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Incoming Supra Buff


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I always hear mixed comments about the weapon. I mastered it, but got rid of it. Why do y'all like it? Or dislike it?


Because we are very short on the machinegun department. There is also certain kind of charm to holding down the trigger and seen a stream of bullets going down range and the supra sure as hell puts on a light show.

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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Very nice. I decided yesterday to build a "Super" Supra out of spite because everybody says it's steaming pile of crap, I have a lot of Forma, and even more free time.

Mine has 5 forma.

It's still not good.

It's not even decent.

Edited by SweetSlaanesh
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My old 5 Forma bad boy (with shock skin) coming out of retirement?

With the right build it IS a decent weapon, but decent does not cut it anymore, it is overshadowed by SO many other weapons.

It has mods to overcome all its downsides I.E reload speed, projectile flight speed, ammo consumption, status chance,
but that leaves almost nothing left for everything else!

Too little WAY too late.


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