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Here Is What Will Happen Once Coptering Is Removed:


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The only thing I am worried about is farming sabotage/deception missions but not being fast enough to avoid that really annoying variable of 


'Change of plans - leave nothing alive'


Then having to proceed travelling to every corner of the whole map to find the dead ends the enemies reside in.

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I don't think anyone would have a problem with parkour 2.0 and the removal of coptering if parkour 2.0 allowed for similar speeds. But it doesn't, from what we've seen and what we've been told.


We dont know what it will allow.  Players dont just use the system for a few hours and perfect it.


We have yet to see what someone with 100+ hours using it can achieve, or even what can be done in a room that has much better space for parkor than the entry to survivals.  Or what you can achieve without just being bouncy bouncy.


Personally I'm willing to wait and see what can be done with it, then get DE to keep tweaking it to the point of being good, instead of having to rely on the crutch that coptering is for having speed in warframe.  


Given most new players I talked to see coptering as this clunky go fast mechcanic (usualy wtf or lol is a commonly seen comment), it cant really be doing the game any favours to look like a polished product.

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Coptering is going to be removed, no spin atacks.


You'll still be able to hit enemies with slide and air melee, you'll jut move less than a 10th of the former distance. You can see this in a clip from Devstream 55.


What will happen is the following vistas will be boring because getting across them will be pedestrian (like Relays), not Space Ninja:


Or actually what will happen is that reaching them will be even more rewarding because mobility will require some actual skill and not just a melee key.

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Sorry but removing what other players are capable of doing Isnt going to make you better

It's going to dull the gameplay

Which might make life in wf less interesting

Maybe not for a majority of the player base who seemingly lack the skill or creative desire to master Parkour as it is or use it beyond rushing

But for the few who can and do it's a buzz killer

Parkour is in the game? I just copter everywhere and reach doors in well under a second. Faster than wallrunning, sprinting, and air meleeing is better at traversing heights than wallrunning again. Frankly, I'm really disappointed that no one has suggested the obvious; that we make Coptering the only way to move through the game.

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Honestly I think we all love the new movement and parkour gameplay that DE showed but we still love out fast movement melee / coptering.

Why can we not have our cake and eat it? This is the virtual world after all, we are not bound by real world limitations!

I love Frost Prime, probably one of my favourite frames to be even though he is a very defensive frame (imho) I can't imagine NOT having my Glaive Prime to aid my mobility. Frost is soo slow otherwise.

The only other way I can see this working out is if we give all frames a base movement speed and / or sprint speed buffs.


If they remove spin attacks... that will severely reduce the ability of my Glaive prime considering that is one of my most damaging attacks.

Edited by c.BOLTSON
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This thread reminds me of this one guy making a thread a while back, before when we still had ability mods, saying how our ability mods that were going to be removed was going to "ruin" the entire game, and that the " entire community" was never going to forget, or something like that. Man that thread got to like 20 something pages of just him being really upset lol. Yet look where we are now~



But eh, just going to wait until it actually comes out since there's alot we don't know about yet until we get our hands on it lol. One of those; you can talk about and show us videos of how awesome something is all you want, but we wont know if it will translate well until we get our hands on it to experience it.


But eh, I'm a Zephyr player; I'm flying high with my dope-assss clouds.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Parkour 2.0:

-Wall running is dead, replaced with wall bunny hopping: Much slower

-Coptering is dead


If we lose wall running AND coptering, we had better get something like a 50% boost to all sprint speeds on all warframes.


I swear. WE CAN STILL WALL RUN. People have been jumping to this conclusion ever since the last dev stream even though they showed the updated directional wall run in the previous dev stream before the one that showed hopping and enemy spring board. I don't know if its people purposely misleading others for whatever stupid reason, or they show that they don't watch/read the dev streams.

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make Coptering the only way to move through the game.


So what if we want to move a meter to the left to access a control panel, or smash a crate just out of reach? Being stationary with the exception of coptering is inane. And that means we're stuck wherever we spawn in the Dojo and Relays, since we can't melee attack. So I guess we just sit there and then decide to leave, since coptering is the only way to move? :)

Edited by CedarDpg
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The only other way I can see this working out is if we give all frames a base movement speed and / or sprint speed buffs.


