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Why Warframe Drove Me Away (Feedback)


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This...This is a reasonable burnout...


The part with community ideas is soooo true : we don't know if what we post in the concepts section has a chance to be relevant anymore...


Tons of ideas being looked at but drowning in the Lethe...


You played 900+ hours... That feeling is normal.


Take a break, go back once U17 or a major change happens, and if you still feel bad about the game, that means that you reached the threshold : the point of no return...


I already say goodbye to you if it is the case.

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No, this is a gray area because it assumes everything you post is exclusively made by the poster, they would have to verify everything in order to actually use it.

Let's say you have an idea but you draw like !, so you ask your talented friend to do it. Then you post his drawing here with your idea.

The idea now belongs to DE but the drawing does not, by holding contests they eliminate these verification checks because the rules always explicitely states that everything you submit must be your own.


And i now quote Section 5 of the Forums Terms Of Use Agreement. "User Content posted to the Website is publicly available and not confidential and will become the sole property of Digital Extremes.DE strongly recommends that you not publish any personal information about yourself or others on or through the Website. In consideration of your use of the Service, you hereby transfer and assign to Digital Extremes all right, title and interest in and to the User Content you create, post, store or transmit on or through the Website, including all intellectual property rights therein, and Digital Extremes shall be entitled to the unrestricted use, dissemination and other exploitation of such User Content for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without acknowledgment or compensation to you. You are solely responsible for the User Content you post and for your use of such Interactive Areas."



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And i now quote Section 5 of the Forums Terms Of Use Agreement. "User Content posted to the Website is publicly available and not confidential and will become the sole property of Digital Extremes.DE strongly recommends that you not publish any personal information about yourself or others on or through the Website. In consideration of your use of the Service, you hereby transfer and assign to Digital Extremes all right, title and interest in and to the User Content you create, post, store or transmit on or through the Website, including all intellectual property rights therein, and Digital Extremes shall be entitled to the unrestricted use, dissemination and other exploitation of such User Content for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without acknowledgment or compensation to you. You are solely responsible for the User Content you post and for your use of such Interactive Areas."



Hahahaa not sure if I really want to continue my frame concept entirely after reading this... :p

(I like the characters too much)

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Hahahaa not sure if I really want to continue my frame concept entirely after reading this... :p

(I like the characters too much)

Well, If its a Frame Concept....Then DE taking it would be the ultimate "Win" for you. Its really nothing to worry about :)

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I would like to see more strategy play instead just run and gun mindlessness. Bigger guns while doing spray and pray, or spray and run, and and flying through a level just to get through it in the fastest time is boring and without thought. I reallylike Warframe but I'm sure there is a better answer than this style of play. Limitations is not the answer, imagination is.

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And i now quote Section 5 of the Forums Terms Of Use Agreement. "User Content posted to the Website is publicly available and not confidential and will become the sole property of Digital Extremes.DE strongly recommends that you not publish any personal information about yourself or others on or through the Website. In consideration of your use of the Service, you hereby transfer and assign to Digital Extremes all right, title and interest in and to the User Content you create, post, store or transmit on or through the Website, including all intellectual property rights therein, and Digital Extremes shall be entitled to the unrestricted use, dissemination and other exploitation of such User Content for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without acknowledgment or compensation to you. You are solely responsible for the User Content you post and for your use of such Interactive Areas."




What was the point of quoting this? Did you even read my post? I didn't disagree with this, goddamn.

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I feel ya op. I don't really play much either and most of my friends have stopped altogether. The last few tmes I got on I see the tonkor and think that looks like fun, then I think about leveling it over and over and over and over and over to fit my mods and I just go back to playing withcer 3.

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I feel ya op. I don't really play much either and most of my friends have stopped altogether. The last few tmes I got on I see the tonkor and think that looks like fun, then I think about leveling it over and over and over and over and over to fit my mods and I just go back to playing withcer 3.


