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Wooden Sword Skin For Skana


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Being one of two starter weapons, which are not MK-1 variants of stronger weapons, the Skana is currently in quite a sorry place.

Described as "Pillar of Tenno culture" and getting stronger with the wielder, it's in terms of gameplay not much more than a practicing sword.

However if this is not going to change in any forseeable future, why not just embrace that role and reflect it with an optional (not default) wooden sword skin?

I don't mean turning it into a childrens toy or kendo stick, but still looking like the Skana, only made from wood.

With such a skin it it would look like something one would use in a dojo to teach or be taught the basics of a fighting style, still fitting it's description as a weapon every Tenno has to master.

Also i don't really see it as much of a mockery towards the Skana.

After all striking down heavily armored clone soldiers would look quite impressive when done with a wooden sword.

Edited by Othergrunty
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Skana is a thin Sword.

Wooden skin will make it Fragile

Well i have to check later, but i didn't remember it being THAT thin, at least compared to weapons like Jaw Sword.

Also with all the crazy materials (Ether weapons for example) in Warframe, the wood might actualy be as durable as steel.

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