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U17 Bug Report Megathread


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Description: When doing the tyl regor boss battle in solo mode, i achieved to get the blue lights and the strange sounds (wich are supposed to mean that the sentient, or what ever the hell it is supposed to be appears wich allowes you to start the natah quest line) twice and nothing happened. It didin't appear. First time i was in the new under water archwing, but i was bugged and i walked in the sea floor and it was in a team, i left it soon after joining, because i was walking in the ocean floor. Second time i was playing alone. I was in one of those rooms that have water on the floor wich electrocutes you when you touch it, and you can turn it off.


warframe: Oberon

Loudout: Burston prime, spectra, galatine, uru syndana, djinn, and that toxic dart gun

Where: The Tyl Regor assasination mission


I have no ideas how to repeat it, because it took me about 20 runs to get it appear 2 times.


This S#&$ is like ying and yang, good luck can't exist without bad luck.

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Warframe:                                Mirage, Oberon, Mag, Ember. (only 4 I have) 


What:                                       Both on my Kohm shotgun and Attica (only 2 weapons I have)


Where:                                     Every planet (so far) and all mission types.


Can I reproduce the bug?:       Yes, simply have to select a mission and hit start.


Reproducing bug:                    Log into the game and try to go into a mission anywhere, and any mission type



             I am having SERIOUS visual and sound glitches both in the ship (before you select your mission) and also when I have chosen a mission to play. Enemy weapons look like smeered pixels everytime they shoot/swing at me, and on certain parts of EVERY mission/map (that I have tried) the entire area looks like it has been lifted into the sky and when i try to go into that area i just fall through the floor, making mission types like extermination uncompleteable. 99% of the time i attempt to join a battle I crash to desktop, but that 1% that it manages to load into a game this happens.

             Another problem I have never had happen before was while in a squad with 2 other people we joined a game and all 3 of us were connected to the proper mission and planet, BUT they were in 1 game and i was in a totally different game, all alone, when we should of been in the same game. Everyone in my clan is saying their Warframe game is running smoothly and mine was too, BEFORE U17. Now i cannot even get in to play a mission.

             I admit my computer is not the latest and greatest, but BEFORE U17 my computer ran Warframe perfectly fine, I don't see any reason why U17 would do all this and make my game constantly crash.


            I would really appreciate some help with resolving this so I could enjoy the game again. my recently purchased credits booster with 4 days left on it is going to waste as well.


I can without a doubt provide video/screenshots if I knew how to do it.

Edited by AggressorV
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Okay I posted about these issues elsewhere but this seems to be the place where they should go. Having a LOT of issues with U17 right now. I am using Exclaibur, trying to get the Equinox parts. If it weren't for the constant disconnects I would probably have had all I need by now...

All my plat disappeared except for ONE plat. I didn't have much to start with, but what I had is gone. I had 156p and I might have spent 20p - did the Update and now I have 1p.




Pausing, freezing, popping, stuttering, glitches. Both 64 bit and 32 bit versions I tried. Turned Multi-threading off ()which worked for U16). This is all related to Tyl Regor boss fight. There is also a chance of getting stuck in the water. Doors don't open (open very late). Spawning in an existing mission you can be stuck for a full minute. Host disconnects are the rule - most of my Tyl Regor missions have ended in disconnects. Its all in the videos:

32 bit performance issues and water problem (water got stuck, I got stuck as a Sharkfin):

32 bit general game issues:

64bit General Game Issues Tyl Regor bad Performance:


Massive amount of host issues. I don't think I need a picture of that, its just constantly being disconnected - especially near or after the Tyl Regor fight.



Have yet to be placed in the beginning of a mission, even when starting with an entire new squad (Public). I get spawned in well after the mission starts and have to catch up to everyone else. I have played / attempted about 20 times and have only started with the squad at the beginning once.

Edited by magusat999
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This bug comes from when i am trying to equip mods onto archwing. Whenever I go to the melee weapon, I equip a mod, then go to the mod section so that i can fuse it up. After I fuse it up, I exit back out of mod mode to go to the melee weapon mode, but I keep getting a glitch that either doesn't show the mods any more, or it shows it like this (and both times it makes it where i can't do anything, as nothing happens when i hit escape and there is no other button options so I am forced to close warframe and reopen it)



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Who Me on Equinox


What left arm is buggy and very stiff in animation. the arm will do a very un smooth snapin like feel to it. and bugs out randomy and breaks...( will have pic of it )


Where: anywhere ( arm buying out and lockin up werid is ship only so far )


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG?  left arm being very... stiff/snappy. that part i can.... the broken whole left arm, i cant


REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 petty much happens when playing with animation sets. the 2 that come with Equinox seem to be VERY stiff on its left arm... like a few frames are missin. if you pick agile animation set for equinox's set it will make the left arm lock then unlock. like a snap tool



broken left arm  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=491805765

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Been farming for the new frame on Uranus and several times have found myself unable to roll and unable to melee attack. Have recreated this several times and have friends who had it happen. It seems to be completely random, and sometimes I can start rolling again in the same mission.

