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I think his point is, GMs paid $250, so they have a vested interest in the game not sucking (as does anyone who pays some money into the game)

Yeah, but he said that its no wonder that the GMs dont agree with me. Why?

Does it seem like im trying to ruin the game? Cause from my point of view i am doing the exact opposite. Im pointing at a flaw of the design which is getting completely out of control and will kill the game if left unaddressed.

The RNG and Farming extremities have to stop, unless the game intends to lose the majority of its player base.

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Im unsure as to what the connection is. A GM does not want to have something to do?


I think the idea is that because such a large investment was placed, that individual might be blind to any flaws because nobody wants to have to acknowledge that they spent $249 on something that might be less than perfect. I've seen it happen a lot with people who spend thousands on a Samsung TV with "120 Hz" and refuse to accept that 120 Hz is nonexistent and cheaper plasmas perform better. They spent lots of money, so they can't be wrong, and everyone else just "doesn't get it".


However, I can assure you that there are just as many M/GM purchasers who are on the side of the OP and those of the like, even if they're not posting. This patch brought a lot of good things, but really exposed a great deal of inherent flaws with the game's material and item drop system as a whole.

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What I hate is how this update completely shat upon small groups of friends that joined to play a 4-player co-op game. You basically need to be in a big clan in order to access more than half of this stupid update or work your arses off to build a 3-4 man dojo to research weapons, let alone all the platinum grab stupidity with Formas being rare like Reactors/Catalysts, cause I didn't lose enough sleep already because of idiotic alerts deciding to appear with rare stuff at 5 AM in the morning and then there's those keys which reming me that attrocious ticket exchange thing in FlyFF in order to access the 'cool guys' stages in the game.


Indeed, outside the market, Forma are about as easy to find as a virgin in a brothel, which is galling enough on it's own but oooooohhhh no, they also had to make it pull double-duty as a construction material, which is just ham-fisted, money-grabbing bullS#&$! What about the countless Orokin artefacts we nicked on raid missions, can't we use those instead??


In the last 2 days, I've received Void Keys as login rewards but all I got out of those missions were a couple of Latron Prime components. At the very least, award Forma EVERY TIME I finish a Void Mission because those keys are just as hard to acquire! It's like they're saying that If you don't pay, they're going to drag everything out mercilessly for you!


Basically, I'm reduced to either asking for Void invites in the global chat or picking missions at random and crossing my fingers, making Forma collecting and consequently, Dojo progression, a dull, boring, tedious slog. What's my incentive for continuing?

Edited by Nova2000
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Yeah, but he said that its no wonder that the GMs dont agree with me. Why?

Does it seem like im trying to ruin the game? Cause from my point of view i am doing the exact opposite. Im pointing at a flaw of the design which is getting completely out of control and will kill the game if left unaddressed.

The RNG and Farming extremities have to stop, unless the game intends to lose the majority of its player base.

They are in denial, trying to rationalize to themselves what may have been an extremely poor use of their money.

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-Viewing your party’s stats is now a Toggle option instead of Hold key!

-Want to take some fancy screenshots.. WITHOUT the HUD? Now you can!


Turn off my hud while farming.

I lost it there 10/10 post would read again

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DE must read this.


Without a doubt!


I bet there are more people in smaller guilds or unguilded than there is individuals in large guilds. Don't get me wrong I do acknowledge there is a huge member base in the larger guilds. But the majority will not wish to be forced into a large guild.


If DE fails to recognize their alienation of this large majority, people will leave this game. Or just stop playing. The same will go for the larger guilds who acquire the items easily, they will tire of the content quickly. There will no longer be an incentive to try beyond what they have achieved and at the same time, small guilds will be so overburdened by the costs it will be futile to even try.

