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Volt's Rework! We Need It. We Want It!


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Here is what I would suggest,

from what I see we all agree on the 1-3 skills(actually fine^^)



Hello my dear Tenno fellows,

Before someone starts hating. This are just some suggestions.^^


Actually I liked the idea in the description of Volt: " Volt can create and harness electrical elements.

-This is a high-damage warframe

-perfect for players looking for a potent alternative to gunplay. "
But as we all know, from mid to late game this totally doesn't work.


So now to my suggestions for a Rework:



Ability 1:

I Think right now we can leave this ability as it is. Not bad to stun enemies while reloading.^^

Ability 2:

Speed is Actually very good. Even if I don't like the fact that Volt isn't the fastest with this Ability (

lightning speed)

But maybe this is something for a later diskussion :P


Ability 3: This is more an idea I was playing around with. It can stay the same, if no one likes it^^

Electric Shield ... What can I say about that ability. This is the point which makes Volt driving on two different roads. Dont get me wrong I totally love this ability. This thing + the Amprex (

Just let the magic happen).

But forcing Volt to defend an objective isn't very offensive, is it? And if you dont have a wall behind you you need to cast it at least twice... so no one shoots you in the back. 


Instead I would like it to be a sphere.

I know what you guys are thinking. "We have Frost.... Frost has snow globe... we dont need two globes."And You are right. We dont need an electric version of Frost.

I want Volts globe to be very small.(So small only one person can fit in) Very egoistic you say? Well I think this was the actual intention behind electric shield. To give volt some survivability.

Having this sphere doesn't mean you cant use it to defend an objective or a team mate.

But I think this ability should be primaly for Volt himself.

It still can be casted multiple times.(for your squad or objectives)

The animation could be: Volt touching the ground and his electric sphere spawns around him.

Ofcourse the traits "electric shield" has right now should be kept for electric sphere. 


May be add the trait that enemies trying to get in get shocked? (Let me know what you think about it).

The whole Idea behind it was to save some casting time.

Spamming 4 to 5 Shields around you at once (saved some cating time, but a little smaller at all) 



Ability 4:

Lets be honest. Overload looks very cool and in early game it can wreck everyone. But in mid- to late game  it just says: "

Here I am, kill me very quick" Even the fact that it loses dmg once you used it in a specific room.

Just forget about boosting the damage or casting speed. We need something else.
Keep the name Overload, because for my suggestion it really fits.
Now instead of overloading his environment, he should overload his and his team squad's weapons.
What nearly everyone wanted for speed could become true for his new 4th ability.
Overloading the Weapons:
-triggerspeed is boosted
-travel time for bullets, arrows etc. is boosted

-reload speed? depends on how OP this would be



As you guys can see, I did not wrote which damage values the new abilities should have. Because I really like Volt and i dont want him to be OP^^
So I would like to see what you think about my suggestions and may be give me some suggestions to my suggestions.
Like Values for triggerboost or travel time boost.




Alternate 4th ability:



Mentioned an idea, from what i think would be very cool.:
Volts defensive stat is his shield(150). But sometimes (especially in late game) the recharge time can be a pain in the ***


So this is my idea:

Volt overloads the suits of every frame of the Squad(himself included)


-bonus shield

-an accelerated recharge time for it

-timer for recharge is decreased (or =0)

-if the shield gets depleted, the frame emits a electricity wave, releasing the rest of the overcharged energy(like a small ver. of the current overload)

The strenght and range of the small overload, decreases as the timer for the ability goes down

(If the ability for example lasts 30 seconds and only 20 secs are left when the shield depletes, the small overload has  only 66% of his stats. If 10 secs are left while the shield blows away, only 33% of the small overload is emited.



Alternative change(less work)

Everything stays at it is. Decrease the dmg of overload or even remove it( I know......"dafuq is this dude talking about?" ^^)
Make the current Speed also affect casting time

All in all I think with this new kit Volt abilties would pefectly match with eachother like they do on the new excalibur right now. So this would make him more useful in late game.
I know I know,  most of you Volt players out there like I am can stand their ground in late game. But I think this would make him the damage support that he actually is.

Hope you guys like my suggestion.
And that the Volt rework could be next after Frost^^



Also feel free, to post your ideas here,


so we have one big thread, instead of  many small^^

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Wall of text incoming!!!!


