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De, Can We Please Have The Old Conclave Back? As A Diffrent Gamemode


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Now here's the thing, certain old conclave players hate the new conclave to its essence, the heresy and corruption that surrounds the new conclave is unbearable, what i am proposing is not replace it with 2.0 again but add it as an entirely "new" unranked gamemode.



e.g. no rewards, no exp no bullS#&$, just straight gameplay. Because, you know people played it like this before, and there was no problems! DE tried to fix something that to us didin't need any fixing, you could've just added the new conclave as "ranked" conclave with leaderboards and such.


So can we please, have it back? It would solve all the conclave 1.0/2.0 issues. 


4v4 > 8v8

No hacks > hacks

Fun community > hacking community


Heresy grows from idleness.

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I 100% agree with this.  Maybe even remove the conclave rating limits.


I will point out though, old conclave had it's fair share of hackers from what I've heard, I personally never played it with PUGs But i heard the complaints.

Well, those were false positives. Older players used to be so fast, it would be hard to keep up, many of us got called hackers when we were using Bo Prime or even Tipedo. I was considered fast by some and i had hard time keeping up with many players. It was hard, but really really fun!

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It does sound appealing, but that is not what i am suggesting. I cannot wait to see the Dark Sector 2.0 but the first conclave was truly a gratitous expirience, the fast paced combat and great community is what made it worth doing, many people just tried without someone getting them into it. I wish for the old conclave to be back, and nothing else.

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you have my complete support Nyan , not to mention that conclave 2.0 promised TO BE BALANCED and aparently the vision of balancement on the devs eyes is of course spaming slide attacks (them pinballers) and of course our favorite pressing 4 to win but then again this balancement looks more that was aimed towards the PVE community due to the fact that conclave 1.0 powers did .... absolutely nothing which was of course depending on the power used . for example utility powers such as worm hole from nova or teleport from loki worked as intended as for Rhino's scrub stomp was completely useless . but all in all im just trying to say bring back the old conclave where we could use our ultimate builds with 5 formas or more instead of this makeshift pvp gamemode that completely relies on players running around collecting the energy orbs and then pressing 4 killing everyone in a map 

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I 100% agree with this.  Maybe even remove the conclave rating limits.


I will point out though, old conclave had it's fair share of hackers from what I've heard, I personally never played it with PUGs But i heard the complaints.

the old conclave didnt really have hackers , in fact i played it very actively to the point of no life and never saw a single hacker on PUGs . 

Were players so fast you couldnt really see them when you died ?

yes , yes they were that was due to the fact that old pvp was centered around gunplay and parkour unlike the new pvp

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I will point out though, old conclave had it's fair share of hackers from what I've heard, I personally never played it with PUGs But i heard the complaints.

I have played Conclave (Not talking about Dark Sector Conflicts) since it came out almost every day and i have only seen one hacker back then, using some kind of speed hack. On PvP 2.0 on the brief time we had this new Conclave, i have already witnessed 3 of these individuals so far, all recorded and reported. I don't know what it is, i think this new version have appealed to a bigger audience, therefore opening space for more hacking. Never met any player using aimbot, although i have been accused of that many times.

Edited by RexSol
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Yes, PLEASE!!!


I need the old conclave back for my life to be complete. 



I would love this, I cant deal with power and melee spammers anymore.

^^ This.



I cannot agree more with this statement




I do miss the old conclave, it was simple and with no limits. No complaints. Didn't have to do it to earn xp or other crap, you just did it for fun. This game needs more of that.

I'm so happy people agree.

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>Used to play conclave every day since it first came out in U10..
>Updates happened. 'Fixes' implimented. Pre running existing. Ect


>Melee 2.0. Slide spamming. People adapted. No slide spamming.

>Melee 2.5. Vertical slashing. People adapted again. Got even faster.


>Conclave 2.0. Watch half the conclave community leave. Don't blame them one bit.

>Went inactive waiting for balance pvp. Decided to take a break, give the devs time.

>Been waiting for this balanced pvp to exist..

Still waiting.. Still inactive..


>Occasionally check forums, occasionally jump on WF

>Check whats going on. See if any weapons I can approve are on there, see if snipers are stronger than primaries.


>Sees this forum post.

>TFW You haven't heard anyone say anything since early conclave 2.0.


Everybody from the old community is on board.

I'd hope it would get noticed.



Other notes..

DE tried to fix something that to us didin't need any fixing, you could've just added the new conclave as "ranked" conclave with leaderboards and such.

