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U17 Bug Report Megathread


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Who: Any 'frame.

What: Harpak.

Where: Everywhere.


Reproducible: Yes.


Reproduction steps:

1: Look at Harpak description; reel [enemies] in with this automatic harpoon gun. (Trigger is burst, not automatic.)

2: Go to any mission, attempt use of Alt-Fire to reel enemies in.

3: Fail to reel enemies in, regardless of enemy life-state after strike or location hit.

3a: Watch them look confused about this goon trying to Scorpion them, shoot them in the face until they die instead.

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Description: Knocked into pool of Tyl Regor boss fight, Archwing sent me slamming into a wall and I became stuck inside said wall. Could not move, teleporting with Itzal got me out but I was sent flying back into the wall. 

Could attack, could be revived, revival did not get me out of wall. 

Death did not spawn me out of wall.


Who: Anyone

What: Any Load-out/Cosmetic

Where: Tyl Regor boss fight, 2nd Phase.


Can you Reproduce the bug: Possibly


Reproduction Steps: Getting knocked back by an enemy (possibly Tyl Regor himself) into the underwater section of the room.


Also Tyl Regor is still lying down during the fight occasionally. 

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DESCRIPTION: Incorrect Kryoptera Syandana placement on Equinox day form.


1. Equip Kryoptera Syandana to Equinox
2. Swap to day form view


EDIT: For clarification, this also carries over into missions. The Syandana has correct placement on the combined and night forms but not the day form.

Edited by Rinkotomi
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What : switching weapins with invisible holstered weapons makes them invisible in your hands. I was a client and switching between my primary and secondary made them perma invis.



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Not sure if this has been mentioned but...
Description: In the codex, all of the enemies I've scanned now show as being unscanned. All enemy portraits are questioned marked. I'd also just completed scanning some of the new Grineer enemies on the new Uranus Submersible tileset.


Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes!


Reproduction Steps: 

1. Go to the Enemies codex. 

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Who: Any

What: Vertical-sync lagging

Where: Any

Can you Reproduce the bug: Yes

Reproducing bug: Trun on the vertical sync all good, turn off then the game starts lagging. 

I dont use vertical sync before, so after this update i go to options to turn it off, so im sure the lag is real. Run with gtx970 and drive version is 353.30

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Who: N/A

What: N/A

Where: Parkour Tutorial - Wall Dash


In the tutorial, I was shown to press D or A to use for the Wall Dash. I use an AZERTY keyboard, so that movement is bound to D and Q, instead. Everywhere else you seem to use smart keymaps to show non-standard keybinds, but it looks like you forgot one there.   ;)



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what: na

where: the tyl regor boss on uranus


Reprudusable no not for me but other pepole have had this ocure


1. get to the tird phase of the boss fight 

2. get in the elecric water 

3. get out and archwind does not disapear


(i dont know to go post images but if someone can teach me i can post evidence of this)

Same thing happened to me pretty much.



Who:Me and my trinity

what: Archwing

where: tyl regor boss on uranus

Reproducable: I have been glitched like this twice and have seen it happen to another in my squad


1. Battle until the electric water floods the room.

2. As the water is starting to flood in have a nova create a portal to above where the water will rise to.

3. Stand under the portal ready to go through as the water floods

4. Enter the portal at the same time as you get your archwing

5 Enjoy flying around the rest of the tileset with your archwing.


#Note: I have only gotten this to happen a few times but both times it happened to me I was entering a nova's portal as I got my archwing.


Have some pretty pictures:




Edited by Jakeyray18
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DESCRIPTION: Could not update account information after mission ending. Mission progress being lost randomly. I haven't tried a solo game, but this has happened multiple times when I am playing with a friend. It also appears to only affect one of us.



CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? No, seems to happen randomly.

Edited by KillingDyl
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coptering doesnt work 

if in purpose how will we rush now?


This was on purpose, but, it does make slide attacks almost completely useless, as you basically have to be right at their feet to hit them.

Edit: Suggestion, maybe just give all melee weapons a base speed for slide attacks that doesn't change at all, that way we can still hit enemies with it?

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Who: Me

What: Chat

Where: Everywhere - Liset, Missions, Dojo...


Since the U17, my in-game chat is not working anymore, its not showing anything, no Clan, Alliance, Region, Trade, etc... There is not even heading, just a blank rectangle with a tiny circular loading bar.



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Who: N/A
What: Reflex Guard MOD
Where: N/A

In depth description: 
Reflex Guard doesn't protect from all the damage dealt to the player.

Can you reproduce the bug: Outcome of the parrying system change. Happens always.

Reproduction steps: Trigger mod effect.

IMO Reflex Guard should be buffed to protect from all the damage since it interrupts all the things you were doing so far.
It's not really worth to run the mod if it doesn't let you to do anything else than blocking and especially doesn't protect you from all the damage (considering the mod even gets you stuck in swinging animation).

There is also a bug that Reflex Guard doesn't show your melee weapon blocking instead you don't have anything in your hands.

Here's a picture with both bugs shown:

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Two bugs:






I can use the double jump until the end of time if I'm moving in one direction and am using the listed loadout.


Who: People don't make a difference.

What: Banshee, Shade, Karak Wraith, Akstiletto, Obex.

Where: Anywhere. Tested in Titania (Uranus), the Orcus Relay and the Simulacrum.


Can you reproduce the bug? Yes. Every time. 


Reproduction steps:


1. Equip the loadout under 'What.'

2. Start jumping.


Video (a large part of the mission in which I realised this was a bug, not an actual showcase of the bug, although I definitely focused more on jumping than on killing Tyl Regor):



A good example would be 1:08-1:31.






Materials (and perhaps other items) which drop from floating containers fall as if the water provides no resistance at all, as if it were just air. They fall too quickly.


Who: People don't make a difference.

What: Storage Containers.

Where: Titania (Uranus). Underwater Archwing sections.


Can you reproduce the bug? Haven't tested it. According to a friend, the answer is yes.


Reproduction steps:


Break a container in Sharkwing. If a material cache comes out, observe its trajectory and speed.

Edited by Cythphn
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