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Can We Do Something About Region Chat?


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Hmmm, well off the cuff here's a concept. You can break Region apart into two tiers.

The first is the starting Region. The normal Region 1 and between all the Deez Nuts and racism you take a hard look at the better actors that inhabit it. Then like the Design Council you extend invitations to Region 2. You give them another color text, you give them a sigil. You give them a reason to want to stay in Region 2. Because the minute they backslide, well back to Region 1 sans the perks.

The new players entering Region 1 see the Region 2 people interacting. How you get yellow text? Gimme! Region 2 players say, you get Region 2 when you stop sucking at being an adult. Thus Region 1 players call them names and what not. But the players who actually want to help, act accordingly, are polite, ...well they have a place to aspire to and leave behind the chaos for actual assistance.

You'll never change Region as is, unless you just carpet ban and unleash an army of mods. Or you place in a strainer and you give an escape to those who warrant it desperately.

We had such a event on PlayStation when letter13 jumped on our version and basically massacred the entire region troll population 

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So you want them to ban anyone who says something bad against bronies or feminism?


I'm just trying to hear your complaint correctly. First it was morons, then it was "hate speech", and now it's making fun of bronies or feminists?


It's called specifying. To be honest, I didn't expect this to go any further than *Thread Locked* so I provided details.

Yes, they're morons spreading hate speech. Using bronies as an example, which explains how a joke can be taken seriously if taken out of context by enough people, I explained how the same "jokes" about women in general can generate the same result. There is no way reading and simple comprehension is that difficult for you. If it is, cool. Maybe reading shouldn't be part of your passtime.



As for Region, that kind of group thinking can never have a good result. There is zero moderation short of "Report that player if they're naughty!" and the auto-kick system which is only in place to prevent one section from spilling over into another. There are plenty of online communities that do well with community moderators. They don't need to be paid and they control region when they're on. It's as simple as that. There's always someone who's willing to play the role, free of charge. I'm not one, and I personally couldn't recommend anyone, but there has to be someone(s).

However, letting it devolve into a S#&$-slinging contest everyday because "it's too difficult to control" is stupid. Adding an option to remove it is only a bandaid. Why is it that everyone plays the game, but only a few are allowed to use certain features because no one can be bothered to silence the morons that exist simply to disrupt an otherwise fun game?

Moderation is not a bad thing. It's never been a bad thing. Sure, there are times when moderators can run amuk, banning people for not agreeing with them, but it's easier to deal with 20-50 moderators than 4000-10000 players with nothing to lose ingame short of a couple months "hard work."

There was another poster here who had an idea about sigils and different "levels" of region. That's a great idea. Even if it wasn't, it would be better than the current state of affairs.

Edited by SnowzSan
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It's called specifying. To be honest, I didn't expect this to go any further than *Thread Locked* so I provided details.

Yes, they're morons spreading hate speech. Using bronies as an example, which explains how a joke can be taken seriously if taken out of context by enough people, I explained how the same "jokes" about women in general can generate the same result. There is no way reading and simple comprehension is that difficult for you. If it is, cool. Maybe reading shouldn't be part of your passtime.

Well aren't you a spunky little go getter.


Having a Region mod or four would be the only viable option, that and preposted clear guidelines of proper behavior. 

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There is no way reading and simple comprehension is that difficult for you.


As a moral pillar of this community, I would not expect you to stoop so low as to insult another person. I simply asked for clarification. Jokes are not hate speech, even if someone misinterprets them. Jokes are not against the rules, unless part of said joke does violate one of the rules. Moronic behavior is not contagious, nor does it spread.


You need specific examples if you want to enact change, and you need to report the person to support. There is a button at the bottom of the screen.


If that's not good enough, then join a clan. Form your own region chat with players that fit your standard.

Edited by Archistopheles
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Be it gameplay or chat wise people complain.

Untill our lips bleed we shall scream,

Take it off!

Take it off!

Hordes of people scream...

Until one says

Return it!

Then we all hate on that guy because we don't like him.

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 You are not wrong to complain. But,




^ This is basically everything I could say.



OP if you believe in freedom of speach you are a hypocrite right now. Also your trying to fight a battle impossible to win just get over yourself and ignore them.

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Yeah, I know. We can turn it off.

Sometimes it nice, between missions, to sit back and chat. Shoot the S#&$. But then you have the same couple people who are on day in, day out, being the same morons they are everyday. Can we honestly not get rid of them? Or ban them off of region?

I get it, free speech, but they don't know when to draw the line. Can we not just ban the morons and stop that mindframe from spreading?

I cringe every time I accidentally scroll to region chat. I feel sorry for the new players asking legitimate Warframe questions here. They'll be ridiculed and can be turned off from the negative experience. New comers can think that these behavior represent the normal player base. Occasionally one or two gentlemen can be helpful but that is a rare instance. 


