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New Movement Makes Some Powers Obsolete?


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Anyone feel the same?


Ever since the drop iv felt that frames like Nova, Valkyr, Zepher, Loki, have all taken a bit of a hit as part of their kit was extra mobility, but now everyone is super mobile.


I kinda want them to get new powers the way movement is set now (or nerf the current movement a bit to make them useful again.) I play nova and valkyr a lot but im quickly finding the hassle of spending energy isn't worth using their traversal shortcuts, which is a shame because that's half the reason I loved them!


Anyone else getting the same feels, or perhaps experiencing the opposite?


Maybe this situation is only present on the levels I have been playing.

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Unfortunately Parkour 2.0 implemented some sort of systematic change where after you're airborne for a few moments gravity sets in hard and you begin to fall like a rock. Pre-U17 Ripline you could gather a lot of momentum (not copter speeds by any stretch) once the tether ended provided you planted it correctly.


Now, no matter where you plant it you will sink almost immediately after the tether ends. Ripline still has more vertical potential than the new parkour 2.0 moves, but you've lost a huge chuck of height and have no hang time at all due to this new effect they've added. I'll be making a larger post on the subject once I can gather and edit some clips.


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As was with Frost, this will just be another thing to be addressed, when DE takes a second pass at those frames. They just don't have the resources to introduce new core mechanics and rebalance warframe powers at the same time.

Edited by Ryme
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The old hypermobile frames are still hypermobile as they still have their skills and the new movement.  If anything they're faster now.


Also zephyr can now remain airborne for extremely long periods of time.  I feel the new additions really helped her.

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Well, Boobens bounce is now definetly obsolete. Just crouch, look up and jump. How about a sentry as his 2nd power? owo


Bounce at least still affect enemies, so there's that.  Overall I think mobility powers are a little less valuable, but not obsolete just yet.  All of them are still faster than bullet jump.

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Decoy Teleport would still come in handy for platforming hard to reach places for lazy players. Like that one secret room at the top of the Void Reactor room. takes like 2 seconds to line up your Decoy Teleport, and execute. Same for Wormhole in situations like this.

True, though now getting up there is not difficult whatsoever since we can infinitely wall hop. It might take 12 seconds instead of 2, but that's compared to it taking closer to 2 minutes before the changes. And that's if you were even good enough to do it, I've met a lot of people who literally could not climb to the top of that room in an hour of trying, and gave up.

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True, though now getting up there is not difficult whatsoever since we can infinitely wall hop. It might take 12 seconds instead of 2, but that's compared to it taking closer to 2 minutes before the changes. And that's if you were even good enough to do it, I've met a lot of people who literally could not climb to the top of that room in an hour of trying, and gave up.


Yeah, I even have the infinite rip line syndicate mod on my valkyr that made getting up there a breeze, but now that mods useless, whats the point? I can just super jump / wall run.

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People who think mobility powers are useless, less useful, or obsolete are just using everything all wrong. IMO.


Combine these powers with Parkour 2.0 & now you have more mobility than you once had & more than any other frame. Something that could take Mr.360noscop3 8 seconds could take you 2. 

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Day one.

As others mentioned, once you master it, youll be way ahead than the rest of the frames.

And then it would not be weapon related issue, but frame related, but i think the extra mobility for those frames is more than intended.

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People who think mobility powers are useless, less useful, or obsolete are just using everything all wrong. IMO.


Combine these powers with Parkour 2.0 & now you have more mobility than you once had & more than any other frame. Something that could take Mr.360noscop3 8 seconds could take you 2. 


This has been my experience so far.  Zephyrs were insanely mobile, Nova's still give you that cross map in a flash potential, Valkyr gap closes harder (bullet jump>double jump>ripline to wall is strictly more powerful than not having ripline).  I haven't seen many Loki's and dopple-port was a nifty trick and presumably it still can be, it will probably have nifty usage with wall grabbing and crossing big gaps. 


In general things feel much more vertically mobile than they used to be, even with air melee sometimes sending leaping over a tall building.  Horizontally things feel slower and in general any powers or abilities that helped with horizontal movement will still be just as good.  Main powers to look for that get shorta shafted would be vertically oriented ones like Vaubans jump pad which was already arguably obsolete due to air melee before parkour 2.0 even hit (outside of its usage as CC).  

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This has been my experience so far.  Zephyrs were insanely mobile, Nova's still give you that cross map in a flash potential, Valkyr gap closes harder (bullet jump>double jump>ripline to wall is strictly more powerful than not having ripline).  I haven't seen many Loki's and dopple-port was a nifty trick and presumably it still can be, it will probably have nifty usage with wall grabbing and crossing big gaps. 


In general things feel much more vertically mobile than they used to be, even with air melee sometimes sending leaping over a tall building.  Horizontally things feel slower and in general any powers or abilities that helped with horizontal movement will still be just as good.  Main powers to look for that get shorta shafted would be vertically oriented ones like Vaubans jump pad which was already arguably obsolete due to air melee before parkour 2.0 even hit (outside of its usage as CC).  


Sure ill admit those powers are still useful, but their useful like having a back up helicopter is useful in case your private jet breaks down. 

Having one of these powers just feels like a glorified luxury rather than a useful part of the kit.


You can cross the map and gap close just fine without those powers now and I feel any extra advantage they give you for these tasks is negligible.


Though I admit on a second look Zepher's been buffed.

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