Now my idea for a rework/update is for volt to have a lot of synergy between his powers. Some powers would work well together, while some would work well with others. Now with that in mind here is my idea on what his powers should be like.


v  Power #1: Shock – Now the utility of Shock is, I think, the best feature of it. Though as I’m sure many have said before, the power in the “Endgame” is kind of lacking. So my idea to remedy this, (So as to not make him too OP) is to be able to “Charge” his Shock. An example would be like how we use the Bow, you can quick fire it or you can charge it to add more power to it. If you choose to charge Shock, the energy cost would then be double or triple of what the quick cast would cost. Also if you think it’s too slow to charge, you can use Natural Talent to speed thing up a bit.


o   Tweak #2: Now we all know that when you cast Shock on someone they get stunned, and then when you cast Shock on them again………nothing happens. Some people have suggested to renew the stun, but I don’t think that’s a good idea as if we do that, then we can just perma stun-lock. So my idea is that, if an enemy has the stun proc on them and you cast Shock on them again, it would create a crash of thunder, which would either blind or disarm enemies, in like a 3m radius for about 5-10 seconds. Since lightning is bright and thunder is loud, you’re either blinded and cover your eyes, or your eardrums are ruptured and you cover your ears. It’s random as to which status effect it would be. A limitation to it would be that you have to “Charge” Shock and connect it with the enemy, not as a chained shock.


o   Tweak #3: You should be able to chain between Allies when using Shock Trooper Augment Mod, for easier targeting.


v  Power #2: Speed – I like Speed as a whole, but I was thinking of getting rid of the power. Instead I would merge it into Volt’s “Ultimate”, since if you “Overload” you have too much energy contained and a good way to release it is with Speed.


o   Tweak #2: As mentioned above, another good way to release that energy is to combine Shocking Speed Augment Mod into the ability itself.


v  Power #2.5: Electric Shield – Widely considered Volt’s mainstay ability, it’s one of the best defensive abilities in the game, IMO. Now, many people think that since we have Odonata’s shield that’s movable, why not Volt’s? But if that happens, what happens to the team’s defensive part of it? Now, I think it would suit Volt’s theme for it to be interchangeable. What I mean by that is, if you press the power once, it would raise a shield that you “hold” it in front of you, like Odonata’s does. With this setup it would be a constant drain on your energy, until you press the power again. Now, if you press the power twice rapidly, with or without you holding the shield, it would then raise the big shield we have now. I think this way we could have the best of both worlds, with the small movable shield fitting into the “Untamable” aspect of lightning, and the defensive part of Volt’s kit we have now.


o   Tweak #2: Now one of the biggest flaws with Electric Shield IMO, is that when you pop one up and an enemy walks through it, absolutely nothing happens to him. I mean it’s an ELECTRIC Shield, shouldn’t something happen to him?  So what I was thinking is that if you cast Shock on the shield, it will energize it so that when you do so. Meaning that it will either have no visual effect or just make it so that when enemies pass though it they will receive a stun. Or it will have a visual effect by having lightning arc off of it, and when an enemy comes into range of it, it will stun them.


v  Power #3: Overload – I liked the idea that some people brought up, that when you “Overload” Volt, you will energize him with power. As I mentioned in my Speed part of this rework, when you overload you will then try to release the energy by gaining the Speed ability. With Overload you will also have an upgraded recharge time on your shields AND in the recharge DELAY of your shields. Since we have no mod that does that, it would be a nice passive perk for Volt.


o   Tweak #2: Now the way this would work with the Shock ability is that when you cast it with Overload on, it would then transform the single Shock bolt into Chain Lightning, pretty much like in Star Wars.


o   Tweak #3: When you cast Electric Shield with Overload on, it would create on Overshield on the team, which would fill as you use your powers, and only powers, to damage enemies. You yourself would NOT get Overshield as you get the upgrades recharge and delay times to your shields. While in Overload you will not be able to gain energy at all, from any source, since you are already too “Full” of energy as it is.


o   Tweak #4: (#4 Power) – Does not effect it, so as to not make it too OP.