Tonkor was awesome, unique and fun.

One week later DE remove the awesome, unique and fun part.


And yeah, Witcher 3 is the reason why I haven't touched SC2 Beta yet and it for sure outshines Warframe right now.

Guess if you have limited time as an adult, endless random grinding has the least charm when something well crafted comes along.

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Tonkor was awesome, unique and fun.

One week later DE remove the awesome, unique and fun part.


And yeah, Witcher 3 is the reason why I haven't touched SC2 Beta yet and it for sure outshines Warframe right now.

Guess if you have limited time as an adult, endless random grinding has the least charm when something well crafted comes along.

Tonkor was being used for trolling more than anything else, and thats why its fun had to go. I understand why....but i really miss the old leap-cannon. Its punishment for all of us who aren't trolls :/

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I don't know about optimization issues, don't call it a fact until you give statistics.

And beta. Devs call it beta, don't know why it bothers you that much. It may not be beta to many people, but I'm not sure why it bugs you so much. They are actively fixing the bugs, and until you give statistics on the increase of bugs...

It is a fact. I won't say it affects me because I have a high end build, but if you ever look at the patch notes, they ALWAYS have a large list of bugs and problems being "fixed" which in turn sometimes don't even get fixed. Like the bug they said they fixed where you can't connect to host so you can't pick up items or anything and can't resurrect, it happened to me yesterday and a few times before that.

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Give the devs a break man.


Optimization might sound simple, but the process is a pain in the arse and needs specialized knowledge, I know because I personally have trouble just looking at less than 500 lines of code for my Uni course and finding a tiny fatal error, and Optimization is harder than that, it's looking for a bunch of codes that can be made to execute faster. Unless you can do a better job at something, it's in poor taste to judge others. Besides, one small step is better than no step at all.


And if they listened to everyone in the community and implemented the changes, then the whole game would be a complete mess because either one, the ideas is stupid, two, the number of man hours to implement those idea would be crippling, and three, it doesn't fit the direction for the game that the devs want to head to. Hell, just keep throwing ideas at the wall and see what sticks.


And you can't blame them for pumping out new content every so often, it's a F2P game, they need the extra content to keep people playing and possibly buying plat, and get paid. Unless the game's dead, every F2P game will pump out content regularly, regardless of game's state. It's not a full 60$ game that the company gets as soon as the game's downloaded.


The words people chose to say over codding issues should be well thought beforehand. I've seen a lot of people blindly talk about it and they give off an impression that they have never taken a beginner course in codding. I still get nightmares of my first C++ courses (never again). I have no idea where people get the impression that it's easy and how can they make new problems when fixing something.



Disclaimer: It's all my opinion you can disagree, I'll be telling this at the end as well.

Disclaimer #2: I may not be best at english so please, bare (haha, bear) with me there.

Before vacations, I had put a goal for myself to reach 1k hours in WF (currently at 986).

Well, that didn't go very well since... Yeah I just wasn't playing it for about few weeks.

I decided to quit once and let's hope not for all.

Don't get me wrong- Warframe is pretty cool game, you can enjoy it and I'm okay with that.

Let's get to the point- why am I leaving?


No. 1: Burn out:

Maybe I don't have all the warframes and weapons, all primes etc. but I have seen everything and got everything I wanted.

I wasn't trying to get everything because it's just impossible (why will be explained later).

I've been in pretty much 98% of the nodes and 100% of the possible tiles, seen all the enemies (wait no that can't be right... oh yes... Archwing, I wasn't playing much of an archwing...), well maybe 90% of the enemies.

So going for objectives had no point for me.


