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Am I The Only Want Who Wants A Mesa Revamp?


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Not exactly a whole rework or revamp, bu certain changes to make her a little bit more balance, starting with


1.-Ballistic Battery: This ability is AMAZING, no changes here, is one of my favorite abilities


2.-Shooting Gallery: Not much love here, but i think that could be better, like i don't know, maybe disarm 3 of the enemies around you, or the one who gets the buff


3.-Shatter Shield: Now this one, in my opinion (MY OPINION), is bad, the reflected damage is a joke, the reduction damage could be better, considering that Equinox has a better ability


4.-Peacemaker: Yes everyone complains about how broken is this ability, considering that greedy pull was nerf, and this one did not received a nerf, my suggestion is to make a non-stationary peacemaker, something more like new excalibur's ultimate, get a new combo based ability with a high crit chance and maybe, just maybe have the auto-target, something more like this



min 1:20

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1.-Ballistic Battery: This ability is AMAZING, no changes here, is one of my favorite abilities


3.-Shatter Shield: Now this one, in my opinion (MY OPINION), is bad, the reflected damage is a joke, the reduction damage could be better, considering that Equinox has a better ability


What kind of bazaro backwards world have i just entered....

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I actually like the idea of ballistic battery. I just wish the charging mechanic was always on, without the need to activate the ability first. That way, it's much less clunky. It's actually a very good power for eliminating single targets like eximus units when you just REALLY need them gone instantly. It's fabulous with punchthrough.

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what's wrong?

Well first off, Ballistic Battery requires some serious marksmanship. Secondly, please tell me how 95% damaged reduction against ranged weapons and reflected damage that inflicts status effect, mostly impact which staggers enemies, is bad. Also, please explain how Shatter Shield is in any way inferior to Pacify. Just one, because I'm as lost as a compass without a magnet.

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Well first off, Ballistic Battery requires some serious marksmanship. Secondly, please tell me how 95% damaged reduction against ranged weapons and reflected damage that inflicts status effect, mostly impact which staggers enemies, is bad. Also, please explain how Shatter Shield is in any way inferior to Pacify. Just one, because I'm as lost as a compass without a magnet.

That doesn't even take into account you get max damage reduction from Shatter Shield from normal power boosting to make peacemaker better.  This frame has great synergy.  The best build it has is a max duration with power boosting.  Total synergy in making all of the abilities better.


So, yes, the OP is the only one who thinks making changes to Mesa is a good idea.


PS - Ballistic Battery is not good, it's not bad.  It's just another first ability that is meh.  The charging mechanic is bizarre, but seeing as most first abilities are a low static amount of damage the potential for it is better.

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Ballistic Battery has to be one of the worst ability on mesa that needs changed, maybe a quick gunshot with one hand of her Peacemaker towards your aim cross.


are you f****** serious??? is the only ability that can make you crit over 1m damage, what the hell!?!

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are you f****** serious??? is the only ability that can make you crit over 1m damage, what the hell!?!

First you have to cast the power, then you have to shoot things to power it.

And then, it's only single target.


I think just going full ult on mesa would do better.

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I actually like the idea of ballistic battery. I just wish the charging mechanic was always on, without the need to activate the ability first. That way, it's much less clunky. It's actually a very good power for eliminating single targets like eximus units when you just REALLY need them gone instantly. It's fabulous with punchthrough.


The charging mechanic is necessary and a reward for actually wading through low level scrubs before getting to a main enemy.  Besides, without an activation how would you get the mission bonus for using your first ability 5 times.  LOL ;)


I agree, Ballistic Battery is awesome, nothing as rewarding as charging it to max and then blowing an enemy away in one shot with a head shot and Ballistic Battery.  Heck, sometimes I use it on grunts just because I like the sound it makes and it's fun.


Totally at a loss for the rest.  Between people saying Mesa is OP and people whining she needs major buffs, I begin to wonder if anyone actually plays Mesa and knows what she can do.


Love the Equilibrium reference, great movie and totally the theme for Mesa.....but the changes suggested........no.

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A space-cowgirl with an aimbot that was released in a video game around fall? Why does that sound familiar?


Oh. Yeah. That.


I'm gonna start off by saying that I'm a Mesa main. I've played Mesa both as the enabler on Draco and I've played in more 'normal' roles for most frames on other missions, and with this in mind, I do think Mesa needs some slight changes.


Her first ability doesn't get enough love, although I think that in it's current state, it's amazing. But the fact is, many people think it's useless, and that warrants a change. I think that increasing the critical multiplier, adding punch through, and maybe even making ballistic battery shots be guaranteed crits (or double crits) would make the skill much more relevant to many more Mesa players. 


For Shooting Gallery, I personally, once again, think it works very well, especially in combination with Shattershield. While Shattershield stops bullets for medium to long range engagements with no protection from melee attacks and grapple hooks, Shooting gallery is perfect for getting up close to the enemy. I'm not entirely sure how people look at this skill, and I haven't even mentioned it's damage boost, but I don't know how Shooting Gallery could be changed, if that is even needed.


Shattershield. I don't know how you've modded you're Mesa if you think that this skill isn't significant, but I love this skill to death. This is what keeps Mesa alive when you're going for a long time on any T4 mission such as survival, defense, or interception. With max strength, Shattershield provides 95% damage resistance to bullets (correct me if I'm wrong). A Ballista that would normally deal 1000 damage will instead do 50. A Detron Crewman that would normally do 250 damage per shot (Because Detron Crewman are op mofos) would only do 12.5 per shot. I feel like most people agree that this skill is Mesa's equivalent of Iron Skin or Vex armor, and performs very well for her. I think that this skill is in no need of changing.