§  Too not make it too overpowered, after an effective time of let’s say 15 seconds, you lose ALL of your energy, it will be your “get out of jail card” in a way.


v  Power #4: Lightning Storm – This power would take over the “Ultimate” in Volt’s powers. Unlike the “old” Overload, which was situational and it was only really effective inside, this one would be able to be used inside and out. What would happen if you cant figure it out would be, Volt would summon from the sky (Outside) or the ceiling (Inside), a Lightning Storm. To keep with Volt’s uncontrollable electrical power, it would be able to be cast on the move.


o   What would happen when cast is that Volt will glow with his energy color (Like Channeling), and after a “Warm-up” time of 3 seconds, will shoot a bolt of lightning into the sky/ceiling. (Or something similar) Which after a second, will then rain down multiple bolts of lightning to strike enemies up to a 50m radius which will also chain between enemies.


§  Note: This power will NOT require electronics, but like in the old Overload, will add to the damage when the lightning comes down. Also as to not make it so situational and a one-time deal.

Edited by Kyrak_Drakhar
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Volt's rework
Fan art by: FULLCRVM in this post: Prototypes


need that suit! 


all he needs is rework on 4th ability, electricity is fast, really fast, i wonder why overload travel so slow, used to be hit-scan on enemies before DE nerfed it, and the tick used to be really fast as well. electricity chains, not based on range, overload should cover one room full even iif its large without range mod as long there is electricity in that room. enemy outside that room is unaffected by overload unless they step into room. 


and HEY volt is a good warframe. just because he doesnt kill like excalibur or slow enemies like nova doesnt mean he is bad. 

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Wall of text incoming!!!!

Now my idea for a rework/update is for volt to have a lot of synergy between his powers. Some powers would work well together, while some would work well with others. Now with that in mind here is my idea on what his powers should be like.


v  Power #1: Shock – Now the utility of Shock is, I think, the best feature of it. Though as I’m sure many have said before, the power in the “Endgame” is kind of lacking. So my idea to remedy this, (So as to not make him too OP) is to be able to “Charge” his Shock. An example would be like how we use the Bow, you can quick fire it or you can charge it to add more power to it. If you choose to charge Shock, the energy cost would then be double or triple of what the quick cast would cost. Also if you think it’s too slow to charge, you can use Natural Talent to speed thing up a bit.


o   Tweak #2: Now we all know that when you cast Shock on someone they get stunned, and then when you cast Shock on them again………nothing happens. Some people have suggested to renew the stun, but I don’t think that’s a good idea as if we do that, then we can just perma stun-lock. So my idea is that, if an enemy has the stun proc on them and you cast Shock on them again, it would create a crash of thunder, which would either blind or disarm enemies, in like a 3m radius for about 5-10 seconds. Since lightning is bright and thunder is loud, you’re either blinded and cover your eyes, or your eardrums are ruptured and you cover your ears. It’s random as to which status effect it would be. A limitation to it would be that you have to “Charge” Shock and connect it with the enemy, not as a chained shock.


o   Tweak #3: You should be able to chain between Allies when using Shock Trooper Augment Mod, for easier targeting.


v  Power #2: Speed – I like Speed as a whole, but I was thinking of getting rid of the power. Instead I would merge it into Volt’s “Ultimate”, since if you “Overload” you have too much energy contained and a good way to release it is with Speed.


o   Tweak #2: As mentioned above, another good way to release that energy is to combine Shocking Speed Augment Mod into the ability itself.


v  Power #2.5: Electric Shield – Widely considered Volt’s mainstay ability, it’s one of the best defensive abilities in the game, IMO. Now, many people think that since we have Odonata’s shield that’s movable, why not Volt’s? But if that happens, what happens to the team’s defensive part of it? Now, I think it would suit Volt’s theme for it to be interchangeable. What I mean by that is, if you press the power once, it would raise a shield that you “hold” it in front of you, like Odonata’s does. With this setup it would be a constant drain on your energy, until you press the power again. Now, if you press the power twice rapidly, with or without you holding the shield, it would then raise the big shield we have now. I think this way we could have the best of both worlds, with the small movable shield fitting into the “Untamable” aspect of lightning, and the defensive part of Volt’s kit we have now.


o   Tweak #2: Now one of the biggest flaws with Electric Shield IMO, is that when you pop one up and an enemy walks through it, absolutely nothing happens to him. I mean it’s an ELECTRIC Shield, shouldn’t something happen to him?  So what I was thinking is that if you cast Shock on the shield, it will energize it so that when you do so. Meaning that it will either have no visual effect or just make it so that when enemies pass though it they will receive a stun. Or it will have a visual effect by having lightning arc off of it, and when an enemy comes into range of it, it will stun them.