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Not much else to say that hasn't already been said. I agree with the OP pretty much all around the board.
I mean, the game itself is wonderful or I wouldn't have bothered to pay for this founders status to support them, or thrown in as much time as I have but...
Well, I have every frame but Vauban, most weapons, and all but 2 bp's in alert rewards. A massive chunk of them all leveled to max before I finally confronted myself about the purposelessness of spending so much time leveling weapons and frames I would never even look at again. So...really...what the HEK do I do now?
The game desperately needs endgame content that supersedes the already thriving farming mentality it has now, and it needs it implemented yesterday. As much as I love this game, I honestly can't see myself putting much more time into it at this point. Which is a damn shame, since some of the new content on it's own merit is just really outstanding.

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Without a doubt!


I bet there are more people in smaller guilds or unguilded than there is individuals in large guilds. Don't get me wrong I do acknowledge there is a huge member base in the larger guilds. But the majority will not wish to be forced into a large guild.


If DE fails to recognize their alienation of this large majority, people will leave this game. Or just stop playing. The same will go for the larger guilds who acquire the items easily, they will tire of the content quickly. There will no longer be an incentive to try beyond what they have achieved and at the same time, small guilds will be so overburdened by the costs it will be futile to even try.


Yes, I completely agree. I intended for my clan to just consist of myself and my close friends but having experienced the thus far fruitless Forma farming crap, I can't help but feel I'm being painted into a corner where I have to bring in more members or just keep spinning my wheels in the mud, so to speak. DESteve said so himself in Livestream 5 that if you wanted to be in a small clan, that it wouldn't be a problem, only that you're "not going to make ridiculous progress"....well only half of that statement turned out to be true...so emphatically true for so many.

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You know, it's funny that, in Livestream 5, DESteve also said that their reluctance to put in a trade system was because they didn't want any "WTB/WTS" spam in the global chat, only to have U8 introduce "Looking for Void run" spam....and they're okay with this?

At this point, a trade system seems like the simplest way to at least somewhat ease the farming issue and I don't see why it would necessarily cause "WTB" spam; just have like an auction house interface where you can put up, say, your 5 extraneous Reaper handles for 1 Gallium each. Because, really, what's the difference at this point? We have spam A but it doesn't matter because at least you've averted spam B, congratulations.




Please stop making the game based on RNG to have fun. Come up with more options for cosmetics and non-vital enhancements. Stop making the base update material into pay only!


Indeed, things like boosters, bundles and other conveniences. More things to make the game more "pay for convenience and cosmetics".

Edited by Nova2000
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While I understand OP's frustration, I have to ask.

What makes farming in WoW much different from this? Or even, name 1 RPG that isn't about farming.And even then, name 1 free RPG that isn't about farming.

You even pay a monthly fee to play WoW, meaning you pay a monthly fee to farm.


RNG is definitely the devil here and needs to go but for a game with so small meta, it's the only thing keeping players from completing the game in a week.

Wait for them to introduce more content and then start pressing them to remove the RNG system.

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Problem with the void keys is that their drop rate makes most people beg for void invites in Region/Clan/Council chats 24/7. I can't really blame them unless you buy the last level of the founders pack you're pretty much wasting money for the keys.

10 keys cost over 10$ and only give you reaper handles and latron prime bp's at best.

I've seen people who payed 100$ for keys and are still missing either the receiver,reaper blade or frost systems/helmet.

So yeah nice "end game" content they really screwed this up.

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While I understand OP's frustration, I have to ask.

What makes farming in WoW much different from this? Or even, name 1 RPG that isn't about farming.And even then, name 1 free RPG that isn't about farming.

You even pay a monthly fee to play WoW, meaning you pay a monthly fee to farm.


RNG is definitely the devil here and needs to go but for a game with so small meta, it's the only thing keeping players from completing the game in a week.

Wait for them to introduce more content and then start pressing them to remove the RNG system.




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While I understand OP's frustration, I have to ask.

What makes farming in WoW much different from this? Or even, name 1 RPG that isn't about farming.And even then, name 1 free RPG that isn't about farming.

You even pay a monthly fee to play WoW, meaning you pay a monthly fee to farm.


RNG is definitely the devil here and needs to go but for a game with so small meta, it's the only thing keeping players from completing the game in a week.

Wait for them to introduce more content and then start pressing them to remove the RNG system.

for RPGs (not including F2P) Fallout 3, fallout New Vegas, Borderlands 1, Borderlands 2, Skyrim, Dead Island, Lost Planet 2, Dead Rising 1 and 2.


