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Shouldn't Pre-Corpus Valkyr Be "healed" Valkyr?


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Sorry, but you're arguing about "Forged" used in the past tense, which would mean she was literally forged, created, via that project.


Though in this usage it most likely means her ferocity was created there.



Much like some one would say a murderer was created by a series of events.

Edited by Aoden
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Well I've always thought Gameplay =/= Lore necessarely. This being one of the cases that are pretty much self explanatory as to why it is.


On a side note I think Alad V wasn't too far off from what the Orokin did to the Tenno to begin with. Difference was that Salad V did a mix of dissecting and tweaking instead of Orokin's controlling and subduing.

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1) There is NOTHING confirming that her abilities were different in function to the ones that she had before, that's just a theory the fans have latched onto. While I'd definitely vouch they WERE different, I think they were still basically the same - Hysteria was Hysteria, but she got energy weapons instead of claws.


The same goes for her personality - which, all in all, is the more defining feature of the Warframe. Could have been she was always a sort of blood-knight-esq battle-lover, and Alad's work just drove her into a pure fit of hate, rage, and pain.


2) We DON'T KNOW what the official name will me - it could very well be "Rebuilt" Valkyr rather than "Undamaged" Valkyr.

Edited by Morec0
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I never said the corpus invented the valkyr frame, just created... their is a massive difference between create and invent Let me clarify my words.

You made a Burston in the lisets foundry, did you just invent a new burst fire weapon, make your own Blueprint with years of designing and taking notes of other burst fire weapons and create the first ever Burston? No, you made a Burston that's it, their, sure you may paint it differently, maybe add some forma to change it even more, but ultimately it is a replica.


The base lore leading up to Valkyr starts with pre-Gradivus, where Alad V found a cache of sleeping Tenno and their Warframes and took them for himself. This led to Gradivus, and the majority of Tenno siding against Alad with the Grineer to save them as quickly as possible.


Sadly, we weren't fast enough, and some were forged into the likes of Zanuka and Harvester. I think that the majority of Warframes in that cache WERE Valkyr, which I think is to be supported by Alad's Zanuka having what looks to be the same skin as the Pre-Corpus Valkyr.


I don't think the Corpus and Grineer QUITE have the technology to build their own Warframes, or else they wouldn't try to keep attacking us to take ours. It's just technology that is beyond them - like how replicating the vast majority of Prime weapons is behind us (hence why we need to find the parts in the Void).



As for abilities, they don't appear to be able to change. The whole Zariman incident leads me to believe that the abilities are ingrained into the child. Meaning that nothing short of changing something like their dna is going change the abilities. Though due other frames manipulating elements it makes me think these abilities are like a muscle. Which would explain the wrist spikes going through/breaking the restraint.

Keep in mind that the player-character Tenno (and, logically, all other Tenno) can switch between the frames at will. To me this throws into doubt the theory that the Tenno have the powers of the Warframes ingrained into them innately because, well, if that's the case how can we switch between frames to get all new powers?


On the Zariman, I say what I was once told in regards to it: more than fire can burn.

Edited by Morec0
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If we really want to, we can just go by Lotus own words. The Original Valkyr became frighteningly adept at killing, forged in the labs of the Zanuka-project.

In this case, in DE tradition, we have a Tenno who wore the warframe. Sh!t happened and the Imprint followed into the blueprint.

Therefore a restored warframe armor would not replace the Imprint.

The Prime however would be a very different creature.

Untill a Imprint can be overwritten by another, this seems like the most probable Lore-reasons.

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If we really want to, we can just go by Lotus own words. The Original Valkyr became frighteningly adept at killing, forged in the labs of the Zanuka-project.

In this case, in DE tradition, we have a Tenno who wore the warframe. Sh!t happened and the Imprint followed into the blueprint.

Therefore a restored warframe armor would not replace the Imprint.

The Prime however would be a very different creature.

Untill a Imprint can be overwritten by another, this seems like the most probable Lore-reasons.

i think a somewhat "lore friendly" explanation as to valkyr prime potentially having the same powers and tortured valkyr, maybe the process of recreating primes is to build off the base frame. like you build the subsiquent armor attachments/modifications, put them in the proper place, then throw in the tons of forma and prime frame! a bit far fetched but who knows what DE will pull out

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The base lore leading up to Valkyr starts with pre-Gradivus, where Alad V found a cache of sleeping Tenno and their Warframes and took them for himself. This led to Gradivus, and the majority of Tenno siding against Alad with the Grineer to save them as quickly as possible.


