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Can We Remove The "dual Doors"?


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It stops total douchenozzles from running ahead like "OMFGIGOTTAWINANDGETALLTHEKILLS" and forces them to wait for their team mates. It's not rocket surgery.

 Oh, you mean wait for that one guy that has to open ALL the lockers then complains when other people want to actually play the game and get to the objective. Or wait for that guy that has to afk for a piss. Or the guy that types pointless meme into the chat over and over.  Yeah, let's wait for idiots that don't know how to play, especially when time matters, like trying to finish Reactor Invasions before they end.


Learn 2 move if you can't keep up. That's what I and every other intelligent person does.


Not to mention that splitting up to finish a mission should be a good strat, but these doors ruin that and make zero sense in game or out.

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I don't think they need to straight up be removed, but they need to be tweaked yes.

Something like, if there's no teammate in a 40-50 meters range, you can unlock the door on your own. 


You're thinking of it backwards.  


If there is no player within 40-50 meters it's because that player is a rusher and he's run off ahead of the team.

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You're thinking of it backwards.  


If there is no player within 40-50 meters it's because that player is a rusher and he's run off ahead of the team.


Not necessarily. AFK. Leeching. Taxied to a mission he has no BUSINESS attempting... (At least the lvl 1 Volt I saw on Pluto tried...)


I detest rusher jerks in general, but not all of them ARE jerks. The ultrahardcorecompletionist who has to unlock EVERY SINGLE LOCKER is just as bad in my opinion. Then you get the AFKers and leechers.


Two sides. Same coin.


We need some way for BOTH to profit.

Edited by Kalenath
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I don't think they need to straight up be removed, but they need to be tweaked yes.

Something like, if there's no teammate in a 40-50 meters range, you can unlock the door on your own.

This would allow players to actually work as a team in Spy 2.0, and have people take care of the vaults on their own, without having to wait 2 minutes for someone to help them open the Friendship door that spawned a room before the vault.

One of the Grineer Spy Tiles required 2 players to activate a simple elevator when it wasn't even necessary (fixed as of now)


That said, public matchmaking is too unpredictable since you would either get the casuals, rushers, and AFKers. I'm sure people would be very pleased to have their only other teammate stand around for 15 minutes just because of the need for friendship.

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It stops total douchenozzles from running ahead like "OMFGIGOTTAWINANDGETALLTHEKILLS" and forces them to wait for their team mates. It's not rocket surgery.

I'm sorry but I literally lol'd at rocket surgery.

Anyways, I totally agree. If you don't want to deal with them, then play solo. If you don't want to play solo, expect to help your teammates catch up. Not everyone wants to use a Tipedo to copter around, so yeah you might have to wait for that dude with a galatine.

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If they remove the dual doors, I HOPE they add one that makes EVERY member of the team HACK a console IN UNISON to pass. Oh, and if you fail a hack? Electric proc just like NM Raid. AND they have to be done within 10 sec of each other or automatic mission fail. I won't be a total $&*^ and say 'No Ciphers'.

I'm ok with this. Also add a wall of lava coming from our spawn point so people are forced to go at a proper pace.

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I don't think they need to straight up be removed, but they need to be tweaked yes.

Something like, if there's no teammate in a 40-50 meters range, you can unlock the door on your own.

This would allow players to actually work as a team in Spy 2.0, and have people take care of the vaults on their own, without having to wait 2 minutes for someone to help them open the Friendship door that spawned a room before the vault.


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Spy 2.0, and have people take care of the vaults on their own, without having to wait 2 minutes for someone to help them open the Friendship door that spawned a room before the vault.


Yes, at least for those Spy missions they should remove those doors. Because good effective Teamwork in those missions means to split up and each player taking a different objective.


It's so nice to find one of those stupid doors while your teammates are on other ends of the wap on their way to their own objectives..

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