Or they replace coptering with much more smooth and natural non-melee based mobility tools.


But eh, I'm a Zephyr player; I'm flying high with my dope-assss clouds.


Parkour 2.0 will actually be quite beneficial to Zephyr's mobility, since coptering and directional air melee can no longer de-value it.


It's a good time to be a Zephyr.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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1 - The startchart will become even more empty because all of the non-endless missions will be taking 3x as long to complete while giving out the same rewards as before.

Oh please enlighten me how copter in anyway speeds up defence and survival? is there some secret trick that if you copter 10 times in 5 seconds survival timer will automatically extends to 20 minutes?

And oh please that interception thing, aside pluto, ceres, earth and void, those towers are almost single jump away. Slide jump allows you to move almost as fast as coptering and that slide jump thing stays.

Capture targets, i have never needed copter to catch up him/her, i just shoot the bastard from range. Person going down in far away is that persons problem, we shouldnt keep copter just because someone tried to be super awesome and failed.


All your points are you just being salty, not legimate facts. Stop pretending that those are facts.

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11. None of these things will happen because we'll be getting superior mobility tools to replace coptering

12. PvP will actually become reasonably competitive because not everyone is constantly flying around at a million miles an hour and reaching your spawnpoint in literally 3 seconds

13. Coptering will stop de-valuing mobility skills like Tail Wind

All I see is reflexive rage. You think "ERMAGERD NO COPTURING ENYMURR" and reflexively post a rage topic, without considering all the beneficial changes and superior mobility tools that Parkour 2.0 will bring to replace coptering. Please try to think before you post. It's a novel concept, I know.

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I swear. WE CAN STILL WALL RUN. People have been jumping to this conclusion ever since the last dev stream even though they showed the updated directional wall run in the previous dev stream before the one that showed hopping and enemy spring board. I don't know if its people purposely misleading others for whatever stupid reason, or they show that they don't watch/read the dev streams.


Look, they didn´t showed that wallrunning is still there in their latest build, Steve said that wallrunning is gone, what else should you think. And i will believe this till they show me a build where we have both the wallrunning where you can change direction, momentum based trigger jumps plus wallhopping all in one.

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Look, they didn´t showed that wallrunning is still there in their latest build, Steve said that wallrunning is gone, what else should you think.


He didn't 

He stated that Wallrunning as it is visualized now, with your warframe basically sticking to the wall like some kind of magnet, is gone, because reworked into a better wallrunning, both from a visual and gameplay-perspective.

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He didn't 

He stated that Wallrunning as it is visualized now, with your warframe basically sticking to the wall like some kind of magnet, is gone, because reworked into a better wallrunning, both from a visual and gameplay-perspective.


Sad to burst your bubble.


Steve Sinclair @sj_sinclair Jun 14

@EvexWolfwing no mods - goal is to replace wall run & existing system with wall dash, wall jump, double jump


or here another conversation



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Sad to burst your bubble.


Steve Sinclair @sj_sinclair Jun 14

@EvexWolfwing no mods - goal is to replace wall run & existing system with wall dash, wall jump, double jump


or here another conversation




All these doom threads are making me laugh again. Thanks guys. I needed it.


'The way is never darker than when your eyes are SHUT!' -Flemeth 'Dragon Age 2'

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I think DE needs to rework the maps more than they do the movement system. Coptering is so effective because the maps in general feature a whole lot of horizontal movement. I can only think of a few tiles where you get a shortcut for wall running or using parkour.


There are more than a few tiles that are essentially a long flat corridor.

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Reaching those vistas in the far far distance that I showed will not be more rewarding because it will be slow.  Zipping across the sky is exhilarating.  Nothing in parkour 2.0 is exhilarating.


Parkour 2.0 is pedestrian.


Yeah, DE needs to rework the maps, #SpaceMoles.

Edited by ThePresident777
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