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Ash Prime Needs A Redesign


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Chroma's arms and Ash Prime's arms look absolutely nothing alike. I am disappointed in that there's no armor on his torso. It looks unfinished. It's like having body armor on your arms, head, and legs, then wearing a t-shirt.


We might leave arms out, but i have to agree aswell. The torso is empty and doesn't give that Prime feel, i feel that im playing in the Normal Ash but i bought a Helmet to replace the original one. 

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Ash Prime overall looks great. But his "logistics" are not well designed:


Helmet - The ponytail clips with himself, in particular with his new "leg handles" (the upper back part of the thighguards) as well as with ANY Syandana you equip. And the frontal dangles (sideburns?) clip into his shoulders and/or chest no matter what.


Leg "handles" - These additions on his upper back part on his thighguards clips horribly with syandanas and his ponytail. Pointless addition, the original purely "bone-like" appearance was great.


Shoulders - They clip with the helmet, but this aspect of him is of a lesser concern imo


Texture - Very different from original Ash (more damp), which makes alternative helmets look quite bad on him.


That said, I really wish I had the option to shorten the ponytail and remove the leg "handles" (and possibly to shrink the shoulders a bit) . Then I'd be as happy as can be about Ash Prime!

Edited by Azamagon
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Read most of this and I realized this.

Certain people have issues with something and ask for a tweak or rework, others that dnt agree will swear it needs nothing done.

Fact is everyone wants something done to w.e is in there best interest and it isnt fair to say whats being debated on needs no rework.

Ash prime not being color customizable is disappointing and gives off a F*** how you feel you will play Ash prime lookin like this!" Kinda vibe


No thank you I will play Warframe how I see Fit!

After all i pay to play aswell as free to play soo i play this game how i feel like it not how You feel like.


Major issue with this community.

People harrassing other people about Playstyles Warframes and Weapons.


Note: I play however TF I want! Soo should You. xD

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Only thing I hate is that eye and the orokin ornament sticking from his forehead, they look aweful. The rest of the helmet looks great, I absolutely love the long pony tail and chin. He doesn't look very ninja though, more pharaoh like in fact which is a bit disappointing only because Ash has always been a black ninja to me so it looks a bit out of place.

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More "PRIME" feel to it?!

Brooding, EMO-Giger Ninj-Ash just had his history as the Orokin's Super-assassin revealed in dramatic PA fashion.

You can be very CONSTRUCTIVELY critical and voice your opinions with a little effort. I was critical with my initial impressions of Chroma, but have come to really enjoy the look and feel of the final product.

A little effort goes a long way in legitimizing your post.

Otherwise you get endless threads of "VOLT PRIME SUX, THEY KEPT HIM THE SAME." or "ASH PRIME SUX. THEY CHANGED HIM 2 MUCH."

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Ash prime looks terrible, IMO.


It looks like they just slapped armor on his arms and threw junk on his face and called it a day.


Seems like a very lazy redesign to me, doesn't even fit in with Ash's main playstyle which I always felt was stealth.


A lot of people are saying he looks like a Samurai, which is fine, but how exactly does that add to his stealth gameplay?


It doesn't.  Also, white shouldn't have been his color base, it should have been black from the previous rotation of prime frames.

Was planning to come back playing WarFrame regularly after Ash Prime was released, now I'm not so sure at all.


What's the refund policy on Prime Access?


Again, this is MY OPINION, doesn't necessarily echo with the entire community.

Edited by DarthNads
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So far the Prime Access has been awful in a medium scale. 


The Accessories for Prime Access are bad, the design shows a lack of work and has a very similar look to Chroma on it.

Ash's arms are a Copy Paste of Chroma Armor, the chest section of Ash has not been touched a single bit as it is as simple as the normal version (wich is a shame, because it leaves quite a big gap on the Prime part of it) and i am very dissapointed about it.


Can we please get a Re-Design with a more Prime feel to it?

Other Tennos please feel free to discuss about it.


Sorry for the grammar, just woke up and haven't got my coffee yet :C

Yes please. He's too bulky tbh...

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Ash prime looks terrible, IMO.


It looks like they just slapped armor on his arms and threw junk on his face and called it a day.


Seems like a very lazy redesign to me, doesn't even fit in with Ash's main playstyle which I always felt was stealth.


A lot of people are saying he looks like a Samurai, which is fine, but how exactly does that add to his stealth gameplay?


It doesn't.  Also, white shouldn't have been his color base, it should have been black from the previous rotation of prime frames.

Was planning to come back playing WarFrame regularly after Ash Prime was released, now I'm not so sure at all.


What's the refund policy on Prime Access?


Again, this is MY OPINION, doesn't necessarily echo with the entire community.



Refund policy? Are you kidding me? Are you saying you bought Prime Access and expect a refund because you don't like the way he looks, even though you clearly see him on the purchase page?


If you actually bought Prime Access and expect a refund, that is absolutely ridiculous.

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Ash Prime is the best looking Prime out there and I love the look of the Yamako Prime Syandana. 


they have ruind the prime parts on the imortal skin, but it is nothing i cant live with. Just coulor it the same as you main colour. 


The Carrier Accsesories on the other hand are just 'ok looking'. 

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So... i assume that you ignored the fact that chroma was a copy-paste of ash and zephyr?

Ash prime is just the usuall prime. Chroma is a mess.

And ash was never stealth-themed. Loki is. Not ash. All of his abilitys aim for a fast kill. Nothing more. The stealth reopens enemys to stealth multipliers, the shurikens add slash status and disable armor of augumented, his teleport opens enemys to stealth finishers and his ultimate is simply overkill. How could anyone get the feeling that ash is a stealth-frame?...

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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OP, why complain about something you don't like, nor have to buy,personally I believe there are people who like the primed accessories,shouldn't vouch for them to get changed just because you don't like em', there is an option of not buying.....

Just changing them is a loss for those who were okay with the designs

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