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Pc 16.9.0: Excalibur Feedback Megathread


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i also find it weird why his work can't be released as a full version instead of a beta version... i guess it's democratic system, they wait to see peoples opinion, it's a good method... but 1k replies in one topic...


There for several votes on Excalibur and they completly went against some. It is neither democratic (no developer would do that, no should they do that) nor is it very good, at least the Excalibur is the prime (so for the pun :) ) example how not to do it.

Edited by MichaelSD
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You are not alone, but we are powerless against the wanna be jedis. :)

Lol didn't know Jedi used lightsabres to make waves of energy.....that's a new one. XD


It's more of Zero's thing from Megman X anyway.

Edited by Darkmoone1
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i also find it weird why his work can't be released as a full version instead of a beta version... i guess it's democratic system, they wait to see peoples opinion, it's a good method... but 1k replies in one topic...

DE does not release patches on weekends. The very most they do on weekends is fix servers. Expect replies from DE and possible patches/hotfixes starting monday. Also, take note that DE has not said anything(On their dev tracker) since Late Friday into Very Early Saturday.

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after doing t4 survival i'm officially convinced excalibur effin sucks! when did i die mostly? i spam wave on nullifier , spam spam spam untill another nullifier covered me with his bubble from some backdoor or something, that's not the issue though.. it's the tiny second excalibur had to reholster his exalted blade to normal mode that i died in LOL. sniped to the face, in these situations idk what to do except for spam roll untill i'm safe LOL so awkward and listen to the poster above me, if he says he's bad then he IS bad


at 25+ mins; all lanka was able to one-shot me with vit+ steel fiber (450 armor)


if anything, excalibur needs further buffs, which is funny, the only way to do this is probably bringing back LOS radial blind to create breathing room, and DE won't do that because of camping exploits or something, they have a point in a way, but he still needs some utility for better survivability, no matter how many times i radial blind there's always some dude shooting and its annoying


note that having 4 players in squad = way more enemies, solo isn't comparable.


inb4 "crackheads sucks", wutever, i'm just gonna wait for ash prime and do 60 waves with ash meanwhile. 

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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after doing t4 survival i'm officially convinced excalibur effin sucks! when did i die mostly? i spam wave on nullifier , spam spam spam untill another nullifier covered me with his bubble from some backdoor or something, that's not the issue though.. it's the tiny second excalibur had to reholster his exalted blade to normal mode that i died in LOL. sniped to the face, in these situations idk what to do except for spam roll untill i'm safe LOL so awkward and listen to the poster above me, if he says he's bad then he IS bad


at 25+ mins; all lanka was able to one-shot me with vit+ steel fiber (450 armor)


if anything, excalibur needs further buffs, which is funny, the only way to do this is probably bringing back LOS radial blind to create breathing room, and DE won't do that because of camping exploits or something, they have a point in a way, but he still needs some utility for better survivability, no matter how many times i radial blind there's always some dude shooting and its annoying


note that having 4 players in squad = way more enemies, solo isn't comparable.


inb4 crackheads sucks, wutever, i'm just gonna wait for ash prime to do my 60 waves meanwhile. 



t4s solo, excalibur, you are doing it wrong


you think solo isnt comparable?, i did 1h 20+ with some clanmates. 2 of us used excalibro. he is REALLY strong, sadly you cant win spamming 1 abiltity alone

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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t4s solo, excalibur, you are doing it wrong

you think solo isnt comparable?, i did 1h 20+ with some clanmates. 2 of us used excalibro. he is REALLY strong, sadly you cant win spamming 1 abiltity alone

Single play Use only EB don't bring anything but a melee and no sentinels just a melee and show me the survability in the skill?

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Single play Use only EB don't bring anything but a melee and no sentinels just a melee and show me the survability in the skill?

do it with any frame, then come and talk, this is 52 min with the new ancient healers, the frame can do it, why would you not use weapons? its like negating yourself from gunplay which is a greatpart of the game. because you want to  measure the power of a frame by using only abilities?; and what does that prove?. so using your logic nova, frost and trinity suck, he is powerfull. but players are just lazy


BTW, i used EB when i died the first time.  around 45 min,  and it mproves ALOT your survivability. i didnt turn it off until i ended the mission. the ability is powerful, keeps you alive and allows you to kill stuff easy when most weapons struggle to kill .. the only problem is stamina drain, but that is already on progress, 

Edited by CryvernX
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obably bringing back LOS radial blind to create breathing room, and DE won't do that because of camping exploits or something, they have a point in a way, but he still needs some utility for better survivability, no matter how many times i radial blind there's always some dude shooting and its annoying

So a frame is only good if it renders all enemies helpless indefinitely?  Maybe the problem is not with any one frame but with enemies being unbalanced?

