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Trading Chat? More Like Spam Chat


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We've all looked at the trading chat, and to be honest, it isn't a pretty sight. It's just full of endless lines of spam with people desperate to sell all their things, and when you want to sell only a few things, it gets shoved off by a person who's spammed the visible interface. It's extremely annoying as you then have to wait another two minutes to type a thing in that nobody even saw, it's even annoying when trying to buy things too. I'm sure you've all experienced it. Something needs to be done.


Edit: It would be good if there were designated chats for buying and selling certain items

Edited by Chris1221W
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A auction system would kill the game, but making sub buying, selling, and trading sections would be extremly useful, also a tip for trading dont bother posting a selling message unless you have something of value to sell just look for people typing wtb.

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A auction system would kill the game, but making sub buying, selling, and trading sections would be extremly useful, also a tip for trading dont bother posting a selling message unless you have something of value to sell just look for people typing wtb.

Oh I have useful parts, but my messages always get shoved off.

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Auction house, all we need, I don't know how it would kill the game.

Check out Diablo 3... IT WILL kill the game.. i know sadly. There should be another way what i hope DE will find in the future.

Oh I have useful parts, but my messages always get shoved off.

I'm a little interested.. what are those "usefull parts" what get's showed off?

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I don't believe we need an auction house, but what people could do is take advantage of the forum resources and use the trading board a lot more. I have a primed pistol gambit. It was IMPOSSIBLE to sell on the trading chat. I'd get buyers but no one would have creds to pay the tax cause they've never bought primed mods before. I posted that I needed to sell one and within the hour someone contacted me to buy it, taxes weren't a problem and all lived happily-- cept I have another one but I'm saving it for later.


See, it would work if more people used the boards to list things and look for things. It would be almost exactly like an Auction House without the whole economy murdering effect.

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We've all looked at the trading chat, and to be honest, it isn't a pretty sight. It's just full of endless lines of spam with people desperate to sell all their things, and when you want to sell only a few things, it gets shoved off by a person who's spammed the visible interface. It's extremely annoying as you then have to wait another two minutes to type a thing in that nobody even saw, it's even annoying when trying to buy things too. I'm sure you've all experienced it. Something needs to be done.


Edit: It would be good if there were designated chats for buying and selling certain items


well chat windows are chaotic as they are anyways, so more windows would just lower the overview.


ALSO: an auction house would be a good idea, if it had a trade function enabled where you can trade items for others. (so platinum wouldnt be needed for everything)

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Auction house would just drive all non-super-rare items down to next to no value, as everyone would just list them at the lowest price; compared to the small portion of the playerbase on the trade chat. I'd suggest a relay-like area as a player market. Some sort of shady space bazaar where people can set up stalls.

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Yeah it's not great when your item gets razzed off the screen within seconds of posting but that's going to happen when 90% WTS and 10% WTB. I wouldn't say I never have problems selling, as for example I couldn't sell my Burston set if my goddamn life depended on it, but with a little persistence you can sell virtually anything. Just not a Burston set.

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Check out Diablo 3... IT WILL kill the game.. i know sadly. There should be another way what i hope DE will find in the future.

I'm a little interested.. what are those "usefull parts" what get's showed off?

THIS isn't DIABLO 3.. Warframe's devs arent the same as DIABLO 3 dont compare please. Just because 1 company failed at it doesnt mean DE will too....



Auction house would just drive all non-super-rare items down to next to no value, as everyone would just list them at the lowest price; compared to the small portion of the playerbase on the trade chat. I'd suggest a relay-like area as a player market. Some sort of shady space bazaar where people can set up stalls.

This will sure cause masive lag for some xD

Edited by xDesconocidox
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The biggest problem are the ppl who write a novel about useless stuff they want to sell.

THIS isn't DIABLO 3.. Warframe's devs arent the same as DIABLO 3 dont compare please. Just because 1 company failed at it doesnt mean DE will too....

Do you know what's going to happen?


WTS Item X for 50p

WTS Item X for 49p

WTS Item X for 48p

And so on until we reach the lowest price.

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Why so much drama about prices?......... prices are still droping in chat anyways......


