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Coptering Vs Parkour 2.0 - How Much Speed Did We Really Lose?


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No seriously I liked coptering and being able to change attack mid air... At the same time, the new parkour is also pretty damn cool....

What I dont see is why they had to remove coptering altogether...


because most people would prob just use coptering to get around faster instead of parkour 2.0

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I am what I consider an average player, never bothered using coptering very much (occasionally to cross a large gap), and do not support or decry the changes (since I haven't had the opportunity to actually use PK2.0 yet). 


So, I guess my question to the PC guys is, what is the actual time difference? Again, average player not using coptering, I can complete a capture in under four minutes easy (Loki with Rush and to me that doesn't seem like a lot of time to finish a mission). And normally I am only rushing through the first one to get the node unlocked and don't really farm these. But I'm curious how much time coptering reduces this by as I am assuming that missions that require multiple runs for farming/events/etc. are ones you would want to complete as quickly as possible. 


So what are you guys finishing a capture in? Under 2 minutes? Just curious.


If you watched the video, I averaged ~1:13 with coptering - now that capture missions are shorter, it would surely be <1 min, had we still access to coptering. That was also done with a frost without mobility mods, actual speedrun frames + builds would have gotten even better times.

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I did watch, but was wondering if your average was roughly the "community" average if you will. Just curious if it was affecting a larger percentage of people or just those that have perfected their personal coptering technique. 


But I haven't, I wasn't really good at coptering, I slammed into the walls all the time. Players who really nailed their aim and hit the doors perfectly could put out times much more impressive.

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I have FAR more control over what I do, now. In turn, considering how crazy coptering used to be, I tend to actually be faster NOW than I was before. Before, your movements were all or nothing. Either you succeeded, or the game glitched out and you ended up somewhere you didn't want to be...such as being stuck to a wall for a good 3 seconds. Now, it's just fluid, smoother, and all around MUCH more fun. I'm 100% for the new movement change. Also, you can go VERY FAST if not AS FAST as coptering in some cases.

Edited by RpTheHotrod
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But I haven't, I wasn't really good at coptering, I slammed into the walls all the time. Players who really nailed their aim and hit the doors perfectly could put out times much more impressive.

I noticed that. So would you consider yourself the "average" player when it comes to coptering? Not trying to badger, just wondering if it really affected anything other than "blow through" missions and average players that join missions with more experienced players that can copter very well. Again, as a player who doesn't really use it, just wondering if the time lost is truly that detrimental in regards to game play. Personally, I don't think four minutes in a mission is a lot, but if you can finish a mission in under one, that is pretty damn quick.

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Lots of people are defending going slower as if it would prevent rushers and let them play game at slower pace, but it wont, they will be left behind even more. Now it's harder to do alkl the moves, if they couldn't learn (or  perform) simple coptering they will find new movement impossible to keep up. 

Yes now speed is not tied to your melee weapon.  Now its' tied to your frame and mods. Frost could keep up with Loki, now - good luck with that.


Friend of mine never played wf with me because of rushers and he couldn´t figure out the old movement/coptering. I said to him they reworked the movement and guess what - he has a blast right now with the game. So there goes that argument.

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^this just proves that parkour 2.0 is crap


No, all it proves is that an unintended glitch provided more benefit than intended gameplay mechanics. Gee, that never happens right? If there was a glitch that allowed you to do a million damage as opposed to the damage we do now, that MUST mean that our current damage calculations is crap, right? Logic!

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No, all it proves is that an unintended glitch provided more benefit than intended gameplay mechanics. Gee, that never happens right? If there was a glitch that allowed you to do a million damage as opposed to the damage we do now, that MUST mean that our current damage calculations is crap, right? Logic!

When your unintended glitch is more fun and intuitive than your carefully designed mechanics, maybe you should reconsider those mechanics. I'm not going to argue, I just hate what they've done to a game that I loved. They've made me not want to play it. It's a minor, stupid thing, and I never thought it would bother me when they were talking about it in the dev streams, but it turns out it does. A lot. I hate parkour 2.0. I'm not going to stop hating it just because "coptering was a bug" or "it's so much more fluid". I don't care. It's less fun. Then you get these pedantic people talking about how I can just ruin my build and mod for mobility, or DE's stupid solution that I can forma every single one of my warframes 3 more times after paying plat or two forma to unlock a utility slot that they should have unlocked for everyone automatically by default as way of apologizing for making all the warframes slow and fat like Mag, followed by the other people who are all "Oh you just have to to do these 4 things in order using more buttons and you can almost go fast enough to only slightly miss coptering!" Whatever, I get that not everybody feels the way those of us hating this update do, but it isn't making these feelings any less real for me.

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Slow people will still be left behind, and it will take much more effort to keep up too.


Then they should practice.


Warframe is casual enough. If people are too bad to learn how to flip around and glide about then that's just too bad so sad for them.

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Then they should practice.


Warframe is casual enough. If people are too bad to learn how to flip around and glide about then that's just too bad so sad for them.


The thing is, what he said is a assumptions that´s, at least in my eyes, void. Because i experienced it with my own eyes how people that had problems with the old system are praising the new system.

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The thing is, what he said is a assumptions that´s, at least in my eyes, void. Because i experienced it with my own eyes how people that had problems with the old system are praising the new system.

They are prising it for now assuming it will make everyone slow, wait till they see how they are still getting left behind.

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It saddens me that some people are only concerned with how fast they can complete a level and skip content. Some people will take the video to make the case that coptering was superior, when it only performed well under certain weapons and conditions. I'm sure a lot of the people that hate parkour 2.0 were the Vanguard Rhino's that speed ran everything and for some reason want to play the game without actually playing the game. The new system isn't Berserker Zoren fast but it gives great vertical agility that coptering didn't have and added survivability. I feel bad for people that only want to go fast.

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When your unintended glitch is more fun and intuitive than your carefully designed mechanics, maybe you should reconsider those mechanics. I'm not going to argue, I just hate what they've done to a game that I loved. They've made me not want to play it. It's a minor, stupid thing, and I never thought it would bother me when they were talking about it in the dev streams, but it turns out it does. A lot. I hate parkour 2.0. I'm not going to stop hating it just because "coptering was a bug" or "it's so much more fluid". I don't care. It's less fun. Then you get these pedantic people talking about how I can just ruin my build and mod for mobility, or DE's stupid solution that I can forma every single one of my warframes 3 more times after paying plat or two forma to unlock a utility slot that they should have unlocked for everyone automatically by default as way of apologizing for making all the warframes slow and fat like Mag, followed by the other people who are all "Oh you just have to to do these 4 things in order using more buttons and you can almost go fast enough to only slightly miss coptering!" Whatever, I get that not everybody feels the way those of us hating this update do, but it isn't making these feelings any less real for me.

i indeed loved coptering, because i love speed, but parkour 2.0 is an absolute blast for me.only thing i enjoyed about coptering was the sheer amount of speed. the only thing i dont like about parkour 2.0 is the lack of speed

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Yes. Check out my Hobbled Rhino video.



It is almost like coptering but with even more buttons.

While I'm sure some people will say coptering could do the same thing, I don't think it has the ability to traverse such large gaps with ease, the verticality, or the control that parkour 2.0 has.

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