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Exterminate 2.0 Ideas.


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1. Make exterminate scoring by percentage instead of killing a specific amount.
      -Have a minimum % needed to be able to extract, while having #% and 100% have better rewards
      -(60% extract, 80% & 100% get better rewards) or (80% extract, 100% better rewards)
2. Update the mini-map when enemies popup in it.
      -In most cases in Exterminate Missions or Invasions, We sometimes miss an enemy and we have to run all the way back just to kill that enemy to proceed on. Having a better mini-map that targets the closest enemy to you would decrease the chance of missing that enemy and having to run all the way back to it.
2.1. At the 2-player-required to open the door, if there are any enemies left behind, make it unable to open so that we wouldn't go too far while leaving that enemy behind.
      -Basically, Do not let players advance further if any enemies are left behind
      -(This isn't perfect but just an idea as this kinda screws up #1. 

Let me know what you guys think of this and hopefully no more running back just to kill an enemy to proceed.
Hail Tenno. Hail Lotus. 

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Well, we want to "send a message" by exterminating enemys...

So lets do it Ori-Style and leave some guys alive, so they can tell there Friends  how bad we kicked there #####. 

Meeh Kill them all.

After several hours, Yyy commander? we dont have any responde from Ikr182.16.

So check what is happening, send some people out there

Yyyy Commander, there is no one alive, everybody has been killed..... Holy sh*t!!!

We found on the wall a Lotus logo with smile and the messange to us. How ya doin vor?



Edited by IfritKajiTora
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Idk maybe making a mini boss. I sorta enjoyed Juggernaut, it was something among the line "Take me to the top brass" stuff. Maybe after some guys are dead, a super heavy gunner goes in gun blazing, or a tech that is actually a tech and set up turrets and stuff.

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Meeh Kill them all.

After several hours, Yyy commander? we dont have any responde from Ikr182.16.

So check what is happening, send some people out there

Yyyy Commander, there is no one alive, everybody has been killed..... Holy sh*t!!!

We found on the wall a Lotus logo with smile and the messange to us. How ya doin vor?



lawl I love the "How ya doin Vor?" part. Hilarious.^^

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At the very least, we need it so that reaching extraction while there are still enemies remaining will force those enemies to actually spawn. Too often have I had exterminates where the last few enemies took several minutes to spawn.

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At the very least, we need it so that reaching extraction while there are still enemies remaining will force those enemies to actually spawn. Too often have I had exterminates where the last few enemies took several minutes to spawn.



This sounds more like every single Archwing Exterminate I've ever done.


This IS every single Archwing Exterminate I've ever done.


No one cares about Archwing, I'm sorry.

Edited by LazerSkink
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Speaking of Archwing, the only Exterminate Archwing missions that I have to fly back just to kill a few enemies are the open space Grineer tiletset. Every time I do Saturn Archwing Exterminate, I'd end up flying back and forth just to find the few last enemies. Maybe I'll create another topic for Archwing ideas. 

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i really like the percentage idea.


i think exterminate and other nonendless missions should be more rewarding like spy and the percentage for better rewards seems really appropriate.


i think the enemy spawns where you have to back track might be a bug with ext. it doesnt seem to happen anywhere else.


minibosses would be cool too: grineer manic or maybe a manic bombard for grineer, bursas (riot moas?) for corpus and juggernaut for infested. they can have a better chance of dropping the rare loot for that planet. 

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There's also an issue in the Eris tileset where enemies keep spawning in an earlier tile you've already cleared instead of spawning in one of the many rooms ahead of you, forcing you to backtrack to the same tile over and over again until the kill quota is reached.


Aside from a few issues with minimap markers and enemy spawning, I rather like exterminate as it is. It's probably my favorite mission type to play solo. 

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What if exterminate had squads with minibosses like sprag and venkra tel? It could be as simple as the old bosses before the reworks, a couple of units at various points in the mission with boosted health, better weapons, different coloured armour, and maybe a special ability.

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