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The New Defense Spawn Logic Is Garbage


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Seriously, it just took 3 hours for me and my friends to finish 40 waves in a T3 Def because right around wave 25 the enemy spawn rate is so abysmal that there would be nothing for anyone to kill for minutes at a time.




In case you were curious, yes we did get a forma BP for the wave 40 reward. -_-

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We had spawns at all times, the faster we killed the faster they spawned.

Not to mention there were like 30-40 Bombards each wave after 30 waves or so. Honestly, it felt like the only unit spawning was the Bombard.


But man, 3 hours? Definitelly glitched. Shouldn't even exceed one hour.
Or, maybe you guys had a super slow Nova?
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I've experienced the same thing several times in T3D as well.

In a match yesterday it got progressively worse after round 25 or so. In the end enemies were trickling in one by one. We had to abort at round 34. Also, just a few minutes ago I completed 25 rounds of T1D. Right at the start you could already tell something was wrong.

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I kinda noticed something like this when I ran a t1 md for a vectus prime bp.


First I went with a friend, and it was boring cause very little spawned. Then we got 2 more people, and one guy could literaly run around the console and kill everything, and none of the others would even see a guy.


Maybe its a placebo effect from playing t4 too much, and getting used to its absurdly high spawn rate, but the lower level spawns seem to be suffering lately.

Edited by Sakatchi
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Because it became too easy? Couldn't wait and chatframe a bit till 35? I call shenanigans!!

If anything, I suspect this is to teach rushers a bit of patience!!

/jk ;)

Yeah... even waiting for 3 hours and enemies still not spawning ^^... have tried and unable to guess what the cause and how to fix this or how to replicate this

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When my friends decided to do defense in the void, i warned them that certain users were taking a long time to finish the waves due to the spawns, especially since one claimed that mosts spawns only came from 2 or 3 spawn rooms.


We decided to do it anyay and we found no issues whatsoever, if this is a bug then it's not happeneing with everyone sadly.

Yes we did 40 waves, nice and easy, didn't take that long.

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