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Here Is What Will Happen Once Coptering Is Removed:


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It's a fact that at one point, all weapons coptored like Zoren (before Zoren coptor got nerfed to).  People used to coptor with Fragor, Scindo, and Galatine, FFS


And even if it were not true, either way, there is a deeper meaning, DE choose to make a few weapons coptor well.  DE created the "problem" that "everyone is using only tipedo".  They could have made all the weapons great coptor then no one would be able to complain that "everybody is using only tipedo."  DE created the "everybody is using only tipedo" "problem" by making so many weapons no good for coptor.  The solution is obvious, make more weapons good for coptor.


And, there is an even deeper sekret wisdome embeded in the facts, "everybody is using tipedo" (when tipedo is an average DPS melee, no less) shows that everybody wants coptor!  Nerfing coptor is an unpopular idea and unpopular ideas are worthless.  Popular = Sales = Profit.


Incidentally, how come, it's bad when "everybody is using it" but it's not bad when DE makes money off of "everybody is using it"?   Really, shouldn't DE be obligated to return their ill gotten gains?

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I have never heard them say they were removing it. I've only heard repeated denials that it was being removed. Brought into line with other movement powers and likely deemphasized, yes. But unless someone has actual proof of the devs removing it, stop making doom posts.


I never used coptering so far (playing >2 years now), and also had never a problem with a single point on your list.


Same here. I refuse to copter. Never had any problem with the stuff on the OP's list. Aside from maybe not getting to people that die on the other side of the map. But that's their own damn fault for not sticking near group, not mine for not coptering.

Edited by Ceryk
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So what if we want to move a meter to the left to access a control panel, or smash a crate just out of reach? Being stationary with the exception of coptering is inane. And that means we're stuck wherever we spawn in the Dojo and Relays, since we can't melee attack. So I guess we just sit there and then decide to leave, since coptering is the only way to move? :)

Find a way. You're smart. We're all smart! We'll find a to move at 90% light speed, and if we can't, we'll just get on the forums and scream until they release an item that lets us move at 90% light speed.

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The fact of the matter is that coptor requires coordinating multiple buttons:  sprint, forward, jump, dash, melee.  If that is not skillful, nothing is. 

If you think coptering is "skillful", I've got bad news for you.

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When skill is not fun then it doesn't belong in a game.  Games are all about fun, not slavery to skill and other bullS#&$ like "learning patience", and eating vegetables.

You just unwittingly described why coptering needs to be removed.


Just saying.

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"Everybody is using only tipedo." unwittingly describes why coptoring needs to not be nerfed.


OK, so first coptoring is "not skillful".  But after reading "when skill is not fun then it doesn't belong in a game" then the response is "you just unwittingly described why coptering needs to be removed".  It doesn't work that way.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Let's tell the truth now.  Give it another read.  There is more.


It's a fact that at one point, all weapons coptored like Zoren (before Zoren coptor got nerfed to).  People used to coptor with Fragor, Scindo, and Galatine, FFS


And even if it were not true, either way, there is a deeper meaning, DE choose to make a few weapons coptor well.  DE created the "problem" that "everyone is using only tipedo".  They could have made all the weapons great coptor then no one would be able to complain that "everybody is using only tipedo."  DE created the "everybody is using only tipedo" "problem" by making so many weapons no good for coptor.  The solution is obvious, make more weapons good for coptor.


And, there is an even deeper sekret wisdome embeded in the facts, "everybody is using tipedo" (when tipedo is an average DPS melee, no less) shows that everybody wants coptor!  Nerfing coptor is an unpopular idea and unpopular ideas are worthless.  Popular = Sales = Profit.


Incidentally, how come, it's bad when "everybody is using it" but it's not bad when DE makes money off of "everybody is using it"?   Really, shouldn't DE be obligated to return their ill gotten gains?

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It's a fact that at one point, all weapons coptored like Zoren (before Zoren coptor got nerfed to).  People used to coptor with Fragor, Scindo, and Galatine, FFS


And even if it were not true, either way, there is a deeper meaning, DE choose to make a few weapons coptor well.  DE created the "problem" that "everyone is using only tipedo".  They could have made all the weapons great coptor then no one would be able to complain that "everybody is using only tipedo."  DE created the "everybody is using only tipedo" "problem" by making so many weapons no good for coptor.  The solution is obvious, make more weapons good for coptor.


And, there is an even deeper sekret wisdome embeded in the facts, "everybody is using tipedo" (when tipedo is an average DPS melee, no less) shows that everybody wants coptor!  Nerfing coptor is an unpopular idea and unpopular ideas are worthless.  Popular = Sales = Profit.