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So a frame is only good if it renders all enemies helpless indefinitely?  Maybe the problem is not with any one frame but with enemies being unbalanced?

enemies are ok, the unbalance starts when you stay on endless missions for too long. the game doesnt want you to faceroll lvl 130 enemies. the problem is not excalibur bro is the players

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enemies are ok, the unbalance starts when you stay on endless missions for too long. the game doesnt want you to faceroll lvl 130 enemies. the problem is not excalibur bro is the players

I agree fully.  There are problems with some enemies, though, like Corrupted Bombards which can start effectively one-shotting you when they spawn in droves at level 40.  Of course, this feedback never reaches DE in any meaningful way since people prefer to just CC the whole map instead of playing missions.  

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I agree fully.  There are problems with some enemies, though, like Corrupted Bombards which can start effectively one-shotting you when they spawn in droves at level 40.  Of course, this feedback never reaches DE in any meaningful way since people prefer to just CC the whole map instead of playing missions.  

main reason why i play solo mostly, also hate camping

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OK, let me just throw this out there. I'm just saying that if valkyr has an ultimate that makes her invincible, and has 5% life steal at max rank, why can't excal have any on the blade (not shockwaves) of his non invincible ultimate (in which he still takes substantially more damage than valkyr with her 600 armor)?


I'm just throwing it out there, the shockwaves should not recover excal's health, but would it really break the whole game if his sword in EB had an innate lifesteal?

Edited by Flowen231
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You guys actually convinced me when it comes to the life steal issue. At first I thought it was bad design, yet again reliance on a band-aid mod but now... It kinda makes sense. I mean, why do we disagree with the Life Strike, being the source of healing? So we can squeeze in another damage mod, so that we can manage a few more minutes in survival or top a Nova in the score board. As already proven, Excal can be taken to 50 mins in T4. That should be amazing all by itself. CryvernX used other weapons, not just the Ult, but that's because the EB is not a perfect ability. And it shouldn't be. Finally, we get a power that has actual downsides (no health regen, full melee mode, no knockdown immunity) that allows player skill to compensate for it's imperfections. You can stay in EB all the time, that's easy, but not an optimal, way to play Excal. Well played DE, well played. 


If anything the skill suffers indirectly from the issues plaguing other parts of Warframe. Like combo systems, finishers and no knockdown recovery mechanics (really, a sideways roll would do wonders). Fix those and EB is perfect. 

Edited by tisdfogg
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do it with any frame, then come and talk, this is 52 min with the new ancient healers, the frame can do it, why would you not use weapons? its like negating yourself from gunplay which is a greatpart of the game. because you want to  measure the power of a frame by using only abilities?; and what does that prove?. so using your logic nova, frost and trinity suck, he is powerfull. but players are just lazy


BTW, i used EB when i died the first time.  around 45 min,  and it mproves ALOT your survivability. i didnt turn it off until i ended the mission. the ability is powerful, keeps you alive and allows you to kill stuff easy when most weapons struggle to kill .. the only problem is stamina drain, but that is already on progress,

A 4th skill is meant to be a massive damage boost that either kills all enemies at once or you have a 4th that gives a lot of cc/survivability or you have a bit of both meaning not as much damage as a damage forth and not as much as survivability as a survivability 4th

Nova has damage and cc in her 4th / trinity has survivability in her 4th it gives damage reduction and full health to a whole team

Using one skill is proving that it does not require other skills to stay good same with weapons if your killing worse than normal weapons it makes the skill less effective for what it should be/do

Most frames can easily make it to higher levels due to there skills and others have a much much harder time

If we are using your logic then Excalibur and any frame that comes out and has been out does not need buffs in anyway.

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If anything the skill suffers indirectly from the issues plaguing other parts of Warframe. Like combo systems, finishers and no knockdown recovery mechanics (really, a sideways roll would do wonders). Fix those and EB is perfect. 

Oh my god. All of my yes.

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solo means you are getting less enemies. get a squad of 4, with people who barely got CC, and basically means you are on your own without the help of others. that's when business gets serious and you get that  big crowd of enemies that you have to deal with all on your own along with a teammate in need of a res. that is what happened to me, and i sure as hell went through too many risks, some situations succeding in killing the crowds, some situations i couldn't due to one-shots. 


with that said, i was able to compare the struggle with this and ash as i used him before excal, nothing beats invisibility (rendering ALL enemies "helpless" to you according to its duration) and with him i don't have to use perma channeling except for when i need it.

but with excalibur? i just know these nullifiers means bad, i put that channeling even if it cost me 10 energy per hit (rank 1) still died trying to kshwoosh kshwooosh him fast before the crewman came with his shotgun from the left to one-shot me. 


also, i'm not gona escape when i see a nullifier unlike the videos i've seen in solo. besides, escaping was nearly impossible with all the crowds left and right, it's nothing like solo.


