway.

Excal maybe my new fav. Hope he gets fixed up for balance purposes


P.S. For me to $pend $150 on a Game you better be EXTREMELY AWESOME! 

Not worth $150 imo Full pic or not i bet a pic of Loki prime in that same pose will look 100x's Harder then this

Edited by ShadowsofKoga
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I just want to say for the "tough cookies" crowd, that when they teased Chroma with the Anteater helm, many of us grabbed our pitchforks and went to town about that design and DE did in fact release Chroma with what was supposed to be an alternate helm as his standard helm?  (I don't work for them so I don't really know.)  Then released that Anteater helm we didn't like as his alternate helm.


To say that this isn't the final image, so we shouldn't give any feedback at all really would be too late, and I wouldn't feel right not saying anything about it as an Ash enthusiast.


I see two sides of this argument...


The people against it are mostly:

"Holy f@ck are you serious?  that looks nothing like Ash as a prime at all!!!  I need to let DE know as someone who plays Ash all the time my favorite warframe is being primed in a way that I don't like."


The people who like it are:

"I love this design for Ash Prime, because the original Ash looked terrible and I never cared for him much anyways before, BUT...  because this one looks nothing like Ash I love it so much!!!"


Of course, these are all opinions and no one side is right, but is it really better to ignore Ash fans or put them down for speaking up?

you sir , understand it all , bless you


For the crowd that is in the latter category who most likely will never consider buying Ash Prime Prime access they really can care less, but for people that are Ash mains and have a passion for him, his design and appearance will really become a huge factor as to whether they shell out upwards of $150 just to show their support for DE and love of Ash. I for one was mega hyped when I heard Ash was going to be the next prime and was gun ho about buying his Prime Access as he is my most used frame, but leaked images of him has since deterred me from doing so. So yeah for all the nay sayers in the thread, they can care less about the way Ash P looks since they wouldn't even consider dropping money on him, that or they would buy him with plat or farm him and use him for mastery fodder, but for us Ash users its clear to see the general consensus is that his primed variant is inferior to his non primed, this PA will be a no go for me sorry DE

same thing right here, as he is now i will farm him over a period of 2 weeks just to have it, if he gets to be improved to a " to my opinion" REAL ash prime, then il be like " shut up and take my money" , but as far it is now nope wallet stays shut down



Idc if they do switch the design and make him look better. 

Ash is my fav, i have bills to pay and other things to attend other then a character in a game.

I was super passionate about ash and still kinda am.

I wont spend a penny on him. 

Release Proto Ash i will buy that.

You must be outcha rabid a$$ mind to expect me to pay $150 Rock Block on Prime access i never agreed with.

I prayed Ash prime would have Edo prime and Volt got it.

Shade prime, instead Carrier prime. it still looks great but wtf, its Ash prime, he is a stealth frame come on.

a Cernos or something like Venka prime, Nope! Vectis prime it is.

Ion even use snipers. i bet noone here in Warframe uses em except for Fodder. 

I rather Dakyu prime an i hate that bow.

Dread prime would be sweet but that will never happen.

Lore this lore that. 

After all  Lore is Fake. 

A Myth. Yet some swear Lore is there way of living.

Come on fool, Lore is FAKE soo anything goes, according to DE.

Anyway my Ash is better built then Ash prime i really have no use for him other then mastery and a hopeful trophy for my account. 

I was even gonna make my Clan Emblem Ash Primes Helm.

SIKE! Not no more, might aswell make my emblem Wyrm Prime 


Release the Proto Ash i look forward to that more then Chroma prime

Tbh Warframes getting Lame anyway.

Excal maybe my new fav. Hope he gets fixed up for balance purposes


P.S. For me to $pend $150 on a Game you better be EXTREMELY AWESOME! 

Not worth $150 imo Full pic or not i bet a pic of Loki prime in that same pose will look 100x's Harder then this


welcome to the i wont buy fat azz ash club xD, tho OP says it might be a 3D model in work, wich could change everything, for now imma take that into account and just wait and see, i think i have given my opinion loud and clear so , lets see what happens. also worst case scenario still have my normal ash wich still appeals to me , i actually feel kinda bad that my frame wich i used for idk over a period of 2 years or something is gonna become a dustcollector if they actually make ash prime nice haha , xD the memories


btw your not alone, all ash fans in my clan tell me they wont buy it either as it currently is... so i guess it aint just us not liking it as this forums tries let you believe :)



about that dread prime , if stalker is from orokin age , why he not prime himself :? thats a question on its own

since all primes are versions of our warframes from the orokin age right? so maybe stalker is a normal frame from the future send back to orokin age andd..... ok mind blew up nvm me