Incidentally, how come, it's bad when "everybody is using it" but it's not bad when DE makes money off of "everybody is using it"?   Really, shouldn't DE be obligated to return their ill gotten gains?

Now i am hope you do realize while your option is viable it does have one conflict before profit Warframe is a creation.Everyone has their idea and goal a vision in other words that they wish for their creation to reach.Just like any creator DE has vision for warframe and also would like it to make as much sense as they wish after all think how kogaken came to be they worked with the martial artist.They have an idea of what they want and coptering wasn't one of the things they did want to keep ,spin attack they want to keep as shown as you still can,but coptering wasn't,because in simpler term

Coptering is not in the vision they have in their game,any person who makes a game will stops to care about their game once their vision is destroyed and thats when money,sales,and profit matter,but as long as they care for their vision they will follow it and try to meet it.

Just like when a parent pays for their child to go in to a amusement park because they have the vision of having fun with the kid together. 

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It's a balance that DE have to strike between keeping a form of movement in the game that alienates newbies (=less new players joining Warframe) and taking out a form of movement that vets love (=some old players leaving Warframe).


DE's mistake was in trying to be "cool" by keeping in a form of what looked like emergent gameplay.  The thing should have been nixed as soon as it was discovered, then nobody would be any the wiser.


That said, the popularity of it does show that people like to move fast, so while I think they should have strangled coptering at birth, they should have taken the hint (and should take the hint) that people enjoy a quick move that makes them really leap forward fast.  A "lunge" movement or something, ought to be introduced to replace coptering, with the same keypress combo.


What would be the difference then, people might ask?  The point is that it would be a form of movement accessible to newbies out of the box (part of the tutorial) and it wouldn't require special weapons to get the best out of it.

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Well so far just an idea ,i air swing right before i touch the ground and i travel is hard to pull off but after a while you  get really good at it,Usually works better with Heavy melee weapon what i always found awsome was the fact i travel about the same distance as a normal copter.

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Let's tell the truth now. 


Yes, let's.



At around 3:45, you can see a spin attack with a Skana. I'm waiting for it to copter like a Zoren, but it's not happening? Maybe that's the wrong weapon, or the wrong era? Here's a video of a Galatine from U11:



And at around 7:45, there's another weapon failing to copter like a Zoren! Coptering has always been exclusive to a select group of melee weapons. Your entire argument is based around an outright lie. Well, not your entire argument. The last bit of it is an appeal to the majority. 

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I don't care about coptering itself, I care about not getting burnt out.


If this rework is slower than skipping whole tilesets (something that's obviously a symptom of a much bigger problem) then I'll surely get burnt out while playing the same mission over and over. And over. And over. And over. And over ...


Players coptering through whole levels happens because of a necessity to make the most out of our time, and if we have to run the same exact thing over 50, 70 or even 100 times, we need to do it fast, because the repetitiveness gets mind-boggingly boring after a while.

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Sweat!  A video from way back where neither mod cards, parkour, damage 2.0, or melee 2.0 were in Warframe.  Quick, nerf parkour, mod card system, Damage 2.0, Melee 2.0................


Wait a second???  DE decided to make coptering exclusive to a select group of melee weapons then they complain that players only use this select group of melee weapons?  Oh dear, what a conundrum, what to do, what to do?  I know!  Nuke the sun!!  Derp.


Really, the nerf nonsense doesn't merit a better response.  The nerf nonsense is insulting.  This is a one sided debate.  One side can say offensive things like "nerf the things that the majority has chosen to use", while complaining about lack of choice, despite the fact that their choices are present in the game.  No one is stopping them from choosing, and everybody else rejected their choices.  Somehow, we're expect to respectfully disagree with people who feel entitled to call everybody else to account because no one wants to play their way, despite the fact that no one is stopping them from playing their way.  They want to pretend that there is some shared problem here when in reality it is their problem, and theirs alone, and it's not a problem with the game, or everybody else.  Their choices are present in the game and no one is stopping them from playing how they want.  Yet, they feel entilted to stop others from having fun.  They feel entitled to make sure that other people do not have choice.  Only they are entitled to choice.  Yet, everybody else is expected to react submissively to their garbage opinion.  The nerfers are really special to DE.

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Sweat!  A video from way back where neither mod cards, parkour, damage 2.0, or melee 2.0 were in Warframe.  Quick, nerf parkour, mod card system, Damage 2.0, Melee 2.0................