Sadly, we weren't fast enough, and some were forged into the likes of Zanuka and Harvester. I think that the majority of Warframes in that cache WERE Valkyr, which I think is to be supported by Alad's Zanuka having what looks to be the same skin as the Pre-Corpus Valkyr.


I don't think the Corpus and Grineer QUITE have the technology to build their own Warframes, or else they wouldn't try to keep attacking us to take ours. It's just technology that is beyond them - like how replicating the vast majority of Prime weapons is behind us (hence why we need to find the parts in the Void).


That is what im saying, We found a Reversed Engineered or somewhat copied version of Valkyr but ultimately it is a Valkyr.

Also I helped the corpus, Couldn't let the Grineer get any more ground, no regrets.

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That is what im saying, We found a Reversed Engineered or somewhat copied version of Valkyr but ultimately it is a Valkyr.

Also I helped the corpus, Couldn't let the Grineer get any more ground, no regrets.


The screams of our Tenno brethren you condemned still cry out for justice. Know that.


I think what happened is we found the remains of the Warframe blueprints and whatnot after the Corpus had gutted them for their information - like damaged data, just as Valkyr herself was damaged. So that's all we had to reconstruct the frame with, giving us the creature we had. The "original Valkyr" would be among the first to get out of the labs, but I do think that there were many of them - i.e. ones that would have had the Kara helmet fashioned for them by the Corpus (it's a headcanon of mine, based on what Kara's referencing, that an earlier part of Alad's Zanuka program was trying to tame Warframe/Tenno).


I may be misunderstanding you, but I don't think that the Corpus were able to build Warframes on their own. They could only take pre-built ones and dissect them, trying in vein to figure out how to make them for themselves.

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The screams of our Tenno brethren you condemned still cry out for justice. Know that.


I think what happened is we found the remains of the Warframe blueprints and whatnot after the Corpus had gutted them for their information - like damaged data, just as Valkyr herself was damaged. So that's all we had to reconstruct the frame with, giving us the creature we had. The "original Valkyr" would be among the first to get out of the labs, but I do think that there were many of them - i.e. ones that would have had the Kara helmet fashioned for them by the Corpus (it's a headcanon of mine, based on what Kara's referencing, that an earlier part of Alad's Zanuka program was trying to tame Warframe/Tenno).


I may be misunderstanding you, but I don't think that the Corpus were able to build Warframes on their own. They could only take pre-built ones and dissect them, trying in vein to figure out how to make them for themselves.

 Hmm, maybe I am over estimating Corpus tech or the quality of the Subjects they acquired, what you say does make sense.

Also 5-1000 fallen tenno is nothing compared to the thousands - millions [or maybe even billions] of corpus civilians killed or worse under the Grineer Victory's, it seemed like a small price to pay.

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 Hmm, maybe I am over estimating Corpus tech or the quality of the Subjects they acquired, what you say does make sense.

Also 5-1000 fallen tenno is nothing compared to the thousands - millions [or maybe even billions] of corpus civilians killed or worse under the Grineer Victory's, it seemed like a small price to pay.


There can be more Corpus, but I'm of the mind that there are a limited number of Tenno (I subscribe to the theory that Tenno can't reproduce - we'd have to expose more people to the Void to have a chance at infusing them with whatever happened to the ones from the earlier Orokin experiments, but doing so would be as monstrous as when the Orokin did it the first time).


The moment our numbers run out, so too does all hope for Origin.

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There can be more Corpus, but I'm of the mind that there are a limited number of Tenno (I subscribe to the theory that Tenno can't reproduce - we'd have to expose more people to the Void to have a chance at infusing them with whatever happened to the ones from the earlier Orokin experiments, but doing so would be as monstrous as when the Orokin did it the first time).


The moment our numbers run out, so too does all hope for Origin.

That is in my head cannon as well, but we seem to be holding ourselves well, though I do worry about the quality of the Tenno as of late... mindlessly bogging down into simple plans with no coordination or communication, not knowing why such tactics work or even asking how, this so called meta, many tenno are still as good as ever and nowhere near as bad as im saying they are, but when the Sentients come back, well we better hope this so called meta holds up or a notable amount of our kin shall perish.

