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Superjump Feedback [Pre-Excalibur Redux]


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Amen, dude.

Also, any true excalibur player would know that currently the best power to focus on is still radial blind, especially with the new augment;but, a good build for radial blind would provide also a negative power strength that means a super jump around 30cm high.

This to say that sometime super jump is funny, but most of the times is useless, especially if your focus is to actually make excalibur viable.

Nevermind the haters, they're gonna hate anyway.


Again, i dont understand why folks that disagree with having an option focus on just SJ.

You DO know that if you use overextend and dont compensate for the negatives you are also hurting the two other powers, right?


And this is how it goes for everyone that use the corrupt mods and dont compensate.

This isnt some unique scenario to this frame.



PS- doesnt the LOS and all other restrictions invalidate the need for RB to go that far out, anyway? RB now seems to be an ability that you should cast in the middle of a pile-up.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Its not that hard to understand.

Its been like that since the dawn of online games

You are just too naive.

You are too pure for us :(


Oh, you were serious. You actually think that people are supporting SJ not because they find it useful, but because they're secretly jealous of Excal and are conspiring to pull him down.

I... wow. Just wow.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Again, i dont understand why folks that disagree with having an option focus on just SJ.

You DO know that if you use overextend and dont compensate for the negatives you are also hurting the two other powers, right?

And this is how it goes for everyone that use the corrupt mods and dont compensate.

This isnt some unique scenario to this frame.

PS- doesnt the LOS and all other restrictions invalidate the need for RB to go that far out, anyway? RB now seems to be an ability that you should cast in the middle of a pile-up.

There's no awesome power or press to win for Excalibur, but if you want to try to make him as much viable as possible for end game then you'll go with radial blind and radiant finish.

A compensation build will just make him fine for mid game, which could be OK most of the times, but not if you main a frame and wanna use it in any kind of mission.

There's maybe one or two frames with all 4 powers useful, most of them are clearly to be focused on one or in the best cases, two powers.

Excalibur ones are radial blind and radial javelin in some specific situations. Period.

SSuper jump has never been a thing, I'm here from quite a while and I can assure you that before the rework was announced no one give a damn about that "oh wait, excalibur has a third power? You don't say.".

All this super jump stuff just came out cause we simply need to complain on almost every DE move. In some cases we do it right, some others we don't and everyone of us will find himself on both sides sooner or later.

Will I miss super jump? Probably, it was funny and I found it very useful on cerberus interception.

Will the rework that removes super jump from the equation give me a better excalibur? Well "no" is nearly impossible.

Edited by siralextraffo
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*i put in bullet points 1-3*


1. you dont need to choose a different frame since most melee weapons will give you the same if not more distance in travel with using SJ.


2. why use SJ as an escape when you can just blind the entire room and escape or just kill everything that is blind?


3. i have nothing for this since he kinda answered it.


1. SJ you press one button. SJ wins! Finish Him! Excal SJ real high and lands on you squishing you into a pile of bones, blood and guts. EXCELLENT!

I have been playing MKX.


2. Not everyone runs Streamline, Flow, FE on every config. Some times it's better to use the cheaper power because its not a full room of enemies. Regularly i throw FBs with Ember to CC instead of using the other two powers.


3. Who is "he"?

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It seems to me that Super Jump is being used by people to fill the role RB should fit. As long as Radial Blind is properly adjusted, Super Jump shouldn't matter for that purpose.


Those two abilities fit two different roles even though they be placed in used in similar situations.

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Those two abilities fit two different roles even though they be placed in used in similar situations.

One prevents enemies from attacking Excal, while the other does the same thing with a now-redundant mobility attachment included. Once Radial Blind becomes one-handed it will fill that role even better perhaps, while charge jumps will provide mobility for anyone who wants that (although because of the delay it may not be as good at protection, but again RB fills that role). The only problem I can think of is the Bombard rocket, and I think if the Corrupted version is fixed this won't be a problem.

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1. SJ you press one button. SJ wins! Finish Him! Excal SJ real high and lands on you squishing you into a pile of bones, blood and guts. EXCELLENT!

I have been playing MKX.


2. Not everyone runs Streamline, Flow, FE on every config. Some times it's better to use the cheaper power because its not a full room of enemies. Regularly i throw FBs with Ember to CC instead of using the other two powers.


3. Who is "he"?


1. cg you went high into the air and came straight down killed an enemy and used energy on top of it /jokerclap. i use kogake and use 2 inputs (jump+melee) and high into the air as well and use a third input (melee) and not just kill an enemy but knockdown the surrounding ones and use no energy /jokerclap.