Farming is OK, however it shouldn't be the main focus of the game and the only thing to do when you reach endgame. WoW has massive dungeon raids, PvP (which warframe DOES NOT need), professions, rare monsters to find and kill, hell, even Borderlands 2 has "XYZ the invincible" raid bosses. Warframe has... farming for the void, farming for the dojo, and farming for materials so you can farm less later.

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for RPGs (not including F2P) Fallout 3, fallout New Vegas, Borderlands 1, Borderlands 2, Skyrim, Dead Island, Lost Planet 2, Dead Rising 1 and 2.


Farming is OK, however it shouldn't be the main focus of the game and the only thing to do when you reach endgame. WoW has massive dungeon raids, PvP (which warframe DOES NOT need), professions, rare monsters to find and kill, hell, even Borderlands 2 has "XYZ the invincible" raid bosses. Warframe has... farming for the void, farming for the dojo, and farming for materials so you can farm less later.


And one of the major problems with this is that DE has yet to release a single update that contains content to mitigate this. The solution to every single issue for them is to simply add more farming.


Personally, I think the Void should not have been another area to farm, but actual, challenging content.

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And one of the major problems with this is that DE has yet to release a single update that contains content to mitigate this. The solution to every single issue for them is to simply add more farming.


Personally, I think the Void should not have been another area to farm, but actual, challenging content.

EXACTLY. The closest to a challenge you might have would be handicapping yourself/fighting bullet sponges with subpar weapons (i.e. snipetron vs vay hek with his really fast recharge, doable, but much harder than using say, a braton/boltor)

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Agreed with OP. Farming is not evil by itself, but when a game only has farming it's just terrible.


If you want to make farming the main content of the game, at least make it more interesting to farm. For example here I will use the Monster Hunter series.


Everyone who has played the Monster Hunter games can attest to this: when stripped down to its core components, the game is about farming, nothing else. Farm mooks to make weapons to farm bosses, then farm the bosses to make equipment to hunt bigger bosses, repeat ad nauseam until you have exhausted all monsters the game has to offer. And after that, farm more just for the sake of completion. Warframe is currently like this. Farm to get mods and upgrades so you can more easily farm higher levelled content to get better chances at even better mods and stuff. Both games also have RNG bullS#&$tery going on (two words: RATHALOS PLATES).


And yet Monster Hunter is regarded as a great game by those who have played it. Those who have played it includes everyone and their mother in Japan (metaphorically of course). Why?


Because each and every kill you make feels like an accomplishment. These bosses are not simply high HP damage sponges. They are highly complex, challenging high HP damage sponges that takes up 20 minutes to kill for the average player, and that's with proper strategy and equipment. But the game is so skill based that a skilled player can effectively hunt down most 'regular' bosses (non elder-dragon ones for those who play it) in under 5 minutes with the same gear! Each monster you kill to farm materials effectively makes you, the player, better as playing the game as you get yourself familiarized with their attack patterns and how to react to them. This, in turn, makes the grind feels much less grindy because there is a sense of progress with every kill made, with every quest done.


Now compare to Warframe. While the same method used to make Monster Hunter engaging is not exactly applicable to Warframe (although better bosses should be, and is becoming, a thing), quests overall should feel more accomplishing to complete. The idea here is that the player will return for the challenge of the mission, not the loot. Add more platforming elements, more puzzles, interesting mini bosses that spawn halfway through the map. Heck, I'd even go as far as to make one invincible enemy that starts chasing the party down at times. This way, the player will feel like they have become better at playing the game, not simply stacking up numbers!


And another important thing, do not make access to an area randomly generated. Make them skill based and it's fine. Access to Orokin maps should be based on player experience! Say a certain location requires you to beat boss x first, or maybe finish mission y that has a certain unique element to it, or traverse through a platform hell level, or maybe impose level limitations. But not randomly dropping keys. That's just terrible.


And I guess that's it from me. Don't really know how to end this post.

Edited by Necrio
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