What good has come from Region chat? If you can't answer this simple question, and it can't aid promoting good values that everyone can enjoy, then what use is it for? Other than making it a personal online chat from the squatters that took residence there.

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I cringe every time I accidentally scroll to region chat. I feel sorry for the new players asking legitimate Warframe questions here. They'll be ridiculed and can be turned off from the negative experience. New comers can think that these behavior represent the normal player base. Occasionally one or two gentlemen can be helpful but that is a rare instance. 


What good has come from Region chat? If you can't answer this simple question, and it can't aid promoting good values that everyone can enjoy, then what use is it for? Other than making it a personal online chat from the squatters that took residence there.


That's it right there.

It was supposed to be a place to seek help from other players, and shoot the S#&$. Also, to everyone else, I don't advocate free speech. I get it, but I don't advocate it.

There is no reason to talk about abortions, women's rights, race, etc. in a game discussion channel. There are plenty of places for that, but here isn't one of them. Jokes about sensitive topics used to get a rise out of people are not jokes. I don't know what twisted sense of moral decency you have, but it's not a joke. If you want to laugh about said topics, visit 4Chan! Or Reddit!

If you honestly think game chat should be some unmoderated rabble of incoherency, than by all means. Enjoy it. But I'm going to keep pursuing moderation because there is zero reason why it shouldn't exist, but a million reasons why it should.


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that doesnt stop them from filling up the chat for everyone else, disrupting conversation and driving other players away


That's the problem others are ignoring. For everyone else, chat is still spammed. Some enjoy it, some don't. But anyone just dropping in to see whats up, or ask a question, will be met with an onslaught of ignorance. But apparently that's okay? I don't understand how theres any justification to zero moderation. That's just silly.

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That's the problem others are ignoring. For everyone else, chat is still spammed. Some enjoy it, some don't. But anyone just dropping in to see whats up, or ask a question, will be met with an onslaught of ignorance. But apparently that's okay? I don't understand how theres any justification to zero moderation. That's just silly.

Dude, you are dealing with people in the Internet, those kind of guys are in every community, its a well known fact.


Sooner or later they will be in most players "Ignore List" or will just get bored with the attitude, as long as someone in the sea of ignorance is actually helpful players wont be driven away, but see that the chat is not in a "good time", I've seen my share of "Region is extra silly today", "Region is stupidier right now" , "Region is going bananas" (those are when RedText speaks) and "Region is being... wait, wat?". Depends on the time of the day as I figure...

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1. Limited Resources.


2. Low level of importance


3. Player Tools (Reporting, Ignoring, and forming of your own social groups aka clans)

it doesnt take many resources to assign a few player moderators to keep the chat in line


just because its not a massive priority does not mean bringing it to the attention of the staff is a bad idea

edit: furthermore, i severely doubt the moderation staff are so busy with much more important matters that they would be unwilling to do this


trying to report someone is cumbersome and generally requires the other player say something pretty awful, ignoring a problem doesnt make it go away, and forcing yourself into joining a clique to avoid frustrating and frankly cringeworthy people in region chat is backwards thinking from the perspective of someone who wants a community to succeed

Edited by Xeniith
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To clarify, I'm talking about the players spreading hate speech just because it's funny.




Hey, I know you. During this afternoon you called that someone should be "an hero".

It's kind of ironic the way you put this in a forum post.

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That's the problem others are ignoring. For everyone else, chat is still spammed. Some enjoy it, some don't. But anyone just dropping in to see whats up, or ask a question, will be met with an onslaught of ignorance. But apparently that's okay? I don't understand how theres any justification to zero moderation. That's just silly.

When it comes to region, there is some moderation to an extent. The buzz words or sentences that get folks banned for typing them is a start. As for having active mods in the game hovering over Region and trying to "keep it civil", that isn't going to happen at all unless they decide to remove the option to actually type out what you want to say in region and replace it with a list of phrases that are ok to use.


If you try to strain out the good from the bad and then try to go for heavy modding and cleanup, there is backlash that can come with that. Word of mouth is Warframe's best option for folks wanting to try it out and in some cases, if somebody says the wrong phrase or someone makes an alt account that looks too close to another person and a Mod accidently bans the wrong person....... it can all lead downhill from there.


Yes, there will be new players who show up in game and probably never seen a chat room before only to get confused or worse when they come into Region at certain times of the day, but like with other chat rooms you have to take the good with the bad. Region is region and folks will talk about numerous topics, even if they don't seem right for the game. To try and fully police it and stop the spread of information (good or ill) is folly, especially if the chat doesn't say in big bold letters "ONLY TALK ABOUT WARFRAME IN REGION."


Think about it. Did you really expect a General chat in a game would only talk about the game and not real world issues?