@tris, dont worry if they use weapons, if they have weapons that just means they're outside their ulti and can't facetank, but ofcourse, unless that tonkor misses, it does its job all the time. what you should ask them to do is going in t4 survival with a squad of 4x, valkyrs or loki's or something that rarely disarms and can't CC for you

Edited by SomeCrackHead
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After a few tests i noticed a bug seems that the melee mods does not always affect the 4th ability. also i noticed there is still that bug that makes your randomly unable to use melee for the rest of a match. Truly a death sentence to a melee char.


Other than that great job reworking him cant find anything wrong he is not over powered nor now any longer under powered thank you so sad i could never afford the founders pack back in the day to have the prime.

Edited by WernerShadow
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solo means you are getting less enemies. get a squad of 4, with people who barely got CC, and basically means you are on your own without the help of others. that's when business gets serious and you get that  big crowd of enemies that you have to deal with all on your own along with a teammate in need of a res. that is what happened to me, and i sure as hell went through too many risks, some situations succeding in killing the crowds, some situations i couldn't due to one-shots. 


with that said, i was able to compare the struggle with this and ash as i used him before excal, nothing beats invisibility (rendering ALL enemies "helpless" to you according to its duration) and with him i don't have to use perma channeling except for when i need it.

but with excalibur? i just know these nullifiers means bad, i put that channeling even if it cost me 10 energy per hit (rank 1) still died trying to kshwoosh kshwooosh him fast before the crewman came with his shotgun from the left to one-shot me. 


also, i'm not gona escape when i see a nullifier unlike the videos i've seen in solo. besides, escaping was nearly impossible with all the crowds left and right, it's nothing like solo.


@tris, dont worry if they use weapons, if they have weapons that just means they're outside their ulti and can't facetank, but ofcourse, unless that tonkor misses, it does its job all the time. what you should ask them to do is going in t4 survival with a squad of 4x, valkyrs or loki's or something that rarely disarms and can't CC for you


This! I can solo T4 with most frame for a long time, no surprise you do not get a crowed of enemies.

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This! I can solo T4 with most frame for a long time, no surprise you do not get a crowed of enemies.

So do i but i like that he fails means they wont nerf excal for being OP 


solo means you are getting less enemies. get a squad of 4, with people who barely got CC, and basically means you are on your own without the help of others. that's when business gets serious and you get that  big crowd of enemies that you have to deal with all on your own along with a teammate in need of a res. that is what happened to me, and i sure as hell went through too many risks, some situations succeding in killing the crowds, some situations i couldn't due to one-shots. 


with that said, i was able to compare the struggle with this and ash as i used him before excal, nothing beats invisibility (rendering ALL enemies "helpless" to you according to its duration) and with him i don't have to use perma channeling except for when i need it.

but with excalibur? i just know these nullifiers means bad, i put that channeling even if it cost me 10 energy per hit (rank 1) still died trying to kshwoosh kshwooosh him fast before the crewman came with his shotgun from the left to one-shot me. 


also, i'm not gona escape when i see a nullifier unlike the videos i've seen in solo. besides, escaping was nearly impossible with all the crowds left and right, it's nothing like solo.


@tris, dont worry if they use weapons, if they have weapons that just means they're outside their ulti and can't facetank, but ofcourse, unless that tonkor misses, it does its job all the time. what you should ask them to do is going in t4 survival with a squad of 4x, valkyrs or loki's or something that rarely disarms and can't CC for you


Firstly Excal is currently the only frame that has an ability that is not stopped by the nullifier shields they dont slow you down and i dont channel ever. Like me who keeps bleeding out with trinity for some reason 

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Many people seem to think Excalibur's EB's waves ignoring nullifiers is a good thing.


I'd prefer that it didn't ignore nullifiers, but instead shrink the bubble. I hate it when I throw waves at the bubble, but miss the nullifier. Then he comes closer to me and I cannot strafe or move back while throwing out EB waves, so I end up inside the bubble and forced out of my ult. 

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I am really happy with his rework. Slash Dash is an awesome ability now, being able to use RB mid-movement makes his gameplay more fluid in general and Exalted Blade.. well it's a freakin energy sword with which you shoot energy waves. It's awesome! Good damage, good range, movement, etc. He is just extremely versatile now and desperately needed that buff to keep up with the other frames.
To be honest I had a pretty low expectation, so I was even more suprised to see his rework being done so well.


There is just one issue I have with his 3rd ability. There is pretty much no scenario in which you'd want to use RJ instead of RB. Maybe for crowded low level enemies, but that's not a good way to "balance" an ability.
My suggestion would be to have the ability be changed to a sort of cleave with a 45-90 degree arc in which you shoot out these javelins.

On the # of targets for SD: 4 +/- Power Duration

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Single play Use only EB don't bring anything but a melee and no sentinels just a melee and show me the survability in the skill?

Going 50m + with just one ability and nothing else would suggest that the ability is too strong.

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