v  Power #3: Overload – I liked the idea that some people brought up, that when you “Overload” Volt, you will energize him with power. As I mentioned in my Speed part of this rework, when you overload you will then try to release the energy by gaining the Speed ability. With Overload you will also have an upgraded recharge time on your shields AND in the recharge DELAY of your shields. Since we have no mod that does that, it would be a nice passive perk for Volt.


o   Tweak #2: Now the way this would work with the Shock ability is that when you cast it with Overload on, it would then transform the single Shock bolt into Chain Lightning, pretty much like in Star Wars.


o   Tweak #3: When you cast Electric Shield with Overload on, it would create on Overshield on the team, which would fill as you use your powers, and only powers, to damage enemies. You yourself would NOT get Overshield as you get the upgrades recharge and delay times to your shields. While in Overload you will not be able to gain energy at all, from any source, since you are already too “Full” of energy as it is.


o   Tweak #4: (#4 Power) – Does not effect it, so as to not make it too OP.


§  Too not make it too overpowered, after an effective time of let’s say 15 seconds, you lose ALL of your energy, it will be your “get out of jail card” in a way.


v  Power #4: Lightning Storm – This power would take over the “Ultimate” in Volt’s powers. Unlike the “old” Overload, which was situational and it was only really effective inside, this one would be able to be used inside and out. What would happen if you cant figure it out would be, Volt would summon from the sky (Outside) or the ceiling (Inside), a Lightning Storm. To keep with Volt’s uncontrollable electrical power, it would be able to be cast on the move.


o   What would happen when cast is that Volt will glow with his energy color (Like Channeling), and after a “Warm-up” time of 3 seconds, will shoot a bolt of lightning into the sky/ceiling. (Or something similar) Which after a second, will then rain down multiple bolts of lightning to strike enemies up to a 50m radius which will also chain between enemies.


§  Note: This power will NOT require electronics, but like in the old Overload, will add to the damage when the lightning comes down. Also as to not make it so situational and a one-time deal.


I like your suggestions too!...I wish he'd get more powerful to be competent in late game and some really cool flashy skill animations!

Edited by Domaik
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Nice ideas. I could only suggest some synergy like casting shock on shield will cause a guarantee stun on any event that touches it, or even synergy with other frames, like casting shock on hydroid undertoe will cause a pool of shock, stunning everything that touch it, or casting shock on a frost globe will generate some random shocks to enemies ( similar to booben Tesla).

I think you can get the idea

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I like you're overload suggestion. Though why not make it that every time volt casts a skill it contributes to the charge that volt stores up so it kinda makes it reach its limit a little faster? 


Nice ideas. I could only suggest some synergy like casting shock on shield will cause a guarantee stun on any event that touches it, or even synergy with other frames, like casting shock on hydroid undertoe will cause a pool of shock, stunning everything that touch it, or casting shock on a frost globe will generate some random shocks to enemies ( similar to booben Tesla).

I think you can get the idea


Both awesome idea's, i totally forgot about frame synergy and i would like to see it. I think it would open up for ways to play and maybe get rid of some of the meta's we have now.

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Kind of surprised there are so few mentioning the fact that Electric Shield contradicts Volt's focus on mobility. I'm loving the new ideas for Overload and his overall kit posted by the OP, however that would make his Shield the only power in his kit that not only discourages mobility, but pulls away from him being "a potent alternative to gunfire". I think we need the ability to carry the shield as we run. This has been suggested for a very long time. Cast it once and it initially remains attached to you (make the mobile one a bit smaller perhaps, and give it the ability to ragdoll enemies that you run into), press it again and he drops it, causing it to expand to it's current size and it behaves as it currently does. And when you drop it, you can summon additional shields and use them in the same way. This would allow players to use it for their specific playstyles, as you'll be able to use Shield as it currently is, or maintain a lesser shield without sacrificing mobility. That, combined with the proposed changes to Volt's other power would give the entirety of his skill set complete synergy.

DE has yet to make am augment for Electric Shield. May be wishful thinking, but perhaps they're saving it for last so they can have time to work out the mechanics for such an augment. They did something similar with Radiant Finish, so hopefully they have something like this in mind for Electric Shield.

It should reduce the duration by a percent each time though, so that it isn't completely free. Also how should you drop it?

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Hmm, never played Volt but I've seen him in use so often, so I can only speculate on these reworks.

Volt hasn't seemed like a frame that's been in need of tweaks and reworks, but everything can always be improved and I like brainstorming.