Reason why prices stay put for a while is because of those that control prices on trading chat. Anyways you just confirmed that

Edited by xDesconocidox
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THIS isn't DIABLO 3.. Warframe's devs arent the same as DIABLO 3 dont compare please. Just because 1 company failed at it doesnt mean DE will too....



This will sure cause masive lag for some xD


It doesn't matter who the devs are, it matters who the players are. And let's face it - we're idiots. The market will be flooded will parts, mods, etc from people who normally wouldn't trade, but will put something on the auction house because it's a couple of clicks and no hassle. Prices will drop to undercut the previous, they'll plummet. All but the rarest of items will be completely worthless. An auction house is not the way.


As for the lag, make it have multiple floors, each a seperate instance with only so many stalls on each. A console, like the one we sell parts for ducats at the relays, could be present to help us locate stalls with particular items/offers and an option to travel to that floor. It's by no means a flawless system or a fully fleshed out suggestion, but it's not going to destroy the economy like an auction house would.





Why so much drama about prices?......... prices are still droping in chat anyways......


Reason why prices stay put for a while is because of those that control prices on trading chat. Anyways you just confirmed that



Instead of say 20 people trying to sell item X in the trade chat, there will be thousands upon thousands dumping them on an auction house system. I really don't think you understand what that differende in numbers means. Previously, these people wouldn't have even traded, it's essentially increasing the supply of items exponentially. And once every item hits rock bottom, the economy dies.

Edited by ChameleonDude
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We need an auction house.


Why do people keep bringing up that one game that failed to implement the auction house?

What about the games that managed to give us a proper auction house like Cabal, C9, GW2, Dragon Nest, ... ?


Yes, let's just pretend that an auction house is not possible because Diablo 3 says so...

Edited by KingTaro
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Check out Diablo 3... IT WILL kill the game.. i know sadly. There should be another way what i hope DE will find in the future.

What happened to D3 ? I never played Diablo, sorry...

We need an auction house.


Why do people keep bringing up that one game that failed to implement the auction house?

What about the games that managed to give us a proper auction house like Cabal, C9, GW2, Dragon Nest, ... ?


Yes, let's just pretend that an auction house is not possible because Diablo 3 says so...

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Instead of say 20 people trying to sell item X in the trade chat, there will be thousands upon thousands dumping them on an auction house system. I really don't think you understand what that differende in numbers means. Previously, these people wouldn't have even traded, it's essentially increasing the supply of items exponentially. And once every item hits rock bottom, the economy dies.

There is a limit of how many items one can auction (like 8 items at a time).

And most people won't be wasting those 8 slot for items they're sure of won't sell. 

Not to mention there is a time limit on the items you auction and a fee you need to pay each time you want to sell something.


Assume that the fee is 5% of the platinum price that we set, with 1p being the minimum fee. Meaning, if we auction an item for 100p, we'll have to pay up 5p and if we auction it for 2p we'll have to pay up 1p (the minimum), whether we manage to sell it or not.


The time limit prevents the auction house being flooded with items that won't sell. 

If the time limit is 24h and you have like 10k people playing every day, you'll only have a max of 80k items in the auction at any given time.


These limit are there to prevent what you described: Market getting flooded with useless items.

There will still be useless items sold by new players, but they'll quickly learn they're not making any profit with all these fees and time limits.


With proper limits, the auction house can be kept clean and reasonable.

I mean no one wants to risk selling at 3p when the fee is 1p.

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Check out Diablo 3... IT WILL kill the game.. i know sadly. There should be another way what i hope DE will find in the future.

I'm a little interested.. what are those "usefull parts" what get's showed off?

they removed the AH from D3

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The only time real money gets involved is the actual creation of Plat into the system (with the exception of DE giving away plat). Past that, trade with plat becomes solely in terms of Warframe.

Diablo III did the weird thing of allowing someone to make actual money off of it.

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they removed the AH from D3

Why did they remove it actually ?

The only time real money gets involved is the actual creation of Plat into the system (with the exception of DE giving away plat). Past that, trade with plat becomes solely in terms of Warframe.

Diablo III did the weird thing of allowing someone to make actual money off of it.

Really ? Biggest mistake possible...

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