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Gimmicky/utility-Oriented Weapons!


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Hello fellow tenno

I was doing a mission yesterday against the Corpus and halfway through the Infested felt like participating. Seeing two MOA's fighting each other one Anti-MOA and one Tar-Mutalist MOA. I started thinking, what if we had weapons that function like theirs? Guns that shoot sludge slowing down enemies or generating shockwaves that knock nearby enemies down. In return they could be lacking in damage, requiring you to use your other weapons to finish them off. Do you think that such utility guns would be a good addition to the game? Would you use them? Share your thoughts!

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Depends on what utility they have. There is somewhat already one with Torid, however it is still damage. They also have glaxion which could be improved upon in some way.


If they were to add such weapons then there'd need to be more of a reason as to why to use them. For example if one of the new weapons were to slow enemies that enter the area by X% and make it so they take 50% more damage because it coroded through any protection while also dealing damage while they're walking over the area. 


If shockwaves it could also be a secondary or primary, that, as said, knocksdown. I would hope though that it would not consume ammo and instead have a recharge feature. It would also constantly send out knockdown waves like the riotmoas. 


Now that I thought through such things it would really be awesome if such things were included because it would allow for higher level missions to contain weapons that cause effect rather than damage.

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I've supported this theory in the past (and suggested some of my own), but truthfully, most players would have no use for 'gimmick' guns.


It's been attempted before with weapons like Paracyst and Panthera, and most players agree that these weapons are lacking. You could argue that these weapons simply had poorly designed utility, but the heart of the matter is: this added utility would come at the cost of some damage. Just like when you're modding your weapons, dps is king in this game, unfortunately. There's no room or place for fancy bells and whistles when you could just mow enemies down instead. 


I think if done properly, there is some avenue of use for gimmick weapons, but given the state of the game, it's certainly not something that needs to happen.

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It's kind of hard to make it worthwhile. If frame damage could compete with weapon damage, and a damage frame could use utility weapons to make its damage dealing easier, perhaps it could work. But as it stands now, where frame damage either doesn't compete, or depends on weapon damage, there's just not a use for utility weapons. Also, because of the strength of our normal weapons, there's little point to utility until very, very high levels where arguably a weapon like Braton Prime with status will be better anyway.

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It's kind of hard to make it worthwhile. If frame damage could compete with weapon damage, and a damage frame could use utility weapons to make its damage dealing easier, perhaps it could work. But as it stands now, where frame damage either doesn't compete, or depends on weapon damage, there's just not a use for utility weapons. Also, because of the strength of our normal weapons, there's little point to utility until very, very high levels where arguably a weapon like Braton Prime with status will be better anyway.


But... a gun that shoots out bats that turn into vampires spreading viral procs would be cool... right? It would be nice to have more options of "having fun" when you get worn out on the grind or regular playing. Even if these weapons don't offer much end-game viability. I mean, there are plenty of those weapons that just get put on the back burner because the don't DPS like the others, but if they had some utility, or something to make them more interesting to use I would dust them off every once in a while.

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