While i can completely understand your point, I think the issue here is that you are totally goal-oriented. The fun in the game isn't getting the new shiny, its playing with people. At your place (1k hours or so) i felt the same burnout, so i had to look at things differently. I started making the enjoyment all about the journey. I try weird things, I challenge myself by making seemingly easy things MUCH harder (Taking an Unmodded weapon, or taking Dragon Keys with you in normal missions, lots of stuff). Above all, I learned that it was a hell of a lot of fun just helping people who are either really new, or having a hard time. That forges friendships and in my case, Relationships. (Met my soon-to-be-wife through Warframe and Forums)

No. 2: Grind walls:

Yes, I get the point of this game, it's all about grinding, but along the way since I was playing, the grinding was getting more and more real.

I was able to get Ember Prime in no time (my first ever prime) and all the prime things I was farming later was pretty cool and had it's flow.

Now at this point it's even hard to get some of the market weapons (like Akjagara) and all the latest prime items are put into this sad prime mashup in one place with no chance to drop.

It's sad that some of the parts are in few places at once to even lower the chance of dropping the rarer items (for example we used to have I believe latron prime stock in 2 or 3 places, while it could be just in one with few others).

I don't understand the point of putting common items in the rotation at multiple places.

Why is there forma and Bo Ornaments at every location (just a metaphor, you got the point) to compete with rarities?

I remember goint to Tower 4 Survival 20 times for 40 minutes to get I believe Loki helmet and every time there was a bunch of forma and other trash.

I get it, grind to get it.

But maybe not to the point it's a struggle not fun experience?

We should get rewarded for this grind, not disappointed.


Again, The fun part isnt finding the part, its what you do while you look for it. Most of my primes that i farmed for were done while voice chatting with my party members, just jabbering on about whatever we felt like, It made the experience really not so bad. I'm one Brakk and an Odonata Prime away from having every single thing in the game, So believe me, I understand the grind hatred. I agree that some things involve 5x more Grind than they should, and hopefully that will be changed in the future, but for now all we can do is enjoy the time we have.

No. 3: Optimization:

I joined at around U11 (it was Ember Prime update I don't know if it was 11).

The game used to run smoothly at 30 fps medium graphical settings.

Along the optimization patches and all that cool stuff it was progressively worse.

In recent updates there was another optimization and from that point my game keeps crashing after 2 minutes when I join a game.

I mean like...

"Fixing optimization issues" my a*s.

Sorry but this is truth.


This one i have no idea about....I live in a house with 5 other people who also play Warframe, and its done nothing but get better and faster, on a whole range of hardware. I can't really explain why...but i've very very few optimization issues, since the start.

No. 4: Bugs:

I know, I get it, the game is in beta and all that stuffs...

*-Hey! Hey Jerry!


-How long is this game in beta?

-Around 2 years! Why?

-I dunno, I thought normally it takes normal game about a month?

-Who cares, it's still beta.

-Don't you think they call it beta to give a reason for people to not complain about the bugs? Don't you think the word "beta" works like a shield?*

That's how I feel about it. Broken ragdolls, locked melee in random moments, getting kicked into liset by host migration, clipping into walls, falling off the map after joining and not only, etc. etc. etc.


I've had plenty of arguments with people about this myself. The game is fully Released, Markted, Monetized, and going strong....This is no Beta, not even close. The reason they call it beta seems to be that its constantly being worked on, which im sort of OK with, but they really, REALLY should not be calling Warframe Beta.

No. 5: Updates/Patches/Fixes:

Now, I'll be honest every single small fix comes out, there are twice as more bugs coming along with it, that I don't understand what's wrong. And usually it doesn't have anything to do between two things.

"Fixed fire rate on a weapon."

And for some goddamn reason ambient sounds are broken in grineer tilesets.

I don't know how this works, but that's cool.


Secondly, please, for the love of god, first fix the bugs instead of adding more with new content, okay?

How am I supposed to enjoy new content if the game is so broken I can't even get to it? < that's how I personally feel about it.