2. you dont have to and you cant still blind most of the room.


3. the person who answered you.

Edited by Noble_One
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I've experimented with this pretty thoroughly, and I've found that relying on directional melee instead of Super Jump is a very good way of getting yourself instagibbed on any map with Ballistae, Seekers, or Nullifiers involved.

We aren't complaining about SJ's removal because we think that we'll be losing our mobility or anything crazy like that. We're complaining because we're losing the zero-delay invisibility that allows us to reliably time and dodge sniper attacks like we currently do.

so you're complaining about one abillity that allows you to do one specific thing with one specific (possibly two) units. You're right. That sounds much dumber.

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There is only 1 move that will be removed and replaced by a BETTER move. Super jump is probably the most useless abillity in the game so far, especially with Directional melee

and for those of us who dont bother using meele for anything OTHER than killing enemys with?

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Don't see what's being protested here. Excal will become one of those rarities, a Frame where all abilities that are useful and can be used in the majority of situations.

This is a sort of complex problem really, beyond this it's not like anyone can off-hand attest to the general usability of a frame that doesn't yet exist.  A majority of this game's abilities work in what is an effectively straightforward manner.  Now note, this is not a bad thing, it's just how they operate.  By proxy there are far fewer frame abilities that work in a very indirect and/or obtuse manner.  Altering angles of approach, improving general flexibility in handling things, etc.


The real core problem is this;  There are already a lot of simple and straightforward ways to approach combat through a myriad of frames.  Excalibur's current form, especially through the use of Super Jump and Slash Dash, can approach situations in a much more dynamic fashion.  Those of us who enjoy indirect tools are losing some of the very few that even exist in the game.  While there's no guarantee that we will be capable of using a prospective new tool (Charge Jumps) to replicate the combatative and other applications provided by Super Jump.  And of course potentially losing the applications allowed by the current form of Slash Dash.


Now mind you, it's not like we automatically hate new Excalibur here, I think it's safe to say that most of us who wish to keep the current skillset have no qualms with the new one being implemented.  We simply wish to retain what we have access to.  Of course again, I can't technically speak for everyone, so I could be wrong with how others feel on the issue.


Contrary to popular belief, directional air melees don't even marginally allow the same kinds of approaches to the game as Super Jump does.  Anyone implying that simply doesn't understand the mechanical differences.  Does this mean anything bad?  No, people don't have to use or like everything.


At the end of the day, the problem is simplicity is winning out over complexity.  Directness is winning out over dynamics.  In a game where the direct already vastly outnumbers the dynamic, losing more dynamic things is disheartening.  Intriguing things with more odd ways of being used are never popular, that's just a given of course.  But seeing that short list shrink away just sort of sucks.


why should i keep the old Super jump when Parkour 2.0 charge jump and directional melee can do the same?


Because the actual likelihood (by my perception) of those two doing the same is, and I'm not extrapolating here, roughly zero percent in all honesty.  A "charged jump" implies, by no shocker, a charge, which takes time.  The latter of the noted things already fails handily at allowing the same, so charged jumps are the final chance...

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Calibur is probably going to get a valkyr tier 4, with a energy sword instead of claws. I personally find this awesome, and it makes more since on him than valk really, cause hes the origional mele frame, that was always ok at mele, not great.


Also its not even out yet, how can we have opinions on something we havent even tried yet...

Edited by Sakatchi
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I'm one of the other Excal users who use him as a mobility frame. Mostly for super jump. Just slot in Trans Fort and Intensify and lift off. You can even bypass the slash dash by coptering, but I have to really ask myself, will charged jump ever get me higher than a power built super jump? I mean, I rocket all the way to the top of that void room, you know, the one that has useless drops, but a loads of laser traps to hinder you when you go up?

Suffice to say, if I'm losing that super jump, that charged jump had better get me as high as what it replaced, or it'll feel like a nasty nerf for me. Probably some passives, like an increased jump height for charged jumps? While I look forward to the other skills and their retweaks, I have some anxiety about losing a cheap, jump effective mobility skill in favour for an AOE that may not scale that well anyways.

I use Excal as a main for when I need to get to a location, and possibly snipe a bit if I have to. Losing super jump pretty much denies me some interesting sniping spots, forcing me to use either a Nova, Valkyr (As a sniper?), or Loki (While some favour him, not my cup of tea.). And I'll admit, I do favour using him for spy missions. Mostly because of the Proto-Excal skin (Spec Ops over ninja).

I figure time will tell if the new Excal reworks are going to be overall better, but I also would like that he still has a slightly better mobility, as he was listed as a frame that could do all, but not excel at all.

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