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Dammit! You're Doing It Again! (Event Reward Balance Thread)


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Its actually pretty bad tbh alad has had 2 packs of r5's 2 reactors and 1 catalyst when compared to nefs........nothing nef has had nothing of use.


All three platforms will miraculously end up with the karak wraith so de can have the dera for a future event. 


Giving alad super good rewards intill they are tied again is just bad design. If de wanted they could just keep giving alad good rewards even if he is winning. The moment that happens i will call shenanigans like i did with eyes of blight that was way worse then this.


Keep in mind this is coming from a person who has sided with alad every time even when he had bad rewards.

This would be assuming DE is consciously choosing these rewards, where, instead, the game is choosing them based on who is winning.

There isn't someone at DE HQ waiting for the current conflict to end so they can click a button and set the next conflict's rewards. It's automated, and made to favor the losing side.

While I would've preferred equal rewards to make it a real choice event, it still stands the event isn't rigged in one direction.

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The longer and more frequently a person plays a game with in-game purchases, the more likely they are to to actually make a purchase. This logic applies to retail stores and theme parks as well, which is why places with larger floorspace tend to be more profitable. People with hundreds of hours invested in Warframe are statistically more likely to want to either give them money because they enjoyed the game, see something they want that they don't have and fork over the cash to have it, or become tired of looking for an item and just pay to end their waiting and obtain the item they're looking for.


When I say bare minimum for the global rewards, I don't mean on a node-by-node basis. I mean in the event as a whole. You only need 4 completed nodes to get the weapon, mods, etc. This was also seen in the Eyes of Blight event, where players near the end of the conflict stopped completing any of the missions because they had already gotten the Imperator Vandal. The ideal is for players to want to do every single mission offered, because it's more time that players are in the game. This loops back to my earlier statement.


As for creating frustration among the players, this is ironically what the community wanted. For almost as long as I've been playing, which is since January of last year, the community has been clamoring for another event like the Gradivus Dilemma, which was almost this exact same event. Many people wanted the same polarizing us-vs-them mentality to wash over the forums, and so DE gave it to us. I wasn't active during it so I don't know if the same complaints over reward disparity were happening then, so I can't speak to if this is exactly a repeat. My point on that matter though is that to facilitate the sense of heated competition, both sides need to feel like they have a chance at winning. So by having the rubberbanding rewards, both sides will be closer and more competitive.


I'm not implying the rubberbanding rewards are the best course of action. I'm clarifying why they were put in. How you feel about their existence isn't as important as the fact they exist, and complaining that you have to make a decision each time a node comes up on the big picture vs the here-and-now does not change their existence.


I played the Gradivus Dilemma and from what I remember of it everyone hated it. It was extremely boring, repetitive, tedious, etc. All the bad things an event can be and shouldn't be. 


Now I'll admit that I took some time off from the game for a while so maybe people changed their opinions on it over time, that I can't say. So I'm going to have to disagree with you that people wanted a repeat of that particular event.

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This would be assuming DE is consciously choosing these rewards, where, instead, the game is choosing them based on who is winning.

There isn't someone at DE HQ waiting for the current conflict to end so they can click a button and set the next conflict's rewards. It's automated, and made to favor the losing side.

While I would've preferred equal rewards to make it a real choice event, it still stands the event isn't rigged in one direction.

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AKA Rigged


Anyway, just fight 4 times for your favorite side and the fight for the better rewards once you're 4/4 with one of the two.


The results will be the same but you'll have the better rewards.

The same exact thing was on PC when Alad was 0-5. Stop your *@##$ing it happened once and its happening again. The event is coded this way.

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This would be assuming DE is consciously choosing these rewards, where, instead, the game is choosing them based on who is winning.

There isn't someone at DE HQ waiting for the current conflict to end so they can click a button and set the next conflict's rewards. It's automated, and made to favor the losing side.

While I would've preferred equal rewards to make it a real choice event, it still stands the event isn't rigged in one direction.

Team stinky floppy jellyfish 4lyf. Although if all three platforms end up with the karak that would be pretty suspicious so suspicious i would have to hire the best investigator i know, I better get go go gadget on speed dial.

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This is really not fair, nef anyo is winning on ps4 but Alad v is catching up... Because he started offering reactors and catalyst. Why can't they have the same offering? Of course the majority of the community are going to go towards things like Catalyst and Reactors because there so scarce. It's not fair.

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Third thread about this on the first page alone, about time we got another one of those.

The losing side will always offer more attractive rewards to turn the odds in their favour. Makes perfect sense and is working as intended.

Have you also noticed it's only people on PS4 complaining?
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The losing side will always offer more attractive rewards to turn the odds in their favour. Makes perfect sense and is working as intended.

This is the case.


If you're competing with someone else, specifically for things like a contract, you will try to beat them and get said contract any way possible; including cutting your price, offering additional services, or just something to get you an edge over them.


If you're 4/4 with Anyo just fight for Alad now and get the better rewards.

If you fight for Alad now it will actually remove your 4/4 progress until you're 0/4; at which point you will need to then go 4 points towards Alad or 4 points back towards Anyo.


Have you also noticed it's only people on PS4 complaining?

When the event on PC was running, people complained of the exact same issue. It's working as intended. 

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The amount of people not understanding why the losing side of a war starts offering better incentive to help them is really making my blood boil. If Alad V was *winning* and offering 25 Rare Cores vs. Anyo's 20 Uncommon Cores, then you can complain it's rigged. And when I say that, I mean more than a one-point gap.


Until then, you're fighting logic.

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If you're competing with someone else, specifically for things like a contract, you will try to beat them and get said contract any way possible; including cutting your price, offering additional services, or just something to get you an edge over them.


The problem is the other side won't be sitting around, waiting while they lose all their customers or whatever. Nef is offering the exact same thing over and over, even though he lost 4 times in a row. That's what making people annoyed. If after losing a couple times he offered something good, it would make perfect sense, but instead he just keep thinking like "oh, I lost 4 times in a row, I should do the exact same thing to win the next one!" That's just silly and doesn't make any sense.


It would be interesting if he offered like 500,000 credits reward against a Catalyst, or 50 R cores against a Reactor, that would make for a more interesting battle, and wouldn't look like it's bound to be 6-6 before the rewards even out.

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If the event didn't have differing rewards then 90% of the player base would do their 4/4 and forget about the event, So the event would basically be done for 2 days and then be stagnant for the remaining 5, with late comers(last couple of days) likely not being able to get their 4 points because the conflicts took too long.

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