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Prime Being By Popularity Not By Release Dates....


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Frost (and Nyx) came in Update 6, yet he was the second prime. People liked to ignore that fact when Nova Prime came out and everyone was rambling about how she shouldn't exist because Tenno Council (because it couldn't possibly exist during the Orokin Era, right?).


Older frames have priority, but that doesn't mean that popular frames are ignored just because they are newer. And it also depends on what Mynki wants to do.

Edited by UltimateSpinDash
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Did I miss some announcement? If so, could you post a link?

I'm not sure what you mean with the frames being released based on popularity, when all the prime frames, except for Nova, are Close Beta frames.


Banshee and Saryn came with U7. With the launch of Open Beta.

The only Close Beta frame that needs to be released is Trinity.


The next two prime frames are going to be female. Chances are pretty high one of them is going to be Trinity.

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last few prime ie excal and frost and mag being  the first prime but also coming from very beginning of warframe but now seems like Trinity and Banshee are getting forgot about when it comes to prime. Are they buried that deep in the void they're collecting dust? It feels like the next prime warframe is just by demand.


I'm not fan boying over any frames in particular, just i don't really like the method of choosing primes because i feel like we are never going to get the older warframes prime until people run out of popular demand.

They are not being forgotten and the order is mostly random, it's all up to DE. Popularity may have a slight affect on what DE chooses but I doubt it's any more then that. The older frames do take priority but the decision comes down to DE. If say DE wanted to do something in particular, they may release another frame like Nova prime (proves to people all frames get primed ("tenno council" was retconned some time before priming her))


The next two primes are meant to be female and if you have a look at threads that ask people "what they want the next prime to be" you'll see the names; Trinity, Saryn, Banshee, Valkyr. So even if it was by popularity the older frames would still definately get put in.

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Having a poll wouldn't help if you have a problem with it being based on popularity.  A poll would just make sure it was based on popularity...


I feel the main driving force is which frame they have come up with a cool design that they are happy with.  If that is the case, I would like it to stay that way.  I would rather the artists gave us a fantastic looking Prime later than a forced and uninspired Prime now.

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You make this topic after we got Volt Prime and then Ash Prime? Neither of them is very popular and both of them have been in the game from the very beginning.

Also, Frost was a mere 2 months old and iirc the single most popular frame when Frost Prime was released.



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Well, I'm sure Trinity and Banshee are next for primes, since with the exception of Ember, every prime that came out as of current has been in a trailer, and Banshee and Trinity definitely have, in the same one even.


The Call(Jun 5 2013)- Excalibur, Frost, Nyx, Ash

Open Beta (March 21,2013)- Excalibur, Mag, Rhino, Loki

The Profit (Nov 8,2013)- Trinity, Volt, Banshee, Rhino

The Archwing(Nov 20,2014)- Excalibur, Loki, Nova, Valkyr

Primes released:

-Excalibur, beginning

-Frost, May 3rd, 2013

-Mag, Sept. 13, 2013

-Ember, Nov.20, 2013

-Rhino, March 27, 2014

-Loki, June 11, 2014

-Nyx, Sept 23, 2014

-Nova, December 16,2014

-Volt, March 25, 2015

-Ash, July 7, 2015

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Tin foil hat theory:  but Nova Prima and Soma Prime, two arguably very popular items, both came out pre-christmas, and post player-dip from Destiny.

So maybe they came out to boost numbers, compared to the prime items that should of been due, but would not get people back to Warframe.


Ultimately everything will get primed eventually, so just wait patiently for whatever it is one wants.

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Wow... some people just need to type less seriously.... >.> 

i'm sorry that it may have seemed either forward or aggressive in this post (Socially Inept) 


also i think Mynki is cute :3


Sorry if i hurt anyone's feelings... 

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Well, I'm sure Trinity and Banshee are next for primes, since with the exception of Ember, every prime that came out as of current has been in a trailer, and Banshee and Trinity definitely have, in the same one even.


The Call(Jun 5 2013)- Excalibur, Frost, Nyx, Ash

Open Beta (March 21,2013)- Excalibur, Mag, Rhino, Loki

The Profit (Nov 8,2013)- Trinity, Volt, Banshee, Rhino

The Archwing(Nov 20,2014)- Excalibur, Loki, Nova, Valkyr

Primes released:

-Excalibur, beginning

-Frost, May 3rd, 2013

-Mag, Sept. 13, 2013

-Ember, Nov.20, 2013

-Rhino, March 27, 2014

-Loki, June 11, 2014

-Nyx, Sept 23, 2014

-Nova, December 16,2014

-Volt, March 25, 2015

-Ash, July 7, 2015

That's an interesting correlation. I am curious to see how significant it holds with the upcoming pair.

I want Banhee Prime, but I feel as though there isn't much wiggle room with her design for adding stuff, especially when it comes to her default helmet.

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