Pre running existed.

a couple broken weapons existed.



To all people on this forum

We will not get the origional conclave the way it was.

When they started making conclave 2.0, if you recall (attention to detail), they started tweaking it. Electricity did 2x more damage, certain walls were moved / replaced, ect.

I doubt we will get our origional conclave but I would hope it would come back as close as we can get it.

Edited by deadinflict
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OP didn't get it, it's not no hack in 1.0, is no value to make a hack in 1.0, actually 1.0 always have less than 960 hours totally player game play time pre day.  It's wasting time even on updating the game mode, don't say hacks




in 2.0, it have a little value for making a hack, as more player inside and some of them just want easy rep, which is need to kill alot people in CTC to gain. So ppl offer hacks to those guy, profits.

And also some player just want to hurt other players feeling, well in 1.0 is very hard to find a open match as even with a hack they were hardly to find a opp., but now is much easier.

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Well, those were false positives. Older players used to be so fast, it would be hard to keep up, many of us got called hackers when we were using Bo Prime or even Tipedo.

the old conclave didnt really have hackers , in fact i played it very actively to the point of no life and never saw a single hacker on PUGs . 

Were players so fast you couldnt really see them when you died ?

yes , yes they were that was due to the fact that old pvp was centered around gunplay and parkour unlike the new pvp

I have played Conclave (Not talking about Dark Sector Conflicts) since it came out almost every day and i have only seen one hacker back then, using some kind of speed hack.

As I said, I never really played with PUGs, only with friends, so I was really just going off of what I had heard.

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I agree. I'd love to have Conclave 1.0 back as a free-play mode. 


No rewards, just as it was before. I just want to be able to use whatever mods with whatever warframe. The lack of variety (of builds) killed PVP 2.0 for me.

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I disagree - to an extent. I mean face it, the old DS Conflicts were just awful. Absolutely inbalanced, some weapons and frames just dominated the battlefield, and the map design was bad, too, making spawnraping a common feature of almost every match.


But there was one point that was good about the old PvP - it was an objectives based attack/defend gamemode, and there were places for the different frames to play as different roles, tanks, assassins, healers, snipers. In PvP 2.0, everybody has just one role: killer. So we don't need the old PvP back, what we need is an extension to PvP 2.0 that gives us objectives-centered gamemodes (conquest, race, tug-of-war, k.o.t.h., c.t.f., attack/defend) where killing is a part of the game, but not the main goal.


And yes, 8v8 or 6v6 would be nice.

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I disagree - to an extent. I mean face it, the old DS Conflicts were just awful. Absolutely inbalanced, some weapons and frames just dominated the battlefield, and the map design was bad, too, making spawnraping a common feature of almost every match.


But there was one point that was good about the old PvP - it was an objectives based attack/defend gamemode, and there were places for the different frames to play as different roles, tanks, assassins, healers, snipers. In PvP 2.0, everybody has just one role: killer. So we don't need the old PvP back, what we need is an extension to PvP 2.0 that gives us objectives-centered gamemodes (conquest, race, tug-of-war, k.o.t.h., c.t.f., attack/defend) where killing is a part of the game, but not the main goal.


And yes, 8v8 or 6v6 would be nice.

Literally no one is asking for DS conflicts back. Everyone hated it. They are asking for the conclave nodes back, the ones where people actually played for fun and not for credits/rails.

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OP didn't get it, it's not no hack in 1.0, is no value to make a hack in 1.0, actually 1.0 always have less than 960 hours totally player game play time pre day.  It's wasting time even on updating the game mode, don't say hacks




in 2.0, it have a little value for making a hack, as more player inside and some of them just want easy rep, which is need to kill alot people in CTC to gain. So ppl offer hacks to those guy, profits.

And also some player just want to hurt other players feeling, well in 1.0 is very hard to find a open match as even with a hack they were hardly to find a opp., but now is much easier.

Did you miss as a diffrent gamemode?

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Wow, a lot of these threads springing up, all talking about the same thing. I wish you guys would keep it in one place. With that aside, how about this.

Right now we have "capture the cephalon", "team death match" and "annihilation". If DE added an "unrestricted" (or whatever name you prefer) game mode, where essentially all mods, weapons, frames are allowed and have PvE stats. Would that suffice? You would not get any standing in this game mode. You'd not have access to the same maps (albeit DE could use the old maps for this game mode). Seems like the easiest thing to do. It would dilute the pvp pool of players further, but that will happen no matter how pvp 1.0 is reinstated.

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