Why can't i simply shut up for once.


im wondering the same thing. for once we agree on something +1

Edited by NickBoay
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about that dread prime , if stalker is from orokin age , why he not prime himself :? thats a question on its own


The Stalker is from the Orokin era, but he wasn't the Stalker back then. If you remember from his codex, back during the time of the Orokin he was just a simple low Guardian. Since his weapons are customized for killing tenno and have a unique appearance we can assume he probably made them himself while he was the Stalker, which means those weapons did not exist in the Orokin era. 


They also appear to be made out of existing tenno weapons as well...if you look, the Hate is very similar to the Kama, the Despair is similar to the Kunai, and Dread shares some elements with the Paris. If that's true, then technically the Prime version of Dread would be Paris Prime.


Also, you might want to hold off on aesthetic judgements until you see the whole frame. Remember Chroma?

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The Stalker is from the Orokin era, but he wasn't the Stalker back then. If you remember from his codex, back during the time of the Orokin he was just a simple low Guardian. Since his weapons are customized for killing tenno and have a unique appearance we can assume he probably made them himself while he was the Stalker, which means those weapons did not exist in the Orokin era. 


They also appear to be made out of existing tenno weapons as well...if you look, the Hate is very similar to the Kama, the Despair is similar to the Kunai, and Dread shares some elements with the Paris. If that's true, then technically the Prime version of Dread would be Paris Prime.


Also, you might want to hold off on aesthetic judgements until you see the whole frame. Remember Chroma?

ye i heard the story from a clanmember apparently he also went into the void where he received warframe powers ( that would prolly be somewhere last year cuz when i farmed his gear he had no skills yet rofl ) and intresting lol paris /dread prime that mindfcked me a second, and about the design im in my "waitandsee" mode because indeed it was not a full pic, and the wide bottom led to assumptions of him being to bulky(that was the only thing i disliked fully), while now im thinking that they might even modelled him only halfway and took a pic like that,it would explain the big scaled lower half or its suppose to be a fat azz, idk time will tell, been toying in blender a few days and i must say i respect them alot more haha, easier said then done :) , but still customer = king that will remain a golden rule

Edited by NickBoay
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The customers opinion is important, but companies look at overall customer trends these days. When it comes to changes that affect everyone, they will go with what everyone wants the most, not what a few loud angry people want. That's just good business. The overall customer trends = King, individual customers do not = king. 

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I like the Ash Prime we're getting. Haters gonna hate.


I also like the current ash prime design way more than the cliche fan concepts. People can equip whatever helm they want on him either way, and I'm liking the prime version more than any of the current ones. Edited by TaylorsContraction
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Ash prime bring that a$$ hea boi! xD 


Chroma prime Hybrid witta cross breed of Nicki Minaj Twerk Video Face ahh Boi!


Aye man after all Warframes aint suppose to look cute fym ima Rock Ash Prime like a Real Cyborg Ninjuh should. 


Yall just enjoy and laugh man we all wanna have fun and enjoy ourselves dnt take what i say to heart.

Its detrimental to ya health ya feel meh? 


Real talk tho Proto Ash looks soo Sick!


Have yall seen that guys Proto set of Frame?


All of them look Official

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ye i heard the story from a clanmember apparently he also went into the void where he received warframe powers ( that would prolly be somewhere last year cuz when i farmed his gear he had no skills yet rofl ) and intresting lol paris /dread prime that mindfcked me a second, and about the design im in my "waitandsee" mode because indeed it was not a full pic, and the wide bottom led to assumptions of him being to bulky(that was the only thing i disliked fully), while now im thinking that they might even modelled him only halfway and took a pic like that,it would explain the big scaled lower half or its suppose to be a fat azz, idk time will tell, been toying in blender a few days and i must say i respect them alot more haha, easier said then done :) , but still customer = king that will remain a golden rule


The going into the void thing is just speculation, we don't know how or why he has those powers yet.


It's not so much a case of him being half modeled but the pose they put him in. He's bent over and forward in a sort of jumping pose, any frame would look weird like that. And the customer is king but they never know what they want and can't be trusted with anything, anyone who's worked in sales will tell you that. Bending to the whims of a customer is a bad idea.


Chroma looked ugly than and he looks ugly now, nuff said 


It's almost like opinions don't exist. 

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