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I've got a controller bug: I cannot bring up the Ability Menu whenever I sprint. This has been confirmed and can be reproduced reliably. Simply sprint and attempt to bring up the menu (I use Right bumper). This was not the case prepatch.


I've tested on Xbox One and Xbox 360 controllers, both have the same result. I'm running Windows 7 64bit.

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DESCRIPTION: Controller (XB360) bug. The right stick doesn't work/crouch while in gun mode. (The melee's ok)





REPRODUCTION STEPS: I have tried different frames, so far with Ash, Excal, Frost... During tutorial, in the ship and on Eris, so far. It just doesn't work.

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Who Me on Equinox


What not being un archwinged out of water.... able to fight boss and adds in full archwing mode... :l cant get out of archwing mode too


Where: new boss... the tube guy.... his misson to go kill him 




REPRODUCTION STEPS: me n my friends both have had this happe just by playing lol... happens about every misson or so


pics of it




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Who: Myself playing as mesa with the odanata

What: Mesa Dread Mara Detron Dragon Nikana Carrier, Odanata Imperator Veritux

Where: Titania, Uranus


Repeatable: Not sure I don't have any revives left


Steps: Go to Tyl Regor Assassination mission

           Kill Tyl Regor (ally killed him while I was drowning)

           Fail to properly exit the electric purple water

           Die at the surface of the water

           Use a revive and enjoy being a landsharkwing 


Proof: http://gyazo.com/1456925b933d901e9881c56e5b4539ee

Edited by Crunner
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After all players leave squad, seems squad members remain after its been disbanded.

I constantly have people listed when I press [ ESC ]. and only way to get rid of it is by actually restarting entire game.






When in market, seems squad is still there as well and also the "Invite Squad member" button intrudes the GUI by overlapping on the credits GUI.




I also find many other GUI and Graphics glitches all over the place in different area's of the game similar to the ones mentioned above.



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lol And so it begins.


Watch this "exploit" become a new feature for 2 years & a staple in the movement system of Warframe. Then 2 more years later will bring a movement overhaul called Tenno Flight 2.0.

Edited by Rexlars
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Description: The Kronen has a very strange visual glitch when blocking while running.
Who: Any frame
What: Kronen (maybe Boltace, I don't have it though)
Where: Everywhere


Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes


Reproduction Steps: 

1. Equip any warframe with the Kronen

2. Run and block with it

3. Admire the hands and levitating tonfas



Edited by Zeryllium
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Not sure if anyone else has had this bug but, I just got my hands on the Equinox pack and after the hotfix today it decided that the Kulstar didn't want to be part of that pack anymore and hence I lost my Kulstar and I'm pretty upset, not upset enough to stop playing as this is the first time something like this has happened to me but, I'd like to know if there is a way to reimburse me for this as I'm not really feeling like throwing more money at something that won't give me the items I've purchased.


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Who: Oberon (Strun Wraith, Marelok, Anku) (Does not matter what warframe you use)

What: Grineer Rampart (That turret that Grineer soldiers shoot you with)

Where: Apollodorus, Mercury (Grineer Galleon Tileset)

There's a bug, or glitch, that can be exploited on Apollodorus to effectively give you a 100% chance to get to the 60 minute mark.

Repeatable? Yes.

Step 1. Find a Grineer Rampart (The turret looking thing)

Step 2. Stand behind the Rampart and press x when the pop up appears (Kill the soldier without destroying the Rampart)

Step 3. Have the host disconnect and spark a host migration (Either have the host abort or alt+f4)

Step 4. Enjoy your new over powered gun (There's no point in trying if you have end game stuff)

Now you don't keep it, but it replaces your primary until you finish the mission. The gun doesn't have a model, but the firing animation is similar to the Braton family. There also is no sound when firing it. It does keep the 200 ammo pool and the regenerative ammo that the Rampart has, effectively making it an Imperator with increased damage. Killing enemies with the gun gives affinity on kill.

On the three times that I did it, I couldn't switch weapons to remove the effect, but I could use the quick melee on the Anku and had free access to Oberon's powers.

edit: fixed some spelling and clarified that any warframe can replicate the bug/glitch

edit #2: missed some grammatical errors, fixed those as well

Edited by DissonacePT
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