The mobility points about Electric Shield and Overload are quite valid, and though it'd be easy to quickly rework them into something that moves, I'm really fond of the idea of keeping all frames as unique as possible and fitting with their theme.

World on Fire and Exalted Blade are really nice abilities for getting around and wrecking the place, but even as someone who doesn't play Volt, I'd want to see him do something different.


Like perhaps when you cast an electric shield, you're just supercharging the area, and when bullets and energy fly around, arcs of electricity zap out of the walls and things and smite the projectile down.  Electricity doesn't really 'float' in the air, so the shield never made too much sense to me, as much as it'd be a bit of a nerf to force people to have to construct little webs of electricity all over the room to block bullets, it feels kind of more interesting that way.


Overload, I kind of wanted to see some crazy lightning manifestation get chucked about the area, create these massive, persistent arcs of lightning all over the place that Volt can surf along at stupid speeds, and perhaps he gets supercharged after surfing on one or something, or perhaps the arcs just fry things that happen to get between two streams of lightning.

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minute 1.20.


New overload.


Volt superchages himself with lighting turning himself on a sphere of dead.


Cost 100 energy

Cast time: Imediate

Damage: 250/350/450 electricity damage per second

Range: 4/5/6 meters radius(doesnt increase with range mods)

Duration: 3/4/5 seconds (increased by duration mods)

Proc chance: 25/50/75% per second


While engulfed on the energy field volt redirects any kind of bullet towards him (like chroma ice armor or mesa)


Volt stops being a siting duck, new skill goes with the idea of mobile frame and would look epic

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I use Volt in Raids and late T4D/T4S with no problem, he's actually one of the few frames in the game where every single ability can be useful time to time.

There is no reason to change him right now, you're just being entitled.

finally, truth has been spoken. the main problem on volt is many people look down on volt, they dont even want to take him as teammate. *im ignored most of the time after mention volt when want to join someone's game on t4s and raid*

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Volt's great, to be sure, but that doesn't mean he couldn't use some tweaks, mainly to overload. 



Sure, I still find his four useful as a stun, but it could use some work. 



The raid thing is a problem for a lot of frames though, not just volt. I'd say probably the majority of frames would be turned down for a raid. 

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Volt stops being a siting duck, new skill goes with the idea of mobile frame and would look epic

which part of volt makes him being a siting duck?



for those who wants volt electric shield to be mobile........you have no idea how important it is to guard your back when youre in a pinch. how am i supposed to protect excavator with volt electric shield being mobile? 

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If we want to discuss changing electric shield that is cool. I like it how it is but I am open to considering other versions.


Kind of surprised there are so few mentioning the fact that Electric Shield contradicts Volt's focus on mobility. 


For the people mentioning the shield and mobility. The shield does contradict the electricity never stops theme and makes him stay still in one spot contradicting the whole thing, 


Where is anything about Volts theme being mobility ever mentioned?<-By Devs.

Where is anything about the "never stops" aspect of electricity ever said to be applied to Volt?<-By Devs.


Cause it isn't anywhere in official his profile, flavor text or video. https://warframe.com/game/warframes?id=Volt

Sure, you can say that his profile is outdated or wrong or bad.....fine.

But does that mean you can just make up what his themes are meant to be and then claim he goes against them?


yes, he has the speed power. I love it. I use it all the time. I look at it as part of the whole "a versatile warrior" mentioned in his video, thing that fits with his theme as well as fitting with electricity. But I don't act like it's any more or less his theme than the other stiff they talk about. for example: Electric shield seems to fit with the "a master in tactics" part of the video.

Edited by Ronyn
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finally, truth has been spoken. the main problem on volt is many people look down on volt, they dont even want to take him as teammate. *im ignored most of the time after mention volt when want to join someone's game on t4s and raid*

Well that is really too bad . It's not fair to you.  At the same time..I think Volt would be more viable if he hit harder.


which part of volt makes him being a siting duck?

Overloads slow starting animation.


well youre not wrong. 

A lot of frames need tuning. Some up, some down. Some both....depending on which of their powers we are talking about.

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I have another interesting idea for overload: 


Volt supercharges himself, becoming surrounded in an aesthetic electric aura and emitting a fast moving burst of energy that knocks down once upon activation. This can be his overload buff. While the buff is active, he could gain a base movement speed bonus and bonus effects to his other three abilities, such as shock's chaining and aoe becoming much larger, or electric shield becoming larger. It could even change them up completely; perhaps shock can become a shock laser that chains with every foe it hits, similar to what chroma has. There are many ideas for how his other abilities could get upgraded.