Bugs on Hotfixes/Updates are the other reason why they call Warframe "Beta". They use us as bug testers. They definitely do try to keep bugs down to a minimum, but with content releases as fast as they have, Bugs are going to exist, no matter what. So they take out all they can quickly spot, and then wait for the tickets to come pouring in to take care of the rest of them. With an engine as complicated as the Evolution Engine, some things have unintended consequences. For example, they used to tie Camera Shake directly to fire accuracy, and that made a huge mess with some people who had lower framerates. It keeps getting better, but bugs are always going to be a part of a game that releases things as quickly as DE does. The worst part is that we have the playerbase to thank for that. We as a group constantly ask for new things, and when we don't get them as quickly as we want, the complaints redouble. They put out new things to keep players always working on something, so that they don't suffer BurnOut just like some of us Vets did. They simply can't please everyone, as hard as they might try.

No. 6: Community concepts:

That is just sad because, there are so many people, that have so many ideas and they're just overlooked around.

That's mainly why I wasn't posting my ideas.

I was doing many sketches previously, had thoughts in my mind, talked with friends about some of the things and they actually said some of the ideas were pretty neat and cool.

But... I don't understand the point of posting any of this, if I'm not going to be noticed?

What is the point of trying, if this just going to be flowing around the internet and let's be honest, noone will give a thing (just like this post, I guess there are going to be either haters, or noone at all reading this).


I have a whole list of people i personally know that have had a direct hand in content creation, Most of which im not allowed to talk about. But trust me, unless something gets very quickly buried under a flood of new posts, DE looks at as many things as they can. Usually they don't say anything about it, but they are always watching. Also, Just because something doesnt come in Instantly doesnt mean they aren't working on it. Something as complicated as User Submissions can take weeks or Months to actually get into the game. They also have to very carefully weigh out what will possibly be game breaking.

Okay people I'm done, I can't think of anything else, really. Maybe I could say that DE is... let's say... (I'm trying to put it into some nice words to make sure it doesn't sound like an insult but it's not going to work) overputting (I don't know the proper word) their ambitions over the good of the game.

I remember when there was a lot of talk about Melee 2.0 they said they wanted it to still feel "Warframe'y" or something like that.

I think that's a bad way of thinking. If I had to choose Warframe with, let's say, Darksiders 2 style of melee and what we have now- really wonky and without a soul, guess what would I choose.

Some of the game mechanics should change like mods (I'll even sat that I had a concept for that, just being honest), holstering and weapon swapping etc.

But that's just what should be on the list of "what to fix" not why I left... or maybe?

That's all I got laddies!

Just I'd like to make that clear- that's all my opinion, you can disagree so make sure to keep discussion running about how you feel and ignore all haters (here and as well as on any other topics).

Only constructive arguments approved!

All the farewells!


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The words people chose to say over codding issues should be well thought beforehand. I've seen a lot of people blindly talk about it and they give off an impression that they have never taken a beginner course in codding. I still get nightmares of my first C++ courses (never again). I have no idea where people get the impression that it's easy and how can they make new problems when fixing something.

A class in codding? Like, Call of Duty 101? Or what exactly?

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Unless you can do a better job at something, it's in poor taste to judge others.


i agree with you for 99% just that part not rlly, DE is delivering a product, might be F2P but i think they still have the responsibility to make it a good product for the people that are paying players, saying that is therefor irrelevant imo, because these forums purely exist for us to jugde their work, you cant give feedback without. and to say you cant say it because its bad when you cant do it better yourself just doesnt fit in the picture where a player of a game explains why he had a bad experience and what might solve it, in my point of view he could have stfu and go home just quiting, but hes actually leaving a note to the DE to give them a chance to improve the things that made him leave the game in the first place, a break isnt gonna fix a game burning you out after you spend a certain ammount of time in it, all you will succeed in doing is creating a endless circle and eventually you might break that circle by switching to a new game ( who knows what the future holds ). i think DE should take notes of the complains and fix them in their own way within their own vision of game development. vision wich i lack else i would go deeper into the subject but this be it.

