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Darvo Catalyst Deal...


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You can only have one egg in your inventory.


Incorrect! You can only PICK UP one egg. But you can have multiple eggs if you get them as Alert rewards for example. A friend of mine had an obscene number of them. More then 8 I think. I had 3 or 4 at one time.

Edited by Lakais
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65 stock, 2 guys buyed them out

~23 hours left


Good idea DE


Wait wut?


8 Plat apiece


Wait wut?!



wtf?! any other time not a single thing worth a squirt from him. But the one good thing is at "eh" hours and in extremely limited quantities. Now I understand flash sales and 1st come 1st serve with all that limited stock but F*** that noise cause I want my taters. Man that sucks....I have a bunch of weapons i'm playing around with and them cheap taters would've been lovely~

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In relays at the upper floor where Simaris is, you also have "Darvo's Deals" Darvo's little shop. Every day he sells some plat item (99% of time weapons) for a discount price. Sometimes 10%, sometimes 50%. You get the idea.

First I've seen or heard him selling potatotes though....


Also I think I've bought ONE item from him. I think it was a kubrow egg. In any case I could only buy one egg and I couldn't buy any more.

Maybe it works that you can buy once, but how many you buy that one time is not limited. I don't want to think that's how it is.


Chances are, those 60 something potatoes simply got sold out at record speed. No one got more then one potato, there were just an !-load of people.



I'm pretty sure he's asking if Darvo actually sold potatoes before, not what Darvo deals are and how they work...

Edited by LazerSkink
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Not the first nor the last time you see Darvo's deal sell out in record time.


He sold Vectis sniper for 90% discount (25p)

He sold Hek shotgun for 90% discount (23p)

He sold Kubrow egg for 60% discount (6p)


If your playtime/timezone does not fall during the time Darvo's deal changes, you will never ever get a chance at them.


Some say that when he sells out, he should automatically rotate his inventory. But if for example he get two 90% discount in a row, then the last player(s) who bought everything the first time will immediately do it again.


The 1-per-customer rule makes more sense.

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Wow, yea with something like that limit one and a whole lot more in stock. Some of us have work early in the morning :( I would have been happy with just one lol


No kidding... I was lucky this morning that I popped on to check incubator and saw a reactor alert with 33m left. Lucky i could bust it out in the few minutes before leaving for work.


But, Darvo shouldn't have limited amounts, it should be unlimited for a short period of time or small limited # per person per day. if your on and check you get lucky, if not, better luck next time. I'm not complaining because I never check Darvo (who would spend plat on bronco, lol) but I would after hearing that he carries potatos here or from a clan mate.


Its kinda lame that one rich (plat) player could clean out the entire stock when thousands of players login throughout different time during the day.


I would have bought 25 (my 200p) myself for my remaining 6 current frames that need them and have a few for new frames/kubrows/sentinals and catbrows.

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