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That is in my head cannon as well, but we seem to be holding ourselves well, though I do worry about the quality of the Tenno as of late... mindlessly bogging down into simple plans with no coordination or communication, not knowing why such tactics work or even asking how, this so called meta, many tenno are still as good as ever and nowhere near as bad as im saying they are, but when the Sentients come back, well we better hope this so called meta holds up or a notable amount of our kin shall perish.


I'm hoping to see the meta snap and break under the pressure like so many dry reeds.

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I'm hoping to see the meta snap and break under the pressure like so many dry reeds.

Some just want to see the world burn, I can tell we have more refined taste and just want to see our Community and Forums BURN ASUNDER, it last much much longer and we can see aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the details we wish, it will be beautiful if such an event were to occur.

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.... some of you are just looking into this to much. 








nothing more. if thats the case proto excal and nemesis nyx should have different abilities but they dont because they are just skins. same with valks

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.... some of you are just looking into this to much. 








nothing more. if thats the case proto excal and nemesis nyx should have different abilities but they dont because they are just skins. same with valks


They're skins that are anniversary references to an older game. That's their significance.


What is the significance of this skin? It shows us what Valkyr was like - at least in appearance - before Alad got his hands on her. Whether she has the same abilities because they were the same before or has them because this is just her taping her skin back to her is unknown as of yet, but she WILL have the same abilities, and headcanons MAY be shattered by that.

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You know what I wish they would do?

Instead of just being a Plat Item, they craft a Quest with the full story and sell that Quest in the Market.

Really I think Valkyr is too important, and should be a part if the timeline proper, but maby that's just me.

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Only that Proto-Excal IS supported by the lore - he was the first and the follower of Hayden Tenno, who looked very similar to that.

No just no, dark sector has nothing to do with warframe lore wise, get your facts straight Edited by Elantira
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I may be wrong but I think some of us just expected a "Pre-Corpus" Valkyr to be Valkyr Prime because the Lotus referred to her as the "Original Valkyr" in her Warframe Profile video.


Personally, I do want the abilities of this new Valkyr to have a slight difference, but be the same with her Prime counterpart (except for thegold/Prime ability that most Prime Warframes have). But like I've said, it's just a preference and headcanon of mine.


I don't think this really breaks the lore we have or anything. I think the best way to think about it is that this skin is "Valkyr" in her pure state (what she was always meant to be), the current Valkyr we have is "Damaged/Tortured Valkyr", and Valkyr Prime will be "Orokin Era Valkyr".

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The recent development should be just a reskin + helmet for current Valkyr. 


Pre-Zanuka Project Valkyr should be a different frame with different powers, even a different name. 





It's best to not confuse headcanon for confirmed lore. Jus' sayin'.

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It's best to not confuse headcanon for confirmed lore. Jus' sayin'.


Indeed, Just because a Tenno-in-a-Valkyr-Warframe suffered trauma at the hands of Alad V, and sustained damage to the Warframe that resulted in our Tenno being unable to determine what the Valkyr Warframe was like before the damage doesn't mean that the abilities exhibited by the damaged Warframe need to significantly differ from the pre-damage Warframe. Same with the name, there is no reason that Alad V would assign a new name to a vivisection target (Nor that the Tenno would honour any such "renaming") Hence the default assumption is that the pre-Alad V vivisection Valkyr Warframe was also called "Valkyr"


There is no need to change the name, powers, or change the designation of the skin. It is simply Valkyr, before the Corpus damage.


I wouldn't say no to a "Martial Frenzy" hysteria augment that lets you use your melee weapon instead of the claws though.

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No just no, dark sector has nothing to do with warframe lore wise, get your facts straight

Yes, yes it does a lot. The virus is the same (technocyte) and the Tenno are called Tenno because of Hayden Tenno. Can't tell if troll or just very very not smart. There are like 50 connections lorewise.


New powers would be awesome, but i doubt the DE will take up the work needed for it. Let's face it, it would be the same as making a completely new Warframe, which they wont.


However, the skins name defines the lore at this point. We either get a phantom that is not really there anymore or a restored Valkyr with removed scars.

Edited by Kasseopea
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