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We've Been Using Two Methods To Measure A Player's Skill, How About A New More Efficient Way?


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Let's be realistic, do you really think people will stop looking at stats before they recruit someone for a very hard mission? No, they will check out the player and see if he's worth joining. Some games are just not meant for some players and I think the community needs to stop taking it personally. You cannot be invited to difficult games if you haven't made an effort!


That´s your opinion and you can do so if you want but I am not.


I don´t care for mastery, time played or how many Forma you invested.


If I am recruiting I will invite whoever wants to join.

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Bizarre idea.  I like the initiative to try and come up with ways to solve problems, but this one is way too inconsistent to be a measurable.  


Also, why are the 'numbers mean nothing' hippies swarming this thread.  Like I'm going to 'play with everyone to see how good they can be' before making a judgement.  Who has time for that.

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We can measure a player's warframe power by their conclave rating. A player with a low conclave rating is clearly not sporting a lot of mods on their equipment and therefore has few forma on it. Just saying let's not forget the conclave rating.


Conclave rating means exact the same as MR or the skilllevel shown on the profile, nothing.

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Ehh, to be fair, something like Mastery Rank has nothing to do with skill level, since it's explicitly states is just a progress bar, if you will, that just tracks how much you've experienced the game, regarding Warframes, weapons, the starchart, and such. Though it is a good indicator to have a basic idea on how much they've done, I think just simply moving your cursor over their avatar, and see what they're bringing prior to the mission, can do many players' wonders; since more times or not, it seems like a foreign concept to do that hahah.


Usually if someone is bringing all rank 1 weapons, and a rank 30 Warframe to a T4 Defense (like what I did yesterday hahah), I'll usually ask if he's going to be alright holding out on his own in a difficult mission, sometimes offering to run that said mission twice or so if he would like to bring a maxed out weapon just in case. Like what I did with bringing a Banshee, all rank one weapons, minus a level 22 Perrin Syndicate weapon (it was potato'd and modded enough to kill lol), and ended up all alright to wave 30. Though had to be careful with those derpy tomfa's because of the Loki Prime's 4th ability, but I just blew them the F*** away from me via Banshee's 1st skill hahah~


But anyways, just felt like sharing my little story since I'm at work doing absolutely nothing hahah.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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You can forma a weapon 5-6 times in a few hours or less, dont think that is a good measure of skill.


If you want to measure a players skill level then being able to see how many completions and longest recent run or similar stats may be a useful indicator of skill towards that particular mission.


Also just to add in an observation of mine when I play with pugs both low and high ranking mastery from what I have seen are likely to go aft during missions. Lower ranking mastery players however are IMO more likely to leave or want to leave a survival/ defense early.

Edited by (PS4)savoy123
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I disagree with the idea entirely.  I have done pretty much everything besides Nightmare Raids and T4S going past 40 minutes(Because I honestly don't care enough, not because of a lack of skill) and I've used Forma for my weapons a total of...


Lemme think.  4 times for Paris Prime, 2-3 times for Tonkor, I think 2 times for Penta...essentially, I barely forma my things.  And I don't do it because it's a horribly tedious grind.  My frames perform perfectly, I generally get the most kills, and I almost never get downed, why bother?

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Some items and Warframes do not require 5+ forma. Some of the better weapons handle just fine at 3, which makes using Forma a far worse indicator than any of the others you've mentioned.


You may as well look at Average Cipher Time, or Stratos Emblems Earned, or Heals (which is picking someone up off the floor) in Team Stats (Revives being how many times you've clicked the "revive" button).

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The only time I consider another players forma is when I join a pug and I notice they have a bunch of gear and a frame all around rank 16 or so. It's just me wondering because I'm in that situation often, and I'm just curious.

I know this thread is about assessing "skill" or whatever, but I would like to echo sentiments I've read before; it would be cool if there were forma stars next to a persons gear in squad loading screen.

Or not I don't really care that much.

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I hate adding Forma to frames.Only time I did it was with nova(mainly for fast nova) and the other was Trinity (I was supposed to add to Forma but I messed up so I added 3).But for weapons,I just add Forma to weapons I like and see that they have a good potential.

I think that the best way is from how many hours you've played.

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This has to be the lamest idea ive heard

Imagine this:

1. I spend real $ on plat

2. I get someone to taxi me to Draco

3. I leech my frame and weapons to 30 ( gaining mastery)

4. I buy more frames and weapons with $plat and level same way on Draco

5. I buy forma with $plat and relevel weapons on Draco leech

Now i have everything money and leeching can provide (loads of forma)

Do you still want me in a high level raid or long duration void run?

Please place this idea in the circular file!

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Wow, you guys really put the hammer on this fan idea. Sheesh!


He's allowed to put up his opinions and ideas on a public forum, just like how everyone else is allowed to poke holes in it.


Edit:I just want to note, I actually do appreciate the effort, and I do agree, there needs to be a better way to judge someone's skill, but I think the problem is that there just isn't really a way without just playing with them.  Sad, but true.

Edited by UFOLoche
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If your main problem is with people that don't know what they are doing or more like you would say, don't have enough knowledge about the game and its mechanics then why are you confusing knowledge with skill? 

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Honestly, if you don't forma you're missing out. There's not much else to say about this.


Forma's were a bad idea.

They're one of many cases of DE giving away a balancing tool away, for the short term benefit of pandering to the players.


The result was a rapid increase in the amount of power available to the players, which lead directly to a cascade of events that all had devastating effects on gameplay balance, long-term game-health, and new player experience(which is still garbage).

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We should keep the current system of judging players on Mr. rather than include the use of forma. Like others has stated there are methods of farming that make the usage of forma pretty "easy" to do. Anyway, it's not a good idea anyway because there are challenges like the 8 forma challenge where you place 8 forma on a primary, secondary, and melee along with a companion....Sooo, yea O_O.


Well until we get something better of course.

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Well I'm not sure if I'm good or not ,

I'm getting close too 700 hours, MR15

I only foruma frames and weapons I use consistently, probably 12 forumas by now,

Guess I'd be average.

3k hours mr15  mr16 in about hr Slow farmer  here xD

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