The idea here is that overload does just that, overloads volt into a state of higher power. The idea is very much similar to (pardon the references) Guy's eight gates from Naruto – a huge burst of power that leaves you drained for a duration afterwards. By having this, as well as fairly strong effects as part of the buff from overload, this would keep it feeling like a power play that you have to be sure you want to use and not just spam 'because' (read: press 4 and send energy waves out everywhere forever).


This could either be duration based on activation and have a downtime that scales inversely with duration (but not too much), or a toggle type ability that also has a downtime before you may recast it. I'm not too keen on having huge drawbacks for extended times as volt is already pretty squishy, so perhaps just a speed loss; surely after going to your fullest and travelling at sanic speed, even volt would get fatigued. The downtime prevents mindless spamming of the initial cc and the speed loss during that downtime should also affect parkour mechanics; you should be able to see and feel how taxing (yet powerful) this ability is.


This idea may not be the best but anything is better than overload as it is. Just my three cents for my favourite frame.

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I've been around the block when discussing Overload far, far, far too many times so I'll just keep this brief;  I'm honestly happy with Overload in its current state.  Most 4 abilities are far too easy/powerful/simple/boring across the board.  Volt's is one which provides a greater benefit to his allies than it does to him due to its somewhat lengthy animation.  This is something which I'm not only okay with, but something I like and would not want to see changed.


Anyways that aside I have the same opinion on the remainder of Volt.  By no means does the frame need a rework which leads me to view this thread in an odd light when the first post isn't even suggesting a rework at all.  I too am of the opinion that Volt's 1, 2, and 3, are perfect as is.  There's really nothing else for me to say at this point.

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I think a lot of people are confused about WHAT exactly Volt is supposed to be. 


To me, he is a buff frame. His job is to buff the squad and himself, the shocks are a nice short lived stun to give him some CC, and like most frames he has a way of damaging enemies with his abilities, but direct ability damage has never been Volt's place, and I think that's where a lot of people get confused. 


I would personally like to see a couple tweaks to how Overload works, but I would be fine if they never changed it, because it's an effective stun, and sometimes I like to mess around with capacitance. And that's another buff. 


Let's look at what Volt does:


1) Shock. Does some damage but no one is using this to kill enemies on anything hard, it's for the stun you can get on multiple enemies while reloading or what have you. Shock Trooper makes it buff squad when you use it on them. 


2) Speed. Buffs Volt and allies so they run faster and kill faster with melee. 


3) Electric Shield, provides him some defense, but it buffs the guns of Volt and allied Tenno that fire through it. Not just the critical either, or the electricity damage, but for some guns it also provides a much needed range buff. 


4) Overload, mainly for stunning enemies and providing team support and some light CC. Capacitance mod allows you to use it to buff your squad and makes the minimal damage useful. Now you can get the stun from it, and while it won't kill your enemies  at high level because it's not that strong, you can buff yourself and the squad with Overshields. 


If you look at it that way, either with the ability itself, or an augment, Volt has some way to buff his allies with every one of his abilities. And he can provide some CC for support, but not enough to rely on him for CC. He can do some damage, but not enough to rely on him in high level as a damage dealer. His Shield can provide some defense, but you usually want more defense than that for a squad going endless. Most people use it more for the gun buff than for the protection. 


I guess my point is. While Volt like many warframes has a variety of roles his abilities can fill in order to succeed at various different missions, his main role is clearly to buff himself and allies. 


People want him to be a damage dealer or a full on cc frame, but I don't think that would be true to the point of Volt. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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I think a lot of people are confused about WHAT exactly Volt is supposed to be. 

Yes they are. Because what he is described to be and what he plays like these days don't seem to match up.

So folks are generally picking whichever parts of him they feel like really define him and going with that...

which won't necessarily match up with the next guy who may feel different things define him.


 direct ability damage has never been Volt's place, and I think that's where a lot of people get confused. 

"Never" been his place? Not true. 

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they dont call nova a sitting duck frame, arent they?

Nope. But not everything is worth the same risk.


 if overload stuns for 8 sec after animation, will they say the same? no. isnt that how most players nowadays? 

If we improve some aspect of it then it may become worth the slow animation. 

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