Peacemaker. Okay, here we are, the big skill that's going to cause WWIII. Large amounts of people hate this skill because they don't like having the Mesa get all the kills (I'd wager those are the same people that fire a Tonkor shot at the crowd of enemies that Ash just marked with Bladestorm tbh), and there are those that protect peacemaker, only with the reasoning "Eh, I play how I want, go somewhere else". Each side of this argument has major flaws, so just as a principle, I'd say peacemaker needs a nerf just because so many people are at arms over it. I personally like Mesa, and I like her overpowered ultimate. But it is not a well structured ability. As much as I enjoy having farming made easier for me, Peacemaker's lack of any real input requirement is horrible. Some people complain that Sayrn is similar with her nuke (There's a bombshell joke in here somewhere), but at least Sayrn has to get close to kill her enemies even with max range, and Sayrn isn't that good at not dying from my experience, even with molt and it's augment for that 500 health restore. But the point is, Mesa requires so little input. People have said it before and I'll repeat it for them, if you can get anywhere in Warframe by rubberbanding your left mouse button down and only stopping to grab energy every few minutes, there's a problem. This skill is very complicated, because of how it would have to be tweaked in order to prevent an army of angry keyboard warriors from tossing around Mesa's nerfed corpse in anger. Mesa is a gunslinger. Her skills encourage running and gunning. Peacemaker should be the epitome of the run and gun cowgirl. My idea (And please, instead of stating how much you disagree with me, give me some constructive feedback) is that Peacemaker should have the aimbot removed, allow Mesa to move around, maybe with increased speed, firerate increased, and should be massively powerful whenever you land headshots. I'm talking like instant kills on heavy units up until a decent level, enough to be useful. This is my idea, and I want to know what others think. Plz don't kill me angry Mesa from draco, kthxbai

Edited by RNG_Wizard
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  • 2 weeks later...

Mostly agree, RNG_Wizard. Those would be good changes. I like Mesa a lot but she needs at least two tweaks, for her 1 and her 4.


- BB should be more powerful. Change : why not having it deal X00% of the current weapon's total damage in a single shot ? That would scale better into endgame and would work well with other weapons than just crit-based ones - with shotguns for exemple. Or, as you said, have the ability deliver a garanteed crit. Or both ? None of that would be OP due to the charge up/one shot mechanics.


- By all means, Peacemaker should involve some skill. The two problems with it at the moment is first how easily you can go afk with it, as you describes, and second, how annoying it can be when Mesa prioritize the trash at the other end of the room while a bombard is shooting at you just there, but you can't target it specifically for as long as there are other enemies around.  Change : use the RMB to "mark" important targets, after which Mesa will focus fire on them till they are dead. If no target is selected she will fire as usual. OR let us aim the regulators normally, by using the crosshair. I prefer option A.

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I actually quite like how her skill set is at present:


Ballistic Battery- It could be a bit more fluid but otherwise it's fine.


Shooting Gallery- To compensate for the switching around between players, it would be nice if you could keep recasting it in order to have multiple lassos circling as many players as you want (at the cost of additional energy of course). But it doesn't need to disarm people, the stun and damage buff are enough.


Shatter Shield- It already allows for 95% damage reduction from projectile weapons, so I disagree that the DR needs to be better. I'll admit that the damage reflection isn't great but it gives Mesa a massive boost to survivability.


Peacemaker- I feel like the glaring issue with this one is the fact that it's basically the same as every other radial AoE but whereas other ults have about a 20-25m radius Peacemaker has a rather generous 50m one, which is a 100-150% range increase and doesn't even allow most enemies to get into firing range. A simple change could be to simply make the AoE conal instead of radial, so she retains her massive attack range and damage but only in one direction.

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I cant read


I cant read either.


Reading iz hardz


Reading takes too much time.

He was complaining about how shatter shield's DAMAGE REFLECTION is bad.


Not shatter shield's DAMAGE REDUCTION. '


And I agree, it needs to be looked at, and her 2 needs to not be so adhd, and travel all over the map.


Other than that though, Shes sorta fine, considering to get that damage reduction you need to heavily invest in power strength, shes immobile, her peace maker can be stupid and out right refuse to shoot something in front of you, and it has a los check. Not to mention that she experiences damage fall off around lv 40ish, unless you're in a tailor made group with 4x corrosive projections. But hell, every thing dies with 4x corrosive projections.


edit:I apparently cant read either, the forums tend to do that to you.

Edited by Sakatchi
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Reading takes too much time.


I already acknowledged that the Damage Reflection is crap, excuse me for not explicitly stating that it needs a buff.


The damage reflection needs a buff.


Satisfied? Also, seeing as you thoroughly read the OP you should have seen that he was in fact saying that the damage reduction could be better, not just the reflected damage.

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I already acknowledged that the Damage Reflection is crap, excuse me for not explicitly stating that it needs a buff.


The damage reflection needs a buff.


Satisfied? Also, seeing as you thoroughly read the OP you should have seen that he was in fact saying that the damage reduction could be better, not just the reflected damage.

You didn't read my edit. I caught myself having a lapse of literacy before you posted sadly.

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my suggestion is to make a non-stationary peacemaker, something more like new excalibur's ultimate

It may not be as smooth as excals but Peacemaker is already non stationary, since you can activate it in the air. Combined with bullet jumping and some skill you have quite a bit of control, being a floating turret of death. Imo parkour 2.0 was a major buff to Mesas

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