Wait a second???  DE decided to make coptering exclusive to a select group of melee weapons then they complain that players only use this select group of melee weapons?  Oh dear, what a conundrum, what to do, what to do?  I know!  Nuke the sun!!  Derp.


None of that has anything to do with what we're talking about. You claimed all weapons used to be able to copter. All weapons did not used to be able to copter. And even if that wasn't what we were talking about it's still probably relevant, because those videos are back from the era where you like to claim Warframe was all about one tenno wiping the ground with massive hordes of enemies. 


 The nerf nonsense is insulting.  


What's insulting is that you can't even hold a straight conversation without defaulting to a bunch of strawman nonsense about how people are out to get you and there's a secret group of players who just want to ruin everyone's fun. What's offensive is your total misrepresentation of every opposing point for the purpose of furthering your own argument, and the personal attacks leveled against anyone who disagrees with you.


Yeah, that's what's insulting. 

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Sweat!  A video from way back where neither mod cards, parkour, damage 2.0, or melee 2.0 were in Warframe.  Quick, nerf parkour, mod card system, Damage 2.0, Melee 2.0................


Wait a second???  DE decided to make coptering exclusive to a select group of melee weapons then they complain that players only use this select group of melee weapons?  Oh dear, what a conundrum, what to do, what to do?  I know!  Nuke the sun!!  Derp.


Really, the nerf nonsense doesn't merit a better response.  The nerf nonsense is insulting.  This is a one sided debate.  One side can say offensive things like "nerf the things that the majority has chosen to use", while complaining about lack of choice, despite the fact that their choices are present in the game.  No one is stopping them from choosing, and everybody else rejected their choices.  Somehow, we're expect to respectfully disagree with people who feel entitled to call everybody else to account because no one wants to play their way, despite the fact that no one is stopping them from playing their way.  They want to pretend that there is some shared problem here when in reality it is their problem, and theirs alone, and it's not a problem with the game, or everybody else.  Their choices are present in the game and no one is stopping them from playing how they want.  Yet, they feel entilted to stop others from having fun.  They feel entitled to make sure that other people do not have choice.  Only they are entitled to choice.  Yet, everybody else is expected to react submissively to their garbage opinion.  The nerfers are really special to DE.

So wait you think DE is getting rid of coptering because of complaints?not because DE thinks is about time they took care of the Bug that conflicts with their vision since they have begun to work on parkour.

And as for the fact being you have people in this thread who say i never really copter so i don't care,and you also got people in this thread who say they copter and they are supporting the nerf.I am just in question why you think lets just say the player is at fault.

Then u say this is DE problem that they only allow certain weapons to copter.copter. Technically all weapons can copter they just need to hit a certain speed.A max berserk heavy weapon with fury can copter it  does not even have to be max berserk copter is based on the weapon speed.DE in devstream mention that the copter mechanic is a thing that occur when the fact being that the momentum of your weapon speed carrier you forward it was not intended but was just left their.Now they are choosing to take it out ,because they don't need it no more really we don't need it no one dies cause they cannot copter.Instead lets be happy we are getting some changes that make this game more interesting we already have repetition .And for the Record Change is Justfull it affects everyone equally it just impact the individual more when they are over reliant on what is changing.

I am sure some people who are trolls and haters wanted it gone just because that how they get their kicks.

But in the end anyone who wants to leave because the GAME DESIGNER took something that is not part of their future vision just leave the game they were bound to leave for future reasons since their idea of fun was not the designer idea.

So i do apologies if i was honest ,but really i copter,but in the end i always felt their was something wrong about it.Lets just realize what benefits are coming we are losing copter but we are getting field control. 



What's insulting is that you can't even hold a straight conversation without defaulting to a bunch of strawman nonsense about how people are out to get you and there's a secret group of players who just want to ruin everyone's fun. What's offensive is your total misrepresentation of every opposing point for the purpose of furthering your own argument, and the personal attacks leveled against anyone who disagrees with you.

Yeah, that's what's insulting.

do you refer to something like this


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DE says everybody is using tipedo, therefore NERF coptor.  It's not the only time DE has complained that everybody is using something, something DE created which they know everyone will like, and therefore nerf what everybody is using.  Sounds like DE doesn't care what everybody thinks.


"We're not talking about that!  We're talking about something totally different!  So you shut up and play along!"  ROFLMAO.


If anyone else wants to talk about something else, go ahead.  Don't let yourself be distracted.  LOL.

Edited by ThePresident777
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