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Think about it. Did you really expect a General chat in a game would only talk about the game and not real world issues?

i expect there to be a reasonable margin for off topic conversation, but region is pretty awful as it is


your reason for not wanting it to be moderated seem to make a lot of assumptions that moderation will turn it into a police state


ive been a part of a lot of online communities and the people who usually complain about this are the people who participate only to cause trouble in the first place, so this isnt something im really concerned about at all and you shouldnt be either unless you fit into this category

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trying to report someone is cumbersome and generally requires the other player say something pretty awful, ignoring a problem doesnt make it go away, and forcing yourself into joining a clique to avoid frustrating and frankly cringeworthy people in region chat is backwards thinking from the perspective of someone who wants a community to succeed


Banning someone for being dumb or annoying is also backwards thinking from a perspective of someone who wants a community to succeed.

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its an optional chat. what more do you want to be done? we can't ban people for saying things, no matter how much you disagree with them. either put up with it if region is so essential to your life or ignore it.


Actually DE can ban people for pretty much any reason they want to. It's the same for pretty much all online games. People alsso seem to forget that the internet is privately owned and you don't have the right to freedom of speech.


I'm curious what's they're saying that is being considered hate speech though. I literally never use region chat so I haven't seen this.

Edited by f3llyn
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Banning someone for being dumb or annoying is also backwards thinking from a perspective of someone who wants a community to succeed.

not necessarily, although im sure it goes without saying that warnings should be distributed before any kind of kicks or bans


Actually DE can ban people for pretty much any reason they want to. It's the same for pretty much all online games. People alsso seem to forget that the internet is privately owned and you don't have the right to freedom of speech.


I'm curious what's they're saying that is being considered hate speech though. I literally never use region chat so I haven't seen this.


mainly rants about feminism, religion and politics from edgy kids who have done minimal research on any of the subjects

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@ SnowzSan - While I deeply understand your disdain for such posters, you're own mindset of banning them because they are still spreading that mindset can't be accomplished because of 2 points mainly

1) It's almost improbable if not impossible to stop the spread of any kind of mindset or in more serious cases, ideologies. So you're pretty much dead in the water already.

2) Let's say you ban them from region chat, and then they go into recruitment chat and spam hate, and they get kicked...then let's say they start PMing individuals randomly and spread their message. Let's say they are now permanently kicked from the game. I can guarantee you someone with the exact same mindset if not worse will appear in our player base and continue to spread that way of thinking. So my QUESTION to you is where does it begin and where does it end? How much banning CAN we do, and how much banning SHOULD we do? And how much does that banning ACTUALLY achieve?

So once again, like nearly all my suggestions on here, focus more on what you can do instead of what others are doing. Ignore the players and move on. All you're doing is stressing yourself out.



If it goes that far they deserve to be banned from the game entirely. I'm not sure why people think others should be allowed to get away with anything just because an ignore feature exists.


An ignore feature doesn't give others the right to say and do as they please. That's a pretty big logical fallacy to make. There are still rules to follow and we all had to agree to them or we couldn't be playing the game.

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i expect there to be a reasonable margin for off topic conversation, but region is pretty awful as it is


your reason for not wanting it to be moderated seem to make a lot of assumptions that moderation will turn it into a police state


ive been a part of a lot of online communities and the people who usually complain about this are the people who participate only to cause trouble in the first place, so this isnt something im really concerned about at all and you shouldnt be either unless you fit into this category

When you have been in enough chat rooms to see both sides of the mods / no mods situation, it tends to drive how you feel about the addtion of more "people in power".


I can attest to seeing chat forums where mods have gone in and banned folks for things that didn't go against the ToS of the site/game just because they were on a power trip or they "felt it was the right thing to do." I've even had the pleasure of being on the recieving end of being banned in another game ( and even saw a Mod ban themself) because somebody used a hack to change their name to another person, thus causing the mod to try and play whack a mole only to keep banning the wrong folks. I have even been in games and chat rooms where there were little to no rules or mods and seen them turn into some really crappy flame wars where nothing was held back.


Like others have said before me, if you don't like region, then turn off the function. Don't like what somebody is saying, then ignore them. Besides DE just up and deleting the region chat entirely, you won't stop folks from bringing up things you probably don't want to see in the first place from happening. Put up a wall to stop something, folks are going to either find a way around it or they will knock it down.



As for DE just up and banning whomever they please, they can do that but they won't. Most companies have the common sense to have some sort of proof that the banned individual has committed something against the ToS, especially in games where money is involved. If DE made the mistake of letting folks buy tons of platnium, then banning them when they try to use said platnium, there would be backlash and lawsuits glaore to the point that DE wouldn't last long in the gaming industry.

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I have no idea what the region chat is like since I never go there but I have some idea since just like anything on the internet where people can say whatever they want that it's most likely filled with annoying stupidity.

Region chat? It cycles between crackfic and total insanity, into actual conversations, into comedy where you enter with low expectations and leave with those expectations fulfilled, but not exceeded. Then back into actual conversations before smashing face first back into screaming about eating babies and kicking puppies, mwuahahaha.

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