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So much hate from some of you.


OP has stated some valid points.

You all know them.

Some of you choose to ignore them.

Some of you have invested a ton of money in this game and hope you're going to be glorified or something, your face is gonna be on a Tenno statue or something, or maybe a poster.


Well, guess what: he's right.


Broken mechanics, broken physics, broken connections, only to name a few. Adding content without fixing the old.


These past "Tactical" farm alerts have been a waste of everyone's time. Garbage weapons, garbage frames, garbage cosmetics, garbage rewards.


This game is as BETA as beta can be, oh, and you founders, some of you need to learn to keep your mouth shut. You helped the game take off, good for you, but you are not heroes, remember that.


To you overzealous "Vets" and so called end-game players, the ones who constantly complain about this and that, people do not play the game the way you do, you ALWAYS try to change things your way. That's enough.


Sad to see you go my brother, but it's even more saddening how more and more people quit or take breaks because of the lack of creativity.

Didnt even know this thing had creativity in the first place. No grind isnt creative.

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So much hate from some of you.


OP has stated some valid points.

You all know them.

Some of you choose to ignore them.

Some of you have invested a ton of money in this game and hope you're going to be glorified or something, your face is gonna be on a Tenno statue or something, or maybe a poster.


Well, guess what: he's right.


Broken mechanics, broken physics, broken connections, only to name a few. Adding content without fixing the old.


These past "Tactical" farm alerts have been a waste of everyone's time. Garbage weapons, garbage frames, garbage cosmetics, garbage rewards.


This game is as BETA as beta can be, oh, and you founders, some of you need to learn to keep your mouth shut. You helped the game take off, good for you, but you are not heroes, remember that.


To you overzealous "Vets" and so called end-game players, the ones who constantly complain about this and that, people do not play the game the way you do, you ALWAYS try to change things your way. That's enough.


Sad to see you go my brother, but it's even more saddening how more and more people quit or take breaks because of the lack of creativity.

Not sure if hipster or what. This is a valid topic, but also a poorly crafted one. It's also nothing knew. These arguments have been thrown around for two years already, it's not as simple as good guy bad guy.
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Not sure if hipster or what. This is a valid topic, but also a poorly crafted one. It's also nothing knew. These arguments have been thrown around for two years already, it's not as simple as good guy bad guy.

Not sure if he is a hipster? Well, he isn't...


I'd say that he's down-to-earth compared to some people who invested in the game & expect their name to be in the credits... :/

These guys can only hope that their money won't be futile in the end...

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It is a fact. I won't say it affects me because I have a high end build, but if you ever look at the patch notes, they ALWAYS have a large list of bugs and problems being "fixed" which in turn sometimes don't even get fixed. Like the bug they said they fixed where you can't connect to host so you can't pick up items or anything and can't resurrect, it happened to me yesterday and a few times before that.

Have you ever done some coding? When you add a functionality to your program, it may mess up what's already there...


Imagine the number of methods() this game could have...


Imagine the number of times they code something-test it-debug it before shipping it to us... We're getting bugs, but most of the fatal errors are dealt with behind your back.


You remember the day I told a youtuber that is "job" was easy as Hek, until he showed me the hours he spend on making convincing video editing, et caetera...

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OP definitely had some Valid points, I'm not going to argue that. I just think Warframe is enjoyable enough, despite all that, to continue playing it for a very long time to come. At least for me. Sad to see someone leave, but if he isn't having fun anymore, Warframe simply isn't for him.

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OP definitely had some Valid points, I'm not going to argue that. I just think Warframe is enjoyable enough, despite all that, to continue playing it for a very long time to come. At least for me. Sad to see someone leave, but if he isn't having fun anymore, Warframe simply isn't for him.

Of course it was for him, he spent hundreds of hours...


If I spent hundreds of hours eating the same meal, I'd definitely not be as happy to taste it as earlier... :/

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