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A Stealthy Approach.


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Hey y'all, I'm currently away from Warframe right now so if anything has happened so far in the 3 days I've been on a vacation, tell me.

But as far as I know, there is almost absolutely no reason to be stealthy, except getting through missions quickly with invisibility frames, staying safe (Useless for defense/interception/survival/mobile defense/excavation/etc.), and/or a tiny bit more affinity when doing spy missions/stealth killing.

DE, you need to give me a reason to pull out my bow, because I have my stealth setup all set and absolutely nothing to do with it.

What I was thinking was a huge affinity bonus for doing missions stealthily, depending on how hard the level is to do stealthily, and what planet you're on (I.e, Mercury/Venus exterminate done stealthy = 2500 Affinity, while doing one on Pluto/Ceres = 15,000) (Mission example, like so: Exterminate being the lowest, Spy being the highest, others in between)
With the boost, a Spy mission done without raising any alarm/enemies attention will get you approximately 30,000 in total, rewarding a stealthy player very much. 

Why I feel like this should be added is actually for a few reasons.

1. Stealthy players aren't even close to rewarded for the hard work they mostly go through, usually having to pick enemies off one by one (Unless they use the Hush/Supress Mod) While a regular player can easily walk into a room and just nuke everything with their #4. (I'm gonna call it an ultimate k)

2. Stealth players are punished for not being able to fire fast enough at some times, and can get screwed over if noticed, where-as a regular player can simply go in with their weapon and tear down everything causing a huge commotion.

3. With Ash Prime coming soon, Stealth Play truly needs a better viewpoint. Spy 2.0 is extremely awesome, but the problem is the stealth play involved.  Normal players can simply run in with their CC weapons, make all the noise they want, and get to the end easily in most missions, where-as stealth players have to manually kill one by one, be silent, don't get the enemies attention, attempt to distract and wait for the perfect moments to move, and obviously, don't get caught.
Bottom line is, us Stealth players are barely rewarded for our hard work.  The best part of being stealthy is honestly the fun of it.  I guess that's a reward itself but after awhile, it gets a bit boring, and seemingly pointless.

Just my 2 cents, though please, only constructive criticism. Don't expect a reply (atleast from me. Others might.)

nice day 2 all u tenno sk00m

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You already gain up to a 5x affinity multiplier by making kills on unaware enemies, as well as about 12,000 - 16,000 from Spy vaults. What you're asking for is already in-game.

I'm away from my home right now and my laptop (for some reason) doesn't want to start up steam, so I can't launch Warframe for some reason, and can't check this stuff.  Can someone clarify how much affinity you get for silently completing 1 vault?

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I'm away from my home right now and my laptop (for some reason) doesn't want to start up steam, so I can't launch Warframe for some reason, and can't check this stuff.  Can someone clarify how much affinity you get for silently completing 1 vault?

With no affinity booster:

Harder Vaults Neptune/Pluto/Ceres and such grant 12k rep per undetected vault and 4k per alarmed vault

Very useful for solo weapon/warframe/companion leveling

(Most Spy missions can be completed without a single kill....being Death marked by Syndicate or G3/Zanuka Hunter/Stalker does not help...so I recommend brining at least 1 strong weapon to dispatch with.

(I tend to run melee only on Neptune or Pluto Corpus spy missions)

Not entirely sure of lower planet Spy vault affinity....I believe mid tier grants 8k per undetected vault and Earth and lower tiers are like 4k per undetected vault. (I tried the new Earth Vaults to see their uniqueness, but the affinity is too low for my forma leveling.)

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My only real problem with stealth at this point is the super-human telepathy all of our enemies appear to possess. It doesn't matter if you kill an enemy immediately after him seeing you, the entire enemy force now somehow knows exactly where you are.


I've had two enemies lined up for a bow shot facing each other about 4m apart. In the time it takes for the arrow to travel from the first enemy to the second one, the second guy has already alerted the entire level. (under 1/8th of a second)

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I know that might be too overconfident, but i'd hope to see an expansion of the ,,Dont cause alarm'' setting over the WHOLE mission, not only the area where t he data is. Like the same spy mission but depending on which of the data points you are the closest, you will immediately start the destruction of it by hitting the alarm a bit further away from it. 

I suppose this would need a bit also smarter AI , so im not sure if it would even be considered.

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I am having fun running missions stealthy so I don't care to "demand" more rewards. Maybe more missions like Spy where stealth would be a big contributor to success.


Although no matter how much I avoid alarms, in the end I have this damn manic spawn anyway, so...

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I find spy missions enjoyable to do even if you dont consider the rewards. 


the affinity boost is also great.  


But then again i enjoy solo ext missions for 500% affinity boost from stealth kills so i guess i am one of the weird ones :P

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